From 3acb8848fa57c5e164a05ae64650c7b188af7d77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephen Warren Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:17:42 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] pinctrl: tegra: add some missing Tegra114 entries Add some missing pin and drive group definitions to the driver. These are all defined in the TRM, but missing from the driver for some reason. Fix a couple of mistakes in the drive group definitions. Much of the diff to tegra114_groups[] is an indentation change due to one of the new group names being long. git diff/show -w will highlight this. Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij --- drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-tegra114.c | 119 ++++++++++++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 90 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-tegra114.c b/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-tegra114.c index 7407d0069375f..63fe7619d3ff9 100644 --- a/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-tegra114.c +++ b/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-tegra114.c @@ -207,6 +207,9 @@ #define TEGRA_PIN_PWR_INT_N _PIN(2) #define TEGRA_PIN_RESET_OUT_N _PIN(3) #define TEGRA_PIN_OWR _PIN(4) +#define TEGRA_PIN_JTAG_RTCK _PIN(5) +#define TEGRA_PIN_CLK_32K_IN _PIN(6) +#define TEGRA_PIN_GMI_CLK_LB _PIN(7) static const struct pinctrl_pin_desc tegra114_pins[] = { PINCTRL_PIN(TEGRA_PIN_CLK_32K_OUT_PA0, "CLK_32K_OUT PA0"), @@ -383,6 +386,9 @@ static const struct pinctrl_pin_desc tegra114_pins[] = { PINCTRL_PIN(TEGRA_PIN_PWR_INT_N, "PWR_INT_N"), PINCTRL_PIN(TEGRA_PIN_RESET_OUT_N, "RESET_OUT_N"), PINCTRL_PIN(TEGRA_PIN_OWR, "OWR"), + PINCTRL_PIN(TEGRA_PIN_JTAG_RTCK, "JTAG_RTCK"), + PINCTRL_PIN(TEGRA_PIN_CLK_32K_IN, "CLK_32K_IN"), + PINCTRL_PIN(TEGRA_PIN_GMI_CLK_LB, "GMI_CLK_LB"), }; static const unsigned clk_32k_out_pa0_pins[] = { @@ -1081,6 +1087,18 @@ static const unsigned owr_pins[] = { TEGRA_PIN_OWR, }; +static const unsigned jtag_rtck_pins[] = { + TEGRA_PIN_JTAG_RTCK, +}; + +static const unsigned clk_32k_in_pins[] = { + TEGRA_PIN_CLK_32K_IN, +}; + +static const unsigned gmi_clk_lb_pins[] = { + TEGRA_PIN_GMI_CLK_LB, +}; + static const unsigned drive_ao1_pins[] = { TEGRA_PIN_KB_ROW0_PR0, TEGRA_PIN_KB_ROW1_PR1, @@ -1332,10 +1350,38 @@ static const unsigned drive_uda_pins[] = { TEGRA_PIN_ULPI_STP_PY3, }; +static const unsigned drive_dev3_pins[] = { +}; + +static const unsigned drive_cec_pins[] = { +}; + +static const unsigned drive_at6_pins[] = { +}; + +static const unsigned drive_dap5_pins[] = { +}; + +static const unsigned drive_usb_vbus_en_pins[] = { +}; + +static const unsigned drive_ao3_pins[] = { +}; + +static const unsigned drive_hv0_pins[] = { +}; + +static const unsigned drive_sdio4_pins[] = { +}; + +static const unsigned drive_ao0_pins[] = { +}; + enum tegra_mux { TEGRA_MUX_BLINK, TEGRA_MUX_CEC, TEGRA_MUX_CLDVFS, + TEGRA_MUX_CLK, TEGRA_MUX_CLK12, TEGRA_MUX_CPU, TEGRA_MUX_DAP, @@ -1380,6 +1426,7 @@ enum tegra_mux { TEGRA_MUX_RSVD2, TEGRA_MUX_RSVD3, TEGRA_MUX_RSVD4, + TEGRA_MUX_RTCK, TEGRA_MUX_SDMMC1, TEGRA_MUX_SDMMC2, TEGRA_MUX_SDMMC3, @@ -1420,6 +1467,7 @@ static struct tegra_function tegra114_functions[] = { FUNCTION(blink), FUNCTION(cec), FUNCTION(cldvfs), + FUNCTION(clk), FUNCTION(clk12), FUNCTION(cpu), FUNCTION(dap), @@ -1464,6 +1512,7 @@ static struct tegra_function tegra114_functions[] = { FUNCTION(rsvd2), FUNCTION(rsvd3), FUNCTION(rsvd4), + FUNCTION(rtck), FUNCTION(sdmmc1), FUNCTION(sdmmc2), FUNCTION(sdmmc3), @@ -1692,6 +1741,7 @@ static const struct tegra_pingroup tegra114_groups[] = { PINGROUP(pbb6, VGP6, DISPLAYA, DISPLAYB, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x32a4, N, N, N), PINGROUP(pbb7, I2S4, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x32a8, N, N, N), PINGROUP(pcc2, I2S4, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x32ac, N, N, N), + PINGROUP(jtag_rtck, RTCK, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RTCK, 0x32b0, N, N, N), PINGROUP(pwr_i2c_scl_pz6, I2CPWR, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x32b4, Y, N, N), PINGROUP(pwr_i2c_sda_pz7, I2CPWR, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x32b8, Y, N, N), PINGROUP(kb_row0_pr0, KBC, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x32bc, N, N, N), @@ -1718,6 +1768,7 @@ static const struct tegra_pingroup tegra114_groups[] = { PINGROUP(core_pwr_req, PWRON, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x3324, N, N, N), PINGROUP(cpu_pwr_req, CPU, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x3328, N, N, N), PINGROUP(pwr_int_n, PMI, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x332c, N, N, N), + PINGROUP(clk_32k_in, CLK, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, CLK, 0x3330, N, N, N), PINGROUP(owr, OWR, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x3334, N, N, Y), PINGROUP(dap1_fs_pn0, I2S0, HDA, GMI, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x3338, N, N, N), PINGROUP(dap1_din_pn1, I2S0, HDA, GMI, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x333c, N, N, N), @@ -1754,38 +1805,48 @@ static const struct tegra_pingroup tegra114_groups[] = { PINGROUP(usb_vbus_en1_pn5, USB, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x33f8, Y, N, N), PINGROUP(sdmmc3_clk_lb_in_pee5, SDMMC3, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x33fc, N, N, N), PINGROUP(sdmmc3_clk_lb_out_pee4, SDMMC3, RSVD2, RSVD3, RSVD4, RSVD4, 0x3400, N, N, N), + PINGROUP(gmi_clk_lb, SDMMC2, NAND, GMI, RSVD4, GMI, 0x3404, N, N, N), PINGROUP(reset_out_n, RSVD1, RSVD2, RSVD3, RESET_OUT_N, RSVD3, 0x3408, N, N, N), /* pg_name, r, hsm_b, schmitt_b, lpmd_b, drvdn_b, drvdn_w, drvup_b, drvup_w, slwr_b, slwr_w, slwf_b, slwf_w, drvtype */ - DRV_PINGROUP(ao1, 0x868, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(ao2, 0x86c, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(at1, 0x870, 2, 3, 4, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), - DRV_PINGROUP(at2, 0x874, 2, 3, 4, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), - DRV_PINGROUP(at3, 0x878, 2, 3, 4, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), - DRV_PINGROUP(at4, 0x87c, 2, 3, 4, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), - DRV_PINGROUP(at5, 0x880, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(cdev1, 0x884, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(cdev2, 0x888, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(dap1, 0x890, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(dap2, 0x894, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(dap3, 0x898, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(dap4, 0x89c, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(dbg, 0x8a0, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(sdio3, 0x8b0, 2, 3, -1, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(spi, 0x8b4, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(uaa, 0x8b8, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(uab, 0x8bc, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(uart2, 0x8c0, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(uart3, 0x8c4, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(sdio1, 0x8ec, 2, 3, -1, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(ddc, 0x8fc, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(gma, 0x900, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), - DRV_PINGROUP(gme, 0x910, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(gmf, 0x914, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(gmg, 0x918, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(gmh, 0x91c, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(owr, 0x920, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), - DRV_PINGROUP(uda, 0x924, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(ao1, 0x868, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(ao2, 0x86c, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(at1, 0x870, 2, 3, -1, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), + DRV_PINGROUP(at2, 0x874, 2, 3, -1, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), + DRV_PINGROUP(at3, 0x878, 2, 3, -1, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), + DRV_PINGROUP(at4, 0x87c, 2, 3, -1, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), + DRV_PINGROUP(at5, 0x880, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(cdev1, 0x884, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(cdev2, 0x888, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(dap1, 0x890, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(dap2, 0x894, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(dap3, 0x898, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(dap4, 0x89c, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(dbg, 0x8a0, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(sdio3, 0x8b0, 2, 3, -1, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(spi, 0x8b4, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(uaa, 0x8b8, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(uab, 0x8bc, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(uart2, 0x8c0, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(uart3, 0x8c4, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(sdio1, 0x8ec, 2, 3, -1, 12, 7, 20, 7, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(ddc, 0x8fc, 2, 3, -1, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(gma, 0x900, 2, 3, -1, 14, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(gme, 0x910, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(gmf, 0x914, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(gmg, 0x918, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(gmh, 0x91c, 2, 3, 4, 14, 5, 19, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(owr, 0x920, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(uda, 0x924, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(dev3, 0x92c, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(cec, 0x938, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(at6, 0x994, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, Y), + DRV_PINGROUP(dap5, 0x998, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(usb_vbus_en, 0x99c, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(ao3, 0x9a0, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, -1, -1, 28, 2, -1, -1, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(hv0, 0x9a4, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, -1, -1, 28, 2, -1, -1, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(sdio4, 0x9a8, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), + DRV_PINGROUP(ao0, 0x9ac, 2, 3, 4, 12, 5, 20, 5, 28, 2, 30, 2, N), }; static const struct tegra_pinctrl_soc_data tegra114_pinctrl = { -- 2.39.5