.. _`BinmanLogging`:
+Signing FIT container with private key in an image
+You can sign FIT container with private key in your image.
+For example::
+ $ binman sign -i image.bin -k privatekey -a sha256,rsa4096 fit
+binman will extract FIT container, sign and replace it immediately.
+If you want to sign and replace FIT container in place::
+ $ binman sign -i image.bin -k privatekey -a sha256,rsa4096 -f fit.fit fit
+which will sign FIT container with private key and replace it immediately
+inside your image.
output directory if a single test is run (pass test name at the end of the
command line
+binman sign
+ binman sign [-h] -a ALGO [-f FILE] -i IMAGE -k KEY [paths ...]
+positional arguments:
+ Paths within file to sign (wildcard)
+-h, --help
+ show this help message and exit
+-a ALGO, --algo ALGO
+ Hash algorithm e.g. sha256,rsa4096
+-f FILE, --file FILE
+ Input filename to sign
+-i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
+ Image filename to update
+-k KEY, --key KEY
+ Private key file for signing
binman tool