"teardown": [
"$TC actions flush action gact"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7f52",
+ "name": "Try to flush action which is referenced by filter",
+ "category": [
+ "actions",
+ "gact"
+ ],
+ "plugins": {
+ "requires": "nsPlugin"
+ },
+ "setup": [
+ [
+ "$TC actions flush action gact",
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 255
+ ],
+ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
+ "$TC actions add action pass index 1",
+ "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 protocol all ingress prio 1 handle 0x1234 matchall action gact index 1"
+ ],
+ "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions flush action gact",
+ "expExitCode": "1",
+ "verifyCmd": "$TC actions ls action gact",
+ "matchPattern": "total acts 1.*action order [0-9]*: gact action pass.*index 1 ref 2 bind 1",
+ "matchCount": "1",
+ "teardown": [
+ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress",
+ [
+ "sleep 1; $TC actions flush action gact",
+ 0,
+ 1
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ae1e",
+ "name": "Try to flush actions when last one is referenced by filter",
+ "category": [
+ "actions",
+ "gact"
+ ],
+ "plugins": {
+ "requires": "nsPlugin"
+ },
+ "setup": [
+ [
+ "$TC actions flush action gact",
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 255
+ ],
+ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress",
+ [
+ "$TC actions add action pass index 1",
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 255
+ ],
+ "$TC actions add action reclassify index 2",
+ "$TC actions add action drop index 3",
+ "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 protocol all ingress prio 1 handle 0x1234 matchall action gact index 3"
+ ],
+ "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions flush action gact",
+ "expExitCode": "0",
+ "verifyCmd": "$TC actions ls action gact",
+ "matchPattern": "total acts 1.*action order [0-9]*: gact action drop.*index 3 ref 2 bind 1",
+ "matchCount": "1",
+ "teardown": [
+ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress",
+ [
+ "sleep 1; $TC actions flush action gact",
+ 0,
+ 1
+ ]
+ ]