staging: r8723au: Add source files for new driver - part 4
authorLarry Finger <>
Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:37:41 +0000 (21:37 -0500)
committerGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
Sat, 5 Apr 2014 21:51:23 +0000 (14:51 -0700)
The Realtek USB device RTL8723AU is found in Lenovo Yoga 13 tablets.
A driver for it has been available in a GitHub repo for several months.
This commit contains the fourth part of source files. The source
is arbitrarily split to avoid E-mail files that are too large.

Jes Sorensen at RedHat has made many improvements to the vendor code,
and he has been doing the testing. I do not have access to this device.

Signed-off-by: Larry Finger <>
Cc: Jes Sorensen <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
75 files changed:
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723APhyCfg.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723APhyReg.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723PwrSeq.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723UHWImg_CE.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalDMOutSrc8723A.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_BB.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_FW.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_MAC.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_RF.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalPwrSeqCmd.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalVerDef.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/cmd_osdep.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/drv_types.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/ethernet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/hal_com.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/hal_intf.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/ieee80211.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/ioctl_cfg80211.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/mlme_osdep.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/mp_custom_oid.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_HWConfig.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_RegConfig8723A.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_RegDefine11AC.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_RegDefine11N.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_debug.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_interface.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_precomp.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_reg.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_types.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/osdep_intf.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/osdep_service.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/recv_osdep.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_bt-coexist.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_cmd.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_dm.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_hal.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_led.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_pg.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_recv.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_rf.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_spec.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_sreset.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_xmit.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ap.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_cmd.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_debug.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_eeprom.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_efuse.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_event.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ht.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_io.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ioctl.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ioctl_set.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_led.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_mlme.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_mlme_ext.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_p2p.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_pwrctrl.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_qos.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_recv.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_rf.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_security.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_sreset.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_version.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_xmit.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/sta_info.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_hal.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_ops.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_ops_linux.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_osintf.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_vendor_req.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/wifi.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/wlan_bssdef.h [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/xmit_osdep.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723APhyCfg.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723APhyCfg.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4aa8cdb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __INC_HAL8723PHYCFG_H__
+#define __INC_HAL8723PHYCFG_H__
+/*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/
+#define LOOP_LIMIT                             5
+#define MAX_STALL_TIME         50              /* us */
+#define AntennaDiversityValue  0x80
+#define MAX_TXPWR_IDX_NMODE_92S        63
+#define Reset_Cnt_Limit                3
+#define MAX_AGGR_NUM   0x0909
+/*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/
+/*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/
+enum swchnlcmdid {
+       CmdID_End,
+       CmdID_SetTxPowerLevel,
+       CmdID_BBRegWrite10,
+       CmdID_WritePortUlong,
+       CmdID_WritePortUshort,
+       CmdID_WritePortUchar,
+       CmdID_RF_WriteReg,
+/* 1. Switch channel related */
+struct swchnlcmd {
+       enum swchnlcmdid        CmdID;
+       u32                     Para1;
+       u32                     Para2;
+       u32                     msDelay;
+enum HW90_BLOCK {
+       HW90_BLOCK_MAC = 0,
+       HW90_BLOCK_PHY0 = 1,
+       HW90_BLOCK_PHY1 = 2,
+       HW90_BLOCK_RF = 3,
+       HW90_BLOCK_MAXIMUM = 4, /*  Never use this */
+       RF_PATH_A = 0,                  /* Radio Path A */
+       RF_PATH_B = 1,                  /* Radio Path B */
+       RF_PATH_C = 2,                  /* Radio Path C */
+       RF_PATH_D = 3,                  /* Radio Path D */
+       RF_PATH_MAX                     /* Max RF number 90 support */
+#define        RF_PATH_MAX                     3
+#define CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER             14      /*  14 is the max channel number */
+#define CHANNEL_GROUP_MAX              3       /*  ch1~3, ch4~9, ch10~14 total three groups */
+       WIRELESS_MODE_UNKNOWN   = 0x00,
+       WIRELESS_MODE_A         = BIT2,
+       WIRELESS_MODE_B         = BIT0,
+       WIRELESS_MODE_G         = BIT1,
+       WIRELESS_MODE_AUTO      = BIT5,
+       WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G     = BIT3,
+       WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G      = BIT4,
+       WIRELESS_MODE_AC        = BIT6
+enum baseband_config_type {
+       BaseBand_Config_PHY_REG = 0,                    /* Radio Path A */
+       BaseBand_Config_AGC_TAB = 1,                    /* Radio Path B */
+enum ra_offset_area {
+/* BB/RF related */
+enum rf_type_8190p {
+       RF_TYPE_MIN,            /*  0 */
+       RF_8225 = 1,            /*  1 11b/g RF for verification only */
+       RF_8256 = 2,            /*  2 11b/g/n */
+       RF_8258 = 3,            /*  3 11a/b/g/n RF */
+       RF_6052 = 4,            /*  4 11b/g/n RF */
+       RF_PSEUDO_11N = 5,      /*  5, It is a temporality RF. */
+struct bb_reg_define {
+       u32 rfintfs;            /*  set software control: */
+                               /*              0x870~0x877[8 bytes] */
+       u32 rfintfi;            /*  readback data: */
+                               /*              0x8e0~0x8e7[8 bytes] */
+       u32 rfintfo;            /*  output data: */
+                               /*              0x860~0x86f [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfintfe;            /*  output enable: */
+                               /*              0x860~0x86f [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rf3wireOffset;      /*  LSSI data: */
+                               /*              0x840~0x84f [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfLSSI_Select;      /*  BB Band Select: */
+                               /*              0x878~0x87f [8 bytes] */
+       u32 rfTxGainStage;      /*  Tx gain stage: */
+                               /*              0x80c~0x80f [4 bytes] */
+       u32 rfHSSIPara1;        /*  wire parameter control1 : */
+                               /*              0x820~0x823, 0x828~0x82b, 0x830~0x833, 0x838~0x83b [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfHSSIPara2;        /*  wire parameter control2 : */
+                               /*              0x824~0x827, 0x82c~0x82f, 0x834~0x837, 0x83c~0x83f [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfSwitchControl; /* Tx Rx antenna control : */
+                               /*              0x858~0x85f [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfAGCControl1;      /* AGC parameter control1 : */
+                               /*      0xc50~0xc53, 0xc58~0xc5b, 0xc60~0xc63, 0xc68~0xc6b [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfAGCControl2;      /* AGC parameter control2 : */
+                               /*              0xc54~0xc57, 0xc5c~0xc5f, 0xc64~0xc67, 0xc6c~0xc6f [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfRxIQImbalance; /* OFDM Rx IQ imbalance matrix : */
+                               /*              0xc14~0xc17, 0xc1c~0xc1f, 0xc24~0xc27, 0xc2c~0xc2f [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfRxAFE;            /* Rx IQ DC ofset and Rx digital filter, Rx DC notch filter : */
+                               /*      0xc10~0xc13, 0xc18~0xc1b, 0xc20~0xc23, 0xc28~0xc2b [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfTxIQImbalance; /* OFDM Tx IQ imbalance matrix */
+                               /*      0xc80~0xc83, 0xc88~0xc8b, 0xc90~0xc93, 0xc98~0xc9b [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfTxAFE;            /* Tx IQ DC Offset and Tx DFIR type */
+                               /*      0xc84~0xc87, 0xc8c~0xc8f, 0xc94~0xc97, 0xc9c~0xc9f [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfLSSIReadBack;     /* LSSI RF readback data SI mode */
+                               /*      0x8a0~0x8af [16 bytes] */
+       u32 rfLSSIReadBackPi;   /* LSSI RF readback data PI mode 0x8b8-8bc for Path A and B */
+struct r_antenna_sel_ofdm {
+       u32                     r_tx_antenna:4;
+       u32                     r_ant_l:4;
+       u32                     r_ant_non_ht:4;
+       u32                     r_ant_ht1:4;
+       u32                     r_ant_ht2:4;
+       u32                     r_ant_ht_s1:4;
+       u32                     r_ant_non_ht_s1:4;
+       u32                     OFDM_TXSC:2;
+       u32                     Reserved:2;
+struct r_antenna_sel_cck {
+       u8                      r_cckrx_enable_2:2;
+       u8                      r_cckrx_enable:2;
+       u8                      r_ccktx_enable:4;
+/*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export Macro Definition---------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export Macro Definition---------------------------*/
+/*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/
+/*  */
+/*  BB and RF register read/write */
+/*  */
+u32    PHY_QueryBBReg(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u32 RegAddr,
+                      u32 BitMask);
+void   PHY_SetBBReg(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u32 RegAddr,
+                    u32 BitMask, u32 Data);
+u32    PHY_QueryRFReg(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter,
+                      enum RF_RADIO_PATH       eRFPath, u32 RegAddr,
+                      u32 BitMask);
+void   PHY_SetRFReg(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter,
+                    enum RF_RADIO_PATH eRFPath, u32 RegAddr,
+                    u32 BitMask,  u32  Data);
+/*  */
+/*  BB TX Power R/W */
+/*  */
+void PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8723A(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u8 channel);
+/*  */
+/*  Switch bandwidth for 8723A */
+/*  */
+void   PHY_SetBWMode23a8723A(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter,
+                          enum ht_channel_width ChnlWidth,
+                          unsigned char Offset);
+/*  */
+/*  channel switch related funciton */
+/*  */
+void   PHY_SwChnl8723A(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u8 channel);
+                               /*  Call after initialization */
+void ChkFwCmdIoDone(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter);
+/*  */
+/*  Modify the value of the hw register when beacon interval be changed. */
+/*  */
+rtl8192c_PHY_SetBeaconHwReg(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u16 BeaconInterval);
+void PHY_SwitchEphyParameter(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter);
+void PHY_EnableHostClkReq(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter);
+SetAntennaConfig92C(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u8 DefaultAnt);
+/*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/
+#define PHY_SetMacReg  PHY_SetBBReg
+/* MAC/BB/RF HAL config */
+int PHY_BBConfig8723A(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter);
+int PHY_RFConfig8723A(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter);
+s32 PHY_MACConfig8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723APhyReg.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723APhyReg.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..759928f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __INC_HAL8723APHYREG_H__
+#define __INC_HAL8723APHYREG_H__
+/*  1. PMAC duplicate register due to connection: RF_Mode, TRxRN, NumOf L-STF */
+/*  1. Page1(0x100) */
+#define rPMAC_Reset                            0x100
+#define rPMAC_TxStart                          0x104
+#define rPMAC_TxLegacySIG                      0x108
+#define rPMAC_TxHTSIG1                         0x10c
+#define rPMAC_TxHTSIG2                         0x110
+#define rPMAC_PHYDebug                         0x114
+#define rPMAC_TxPacketNum                      0x118
+#define rPMAC_TxIdle                           0x11c
+#define rPMAC_TxMACHeader0                     0x120
+#define rPMAC_TxMACHeader1                     0x124
+#define rPMAC_TxMACHeader2                     0x128
+#define rPMAC_TxMACHeader3                     0x12c
+#define rPMAC_TxMACHeader4                     0x130
+#define rPMAC_TxMACHeader5                     0x134
+#define rPMAC_TxDataType                       0x138
+#define rPMAC_TxRandomSeed                     0x13c
+#define rPMAC_CCKPLCPPreamble                  0x140
+#define rPMAC_CCKPLCPHeader                    0x144
+#define rPMAC_CCKCRC16                         0x148
+#define rPMAC_OFDMRxCRC32OK                    0x170
+#define rPMAC_OFDMRxCRC32Er                    0x174
+#define rPMAC_OFDMRxParityEr                   0x178
+#define rPMAC_OFDMRxCRC8Er                     0x17c
+#define rPMAC_CCKCRxRC16Er                     0x180
+#define rPMAC_CCKCRxRC32Er                     0x184
+#define rPMAC_CCKCRxRC32OK                     0x188
+#define rPMAC_TxStatus                         0x18c
+/*  2. Page2(0x200) */
+/*  The following two definition are only used for USB interface. */
+#define RF_BB_CMD_ADDR         0x02c0  /*  RF/BB read/write command address. */
+#define RF_BB_CMD_DATA         0x02c4  /*  RF/BB read/write command data. */
+/*  3. Page8(0x800) */
+#define rFPGA0_RFMOD           0x800   /* RF mode & CCK TxSC  RF BW Setting?? */
+#define rFPGA0_TxInfo          0x804   /*  Status report?? */
+#define rFPGA0_PSDFunction     0x808
+#define rFPGA0_TxGainStage     0x80c   /*  Set TX PWR init gain? */
+#define rFPGA0_RFTiming1       0x810   /*  Useless now */
+#define rFPGA0_RFTiming2       0x814
+#define rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1       0x820   /*  RF 3 wire register */
+#define rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter2       0x824
+#define rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1       0x828
+#define rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter2       0x82c
+#define rTxAGC_B_Rate18_06             0x830
+#define rTxAGC_B_Rate54_24             0x834
+#define rTxAGC_B_CCK1_55_Mcs32         0x838
+#define rTxAGC_B_Mcs03_Mcs00           0x83c
+#define rTxAGC_B_Mcs07_Mcs04           0x848
+#define rTxAGC_B_Mcs11_Mcs08           0x84c
+#define rFPGA0_XA_LSSIParameter                0x840
+#define rFPGA0_XB_LSSIParameter                0x844
+#define rFPGA0_RFWakeUpParameter       0x850   /*  Useless now */
+#define rFPGA0_RFSleepUpParameter      0x854
+#define rFPGA0_XAB_SwitchControl       0x858   /*  RF Channel switch */
+#define rFPGA0_XCD_SwitchControl       0x85c
+#define rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE                0x860   /*  RF Channel switch */
+#define rFPGA0_XB_RFInterfaceOE                0x864
+#define rTxAGC_B_Mcs15_Mcs12           0x868
+#define rTxAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11       0x86c
+#define rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceSW       0x870   /*  RF Interface Software Control */
+#define rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceSW       0x874
+#define rFPGA0_XAB_RFParameter         0x878   /*  RF Parameter */
+#define rFPGA0_XCD_RFParameter         0x87c
+#define rFPGA0_AnalogParameter1                0x880   /*  Crystal cap setting RF-R/W protection for parameter4?? */
+#define rFPGA0_AnalogParameter2                0x884
+#define rFPGA0_AnalogParameter3                0x888   /*  Useless now */
+#define rFPGA0_AnalogParameter4                0x88c
+#define rFPGA0_XA_LSSIReadBack         0x8a0   /*  Tranceiver LSSI Readback */
+#define rFPGA0_XB_LSSIReadBack         0x8a4
+#define rFPGA0_XC_LSSIReadBack         0x8a8
+#define rFPGA0_XD_LSSIReadBack         0x8ac
+#define rFPGA0_PSDReport               0x8b4   /*  Useless now */
+#define TransceiverA_HSPI_Readback     0x8b8   /*  Transceiver A HSPI Readback */
+#define TransceiverB_HSPI_Readback     0x8bc   /*  Transceiver B HSPI Readback */
+#define rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceRB       0x8e0   /*  Useless now RF Interface Readback Value */
+#define rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceRB       0x8e4   /*  Useless now */
+/*  4. Page9(0x900) */
+#define rFPGA1_RFMOD                   0x900   /* RF mode & OFDM TxSC RF BW Setting?? */
+#define rFPGA1_TxBlock                 0x904   /*  Useless now */
+#define rFPGA1_DebugSelect             0x908   /*  Useless now */
+#define rFPGA1_TxInfo                  0x90c   /*  Useless now Status report?? */
+/*  5. PageA(0xA00) */
+/*  Set Control channel to upper or lower. These settings are required only for 40MHz */
+#define rCCK0_System                   0xa00
+#define rCCK0_AFESetting               0xa04   /*  Disable init gain now Select RX path by RSSI */
+#define rCCK0_CCA                      0xa08   /*  Disable init gain now Init gain */
+#define rCCK0_RxAGC1                   0xa0c   /* AGC default value, saturation level Antenna Diversity, RX AGC, LNA Threshold, RX LNA Threshold useless now. Not the same as 90 series */
+#define rCCK0_RxAGC2                   0xa10   /* AGC & DAGC */
+#define rCCK0_RxHP                     0xa14
+#define rCCK0_DSPParameter1            0xa18   /* Timing recovery & Channel estimation threshold */
+#define rCCK0_DSPParameter2            0xa1c   /* SQ threshold */
+#define rCCK0_TxFilter1                        0xa20
+#define rCCK0_TxFilter2                        0xa24
+#define rCCK0_DebugPort                        0xa28   /* debug port and Tx filter3 */
+#define rCCK0_FalseAlarmReport         0xa2c   /* 0xa2d        useless now 0xa30-a4f channel report */
+#define rCCK0_TRSSIReport              0xa50
+#define rCCK0_RxReport                 0xa54  /* 0xa57 */
+#define rCCK0_FACounterLower           0xa5c  /* 0xa5b */
+#define rCCK0_FACounterUpper           0xa58  /* 0xa5c */
+/*  PageB(0xB00) */
+#define rPdp_AntA                      0xb00
+#define rPdp_AntA_4                    0xb04
+#define rConfig_Pmpd_AntA              0xb28
+#define rConfig_AntA                   0xb68
+#define rConfig_AntB                   0xb6c
+#define rPdp_AntB                      0xb70
+#define rPdp_AntB_4                    0xb74
+#define rConfig_Pmpd_AntB              0xb98
+#define rAPK                           0xbd8
+/*  6. PageC(0xC00) */
+#define rOFDM0_LSTF                    0xc00
+#define rOFDM0_TRxPathEnable           0xc04
+#define rOFDM0_TRMuxPar                        0xc08
+#define rOFDM0_TRSWIsolation           0xc0c
+#define rOFDM0_XARxAFE                 0xc10  /* RxIQ DC offset, Rx digital filter, DC notch filter */
+#define rOFDM0_XARxIQImbalance         0xc14  /* RxIQ imblance matrix */
+#define rOFDM0_XBRxAFE                 0xc18
+#define rOFDM0_XBRxIQImbalance         0xc1c
+#define rOFDM0_XCRxAFE                 0xc20
+#define rOFDM0_XCRxIQImbalance         0xc24
+#define rOFDM0_XDRxAFE                 0xc28
+#define rOFDM0_XDRxIQImbalance         0xc2c
+#define rOFDM0_RxDetector1             0xc30  /* PD,BW & SBD   DM tune init gain */
+#define rOFDM0_RxDetector2             0xc34  /* SBD & Fame Sync. */
+#define rOFDM0_RxDetector3             0xc38  /* Frame Sync. */
+#define rOFDM0_RxDetector4             0xc3c  /* PD, SBD, Frame Sync & Short-GI */
+#define rOFDM0_RxDSP                   0xc40  /* Rx Sync Path */
+#define rOFDM0_CFOandDAGC              0xc44  /* CFO & DAGC */
+#define rOFDM0_CCADropThreshold        0xc48 /* CCA Drop threshold */
+#define rOFDM0_ECCAThreshold           0xc4c /*  energy CCA */
+#define rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1              0xc50   /*  DIG */
+#define rOFDM0_XAAGCCore2              0xc54
+#define rOFDM0_XBAGCCore1              0xc58
+#define rOFDM0_XBAGCCore2              0xc5c
+#define rOFDM0_XCAGCCore1              0xc60
+#define rOFDM0_XCAGCCore2              0xc64
+#define rOFDM0_XDAGCCore1              0xc68
+#define rOFDM0_XDAGCCore2              0xc6c
+#define rOFDM0_AGCParameter1           0xc70
+#define rOFDM0_AGCParameter2           0xc74
+#define rOFDM0_AGCRSSITable            0xc78
+#define rOFDM0_HTSTFAGC                        0xc7c
+#define rOFDM0_XATxIQImbalance         0xc80   /*  TX PWR TRACK and DIG */
+#define rOFDM0_XATxAFE                 0xc84
+#define rOFDM0_XBTxIQImbalance         0xc88
+#define rOFDM0_XBTxAFE                 0xc8c
+#define rOFDM0_XCTxIQImbalance         0xc90
+#define rOFDM0_XCTxAFE                 0xc94
+#define rOFDM0_XDTxIQImbalance         0xc98
+#define rOFDM0_XDTxAFE                 0xc9c
+#define rOFDM0_RxIQExtAnta             0xca0
+#define rOFDM0_TxCoeff1                        0xca4
+#define rOFDM0_TxCoeff2                        0xca8
+#define rOFDM0_TxCoeff3                        0xcac
+#define rOFDM0_TxCoeff4                        0xcb0
+#define rOFDM0_TxCoeff5                        0xcb4
+#define rOFDM0_TxCoeff6                        0xcb8
+#define rOFDM0_RxHPParameter           0xce0
+#define rOFDM0_TxPseudoNoiseWgt                0xce4
+#define rOFDM0_FrameSync               0xcf0
+#define rOFDM0_DFSReport               0xcf4
+/*  7. PageD(0xD00) */
+#define rOFDM1_LSTF                    0xd00
+#define rOFDM1_TRxPathEnable           0xd04
+#define rOFDM1_CFO                     0xd08   /*  No setting now */
+#define rOFDM1_CSI1                    0xd10
+#define rOFDM1_SBD                     0xd14
+#define rOFDM1_CSI2                    0xd18
+#define rOFDM1_CFOTracking             0xd2c
+#define rOFDM1_TRxMesaure1             0xd34
+#define rOFDM1_IntfDet                 0xd3c
+#define rOFDM1_PseudoNoiseStateAB      0xd50
+#define rOFDM1_PseudoNoiseStateCD      0xd54
+#define rOFDM1_RxPseudoNoiseWgt                0xd58
+#define rOFDM_PHYCounter1              0xda0  /* cca, parity fail */
+#define rOFDM_PHYCounter2              0xda4  /* rate illegal, crc8 fail */
+#define rOFDM_PHYCounter3              0xda8  /* MCS not support */
+#define rOFDM_ShortCFOAB               0xdac   /*  No setting now */
+#define rOFDM_ShortCFOCD               0xdb0
+#define rOFDM_LongCFOAB                        0xdb4
+#define rOFDM_LongCFOCD                        0xdb8
+#define rOFDM_TailCFOAB                        0xdbc
+#define rOFDM_TailCFOCD                        0xdc0
+#define rOFDM_PWMeasure1               0xdc4
+#define rOFDM_PWMeasure2               0xdc8
+#define rOFDM_BWReport                 0xdcc
+#define rOFDM_AGCReport                        0xdd0
+#define rOFDM_RxSNR                    0xdd4
+#define rOFDM_RxEVMCSI                 0xdd8
+#define rOFDM_SIGReport                        0xddc
+/*  8. PageE(0xE00) */
+#define rTxAGC_A_Rate18_06             0xe00
+#define rTxAGC_A_Rate54_24             0xe04
+#define rTxAGC_A_CCK1_Mcs32            0xe08
+#define rTxAGC_A_Mcs03_Mcs00           0xe10
+#define rTxAGC_A_Mcs07_Mcs04           0xe14
+#define rTxAGC_A_Mcs11_Mcs08           0xe18
+#define rTxAGC_A_Mcs15_Mcs12           0xe1c
+#define rFPGA0_IQK                     0xe28
+#define rTx_IQK_Tone_A                 0xe30
+#define rRx_IQK_Tone_A                 0xe34
+#define rTx_IQK_PI_A                   0xe38
+#define rRx_IQK_PI_A                   0xe3c
+#define rTx_IQK                                0xe40
+#define rRx_IQK                                0xe44
+#define rIQK_AGC_Pts                   0xe48
+#define rIQK_AGC_Rsp                   0xe4c
+#define rTx_IQK_Tone_B                 0xe50
+#define rRx_IQK_Tone_B                 0xe54
+#define rTx_IQK_PI_B                   0xe58
+#define rRx_IQK_PI_B                   0xe5c
+#define rIQK_AGC_Cont                  0xe60
+#define rBlue_Tooth                    0xe6c
+#define rRx_Wait_CCA                   0xe70
+#define rTx_CCK_RFON                   0xe74
+#define rTx_CCK_BBON                   0xe78
+#define rTx_OFDM_RFON                  0xe7c
+#define rTx_OFDM_BBON                  0xe80
+#define rTx_To_Rx                      0xe84
+#define rTx_To_Tx                      0xe88
+#define rRx_CCK                                0xe8c
+#define rTx_Power_Before_IQK_A         0xe94
+#define rTx_Power_After_IQK_A          0xe9c
+#define rRx_Power_Before_IQK_A         0xea0
+#define rRx_Power_Before_IQK_A_2       0xea4
+#define rRx_Power_After_IQK_A          0xea8
+#define rRx_Power_After_IQK_A_2                0xeac
+#define rTx_Power_Before_IQK_B         0xeb4
+#define rTx_Power_After_IQK_B          0xebc
+#define rRx_Power_Before_IQK_B         0xec0
+#define rRx_Power_Before_IQK_B_2       0xec4
+#define rRx_Power_After_IQK_B          0xec8
+#define rRx_Power_After_IQK_B_2                0xecc
+#define rRx_OFDM                       0xed0
+#define rRx_Wait_RIFS                  0xed4
+#define rRx_TO_Rx                      0xed8
+#define rStandby                       0xedc
+#define rSleep                         0xee0
+#define rPMPD_ANAEN                    0xeec
+/*  7. RF Register 0x00-0x2E (RF 8256) */
+/*     RF-0222D 0x00-3F */
+/* Zebra1 */
+#define rZebra1_HSSIEnable             0x0     /*  Useless now */
+#define rZebra1_TRxEnable1             0x1
+#define rZebra1_TRxEnable2             0x2
+#define rZebra1_AGC                    0x4
+#define rZebra1_ChargePump             0x5
+#define rZebra1_Channel                        0x7     /*  RF channel switch */
+#define rZebra1_TxGain                 0x8     /*  Useless now */
+#define rZebra1_TxLPF                  0x9
+#define rZebra1_RxLPF                  0xb
+#define rZebra1_RxHPFCorner            0xc
+/* Zebra4 */
+#define rGlobalCtrl                    0       /*  Useless now */
+#define rRTL8256_TxLPF                 19
+#define rRTL8256_RxLPF                 11
+/* RTL8258 */
+#define rRTL8258_TxLPF                 0x11    /*  Useless now */
+#define rRTL8258_RxLPF                 0x13
+#define rRTL8258_RSSILPF               0xa
+/*  RL6052 Register definition */
+#define RF_AC                          0x00
+#define RF_IQADJ_G1                    0x01
+#define RF_IQADJ_G2                    0x02
+#define RF_BS_PA_APSET_G1_G4           0x03
+#define RF_BS_PA_APSET_G5_G8           0x04
+#define RF_POW_TRSW                    0x05
+#define RF_GAIN_RX                     0x06
+#define RF_GAIN_TX                     0x07
+#define RF_TXM_IDAC                    0x08
+#define RF_IPA_G                       0x09
+#define RF_TXBIAS_G                    0x0A
+#define RF_TXPA_AG                     0x0B
+#define RF_IPA_A                       0x0C
+#define RF_TXBIAS_A                    0x0D
+#define RF_BS_PA_APSET_G9_G11          0x0E
+#define RF_BS_IQGEN                    0x0F
+#define RF_MODE1                       0x10
+#define RF_MODE2                       0x11
+#define RF_RX_AGC_HP                   0x12
+#define RF_TX_AGC                      0x13
+#define RF_BIAS                                0x14
+#define RF_IPA                         0x15
+#define RF_TXBIAS                      0x16
+#define RF_POW_ABILITY                 0x17
+#define RF_MODE_AG                     0x18
+#define rRfChannel                     0x18    /*  RF channel and BW switch */
+#define RF_CHNLBW                      0x18    /*  RF channel and BW switch */
+#define RF_TOP                         0x19
+#define RF_RX_G1                       0x1A
+#define RF_RX_G2                       0x1B
+#define RF_RX_BB2                      0x1C
+#define RF_RX_BB1                      0x1D
+#define RF_RCK1                                0x1E
+#define RF_RCK2                                0x1F
+#define RF_TX_G1                       0x20
+#define RF_TX_G2                       0x21
+#define RF_TX_G3                       0x22
+#define RF_TX_BB1                      0x23
+#define RF_T_METER                     0x24
+#define RF_SYN_G1                      0x25    /*  RF TX Power control */
+#define RF_SYN_G2                      0x26    /*  RF TX Power control */
+#define RF_SYN_G3                      0x27    /*  RF TX Power control */
+#define RF_SYN_G4                      0x28    /*  RF TX Power control */
+#define RF_SYN_G5                      0x29    /*  RF TX Power control */
+#define RF_SYN_G6                      0x2A    /*  RF TX Power control */
+#define RF_SYN_G7                      0x2B    /*  RF TX Power control */
+#define RF_SYN_G8                      0x2C    /*  RF TX Power control */
+#define RF_RCK_OS                      0x30    /*  RF TX PA control */
+#define RF_TXPA_G1                     0x31    /*  RF TX PA control */
+#define RF_TXPA_G2                     0x32    /*  RF TX PA control */
+#define RF_TXPA_G3                     0x33    /*  RF TX PA control */
+/* Bit Mask */
+/*  1. Page1(0x100) */
+#define bBBResetB                      0x100   /*  Useless now? */
+#define bGlobalResetB                  0x200
+#define bOFDMTxStart                   0x4
+#define bCCKTxStart                    0x8
+#define bCRC32Debug                    0x100
+#define bPMACLoopback                  0x10
+#define bTxLSIG                                0xffffff
+#define bOFDMTxRate                    0xf
+#define bOFDMTxReserved                        0x10
+#define bOFDMTxLength                  0x1ffe0
+#define bOFDMTxParity                  0x20000
+#define bTxHTSIG1                      0xffffff
+#define bTxHTMCSRate                   0x7f
+#define bTxHTBW                                0x80
+#define bTxHTLength                    0xffff00
+#define bTxHTSIG2                      0xffffff
+#define bTxHTSmoothing                 0x1
+#define bTxHTSounding                  0x2
+#define bTxHTReserved                  0x4
+#define bTxHTAggreation                        0x8
+#define bTxHTSTBC                      0x30
+#define bTxHTAdvanceCoding             0x40
+#define bTxHTShortGI                   0x80
+#define bTxHTNumberHT_LTF              0x300
+#define bTxHTCRC8                      0x3fc00
+#define bCounterReset                  0x10000
+#define bNumOfOFDMTx                   0xffff
+#define bNumOfCCKTx                    0xffff0000
+#define bTxIdleInterval                        0xffff
+#define bOFDMService                   0xffff0000
+#define bTxMACHeader                   0xffffffff
+#define bTxDataInit                    0xff
+#define bTxHTMode                      0x100
+#define bTxDataType                    0x30000
+#define bTxRandomSeed                  0xffffffff
+#define bCCKTxPreamble                 0x1
+#define bCCKTxSFD                      0xffff0000
+#define bCCKTxSIG                      0xff
+#define bCCKTxService                  0xff00
+#define bCCKLengthExt                  0x8000
+#define bCCKTxLength                   0xffff0000
+#define bCCKTxCRC16                    0xffff
+#define bCCKTxStatus                   0x1
+#define bOFDMTxStatus                  0x2
+#define IS_BB_REG_OFFSET_92S(_Offset)                  \
+       ((_Offset >= 0x800) && (_Offset <= 0xfff))
+/*  2. Page8(0x800) */
+#define bRFMOD                         0x1     /*  Reg 0x800 rFPGA0_RFMOD */
+#define bJapanMode                     0x2
+#define bCCKTxSC                       0x30
+#define bCCKEn                         0x1000000
+#define bOFDMEn                                0x2000000
+#define bOFDMRxADCPhase                        0x10000 /*  Useless now */
+#define bOFDMTxDACPhase                        0x40000
+#define bXATxAGC                       0x3f
+#define bAntennaSelect                 0x0300
+#define bXBTxAGC                       0xf00   /*  Reg 80c rFPGA0_TxGainStage */
+#define bXCTxAGC                       0xf000
+#define bXDTxAGC                       0xf0000
+#define bPAStart                       0xf0000000      /*  Useless now */
+#define bTRStart                       0x00f00000
+#define bRFStart                       0x0000f000
+#define bBBStart                       0x000000f0
+#define bBBCCKStart                    0x0000000f
+#define bPAEnd                         0xf          /* Reg0x814 */
+#define bTREnd                         0x0f000000
+#define bRFEnd                         0x000f0000
+#define bCCAMask                       0x000000f0   /* T2R */
+#define bR2RCCAMask                    0x00000f00
+#define bHSSI_R2TDelay                 0xf8000000
+#define bHSSI_T2RDelay                 0xf80000
+#define bContTxHSSI                    0x400     /* chane gain at continue Tx */
+#define bIGFromCCK                     0x200
+#define bAGCAddress                    0x3f
+#define bRxHPTx                                0x7000
+#define bRxHPT2R                       0x38000
+#define bRxHPCCKIni                    0xc0000
+#define bAGCTxCode                     0xc00000
+#define bAGCRxCode                     0x300000
+#define b3WireDataLength               0x800   /*  Reg 0x820~84f rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1 */
+#define b3WireAddressLength            0x400
+#define b3WireRFPowerDown              0x1     /*  Useless now */
+/* define bHWSISelect                  0x8 */
+#define b5GPAPEPolarity                        0x40000000
+#define b2GPAPEPolarity                        0x80000000
+#define bRFSW_TxDefaultAnt             0x3
+#define bRFSW_TxOptionAnt              0x30
+#define bRFSW_RxDefaultAnt             0x300
+#define bRFSW_RxOptionAnt              0x3000
+#define bRFSI_3WireData                        0x1
+#define bRFSI_3WireClock               0x2
+#define bRFSI_3WireLoad                        0x4
+#define bRFSI_3WireRW                  0x8
+#define bRFSI_3Wire                    0xf
+#define bRFSI_RFENV                    0x10    /*  Reg 0x870 rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceSW */
+#define bRFSI_TRSW                     0x20    /*  Useless now */
+#define bRFSI_TRSWB                    0x40
+#define bRFSI_ANTSW                    0x100
+#define bRFSI_ANTSWB                   0x200
+#define bRFSI_PAPE                     0x400
+#define bRFSI_PAPE5G                   0x800
+#define bBandSelect                    0x1
+#define bHTSIG2_GI                     0x80
+#define bHTSIG2_Smoothing              0x01
+#define bHTSIG2_Sounding               0x02
+#define bHTSIG2_Aggreaton              0x08
+#define bHTSIG2_STBC                   0x30
+#define bHTSIG2_AdvCoding              0x40
+#define bHTSIG2_NumOfHTLTF             0x300
+#define bHTSIG2_CRC8                   0x3fc
+#define bHTSIG1_MCS                    0x7f
+#define bHTSIG1_BandWidth              0x80
+#define bHTSIG1_HTLength               0xffff
+#define bLSIG_Rate                     0xf
+#define bLSIG_Reserved                 0x10
+#define bLSIG_Length                   0x1fffe
+#define bLSIG_Parity                   0x20
+#define bCCKRxPhase                    0x4
+#define bLSSIReadAddress               0x7f800000   /*  T65 RF */
+#define bLSSIReadEdge                  0x80000000   /* LSSI "Read" edge signal */
+#define bLSSIReadBackData              0xfffff         /*  T65 RF */
+#define bLSSIReadOKFlag                        0x1000  /*  Useless now */
+#define bCCKSampleRate                 0x8       /* 0: 44MHz, 1:88MHz */
+#define bRegulator0Standby             0x1
+#define bRegulatorPLLStandby           0x2
+#define bRegulator1Standby             0x4
+#define bPLLPowerUp                    0x8
+#define bDPLLPowerUp                   0x10
+#define bDA10PowerUp                   0x20
+#define bAD7PowerUp                    0x200
+#define bDA6PowerUp                    0x2000
+#define bXtalPowerUp                   0x4000
+#define b40MDClkPowerUP                        0x8000
+#define bDA6DebugMode                  0x20000
+#define bDA6Swing                      0x380000
+#define bADClkPhase                    0x4000000       /*  Reg 0x880 rFPGA0_AnalogParameter1 20/40 CCK support switch 40/80 BB MHZ */
+#define b80MClkDelay                   0x18000000      /*  Useless */
+#define bAFEWatchDogEnable             0x20000000
+#define bXtalCap01                     0xc0000000      /*  Reg 0x884 rFPGA0_AnalogParameter2 Crystal cap */
+#define bXtalCap23                     0x3
+#define bXtalCap92x                    0x0f000000
+#define                bXtalCap                0x0f000000
+#define bIntDifClkEnable               0x400   /*  Useless */
+#define bExtSigClkEnable               0x800
+#define bBandgapMbiasPowerUp           0x10000
+#define bAD11SHGain                    0xc0000
+#define bAD11InputRange                        0x700000
+#define bAD11OPCurrent                 0x3800000
+#define bIPathLoopback                 0x4000000
+#define bQPathLoopback                 0x8000000
+#define bAFELoopback                   0x10000000
+#define bDA10Swing                     0x7e0
+#define bDA10Reverse                   0x800
+#define bDAClkSource                   0x1000
+#define bAD7InputRange                 0x6000
+#define bAD7Gain                       0x38000
+#define bAD7OutputCMMode               0x40000
+#define bAD7InputCMMode                        0x380000
+#define bAD7Current                    0xc00000
+#define bRegulatorAdjust               0x7000000
+#define bAD11PowerUpAtTx               0x1
+#define bDA10PSAtTx                    0x10
+#define bAD11PowerUpAtRx               0x100
+#define bDA10PSAtRx                    0x1000
+#define bCCKRxAGCFormat                        0x200
+#define bPSDFFTSamplepPoint            0xc000
+#define bPSDAverageNum                 0x3000
+#define bIQPathControl                 0xc00
+#define bPSDFreq                       0x3ff
+#define bPSDAntennaPath                        0x30
+#define bPSDIQSwitch                   0x40
+#define bPSDRxTrigger                  0x400000
+#define bPSDTxTrigger                  0x80000000
+#define bPSDSineToneScale              0x7f000000
+#define bPSDReport                     0xffff
+/*  3. Page9(0x900) */
+#define bOFDMTxSC                      0x30000000      /*  Useless */
+#define bCCKTxOn                       0x1
+#define bOFDMTxOn                      0x2
+#define bDebugPage                     0xfff  /* reset debug page and also HWord, LWord */
+#define bDebugItem                     0xff   /* reset debug page and LWord */
+#define bAntL                          0x10
+#define bAntNonHT                      0x100
+#define bAntHT1                                0x1000
+#define bAntHT2                                0x10000
+#define bAntHT1S1                      0x100000
+#define bAntNonHTS1                    0x1000000
+/*  4. PageA(0xA00) */
+#define bCCKBBMode                     0x3     /*  Useless */
+#define bCCKTxPowerSaving              0x80
+#define bCCKRxPowerSaving              0x40
+#define bCCKSideBand                   0x10    /*  Reg 0xa00 rCCK0_System 20/40 switch */
+#define bCCKScramble                   0x8     /*  Useless */
+#define bCCKAntDiversity               0x8000
+#define bCCKCarrierRecovery            0x4000
+#define bCCKTxRate                     0x3000
+#define bCCKDCCancel                   0x0800
+#define bCCKISICancel                  0x0400
+#define bCCKMatchFilter                        0x0200
+#define bCCKEqualizer                  0x0100
+#define bCCKPreambleDetect             0x800000
+#define bCCKFastFalseCCA               0x400000
+#define bCCKChEstStart                 0x300000
+#define bCCKCCACount                   0x080000
+#define bCCKcs_lim                     0x070000
+#define bCCKBistMode                   0x80000000
+#define bCCKCCAMask                    0x40000000
+#define bCCKTxDACPhase                 0x4
+#define bCCKRxADCPhase                 0x20000000   /* r_rx_clk */
+#define bCCKr_cp_mode0                 0x0100
+#define bCCKTxDCOffset                 0xf0
+#define bCCKRxDCOffset                 0xf
+#define bCCKCCAMode                    0xc000
+#define bCCKFalseCS_lim                        0x3f00
+#define bCCKCS_ratio                   0xc00000
+#define bCCKCorgBit_sel                        0x300000
+#define bCCKPD_lim                     0x0f0000
+#define bCCKNewCCA                     0x80000000
+#define bCCKRxHPofIG                   0x8000
+#define bCCKRxIG                       0x7f00
+#define bCCKLNAPolarity                        0x800000
+#define bCCKRx1stGain                  0x7f0000
+#define bCCKRFExtend                   0x20000000 /* CCK Rx Iinital gain polarity */
+#define bCCKRxAGCSatLevel              0x1f000000
+#define bCCKRxAGCSatCount              0xe0
+#define bCCKRxRFSettle                 0x1f       /* AGCsamp_dly */
+#define bCCKFixedRxAGC                 0x8000
+/* define bCCKRxAGCFormat              0x4000   remove to HSSI register 0x824 */
+#define bCCKAntennaPolarity            0x2000
+#define bCCKTxFilterType               0x0c00
+#define bCCKRxAGCReportType            0x0300
+#define bCCKRxDAGCEn                   0x80000000
+#define bCCKRxDAGCPeriod               0x20000000
+#define bCCKRxDAGCSatLevel             0x1f000000
+#define bCCKTimingRecovery             0x800000
+#define bCCKTxC0                       0x3f0000
+#define bCCKTxC1                       0x3f000000
+#define bCCKTxC2                       0x3f
+#define bCCKTxC3                       0x3f00
+#define bCCKTxC4                       0x3f0000
+#define bCCKTxC5                       0x3f000000
+#define bCCKTxC6                       0x3f
+#define bCCKTxC7                       0x3f00
+#define bCCKDebugPort                  0xff0000
+#define bCCKDACDebug                   0x0f000000
+#define bCCKFalseAlarmEnable           0x8000
+#define bCCKFalseAlarmRead             0x4000
+#define bCCKTRSSI                      0x7f
+#define bCCKRxAGCReport                        0xfe
+#define bCCKRxReport_AntSel            0x80000000
+#define bCCKRxReport_MFOff             0x40000000
+#define bCCKRxRxReport_SQLoss          0x20000000
+#define bCCKRxReport_Pktloss           0x10000000
+#define bCCKRxReport_Lockedbit         0x08000000
+#define bCCKRxReport_RateError         0x04000000
+#define bCCKRxReport_RxRate            0x03000000
+#define bCCKRxFACounterLower           0xff
+#define bCCKRxFACounterUpper           0xff000000
+#define bCCKRxHPAGCStart               0xe000
+#define bCCKRxHPAGCFinal               0x1c00
+#define bCCKRxFalseAlarmEnable         0x8000
+#define bCCKFACounterFreeze            0x4000
+#define bCCKTxPathSel                  0x10000000
+#define bCCKDefaultRxPath              0xc000000
+#define bCCKOptionRxPath               0x3000000
+/*  5. PageC(0xC00) */
+#define bNumOfSTF                      0x3     /*  Useless */
+#define bShift_L                       0xc0
+#define bGI_TH                         0xc
+#define bRxPathA                       0x1
+#define bRxPathB                       0x2
+#define bRxPathC                       0x4
+#define bRxPathD                       0x8
+#define bTxPathA                       0x1
+#define bTxPathB                       0x2
+#define bTxPathC                       0x4
+#define bTxPathD                       0x8
+#define bTRSSIFreq                     0x200
+#define bADCBackoff                    0x3000
+#define bDFIRBackoff                   0xc000
+#define bTRSSILatchPhase               0x10000
+#define bRxIDCOffset                   0xff
+#define bRxQDCOffset                   0xff00
+#define bRxDFIRMode                    0x1800000
+#define bRxDCNFType                    0xe000000
+#define bRXIQImb_A                     0x3ff
+#define bRXIQImb_B                     0xfc00
+#define bRXIQImb_C                     0x3f0000
+#define bRXIQImb_D                     0xffc00000
+#define bDC_dc_Notch                   0x60000
+#define bRxNBINotch                    0x1f000000
+#define bPD_TH                         0xf
+#define bPD_TH_Opt2                    0xc000
+#define bPWED_TH                       0x700
+#define bIfMF_Win_L                    0x800
+#define bPD_Option                     0x1000
+#define bMF_Win_L                      0xe000
+#define bBW_Search_L                   0x30000
+#define bwin_enh_L                     0xc0000
+#define bBW_TH                         0x700000
+#define bED_TH2                                0x3800000
+#define bBW_option                     0x4000000
+#define bRatio_TH                      0x18000000
+#define bWindow_L                      0xe0000000
+#define bSBD_Option                    0x1
+#define bFrame_TH                      0x1c
+#define bFS_Option                     0x60
+#define bDC_Slope_check                        0x80
+#define bFGuard_Counter_DC_L           0xe00
+#define bFrame_Weight_Short            0x7000
+#define bSub_Tune                      0xe00000
+#define bFrame_DC_Length               0xe000000
+#define bSBD_start_offset              0x30000000
+#define bFrame_TH_2                    0x7
+#define bFrame_GI2_TH                  0x38
+#define bGI2_Sync_en                   0x40
+#define bSarch_Short_Early             0x300
+#define bSarch_Short_Late              0xc00
+#define bSarch_GI2_Late                        0x70000
+#define bCFOAntSum                     0x1
+#define bCFOAcc                                0x2
+#define bCFOStartOffset                        0xc
+#define bCFOLookBack                   0x70
+#define bCFOSumWeight                  0x80
+#define bDAGCEnable                    0x10000
+#define bTXIQImb_A                     0x3ff
+#define bTXIQImb_B                     0xfc00
+#define bTXIQImb_C                     0x3f0000
+#define bTXIQImb_D                     0xffc00000
+#define bTxIDCOffset                   0xff
+#define bTxQDCOffset                   0xff00
+#define bTxDFIRMode                    0x10000
+#define bTxPesudoNoiseOn               0x4000000
+#define bTxPesudoNoise_A               0xff
+#define bTxPesudoNoise_B               0xff00
+#define bTxPesudoNoise_C               0xff0000
+#define bTxPesudoNoise_D               0xff000000
+#define bCCADropOption                 0x20000
+#define bCCADropThres                  0xfff00000
+#define bEDCCA_H                       0xf
+#define bEDCCA_L                       0xf0
+#define bLambda_ED                     0x300
+#define bRxInitialGain                 0x7f
+#define bRxAntDivEn                    0x80
+#define bRxAGCAddressForLNA            0x7f00
+#define bRxHighPowerFlow               0x8000
+#define bRxAGCFreezeThres              0xc0000
+#define bRxFreezeStep_AGC1             0x300000
+#define bRxFreezeStep_AGC2             0xc00000
+#define bRxFreezeStep_AGC3             0x3000000
+#define bRxFreezeStep_AGC0             0xc000000
+#define bRxRssi_Cmp_En                 0x10000000
+#define bRxQuickAGCEn                  0x20000000
+#define bRxAGCFreezeThresMode          0x40000000
+#define bRxOverFlowCheckType           0x80000000
+#define bRxAGCShift                    0x7f
+#define bTRSW_Tri_Only                 0x80
+#define bPowerThres                    0x300
+#define bRxAGCEn                       0x1
+#define bRxAGCTogetherEn               0x2
+#define bRxAGCMin                      0x4
+#define bRxHP_Ini                      0x7
+#define bRxHP_TRLNA                    0x70
+#define bRxHP_RSSI                     0x700
+#define bRxHP_BBP1                     0x7000
+#define bRxHP_BBP2                     0x70000
+#define bRxHP_BBP3                     0x700000
+#define bRSSI_H                                0x7f0000     /* the threshold for high power */
+#define bRSSI_Gen                      0x7f000000   /* the threshold for ant diversity */
+#define bRxSettle_TRSW                 0x7
+#define bRxSettle_LNA                  0x38
+#define bRxSettle_RSSI                 0x1c0
+#define bRxSettle_BBP                  0xe00
+#define bRxSettle_RxHP                 0x7000
+#define bRxSettle_AntSW_RSSI           0x38000
+#define bRxSettle_AntSW                        0xc0000
+#define bRxProcessTime_DAGC            0x300000
+#define bRxSettle_HSSI                 0x400000
+#define bRxProcessTime_BBPPW           0x800000
+#define bRxAntennaPowerShift           0x3000000
+#define bRSSITableSelect               0xc000000
+#define bRxHP_Final                    0x7000000
+#define bRxHTSettle_BBP                        0x7
+#define bRxHTSettle_HSSI               0x8
+#define bRxHTSettle_RxHP               0x70
+#define bRxHTSettle_BBPPW              0x80
+#define bRxHTSettle_Idle               0x300
+#define bRxHTSettle_Reserved           0x1c00
+#define bRxHTRxHPEn                    0x8000
+#define bRxHTAGCFreezeThres            0x30000
+#define bRxHTAGCTogetherEn             0x40000
+#define bRxHTAGCMin                    0x80000
+#define bRxHTAGCEn                     0x100000
+#define bRxHTDAGCEn                    0x200000
+#define bRxHTRxHP_BBP                  0x1c00000
+#define bRxHTRxHP_Final                        0xe0000000
+#define bRxPWRatioTH                   0x3
+#define bRxPWRatioEn                   0x4
+#define bRxMFHold                      0x3800
+#define bRxPD_Delay_TH1                        0x38
+#define bRxPD_Delay_TH2                        0x1c0
+#define bRxPD_DC_COUNT_MAX             0x600
+/* define bRxMF_Hold                       0x3800 */
+#define bRxPD_Delay_TH                 0x8000
+#define bRxProcess_Delay               0xf0000
+#define bRxSearchrange_GI2_Early       0x700000
+#define bRxFrame_Guard_Counter_L       0x3800000
+#define bRxSGI_Guard_L                 0xc000000
+#define bRxSGI_Search_L                        0x30000000
+#define bRxSGI_TH                      0xc0000000
+#define bDFSCnt0                       0xff
+#define bDFSCnt1                       0xff00
+#define bDFSFlag                       0xf0000
+#define bMFWeightSum                   0x300000
+#define bMinIdxTH                      0x7f000000
+#define bDAFormat                      0x40000
+#define bTxChEmuEnable                 0x01000000
+#define bTRSWIsolation_A               0x7f
+#define bTRSWIsolation_B               0x7f00
+#define bTRSWIsolation_C               0x7f0000
+#define bTRSWIsolation_D               0x7f000000
+#define bExtLNAGain                    0x7c00
+/*  6. PageE(0xE00) */
+#define bSTBCEn                                0x4     /*  Useless */
+#define bAntennaMapping                        0x10
+#define bNss                           0x20
+#define bCFOAntSumD                    0x200
+#define bPHYCounterReset               0x8000000
+#define bCFOReportGet                  0x4000000
+#define bOFDMContinueTx                        0x10000000
+#define bOFDMSingleCarrier             0x20000000
+#define bOFDMSingleTone                        0x40000000
+/* define bRxPath1                 0x01 */
+/* define bRxPath2                 0x02 */
+/* define bRxPath3                 0x04 */
+/* define bRxPath4                 0x08 */
+/* define bTxPath1                 0x10 */
+/* define bTxPath2                 0x20 */
+#define bHTDetect                      0x100
+#define bCFOEn                         0x10000
+#define bCFOValue                      0xfff00000
+#define bSigTone_Re                    0x3f
+#define bSigTone_Im                    0x7f00
+#define bCounter_CCA                   0xffff
+#define bCounter_ParityFail            0xffff0000
+#define bCounter_RateIllegal           0xffff
+#define bCounter_CRC8Fail              0xffff0000
+#define bCounter_MCSNoSupport          0xffff
+#define bCounter_FastSync              0xffff
+#define bShortCFO                      0xfff
+#define bShortCFOTLength               12   /* total */
+#define bShortCFOFLength               11   /* fraction */
+#define bLongCFO                       0x7ff
+#define bLongCFOTLength                        11
+#define bLongCFOFLength                        11
+#define bTailCFO                       0x1fff
+#define bTailCFOTLength                        13
+#define bTailCFOFLength                        12
+#define bmax_en_pwdB                   0xffff
+#define bCC_power_dB                   0xffff0000
+#define bnoise_pwdB                    0xffff
+#define bPowerMeasTLength              10
+#define bPowerMeasFLength              3
+#define bRx_HT_BW                      0x1
+#define bRxSC                          0x6
+#define bRx_HT                         0x8
+#define bNB_intf_det_on                        0x1
+#define bIntf_win_len_cfg              0x30
+#define bNB_Intf_TH_cfg                        0x1c0
+#define bRFGain                                0x3f
+#define bTableSel                      0x40
+#define bTRSW                          0x80
+#define bRxSNR_A                       0xff
+#define bRxSNR_B                       0xff00
+#define bRxSNR_C                       0xff0000
+#define bRxSNR_D                       0xff000000
+#define bSNREVMTLength                 8
+#define bSNREVMFLength                 1
+#define bCSI1st                                0xff
+#define bCSI2nd                                0xff00
+#define bRxEVM1st                      0xff0000
+#define bRxEVM2nd                      0xff000000
+#define bSIGEVM                                0xff
+#define bPWDB                          0xff00
+#define bSGIEN                         0x10000
+#define bSFactorQAM1                   0xf     /*  Useless */
+#define bSFactorQAM2                   0xf0
+#define bSFactorQAM3                   0xf00
+#define bSFactorQAM4                   0xf000
+#define bSFactorQAM5                   0xf0000
+#define bSFactorQAM6                   0xf0000
+#define bSFactorQAM7                   0xf00000
+#define bSFactorQAM8                   0xf000000
+#define bSFactorQAM9                   0xf0000000
+#define bCSIScheme                     0x100000
+#define bNoiseLvlTopSet                        0x3     /*  Useless */
+#define bChSmooth                      0x4
+#define bChSmoothCfg1                  0x38
+#define bChSmoothCfg2                  0x1c0
+#define bChSmoothCfg3                  0xe00
+#define bChSmoothCfg4                  0x7000
+#define bMRCMode                       0x800000
+#define bTHEVMCfg                      0x7000000
+#define bLoopFitType                   0x1     /*  Useless */
+#define bUpdCFO                                0x40
+#define bUpdCFOOffData                 0x80
+#define bAdvUpdCFO                     0x100
+#define bAdvTimeCtrl                   0x800
+#define bUpdClko                       0x1000
+#define bFC                            0x6000
+#define bTrackingMode                  0x8000
+#define bPhCmpEnable                   0x10000
+#define bUpdClkoLTF                    0x20000
+#define bComChCFO                      0x40000
+#define bCSIEstiMode                   0x80000
+#define bAdvUpdEqz                     0x100000
+#define bUChCfg                                0x7000000
+#define bUpdEqz                                0x8000000
+/* Rx Pseduo noise */
+#define bRxPesudoNoiseOn               0x20000000      /*  Useless */
+#define bRxPesudoNoise_A               0xff
+#define bRxPesudoNoise_B               0xff00
+#define bRxPesudoNoise_C               0xff0000
+#define bRxPesudoNoise_D               0xff000000
+#define bPesudoNoiseState_A            0xffff
+#define bPesudoNoiseState_B            0xffff0000
+#define bPesudoNoiseState_C            0xffff
+#define bPesudoNoiseState_D            0xffff0000
+/* 7. RF Register */
+/* Zebra1 */
+#define bZebra1_HSSIEnable             0x8             /*  Useless */
+#define bZebra1_TRxControl             0xc00
+#define bZebra1_TRxGainSetting         0x07f
+#define bZebra1_RxCorner               0xc00
+#define bZebra1_TxChargePump           0x38
+#define bZebra1_RxChargePump           0x7
+#define bZebra1_ChannelNum             0xf80
+#define bZebra1_TxLPFBW                        0x400
+#define bZebra1_RxLPFBW                        0x600
+/* Zebra4 */
+#define bRTL8256RegModeCtrl1           0x100   /*  Useless */
+#define bRTL8256RegModeCtrl0           0x40
+#define bRTL8256_TxLPFBW               0x18
+#define bRTL8256_RxLPFBW               0x600
+/* RTL8258 */
+#define bRTL8258_TxLPFBW               0xc     /*  Useless */
+#define bRTL8258_RxLPFBW               0xc00
+#define bRTL8258_RSSILPFBW             0xc0
+/*  Other Definition */
+/* byte endable for sb_write */
+#define bByte0                         0x1     /*  Useless */
+#define bByte1                         0x2
+#define bByte2                         0x4
+#define bByte3                         0x8
+#define bWord0                         0x3
+#define bWord1                         0xc
+#define bDWord                         0xf
+/* for PutRegsetting & GetRegSetting BitMask */
+#define bMaskByte0                     0xff    /*  Reg 0xc50 rOFDM0_XAAGCCore~0xC6f */
+#define bMaskByte1                     0xff00
+#define bMaskByte2                     0xff0000
+#define bMaskByte3                     0xff000000
+#define bMaskHWord                     0xffff0000
+#define bMaskLWord                     0x0000ffff
+#define bMaskDWord                     0xffffffff
+#define bMask12Bits                    0xfff
+#define bMaskH4Bits                    0xf0000000
+#define bMaskOFDM_D                    0xffc00000
+#define bMaskCCK                       0x3f3f3f3f
+/* for PutRFRegsetting & GetRFRegSetting BitMask */
+#define                bRFRegOffsetMask        0xfffff
+#define bDisable                       0x0
+#define LeftAntenna                    0x0     /*  Useless */
+#define RightAntenna                   0x1
+#define tCheckTxStatus                 500   /* 500ms Useless */
+#define tUpdateRxCounter               100   /* 100ms */
+#define rateCCK                                0       /*  Useless */
+#define rateOFDM                       1
+#define rateHT                         2
+/* define Register-End */
+#define bPMAC_End                      0x1ff   /*  Useless */
+#define bFPGAPHY0_End                  0x8ff
+#define bFPGAPHY1_End                  0x9ff
+#define bCCKPHY0_End                   0xaff
+#define bOFDMPHY0_End                  0xcff
+#define bOFDMPHY1_End                  0xdff
+/* define max debug item in each debug page */
+/* define bMaxItem_FPGA_PHY0        0x9 */
+/* define bMaxItem_FPGA_PHY1        0x3 */
+/* define bMaxItem_PHY_11B          0x16 */
+/* define bMaxItem_OFDM_PHY0        0x29 */
+/* define bMaxItem_OFDM_PHY1        0x0 */
+#define bPMACControl                   0x0     /*  Useless */
+#define bWMACControl                   0x1
+#define bWNICControl                   0x2
+#define PathA                          0x0     /*  Useless */
+#define PathB                          0x1
+#define PathC                          0x2
+#define PathD                          0x3
+/*  PageB(0xB00) */
+#define rPdp_AntA                      0xb00
+#define rPdp_AntA_4                    0xb04
+#define rPdp_AntA_8                    0xb08
+#define rPdp_AntA_C                    0xb0c
+#define rPdp_AntA_18                   0xb18
+#define rPdp_AntA_1C                   0xb1c
+#define rPdp_AntA_20                   0xb20
+#define rPdp_AntA_24                   0xb24
+#define rConfig_Pmpd_AntA              0xb28
+#define rConfig_ram64x16               0xb2c
+#define rBndA                          0xb30
+#define rHssiPar                       0xb34
+#define rConfig_AntA                   0xb68
+#define rConfig_AntB                   0xb6c
+#define rPdp_AntB                      0xb70
+#define rPdp_AntB_4                    0xb74
+#define rPdp_AntB_8                    0xb78
+#define rPdp_AntB_C                    0xb7c
+#define rPdp_AntB_10                   0xb80
+#define rPdp_AntB_14                   0xb84
+#define rPdp_AntB_18                   0xb88
+#define rPdp_AntB_1C                   0xb8c
+#define rPdp_AntB_20                   0xb90
+#define rPdp_AntB_24                   0xb94
+#define rConfig_Pmpd_AntB              0xb98
+#define rBndB                          0xba0
+#define rAPK                           0xbd8
+#define rPm_Rx0_AntA                   0xbdc
+#define rPm_Rx1_AntA                   0xbe0
+#define rPm_Rx2_AntA                   0xbe4
+#define rPm_Rx3_AntA                   0xbe8
+#define rPm_Rx0_AntB                   0xbec
+#define rPm_Rx1_AntB                   0xbf0
+#define rPm_Rx2_AntB                   0xbf4
+#define rPm_Rx3_AntB                   0xbf8
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723PwrSeq.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723PwrSeq.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7f3bdea
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#ifndef __HAL8723PWRSEQ_H__
+#define __HAL8723PWRSEQ_H__
+       Check document WM-20110607-Paul-RTL8723A_Power_Architecture-R02.vsd
+       There are 6 HW Power States:
+       0: POFF--Power Off
+       1: PDN--Power Down
+       2: CARDEMU--Card Emulation
+       3: ACT--Active Mode
+       4: LPS--Low Power State
+       5: SUS--Suspend
+       The transision from different states are defined below
+       TRANS_END
+#include "HalPwrSeqCmd.h"
+#include "rtl8723a_spec.h"
+#define        RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_ACT_STEPS     15
+#define        RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_CARDEMU_STEPS     15
+#define        RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_SUS_STEPS     15
+#define        RTL8723A_TRANS_SUS_TO_CARDEMU_STEPS     15
+#define        RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_PDN_STEPS     15
+#define        RTL8723A_TRANS_PDN_TO_CARDEMU_STEPS     15
+#define        RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_LPS_STEPS 15
+#define        RTL8723A_TRANS_LPS_TO_ACT_STEPS 15
+#define        RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS        1
+/* format
+ * { offset, cut_msk, fab_msk|interface_msk, base|cmd, msk, value },  comments here
+ */
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_ACT                                                                                                          \
+       {0x0020, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_USB_MSK|PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, BIT0}, /*0x20[0] = 1b'1 enable LDOA12 MACRO block for all interface*/   \
+       {0x0067, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_USB_MSK|PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT4, 0}, /*0x67[0] = 0 to disable BT_GPS_SEL pins*/    \
+       {0x0000, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_USB_MSK|PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT5, 0}, /*0x00[5] = 1b'0 release analog Ips to digital , 1:isolation*/   \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT2, 0},/* disable SW LPS 0x04[10]= 0*/  \
+       {0x0006, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_POLLING, BIT1, BIT1},/* wait till 0x04[17] = 1    power ready*/  \
+       {0x0006, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, BIT0},/* release WLON reset  0x04[16]= 1*/  \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT7, 0},/* disable HWPDN 0x04[15]= 0*/   \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, (BIT4|BIT3), 0},/* disable WL suspend*/   \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, BIT0},/* polling until return 0*/   \
+       {0x004E, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT7, 1},/*0x4C[23] = 0x4E[7] = 1, switch DPDT_SEL_P output from WL BB */\
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_CARDEMU                                                                                                  \
+       {0x001F, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, 0xFF, 0},/*0x1F[7:0] = 0 turn off RF*/    \
+       {0x004E, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT7, 0},/*0x4C[23] = 0x4E[7] = 0, switch DPDT_SEL_P output from register 0x65[2] */\
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT1, BIT1}, /*0x04[9] = 1 turn off MAC by HW state machine*/     \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_POLLING, BIT1, 0}, /*wait till 0x04[9] = 0 polling until return 0 to disable*/   \
+       {0x0000, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_USB_MSK|PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT5, BIT5}, /*0x00[5] = 1b'1 analog Ips to digital , 1:isolation*/   \
+       {0x0020, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_USB_MSK|PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, 0}, /*0x20[0] = 1b'0 disable LDOA12 MACRO block*/   \
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_SUS                                                                                                  \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_PCI_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT4|BIT3, (BIT4|BIT3)}, /*0x04[12:11] = 2b'11 enable WL suspend for PCIe*/       \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_USB_MSK|PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT3|BIT4, BIT3}, /*0x04[12:11] = 2b'01 enable WL suspend*/     \
+       {0x0023, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT4, BIT4}, /*0x23[4] = 1b'1 12H LDO enter sleep mode*/   \
+       {0x0007, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, 0xFF, 0x20}, /*0x07[7:0] = 0x20 SDIO SOP option to disable BG/MB/ACK/SWR*/   \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_PCI_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT3|BIT4, BIT3|BIT4}, /*0x04[12:11] = 2b'11 enable WL suspend for PCIe*/ \
+       {0x0086, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_SDIO, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, BIT0}, /*Set SDIO suspend local register*/        \
+       {0x0086, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_SDIO, PWR_CMD_POLLING, BIT1, 0}, /*wait power state to suspend*/
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_SUS_TO_CARDEMU                                                                                                  \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT3 | BIT7, 0}, /*clear suspend enable and power down enable*/   \
+       {0x0086, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_SDIO, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, 0}, /*Set SDIO suspend local register*/   \
+       {0x0086, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_SDIO, PWR_CMD_POLLING, BIT1, BIT1}, /*wait power state to suspend*/\
+       {0x0023, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT4, 0}, /*0x23[4] = 1b'0 12H LDO enter normal mode*/   \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT3|BIT4, 0}, /*0x04[12:11] = 2b'01enable WL suspend*/
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_CARDDIS                                                                                                      \
+       {0x0007, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, 0xFF, 0x20}, /*0x07 = 0x20 , SOP option to disable BG/MB*/       \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_USB_MSK|PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT3|BIT4, BIT3}, /*0x04[12:11] = 2b'01 enable WL suspend*/     \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_PCI_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT2, BIT2}, /*0x04[10] = 1, enable SW LPS*/      \
+       {0x004A, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_USB_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, 1}, /*0x48[16] = 1 to enable GPIO9 as EXT WAKEUP*/   \
+       {0x0023, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT4, BIT4}, /*0x23[4] = 1b'1 12H LDO enter sleep mode*/   \
+       {0x0086, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_SDIO, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, BIT0}, /*Set SDIO suspend local register*/        \
+       {0x0086, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_SDIO, PWR_CMD_POLLING, BIT1, 0}, /*wait power state to suspend*/
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDDIS_TO_CARDEMU                                                                                                      \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT3 | BIT7, 0}, /*clear suspend enable and power down enable*/   \
+       {0x0086, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_SDIO, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, 0}, /*Set SDIO suspend local register*/   \
+       {0x0086, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_SDIO, PWR_CMD_POLLING, BIT1, BIT1}, /*wait power state to suspend*/\
+       {0x004A, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_USB_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, 0}, /*0x48[16] = 0 to disable GPIO9 as EXT WAKEUP*/   \
+       {0x0005, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT3|BIT4, 0}, /*0x04[12:11] = 2b'01enable WL suspend*/\
+       {0x0023, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT4, 0}, /*0x23[4] = 1b'0 12H LDO enter normal mode*/   \
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_PDN                                                                                          \
+       {0x0023, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT4, BIT4}, /*0x23[4] = 1b'1 12H LDO enter sleep mode*/   \
+       {0x0007, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK|PWR_INTF_USB_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, 0xFF, 0x20}, /*0x07[7:0] = 0x20 SOP option to disable BG/MB/ACK/SWR*/   \
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_PDN_TO_CARDEMU                                                                                          \
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_LPS                                                                                                              \
+       {0x05F8, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_POLLING, 0xFF, 0},/*Should be zero if no packet is transmitting*/        \
+       {0x05F9, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_POLLING, 0xFF, 0},/*Should be zero if no packet is transmitting*/        \
+       {0x05FA, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_POLLING, 0xFF, 0},/*Should be zero if no packet is transmitting*/        \
+       {0x05FB, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_POLLING, 0xFF, 0},/*Should be zero if no packet is transmitting*/        \
+       {0x0002, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT0, 0},/*CCK and OFDM are disabled, and clock are gated*/       \
+       {0x0002, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT1, 0},/*Whole BB is reset*/    \
+       {0x0101, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT1, 0},/*check if removed later*/       \
+       {0x0093, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, 0xFF, 0x00},/*When driver enter Sus/ Disable, enable LOP for BT*/        \
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_LPS_TO_ACT                                                                                                                      \
+       {0x0008, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT4, 0}, /*.     0x08[4] = 0              switch TSF to 40M*/\
+       {0x0109, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_POLLING, BIT7, 0}, /*Polling 0x109[7]= 0  TSF in 40M*/\
+       {0x0029, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT6|BIT7, 0}, /*.        0x29[7:6] = 2b'00        enable BB clock*/\
+       {0x0100, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, 0xFF, 0xFF}, /*.  0x100[7:0] = 0xFF        enable WMAC TRX*/\
+       {0x0002, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, BIT1|BIT0, BIT1|BIT0}, /*.        0x02[1:0] = 2b'11        enable BB macro*/\
+       {0x0522, PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK, PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK, PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK, PWR_BASEADDR_MAC, PWR_CMD_WRITE, 0xFF, 0}, /*.     0x522 = 0*/
+#define RTL8723A_TRANS_END                                                                                                                     \
+extern struct wlan_pwr_cfg rtl8723AU_power_on_flow[RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_ACT_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS];
+extern struct wlan_pwr_cfg rtl8723AU_radio_off_flow[RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_CARDEMU_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS];
+extern struct wlan_pwr_cfg rtl8723AU_card_disable_flow[RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_CARDEMU_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_PDN_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS];
+extern struct wlan_pwr_cfg rtl8723AU_card_enable_flow[RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_CARDEMU_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_PDN_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS];
+extern struct wlan_pwr_cfg rtl8723AU_suspend_flow[RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_CARDEMU_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_SUS_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS];
+extern struct wlan_pwr_cfg rtl8723AU_resume_flow[RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_CARDEMU_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_SUS_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS];
+extern struct wlan_pwr_cfg rtl8723AU_hwpdn_flow[RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_CARDEMU_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_CARDEMU_TO_PDN_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS];
+extern struct wlan_pwr_cfg rtl8723AU_enter_lps_flow[RTL8723A_TRANS_ACT_TO_LPS_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS];
+extern struct wlan_pwr_cfg rtl8723AU_leave_lps_flow[RTL8723A_TRANS_LPS_TO_ACT_STEPS+RTL8723A_TRANS_END_STEPS];
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723UHWImg_CE.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/Hal8723UHWImg_CE.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bbeaab4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#ifndef __INC_HAL8723U_FW_IMG_H
+#define __INC_HAL8723U_FW_IMG_H
+/*Created on  2013/01/14, 15:51*/
+/* FW v16 enable usb interrupt */
+#define Rtl8723UImgArrayLength 22172
+extern u8 Rtl8723UFwImgArray[Rtl8723UImgArrayLength];
+#define Rtl8723UBTImgArrayLength 1
+extern u8 Rtl8723UFwBTImgArray[Rtl8723UBTImgArrayLength];
+#define Rtl8723UUMCBCutImgArrayWithBTLength 24118
+#define Rtl8723UUMCBCutImgArrayWithoutBTLength 19200
+extern u8 Rtl8723UFwUMCBCutImgArrayWithBT[Rtl8723UUMCBCutImgArrayWithBTLength];
+extern u8 Rtl8723UFwUMCBCutImgArrayWithoutBT[Rtl8723UUMCBCutImgArrayWithoutBTLength];
+#define Rtl8723SUMCBCutMPImgArrayLength 24174
+extern const u8 Rtl8723SFwUMCBCutMPImgArray[Rtl8723SUMCBCutMPImgArrayLength];
+#define Rtl8723EBTImgArrayLength 15276
+extern u8 Rtl8723EFwBTImgArray[Rtl8723EBTImgArrayLength] ;
+#define Rtl8723UPHY_REG_Array_PGLength 336
+extern u32 Rtl8723UPHY_REG_Array_PG[Rtl8723UPHY_REG_Array_PGLength];
+#define Rtl8723UMACPHY_Array_PGLength 1
+extern u32 Rtl8723UMACPHY_Array_PG[Rtl8723UMACPHY_Array_PGLength];
+#endif /* ifndef __INC_HAL8723U_FW_IMG_H */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalDMOutSrc8723A.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalDMOutSrc8723A.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d7651f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __RTL8723A_ODM_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_ODM_H__
+/*  */
+#define        RSSI_CCK        0
+#define        RSSI_OFDM       1
+#define        RSSI_DEFAULT    2
+#define IQK_MAC_REG_NUM                4
+#define IQK_ADDA_REG_NUM               16
+#define IQK_BB_REG_NUM                 9
+#define HP_THERMAL_NUM         8
+/*  */
+/*  structure and define */
+/*  */
+/*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export Marco Definition---------------------------*/
+/* define DM_MultiSTA_InitGainChangeNotify(Event) {DM_DigTable.CurMultiSTAConnectState = Event;} */
+/*  */
+/*  function prototype */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  IQ calibrate */
+/*  */
+void rtl8723a_phy_iq_calibrate(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, bool bReCovery);
+/*  */
+/*  LC calibrate */
+/*  */
+void rtl8723a_phy_lc_calibrate(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter);
+/*  */
+/*  AP calibrate */
+/*  */
+void rtl8723a_phy_ap_calibrate(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, char delta);
+void rtl8723a_odm_check_tx_power_tracking(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_BB.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_BB.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e99833c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+* more details.
+#ifndef __INC_BB_8723A_HW_IMG_H
+#define __INC_BB_8723A_HW_IMG_H
+*                           AGC_TAB_1T.TXT
+void ODM_ReadAndConfig_AGC_TAB_1T_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+*                           PHY_REG_1T.TXT
+void ODM_ReadAndConfig_PHY_REG_1T_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+*                           PHY_REG_MP.TXT
+void ODM_ReadAndConfig_PHY_REG_MP_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+*                           PHY_REG_PG.TXT
+void ODM_ReadAndConfig_PHY_REG_PG_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+#endif /*  end of HWIMG_SUPPORT */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_FW.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_FW.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7ee363b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+* more details.
+#ifndef __INC_FW_8723A_HW_IMG_H
+#define __INC_FW_8723A_HW_IMG_H
+*                           rtl8723fw_B.TXT
+void ODM_ReadFirmware_8723A_rtl8723fw_B(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
+                                       u8 *pFirmware, u32 *pFirmwareSize);
+#endif /*  end of HWIMG_SUPPORT */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_MAC.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_MAC.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..201be1f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+* more details.
+#ifndef __INC_MAC_8723A_HW_IMG_H
+#define __INC_MAC_8723A_HW_IMG_H
+*                           MAC_REG.TXT
+void ODM_ReadAndConfig_MAC_REG_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+#endif /*  end of HWIMG_SUPPORT */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_RF.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalHWImg8723A_RF.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c9af1c3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+* more details.
+#ifndef __INC_RF_8723A_HW_IMG_H
+#define __INC_RF_8723A_HW_IMG_H
+*                           RadioA_1T.TXT
+void ODM_ReadAndConfig_RadioA_1T_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+#endif /*  end of HWIMG_SUPPORT */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalPwrSeqCmd.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalPwrSeqCmd.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..12e03a3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __HALPWRSEQCMD_H__
+#define __HALPWRSEQCMD_H__
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#define PWR_CMD_READ                   0x00
+     /*  offset: the read register offset */
+     /*  msk: the mask of the read value */
+     /*  value: N/A, left by 0 */
+     /*  note: dirver shall implement this function by read & msk */
+#define PWR_CMD_WRITE                  0x01
+     /*  offset: the read register offset */
+     /*  msk: the mask of the write bits */
+     /*  value: write value */
+     /*  note: driver shall implement this cmd by read & msk after write */
+#define PWR_CMD_POLLING                        0x02
+     /*  offset: the read register offset */
+     /*  msk: the mask of the polled value */
+     /*  value: the value to be polled, masked by the msd field. */
+     /*  note: driver shall implement this cmd by */
+     /*  do{ */
+     /*  if( (Read(offset) & msk) == (value & msk) ) */
+     /*  break; */
+     /*  } while(not timeout); */
+#define PWR_CMD_DELAY                  0x03
+     /*  offset: the value to delay */
+     /*  msk: N/A */
+     /*  value: the unit of delay, 0: us, 1: ms */
+#define PWR_CMD_END                            0x04
+     /*  offset: N/A */
+     /*  msk: N/A */
+     /*  value: N/A */
+/* 3 The value of base: 4 bits */
+   /*  define the base address of each block */
+#define PWR_BASEADDR_MAC               0x00
+#define PWR_BASEADDR_USB               0x01
+#define PWR_BASEADDR_PCIE              0x02
+#define PWR_BASEADDR_SDIO              0x03
+/* 3 The value of interface_msk: 4 bits */
+#define        PWR_INTF_SDIO_MSK               BIT(0)
+#define        PWR_INTF_USB_MSK                BIT(1)
+#define        PWR_INTF_PCI_MSK                BIT(2)
+#define        PWR_INTF_ALL_MSK                (BIT(0)|BIT(1)|BIT(2)|BIT(3))
+/* 3 The value of fab_msk: 4 bits */
+#define        PWR_FAB_TSMC_MSK                BIT(0)
+#define        PWR_FAB_UMC_MSK                 BIT(1)
+#define        PWR_FAB_ALL_MSK                 (BIT(0)|BIT(1)|BIT(2)|BIT(3))
+/* 3 The value of cut_msk: 8 bits */
+#define        PWR_CUT_TESTCHIP_MSK    BIT(0)
+#define        PWR_CUT_A_MSK                   BIT(1)
+#define        PWR_CUT_B_MSK                   BIT(2)
+#define        PWR_CUT_C_MSK                   BIT(3)
+#define        PWR_CUT_D_MSK                   BIT(4)
+#define        PWR_CUT_E_MSK                   BIT(5)
+#define        PWR_CUT_F_MSK                   BIT(6)
+#define        PWR_CUT_G_MSK                   BIT(7)
+#define        PWR_CUT_ALL_MSK                 0xFF
+enum pwrseq_delay_unit {
+struct wlan_pwr_cfg {
+       u16 offset;
+       u8 cut_msk;
+       u8 fab_msk:4;
+       u8 interface_msk:4;
+       u8 base:4;
+       u8 cmd:4;
+       u8 msk;
+       u8 value;
+#define GET_PWR_CFG_OFFSET(__PWR_CMD)          __PWR_CMD.offset
+#define GET_PWR_CFG_CUT_MASK(__PWR_CMD)                __PWR_CMD.cut_msk
+#define GET_PWR_CFG_FAB_MASK(__PWR_CMD)                __PWR_CMD.fab_msk
+#define GET_PWR_CFG_INTF_MASK(__PWR_CMD)       __PWR_CMD.interface_msk
+#define GET_PWR_CFG_BASE(__PWR_CMD)                    __PWR_CMD.base
+#define GET_PWR_CFG_CMD(__PWR_CMD)                     __PWR_CMD.cmd
+#define GET_PWR_CFG_MASK(__PWR_CMD)                    __PWR_CMD.msk
+#define GET_PWR_CFG_VALUE(__PWR_CMD)           __PWR_CMD.value
+/*  */
+/*     Prototype of protected function. */
+/*  */
+u8 HalPwrSeqCmdParsing23a(
+       struct rtw_adapter              *padapter,
+       u8                              CutVersion,
+       u8                              FabVersion,
+       u8                              InterfaceType,
+       struct wlan_pwr_cfg     PwrCfgCmd[]);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalVerDef.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/HalVerDef.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..607b71f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __HAL_VERSION_DEF_H__
+#define __HAL_VERSION_DEF_H__
+enum hal_ic_type {
+       CHIP_8192S              =       0,
+       CHIP_8188C      =       1,
+       CHIP_8192C      =       2,
+       CHIP_8192D      =       3,
+       CHIP_8723A      =       4,
+       CHIP_8188E      =       5,
+       CHIP_8881A      =       6,
+       CHIP_8812A      =       7,
+       CHIP_8821A      =       8,
+       CHIP_8723B      =       9,
+       CHIP_8192E              =       10,
+enum hal_chip_type {
+       TEST_CHIP               =       0,
+       NORMAL_CHIP             =       1,
+       FPGA                    =       2,
+enum hal_cut_version {
+       A_CUT_VERSION           =       0,
+       B_CUT_VERSION           =       1,
+       C_CUT_VERSION           =       2,
+       D_CUT_VERSION           =       3,
+       E_CUT_VERSION           =       4,
+       F_CUT_VERSION           =       5,
+       G_CUT_VERSION           =       6,
+/*  HAL_Manufacturer */
+enum hal_vendor {
+       CHIP_VENDOR_TSMC        =       0,
+       CHIP_VENDOR_UMC         =       1,
+enum hal_rf_type {
+       RF_TYPE_1T1R    =       0,
+       RF_TYPE_1T2R    =       1,
+       RF_TYPE_2T2R    =       2,
+       RF_TYPE_2T3R    =       3,
+       RF_TYPE_2T4R    =       4,
+       RF_TYPE_3T3R    =       5,
+       RF_TYPE_3T4R    =       6,
+       RF_TYPE_4T4R    =       7,
+struct hal_version {
+       enum hal_ic_type        ICType;
+       enum hal_chip_type      ChipType;
+       enum hal_cut_version    CUTVersion;
+       enum hal_vendor         VendorType;
+       enum hal_rf_type        RFType;
+       u8                      ROMVer;
+/*  Get element */
+#define GET_CVID_IC_TYPE(version)      ((version).ICType)
+#define GET_CVID_CHIP_TYPE(version)    ((version).ChipType)
+#define GET_CVID_RF_TYPE(version)      ((version).RFType)
+#define GET_CVID_MANUFACTUER(version)  ((version).VendorType)
+#define GET_CVID_CUT_VERSION(version)  ((version).CUTVersion)
+#define GET_CVID_ROM_VERSION(version)  (((version).ROMVer) & ROM_VERSION_MASK)
+/* Common Macro. -- */
+#define IS_81XXC(version)                      \
+       (((GET_CVID_IC_TYPE(version) == CHIP_8192C) ||  \
+        (GET_CVID_IC_TYPE(version) == CHIP_8188C)) ? true : false)
+#define IS_8723_SERIES(version)                        \
+       ((GET_CVID_IC_TYPE(version) == CHIP_8723A) ? true : false)
+#define IS_TEST_CHIP(version)                  \
+       ((GET_CVID_CHIP_TYPE(version) == TEST_CHIP) ? true : false)
+#define IS_NORMAL_CHIP(version)                        \
+       ((GET_CVID_CHIP_TYPE(version) == NORMAL_CHIP) ? true : false)
+#define IS_A_CUT(version)                      \
+       ((GET_CVID_CUT_VERSION(version) == A_CUT_VERSION) ? true : false)
+#define IS_B_CUT(version)                      \
+       ((GET_CVID_CUT_VERSION(version) == B_CUT_VERSION) ? true : false)
+#define IS_C_CUT(version)                      \
+       ((GET_CVID_CUT_VERSION(version) == C_CUT_VERSION) ? true : false)
+#define IS_D_CUT(version)                      \
+       ((GET_CVID_CUT_VERSION(version) == D_CUT_VERSION) ? true : false)
+#define IS_E_CUT(version)                      \
+       ((GET_CVID_CUT_VERSION(version) == E_CUT_VERSION) ? true : false)
+#define IS_CHIP_VENDOR_TSMC(version)           \
+       ((GET_CVID_MANUFACTUER(version) == CHIP_VENDOR_TSMC) ? true : false)
+#define IS_CHIP_VENDOR_UMC(version)            \
+       ((GET_CVID_MANUFACTUER(version) == CHIP_VENDOR_UMC) ? true : false)
+#define IS_1T1R(version)                       \
+       ((GET_CVID_RF_TYPE(version) == RF_TYPE_1T1R) ? true : false)
+#define IS_1T2R(version)                       \
+       ((GET_CVID_RF_TYPE(version) == RF_TYPE_1T2R) ? true : false)
+#define IS_2T2R(version)                       \
+       ((GET_CVID_RF_TYPE(version) == RF_TYPE_2T2R) ? true : false)
+/* Chip version Macro. -- */
+#define IS_92C_SERIAL(version)                                 \
+       ((IS_81XXC(version) && IS_2T2R(version)) ? true : false)
+#define IS_81xxC_VENDOR_UMC_A_CUT(version)                     \
+       (IS_81XXC(version)?(IS_CHIP_VENDOR_UMC(version) ?       \
+       (IS_A_CUT(version) ? true : false) : false) : false)
+#define IS_81xxC_VENDOR_UMC_B_CUT(version)                     \
+       (IS_81XXC(version) ? (IS_CHIP_VENDOR_UMC(version) ?     \
+        (IS_B_CUT(version) ? true : false) : false): false)
+#define IS_81xxC_VENDOR_UMC_C_CUT(version)                     \
+       (IS_81XXC(version)?(IS_CHIP_VENDOR_UMC(version) ?       \
+       (IS_C_CUT(version) ? true : false) : false) : false)
+#define IS_8723A_A_CUT(version)                                \
+       ((IS_8723_SERIES(version)) ? (IS_A_CUT(version) ? true : false) : false)
+#define IS_8723A_B_CUT(version)                                        \
+       ((IS_8723_SERIES(version)) ? (IS_B_CUT(version) ? true : false) : false)
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/cmd_osdep.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/cmd_osdep.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4866bee
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __CMD_OSDEP_H_
+#define __CMD_OSDEP_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+int _rtw_init_evt_priv23a(struct evt_priv *pevtpriv);
+void _rtw_free_evt_priv23a(struct      evt_priv *pevtpriv);
+void _rtw_free_cmd_priv23a(struct      cmd_priv *pcmdpriv);
+int _rtw_enqueue_cmd23a(struct rtw_queue *queue, struct cmd_obj *obj);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/drv_types.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/drv_types.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5847988
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+       For type defines and data structure defines
+#ifndef __DRV_TYPES_H__
+#define __DRV_TYPES_H__
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <wlan_bssdef.h>
+enum _NIC_VERSION {
+       RTL8711_NIC,
+       RTL8712_NIC,
+       RTL8713_NIC,
+       RTL8716_NIC
+#include <rtw_ht.h>
+#include <rtw_cmd.h>
+#include <wlan_bssdef.h>
+#include <rtw_xmit.h>
+#include <rtw_recv.h>
+#include <hal_intf.h>
+#include <hal_com.h>
+#include <rtw_qos.h>
+#include <rtw_security.h>
+#include <rtw_pwrctrl.h>
+#include <rtw_io.h>
+#include <rtw_eeprom.h>
+#include <sta_info.h>
+#include <rtw_mlme.h>
+#include <rtw_debug.h>
+#include <rtw_rf.h>
+#include <rtw_event.h>
+#include <rtw_led.h>
+#include <rtw_mlme_ext.h>
+#include <rtw_p2p.h>
+#include <rtw_ap.h>
+#include "ioctl_cfg80211.h"
+#define SPEC_DEV_ID_NONE BIT(0)
+struct specific_device_id {
+       u32             flags;
+       u16             idVendor;
+       u16             idProduct;
+struct registry_priv {
+       u8      chip_version;
+       u8      rfintfs;
+       struct  cfg80211_ssid ssid;
+       u8      channel;/* ad-hoc support requirement */
+       u8      wireless_mode;/* A, B, G, auto */
+       u8      scan_mode;/* active, passive */
+       u8      preamble;/* long, short, auto */
+       u8      vrtl_carrier_sense;/* Enable, Disable, Auto */
+       u8      vcs_type;/* RTS/CTS, CTS-to-self */
+       u16     rts_thresh;
+       u16  frag_thresh;
+       u8      adhoc_tx_pwr;
+       u8      soft_ap;
+       u8      power_mgnt;
+       u8      ips_mode;
+       u8      smart_ps;
+       u8      long_retry_lmt;
+       u8      short_retry_lmt;
+       u16     busy_thresh;
+       u8      ack_policy;
+       u8      software_encrypt;
+       u8      software_decrypt;
+       u8      acm_method;
+         /* UAPSD */
+       u8      wmm_enable;
+       u8      uapsd_enable;
+       struct wlan_bssid_ex    dev_network;
+       u8      ht_enable;
+       u8      cbw40_enable;
+       u8      ampdu_enable;/* for tx */
+       u8      rx_stbc;
+       u8      ampdu_amsdu;/* A-MPDU Supports A-MSDU is permitted */
+       u8      lowrate_two_xmit;
+       u8      rf_config;
+       u8      low_power;
+       u8      wifi_spec;/*  !turbo_mode */
+       u8      channel_plan;
+       u8      btcoex;
+       u8      bt_iso;
+       u8      bt_sco;
+       u8      bt_ampdu;
+       bool    bAcceptAddbaReq;
+       u8      antdiv_cfg;
+       u8      antdiv_type;
+       u8      usbss_enable;/* 0:disable,1:enable */
+       u8      hwpdn_mode;/* 0:disable,1:enable,2:decide by EFUSE config */
+       u8      hwpwrp_detect;/* 0:disable,1:enable */
+       u8      hw_wps_pbc;/* 0:disable,1:enable */
+       u8      max_roaming_times; /* max number driver will try to roaming */
+       u8 enable80211d;
+       u8 ifname[16];
+       u8 if2name[16];
+       u8 notch_filter;
+       u8 regulatory_tid;
+#define GET_PRIMARY_ADAPTER(padapter)                                  \
+       (((struct rtw_adapter *)padapter)->dvobj->if1)
+enum _IFACE_ID {
+       IFACE_ID0, /* maping to PRIMARY_ADAPTER */
+       IFACE_ID1, /* maping to SECONDARY_ADAPTER */
+       IFACE_ID2,
+       IFACE_ID3,
+       IFACE_ID_MAX,
+struct dvobj_priv {
+       struct rtw_adapter *if1; /* PRIMARY_ADAPTER */
+       struct rtw_adapter *if2; /* SECONDARY_ADAPTER */
+       /* for local/global synchronization */
+       struct mutex hw_init_mutex;
+       struct mutex h2c_fwcmd_mutex;
+       struct mutex setch_mutex;
+       struct mutex setbw_mutex;
+       unsigned char   oper_channel; /* saved chan info when set chan bw */
+       unsigned char   oper_bwmode;
+       unsigned char   oper_ch_offset;/* PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET */
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapters[IFACE_ID_MAX];
+       u8 iface_nums; /*  total number of ifaces used runtime */
+       /* For 92D, DMDP have 2 interface. */
+       u8      InterfaceNumber;
+       u8      NumInterfaces;
+       /* In /Out Pipe information */
+       int     RtInPipe[2];
+       int     RtOutPipe[3];
+       u8      Queue2Pipe[HW_QUEUE_ENTRY];/* for out pipe mapping */
+       u8      irq_alloc;
+/*-------- below is for USB INTERFACE --------*/
+       u8      nr_endpoint;
+       u8      ishighspeed;
+       u8      RtNumInPipes;
+       u8      RtNumOutPipes;
+       int     ep_num[5]; /* endpoint number */
+       int     RegUsbSS;
+       struct semaphore usb_suspend_sema;
+       struct mutex  usb_vendor_req_mutex;
+       u8 *usb_alloc_vendor_req_buf;
+       u8 *usb_vendor_req_buf;
+       struct usb_interface *pusbintf;
+       struct usb_device *pusbdev;
+       atomic_t continual_urb_error;
+/*-------- below is for PCIE INTERFACE --------*/
+static inline struct device *dvobj_to_dev(struct dvobj_priv *dvobj)
+       /* todo: get interface type from dvobj and the return the dev accordingly */
+       return &dvobj->pusbintf->dev;
+enum _IFACE_TYPE {
+       IFACE_PORT0, /* mapping to port0 for C/D series chips */
+       IFACE_PORT1, /* mapping to port1 for C/D series chip */
+       MAX_ADAPTER,
+struct rtw_adapter {
+       int     pid[3];/* process id from UI, 0:wps, 1:hostapd, 2:dhcpcd */
+       int     bDongle;/* build-in module or external dongle */
+       u16     chip_type;
+       u16     HardwareType;
+       struct dvobj_priv *dvobj;
+       struct  mlme_priv mlmepriv;
+       struct  mlme_ext_priv mlmeextpriv;
+       struct  cmd_priv        cmdpriv;
+       struct  evt_priv        evtpriv;
+       /* struct       io_queue        *pio_queue; */
+       struct  io_priv iopriv;
+       struct  xmit_priv       xmitpriv;
+       struct  recv_priv       recvpriv;
+       struct  sta_priv        stapriv;
+       struct  security_priv   securitypriv;
+       struct  registry_priv   registrypriv;
+       struct  pwrctrl_priv    pwrctrlpriv;
+       struct  eeprom_priv eeprompriv;
+       struct  led_priv        ledpriv;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+       struct  hostapd_priv    *phostapdpriv;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+       struct cfg80211_wifidirect_info cfg80211_wdinfo;
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+       u32     setband;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+       struct wifidirect_info  wdinfo;
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+       struct wifi_display_info wfd_info;
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+       void *HalData;
+       u32 hal_data_sz;
+       struct hal_ops  HalFunc;
+       s32     bDriverStopped;
+       s32     bSurpriseRemoved;
+       s32  bCardDisableWOHSM;
+       u32     IsrContent;
+       u32     ImrContent;
+       u8      EepromAddressSize;
+       u8      hw_init_completed;
+       u8      bDriverIsGoingToUnload;
+       u8      init_adpt_in_progress;
+       u8      bHaltInProgress;
+       void *cmdThread;
+       void *evtThread;
+       void *xmitThread;
+       void *recvThread;
+       void (*intf_start)(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+       void (*intf_stop)(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+       struct net_device *pnetdev;
+       /*  used by rtw_rereg_nd_name related function */
+       struct rereg_nd_name_data {
+               struct net_device *old_pnetdev;
+               char old_ifname[IFNAMSIZ];
+               u8 old_ips_mode;
+               u8 old_bRegUseLed;
+       } rereg_nd_name_priv;
+       int bup;
+       struct net_device_stats stats;
+       struct iw_statistics iwstats;
+       struct proc_dir_entry *dir_dev;/*  for proc directory */
+       struct wireless_dev *rtw_wdev;
+       int net_closed;
+       u8 bFWReady;
+       u8 bBTFWReady;
+       u8 bReadPortCancel;
+       u8 bWritePortCancel;
+       u8 bRxRSSIDisplay;
+       /* The driver will show the desired chan nor when this flag is 1. */
+       u8 bNotifyChannelChange;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+       /* driver will show current P2P status when the  application reads it*/
+       u8 bShowGetP2PState;
+       struct rtw_adapter *pbuddy_adapter;
+       /* extend to support multi interface */
+       /* IFACE_ID0 is equals to PRIMARY_ADAPTER */
+       /* IFACE_ID1 is equals to SECONDARY_ADAPTER */
+       u8 iface_id;
+       _lock                                   br_ext_lock;
+       /* unsigned int                 macclone_completed; */
+       struct nat25_network_db_entry   *nethash[NAT25_HASH_SIZE];
+       int                             pppoe_connection_in_progress;
+       unsigned char                   pppoe_addr[MACADDRLEN];
+       unsigned char                   scdb_mac[MACADDRLEN];
+       unsigned char                   scdb_ip[4];
+       struct nat25_network_db_entry   *scdb_entry;
+       unsigned char                   br_mac[MACADDRLEN];
+       unsigned char                   br_ip[4];
+       struct br_ext_info              ethBrExtInfo;
+#endif /*  CONFIG_BR_EXT */
+       u8    fix_rate;
+       unsigned char     in_cta_test;
+#define adapter_to_dvobj(adapter) (adapter->dvobj)
+int rtw_handle_dualmac23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, bool init);
+static inline u8 *myid(struct eeprom_priv *peepriv)
+       return peepriv->mac_addr;
+#endif /* __DRV_TYPES_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/ethernet.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/ethernet.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..39fc6df
--- /dev/null
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+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/*! \file */
+#ifndef __INC_ETHERNET_H
+#define __INC_ETHERNET_H
+#define LLC_HEADER_SIZE                        6       /*  LLC Header Length */
+#endif /*  #ifndef __INC_ETHERNET_H */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/hal_com.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/hal_com.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..20f983c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __HAL_COMMON_H__
+#define __HAL_COMMON_H__
+/*  */
+/*        Rate Definition */
+/*  */
+/* CCK */
+#define        RATR_1M                                 0x00000001
+#define        RATR_2M                                 0x00000002
+#define        RATR_55M                                0x00000004
+#define        RATR_11M                                0x00000008
+/* OFDM */
+#define        RATR_6M                                 0x00000010
+#define        RATR_9M                                 0x00000020
+#define        RATR_12M                                0x00000040
+#define        RATR_18M                                0x00000080
+#define        RATR_24M                                0x00000100
+#define        RATR_36M                                0x00000200
+#define        RATR_48M                                0x00000400
+#define        RATR_54M                                0x00000800
+/* MCS 1 Spatial Stream */
+#define        RATR_MCS0                               0x00001000
+#define        RATR_MCS1                               0x00002000
+#define        RATR_MCS2                               0x00004000
+#define        RATR_MCS3                               0x00008000
+#define        RATR_MCS4                               0x00010000
+#define        RATR_MCS5                               0x00020000
+#define        RATR_MCS6                               0x00040000
+#define        RATR_MCS7                               0x00080000
+/* MCS 2 Spatial Stream */
+#define        RATR_MCS8                               0x00100000
+#define        RATR_MCS9                               0x00200000
+#define        RATR_MCS10                              0x00400000
+#define        RATR_MCS11                              0x00800000
+#define        RATR_MCS12                              0x01000000
+#define        RATR_MCS13                              0x02000000
+#define        RATR_MCS14                              0x04000000
+#define        RATR_MCS15                              0x08000000
+/* CCK */
+#define RATE_1M                                        BIT(0)
+#define RATE_2M                                        BIT(1)
+#define RATE_5_5M                              BIT(2)
+#define RATE_11M                               BIT(3)
+/* OFDM */
+#define RATE_6M                                        BIT(4)
+#define RATE_9M                                        BIT(5)
+#define RATE_12M                               BIT(6)
+#define RATE_18M                               BIT(7)
+#define RATE_24M                               BIT(8)
+#define RATE_36M                               BIT(9)
+#define RATE_48M                               BIT(10)
+#define RATE_54M                               BIT(11)
+/* MCS 1 Spatial Stream */
+#define RATE_MCS0                              BIT(12)
+#define RATE_MCS1                              BIT(13)
+#define RATE_MCS2                              BIT(14)
+#define RATE_MCS3                              BIT(15)
+#define RATE_MCS4                              BIT(16)
+#define RATE_MCS5                              BIT(17)
+#define RATE_MCS6                              BIT(18)
+#define RATE_MCS7                              BIT(19)
+/* MCS 2 Spatial Stream */
+#define RATE_MCS8                              BIT(20)
+#define RATE_MCS9                              BIT(21)
+#define RATE_MCS10                             BIT(22)
+#define RATE_MCS11                             BIT(23)
+#define RATE_MCS12                             BIT(24)
+#define RATE_MCS13                             BIT(25)
+#define RATE_MCS14                             BIT(26)
+#define RATE_MCS15                             BIT(27)
+/*  ALL CCK Rate */
+#define        RATE_ALL_CCK    (RATR_1M | RATR_2M | RATR_55M | RATR_11M)
+#define        RATE_ALL_OFDM_AG                                \
+       (RATR_6M | RATR_9M | RATR_12M | RATR_18M | RATR_24M| \
+        RATR_36M|RATR_48M|RATR_54M)
+#define        RATE_ALL_OFDM_1SS                               \
+       (RATR_MCS0 | RATR_MCS1 | RATR_MCS2 | RATR_MCS3 |        \
+#define        RATE_ALL_OFDM_2SS                               \
+       (RATR_MCS8 | RATR_MCS9 | RATR_MCS10 | RATR_MCS11|       \
+        RATR_MCS12 | RATR_MCS13 | RATR_MCS14 | RATR_MCS15)
+/*------------------------------ Tx Desc definition Macro ------------------------*/
+/* pragma mark -- Tx Desc related definition. -- */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     Rate */
+/*  */
+/*  CCK Rates, TxHT = 0 */
+#define DESC_RATE1M                            0x00
+#define DESC_RATE2M                            0x01
+#define DESC_RATE5_5M                          0x02
+#define DESC_RATE11M                           0x03
+/*  OFDM Rates, TxHT = 0 */
+#define DESC_RATE6M                            0x04
+#define DESC_RATE9M                            0x05
+#define DESC_RATE12M                           0x06
+#define DESC_RATE18M                           0x07
+#define DESC_RATE24M                           0x08
+#define DESC_RATE36M                           0x09
+#define DESC_RATE48M                           0x0a
+#define DESC_RATE54M                           0x0b
+/*  MCS Rates, TxHT = 1 */
+#define DESC_RATEMCS0                          0x0c
+#define DESC_RATEMCS1                          0x0d
+#define DESC_RATEMCS2                          0x0e
+#define DESC_RATEMCS3                          0x0f
+#define DESC_RATEMCS4                          0x10
+#define DESC_RATEMCS5                          0x11
+#define DESC_RATEMCS6                          0x12
+#define DESC_RATEMCS7                          0x13
+#define DESC_RATEMCS8                          0x14
+#define DESC_RATEMCS9                          0x15
+#define DESC_RATEMCS10                         0x16
+#define DESC_RATEMCS11                         0x17
+#define DESC_RATEMCS12                         0x18
+#define DESC_RATEMCS13                         0x19
+#define DESC_RATEMCS14                         0x1a
+#define DESC_RATEMCS15                         0x1b
+#define DESC_RATEMCS15_SG                      0x1c
+#define DESC_RATEMCS32                         0x20
+#define REG_P2P_CTWIN                                  0x0572 /*  1 Byte long (in unit of TU) */
+#define REG_NOA_DESC_SEL                               0x05CF
+#define REG_NOA_DESC_DURATION          0x05E0
+#define REG_NOA_DESC_INTERVAL                  0x05E4
+#define REG_NOA_DESC_START                     0x05E8
+#define REG_NOA_DESC_COUNT                     0x05EC
+#include "HalVerDef.h"
+void dump_chip_info23a(struct hal_version      ChipVersion);
+u8     /* return the final channel plan decision */
+       struct rtw_adapter      *padapter,
+       u8                      hw_channel_plan,        /* channel plan from HW (efuse/eeprom) */
+       u8                      sw_channel_plan,        /* channel plan from SW (registry/module param) */
+       u8                      def_channel_plan,       /* channel plan used when the former two is invalid */
+       bool            AutoLoadFail
+       );
+u8     MRateToHwRate23a(u8 rate);
+void HalSetBrateCfg23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *mBratesOS);
+Hal_MappingOutPipe23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u8 NumOutPipe);
+void hal_init_macaddr23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void c2h_evt_clear23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+s32 c2h_evt_read23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *buf);
+void rtl8723a_set_ampdu_min_space(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 MinSpacingToSet);
+void rtl8723a_set_ampdu_factor(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 FactorToSet);
+void rtl8723a_set_acm_ctrl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 ctrl);
+void rtl8723a_set_media_status(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 status);
+void rtl8723a_set_media_status1(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 status);
+void rtl8723a_set_bcn_func(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 val);
+void rtl8723a_check_bssid(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 val);
+void rtl8723a_mlme_sitesurvey(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 flag);
+void rtl8723a_on_rcr_am(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_off_rcr_am(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_set_slot_time(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 slottime);
+void rtl8723a_ack_preamble(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bShortPreamble);
+void rtl8723a_set_sec_cfg(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 sec);
+void rtl8723a_cam_empty_entry(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 ucIndex);
+void rtl8723a_cam_invalid_all(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_cam_write(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 val1, u32 val2);
+void rtl8723a_fifo_cleanup(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_set_apfm_on_mac(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 val);
+void rtl8723a_bcn_valid(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_set_tx_pause(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 pause);
+void rtl8723a_set_beacon_interval(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 interval);
+void rtl8723a_set_resp_sifs(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                           u8 r2t1, u8 r2t2, u8 t2t1, u8 t2t2);
+void rtl8723a_set_ac_param_vo(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 vo);
+void rtl8723a_set_ac_param_vi(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 vi);
+void rtl8723a_set_ac_param_be(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 be);
+void rtl8723a_set_ac_param_bk(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 bk);
+void rtl8723a_set_rxdma_agg_pg_th(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 val);
+void rtl8723a_set_nav_upper(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 usNavUpper);
+void rtl8723a_set_initial_gain(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 rx_gain);
+void rtl8723a_odm_support_ability_write(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 val);
+void rtl8723a_odm_support_ability_backup(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 val);
+void rtl8723a_odm_support_ability_set(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 val);
+void rtl8723a_odm_support_ability_clr(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 val);
+void rtl8723a_set_rpwm(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 val);
+#endif /* __HAL_COMMON_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/hal_intf.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/hal_intf.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d183f4b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __HAL_INTF_H__
+#define __HAL_INTF_H__
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+enum RTL871X_HCI_TYPE {
+       RTW_PCIE        = BIT0,
+       RTW_USB         = BIT1,
+       RTW_SDIO        = BIT2,
+       RTW_GSPI        = BIT3,
+enum _CHIP_TYPE {
+       RTL8712_8188S_8191S_8192S,
+       RTL8188C_8192C,
+       RTL8192D,
+       RTL8723A,
+       RTL8188E,
+       HW_VAR_MAC_ADDR,
+       HW_VAR_BSSID,
+       HW_VAR_BCN_FUNC,
+       HW_VAR_ON_RCR_AM,
+       HW_VAR_OFF_RCR_AM,
+       HW_VAR_SEC_CFG,
+       HW_VAR_RF_TYPE,
+       HW_VAR_DM_FLAG,
+       HW_VAR_DM_FUNC_OP,
+       HW_VAR_CAM_READ,
+       HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL,
+       HW_VAR_SET_RPWM,
+       HW_VAR_APFM_ON_MAC, /* Auto FSM to Turn On, include clock, isolation, power control for MAC only */
+       /*  The valid upper nav range for the HW updating, if the true value is larger than the upper range, the HW won't update it. */
+       /*  Unit in microsecond. 0 means disable this function. */
+enum hal_def_variable {
+       HAL_DEF_DBG_DUMP_RXPKT,/* for dbg */
+       HAL_DEF_DBG_DM_FUNC,/* for dbg */
+       HAL_DEF_RA_SGI,
+enum hal_odm_variable {
+       HAL_ODM_P2P_STATE,
+enum hal_intf_ps_func {
+       HAL_MAX_ID,
+struct hal_ops {
+       u32 (*hal_power_on)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       u32 (*hal_init)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       u32 (*hal_deinit)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*free_hal_data)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       u32 (*inirp_init)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       u32 (*inirp_deinit)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       s32 (*init_xmit_priv)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*free_xmit_priv)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       s32 (*init_recv_priv)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*free_recv_priv)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*InitSwLeds)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*DeInitSwLeds)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*dm_init)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*dm_deinit)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*read_chip_version)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*init_default_value)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*intf_chip_configure)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*read_adapter_info)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*enable_interrupt)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*disable_interrupt)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       s32 (*interrupt_handler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*set_bwmode_handler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                  enum ht_channel_width Bandwidth, u8 Offset);
+       void (*set_channel_handler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 channel);
+       void (*hal_dm_watchdog)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*SetHwRegHandler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                               u8 variable, u8 *val);
+       void (*GetHwRegHandler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                               u8 variable, u8 *val);
+       u8 (*GetHalDefVarHandler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                 enum hal_def_variable eVariable,
+                                 void *pValue);
+       u8 (*SetHalDefVarHandler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                 enum hal_def_variable eVariable,
+                                 void *pValue);
+       void (*GetHalODMVarHandler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                   enum hal_odm_variable eVariable,
+                                   void *pValue1, bool bSet);
+       void (*SetHalODMVarHandler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                   enum hal_odm_variable eVariable,
+                                   void *pValue1, bool bSet);
+       void (*UpdateRAMaskHandler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                   u32 mac_id, u8 rssi_level);
+       void (*SetBeaconRelatedRegistersHandler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*Add_RateATid)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 bitmap,
+                            u8 arg, u8 rssi_level);
+       void (*run_thread)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*cancel_thread)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       u8 (*interface_ps_func)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                               enum hal_intf_ps_func efunc_id, u8 *val);
+       s32 (*hal_xmit)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                       struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+       s32 (*mgnt_xmit)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                        struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe);
+       s32 (*hal_xmitframe_enqueue)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                    struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+       u32 (*read_bbreg)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 RegAddr,
+                         u32 BitMask);
+       void (*write_bbreg)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 RegAddr,
+                           u32 BitMask, u32 Data);
+       u32 (*read_rfreg)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 eRFPath,
+                         u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask);
+       void (*write_rfreg)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 eRFPath,
+                           u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask, u32 Data);
+       void (*EfusePowerSwitch)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bWrite,
+                                u8 PwrState);
+       void (*ReadEFuse)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 efuseType,
+                         u16 _offset, u16 _size_byte, u8 *pbuf);
+       void (*EFUSEGetEfuseDefinition)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                       u8 efuseType, u8 type, void *pOut);
+       u16 (*EfuseGetCurrentSize)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 efuseType);
+       int (*Efuse_PgPacketRead23a)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                    u8 offset, u8 *data);
+       int (*Efuse_PgPacketWrite23a)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                     u8 offset, u8 word_en, u8 *data);
+       u8 (*Efuse_WordEnableDataWrite23a)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                          u16 efuse_addr, u8 word_en,
+                                          u8 *data);
+       bool (*Efuse_PgPacketWrite23a_BT)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                         u8 offset, u8 word_en, u8 *data);
+       void (*sreset_init_value23a)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*sreset_reset_value23a)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*silentreset)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*sreset_xmit_status_check)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*sreset_linked_status_check) (struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       u8 (*sreset_get_wifi_status23a)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       bool (*sreset_inprogress)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+       void (*hal_notch_filter)(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, bool enable);
+       void (*hal_reset_security_engine)(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+       s32 (*c2h_handler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct c2h_evt_hdr *c2h_evt);
+       c2h_id_filter c2h_id_filter_ccx;
+enum rt_eeprom_type {
+       EEPROM_93C46,
+       EEPROM_93C56,
+#define RF_CHANGE_BY_INIT      0
+#define RF_CHANGE_BY_IPS       BIT28
+#define RF_CHANGE_BY_PS                BIT29
+#define RF_CHANGE_BY_HW                BIT30
+#define RF_CHANGE_BY_SW                BIT31
+enum hardware_type {
+       HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8180,
+       HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8185,
+       HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8187,
+       HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8188,
+#define GET_EEPROM_EFUSE_PRIV(adapter) (&adapter->eeprompriv)
+#define is_boot_from_eeprom(adapter) (adapter->eeprompriv.EepromOrEfuse)
+extern int rtw_ht_enable23A;
+extern int rtw_cbw40_enable23A;
+extern int rtw_ampdu_enable23A;/* for enable tx_ampdu */
+void rtw_hal_def_value_init23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int pm_netdev_open23a(struct net_device *pnetdev, u8 bnormal);
+int rtw_resume_process23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void   rtw_hal_free_data23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_dm_init23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_dm_deinit23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_sw_led_init23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_sw_led_deinit23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u32 rtw_hal_power_on23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+uint rtw_hal_init23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+uint rtw_hal_deinit23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_stop(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_set_hwreg23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 variable, u8 *val);
+void rtw23a_hal_get_hwreg(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 variable, u8 *val);
+void rtw_hal_chip_configure23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_read_chip_info23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_read_chip_version23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 rtw_hal_set_def_var23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                         enum hal_def_variable eVariable,
+                         void *pValue);
+u8 rtw_hal_get_def_var23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                         enum hal_def_variable eVariable,
+                         void *pValue);
+void rtw_hal_set_odm_var23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                           enum hal_odm_variable eVariable,
+                           void *pValue1, bool bSet);
+void rtw_hal_get_odm_var23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                           enum hal_odm_variable eVariable,
+                           void *pValue1, bool bSet);
+void rtw_hal_enable_interrupt23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_disable_interrupt23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u32 rtw_hal_inirp_init23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u32 rtw_hal_inirp_deinit23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 rtw_hal_intf_ps_func23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                          enum hal_intf_ps_func efunc_id, u8 *val);
+s32 rtw_hal_xmit23aframe_enqueue(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+s32 rtw_hal_xmit23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                   struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+s32 rtw_hal_mgnt_xmit23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                        struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe);
+s32    rtw_hal_init23a_xmit_priv(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void   rtw_hal_free_xmit_priv23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+s32    rtw_hal_init23a_recv_priv(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void   rtw_hal_free_recv_priv23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_update_ra_mask23a(struct sta_info *psta, u8 rssi_level);
+void   rtw_hal_add_ra_tid23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 bitmap, u8 arg, u8 rssi_level);
+void   rtw_hal_clone_data(struct rtw_adapter *dst_padapter, struct rtw_adapter *src_padapter);
+void   rtw_hal_start_thread23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void   rtw_hal_stop_thread23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_bcn_related_reg_setting23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u32    rtw_hal_read_bbreg23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask);
+void   rtw_hal_write_bbreg23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask, u32 Data);
+u32    rtw_hal_read_rfreg23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 eRFPath, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask);
+void   rtw_hal_write_rfreg23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 eRFPath, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask, u32 Data);
+s32    rtw_hal_interrupt_handler23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void   rtw_hal_set_bwmode23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                          enum ht_channel_width Bandwidth, u8 Offset);
+void   rtw_hal_set_chan23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 channel);
+void   rtw_hal_dm_watchdog23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_sreset_init23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_sreset_reset23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_sreset_reset23a_value23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_sreset_xmit_status_check23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_sreset_linked_status_check23a (struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8   rtw_hal_sreset_get_wifi_status23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+bool rtw_hal_sreset_inprogress(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_hal_notch_filter23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, bool enable);
+void rtw_hal_reset_security_engine23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+s32 rtw_hal_c2h_handler23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, struct c2h_evt_hdr *c2h_evt);
+c2h_id_filter rtw_hal_c2h_id_filter_ccx23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+#endif /* __HAL_INTF_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/ieee80211.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/ieee80211.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..28e4ab2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __IEEE80211_H
+#define __IEEE80211_H
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include "linux/ieee80211.h"
+#include "wifi.h"
+#include <linux/wireless.h>
+#if (WIRELESS_EXT < 22)
+#error "Obsolete pre 2007 wireless extensions are not supported"
+#define MGMT_QUEUE_NUM 5
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+/* STA flags */
+#define WLAN_STA_AUTH BIT(0)
+#define WLAN_STA_ASSOC BIT(1)
+#define WLAN_STA_PS BIT(2)
+#define WLAN_STA_TIM BIT(3)
+#define WLAN_STA_PERM BIT(4)
+#define WLAN_STA_PENDING_POLL BIT(6) /* pending activity poll not ACKed */
+#define WLAN_STA_WME BIT(9)
+#define WLAN_STA_MFP BIT(10)
+#define WLAN_STA_HT BIT(11)
+#define WLAN_STA_WPS BIT(12)
+#define WLAN_STA_NONERP BIT(31)
+#define IEEE_CMD_SET_WPA_PARAM                 1
+#define IEEE_CMD_SET_WPA_IE                            2
+#define IEEE_CMD_SET_ENCRYPTION                        3
+#define        IEEE_CRYPT_ALG_NAME_LEN                 16
+#define WPA_CIPHER_NONE                BIT(0)
+#define WPA_CIPHER_WEP40       BIT(1)
+#define WPA_CIPHER_WEP104 BIT(2)
+#define WPA_CIPHER_TKIP                BIT(3)
+#define WPA_CIPHER_CCMP                BIT(4)
+extern u8 RTW_WPA_OUI23A_TYPE[] ;
+extern u16 RTW_WPA_VERSION23A ;
+extern u8 WPA_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_NONE23A[];
+extern u8 WPA_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_UNSPEC_802_1X23A[];
+extern u8 WPA_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_PSK_OVER_802_1X23A[];
+extern u8 WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_NONE23A[];
+extern u8 WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP4023A[];
+extern u8 WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP23A[];
+extern u8 WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_WRAP23A[];
+extern u8 WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP23A[];
+extern u8 WPA_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP10423A[];
+#define RSN_HEADER_LEN 4
+extern u16 RSN_VERSION_BSD23A;
+extern u8 RSN_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_UNSPEC_802_1X23A[];
+extern u8 RSN_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_PSK_OVER_802_1X23A[];
+extern u8 RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_NONE23A[];
+extern u8 RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP4023A[];
+extern u8 RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP23A[];
+extern u8 RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_WRAP23A[];
+extern u8 RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_CCMP23A[];
+extern u8 RSN_CIPHER_SUITE_WEP10423A[];
+enum ratr_table_mode {
+       RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NGB = 0,      /*  BGN 40 Mhz 2SS 1SS */
+       RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NG = 1,       /*  GN or N */
+       RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NB = 2,       /*  BGN 20 Mhz 2SS 1SS  or BN */
+       RATR_INX_WIRELESS_N = 3,
+       RATR_INX_WIRELESS_G = 5,
+       RATR_INX_WIRELESS_B = 6,
+    /* Sub-Element */
+    WIRELESS_11B = BIT(0), /*  tx: cck only , rx: cck only, hw: cck */
+    WIRELESS_11G = BIT(1), /*  tx: ofdm only, rx: ofdm & cck, hw: cck & ofdm */
+    WIRELESS_11A = BIT(2), /*  tx: ofdm only, rx: ofdm only, hw: ofdm only */
+    WIRELESS_11_24N = BIT(3), /*  tx: MCS only, rx: MCS & cck, hw: MCS & cck */
+    WIRELESS_11_5N = BIT(4), /*  tx: MCS only, rx: MCS & ofdm, hw: ofdm only */
+       /* WIRELESS_AUTO                = BIT(5), */
+       WIRELESS_AC             = BIT(6),
+    /* Combination */
+    WIRELESS_11BG = (WIRELESS_11B|WIRELESS_11G), /*  tx: cck & ofdm, rx: cck & ofdm & MCS, hw: cck & ofdm */
+    WIRELESS_11G_24N = (WIRELESS_11G|WIRELESS_11_24N), /*  tx: ofdm & MCS, rx: ofdm & cck & MCS, hw: cck & ofdm */
+    WIRELESS_11A_5N = (WIRELESS_11A|WIRELESS_11_5N), /*  tx: ofdm & MCS, rx: ofdm & MCS, hw: ofdm only */
+    WIRELESS_11BG_24N = (WIRELESS_11B|WIRELESS_11G|WIRELESS_11_24N), /*  tx: ofdm & cck & MCS, rx: ofdm & cck & MCS, hw: ofdm & cck */
+    WIRELESS_11AGN = (WIRELESS_11A|WIRELESS_11G|WIRELESS_11_24N|WIRELESS_11_5N), /*  tx: ofdm & MCS, rx: ofdm & MCS, hw: ofdm only */
+#define IsSupported24G(NetType) ((NetType) & SUPPORTED_24G_NETTYPE_MSK ? true : false)
+#define IsSupported5G(NetType) ((NetType) & SUPPORTED_5G_NETTYPE_MSK ? true : false)
+#define IsEnableHWCCK(NetType) IsSupported24G(NetType)
+#define IsEnableHWOFDM(NetType) ((NetType) & (WIRELESS_11G|WIRELESS_11_24N|SUPPORTED_5G_NETTYPE_MSK) ? true : false)
+#define IsSupportedRxCCK(NetType) IsEnableHWCCK(NetType)
+#define IsSupportedRxOFDM(NetType) IsEnableHWOFDM(NetType)
+#define IsSupportedRxMCS(NetType) IsEnableHWOFDM(NetType)
+#define IsSupportedTxCCK(NetType) ((NetType) & (WIRELESS_11B) ? true : false)
+#define IsSupportedTxOFDM(NetType) ((NetType) & (WIRELESS_11G|WIRELESS_11A) ? true : false)
+#define IsSupportedTxMCS(NetType) ((NetType) & (WIRELESS_11_24N|WIRELESS_11_5N) ? true : false)
+struct ieee_param {
+       u32 cmd;
+       u8 sta_addr[ETH_ALEN];
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       u8 name;
+                       u32 value;
+               } wpa_param;
+               struct {
+                       u32 len;
+                       u8 reserved[32];
+                       u8 data[0];
+               } wpa_ie;
+               struct{
+                       int command;
+                       int reason_code;
+               } mlme;
+               struct {
+                       u8 alg[IEEE_CRYPT_ALG_NAME_LEN];
+                       u8 set_tx;
+                       u32 err;
+                       u8 idx;
+                       u8 seq[8]; /* sequence counter (set: RX, get: TX) */
+                       u16 key_len;
+                       u8 key[0];
+               } crypt;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+               struct {
+                       u16 aid;
+                       u16 capability;
+                       int flags;
+                       u8 tx_supp_rates[16];
+                       struct ieee80211_ht_cap ht_cap;
+               } add_sta;
+               struct {
+                       u8      reserved[2];/* for set max_num_sta */
+                       u8      buf[0];
+               } bcn_ie;
+       } u;
+#define MIN_FRAG_THRESHOLD     256U
+#define        MAX_FRAG_THRESHOLD     2346U
+/* QoS,QOS */
+#define NORMAL_ACK                     0
+#define NO_ACK                         1
+#define NON_EXPLICIT_ACK       2
+#define BLOCK_ACK                      3
+/* IEEE 802.11 defines */
+#define P80211_OUI_LEN 3
+struct ieee80211_snap_hdr {
+        u8    dsap;   /* always 0xAA */
+        u8    ssap;   /* always 0xAA */
+        u8    ctrl;   /* always 0x03 */
+        u8    oui[P80211_OUI_LEN];    /* organizational universal id */
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define SNAP_SIZE sizeof(struct ieee80211_snap_hdr)
+#define WLAN_FC_GET_TYPE(fc) ((fc) & IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE)
+#define WLAN_FC_GET_STYPE(fc) ((fc) & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE)
+#define WLAN_QC_GET_TID(qc) ((qc) & 0x0f)
+#define WLAN_GET_SEQ_FRAG(seq) ((seq) & RTW_IEEE80211_SCTL_FRAG)
+#define WLAN_GET_SEQ_SEQ(seq)  ((seq) & RTW_IEEE80211_SCTL_SEQ)
+#define IEEE80211_STATMASK_SIGNAL (1<<0)
+#define IEEE80211_STATMASK_RSSI (1<<1)
+#define IEEE80211_STATMASK_NOISE (1<<2)
+#define IEEE80211_STATMASK_RATE (1<<3)
+#define IEEE80211_STATMASK_WEMASK 0x7
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_MODULATION    (1<<0)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_MODULATION   (1<<1)
+#define IEEE80211_24GHZ_BAND     (1<<0)
+#define IEEE80211_52GHZ_BAND     (1<<1)
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_LEN                 4
+#define IEEE80211_NUM_OFDM_RATESLEN    8
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_1MB                 0x02
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_2MB                 0x04
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_5MB                 0x0B
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_11MB                        0x16
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_LEN                        8
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_6MB                        0x0C
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_9MB                        0x12
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_12MB               0x18
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_18MB               0x24
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_24MB               0x30
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_36MB               0x48
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_48MB               0x60
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_54MB               0x6C
+#define IEEE80211_BASIC_RATE_MASK              0x80
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_1MB_MASK            (1<<0)
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_2MB_MASK            (1<<1)
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_5MB_MASK            (1<<2)
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_11MB_MASK           (1<<3)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_6MB_MASK           (1<<4)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_9MB_MASK           (1<<5)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_12MB_MASK          (1<<6)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_18MB_MASK          (1<<7)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_24MB_MASK          (1<<8)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_36MB_MASK          (1<<9)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_48MB_MASK          (1<<10)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_54MB_MASK          (1<<11)
+#define IEEE80211_CCK_RATES_MASK               0x0000000F
+       IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_2MB_MASK)
+        IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_5MB_MASK | \
+        IEEE80211_CCK_RATE_11MB_MASK)
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_RATES_MASK              0x00000FF0
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_BASIC_RATES_MASK        (IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_6MB_MASK | \
+       IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_12MB_MASK | \
+       IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_24MB_MASK)
+       IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_9MB_MASK  | \
+       IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_18MB_MASK | \
+       IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_36MB_MASK | \
+       IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_48MB_MASK | \
+       IEEE80211_OFDM_RATE_54MB_MASK)
+                                IEEE80211_CCK_DEFAULT_RATES_MASK)
+#define IEEE80211_NUM_OFDM_RATES           8
+#define IEEE80211_NUM_CCK_RATES                    4
+#define IEEE80211_OFDM_SHIFT_MASK_A         4
+#define WEP_KEYS 4
+#define WEP_KEY_LEN 13
+ 802.11 data frame from AP
+      ,-------------------------------------------------------------------.
+Bytes |  2   |  2   |    6    |    6    |    6    |  2   | 0..2312 |   4  |
+      |------|------|---------|---------|---------|------|---------|------|
+Desc. | ctrl | dura |  DA/RA  |   TA    |    SA   | Sequ |  frame  |  fcs |
+      |      | tion | (BSSID) |         |         | ence |  data   |      |
+      `-------------------------------------------------------------------'
+Total: 28-2340 bytes
+struct ieee80211_header_data {
+       u16 frame_ctl;
+       u16 duration_id;
+       u8 addr1[6];
+       u8 addr2[6];
+       u8 addr3[6];
+       u16 seq_ctrl;
+struct ieee80211_info_element_hdr {
+       u8 id;
+       u8 len;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ieee80211_info_element {
+       u8 id;
+       u8 len;
+       u8 data[0];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ieee80211_txb {
+       u8 nr_frags;
+       u8 encrypted;
+       u16 reserved;
+       u16 frag_size;
+       u16 payload_size;
+       struct sk_buff *fragments[0];
+/* MAX_RATES_LENGTH needs to be 12.  The spec says 8, and many APs
+ * only use 8, and then use extended rates for the remaining supported
+ * rates.  Other APs, however, stick all of their supported rates on the
+ * main rates information element... */
+#define MAX_RATES_LENGTH                  ((u8)12)
+#define MAX_RATES_EX_LENGTH               ((u8)16)
+#define MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER                 161
+#define MAX_WPA_IE_LEN (256)
+#define MAX_WPS_IE_LEN (512)
+#define MAX_P2P_IE_LEN (256)
+#define MAX_WFD_IE_LEN (128)
+#define IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE 32
+-1: authentication fail
+-2: association fail
+> 0: TID
+#define DEFAULT_MAX_SCAN_AGE (15 * HZ)
+#define DEFAULT_FTS 2346
+#define MAC_FMT "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
+#define MAC_ARG(x) ((u8*)(x))[0],((u8*)(x))[1],((u8*)(x))[2],((u8*)(x))[3],((u8*)(x))[4],((u8*)(x))[5]
+#define CFG_IEEE80211_RESERVE_FCS (1<<0)
+#define CFG_IEEE80211_COMPUTE_FCS (1<<1)
+#define MAXTID 16
+#define IEEE_A            (1<<0)
+#define IEEE_B            (1<<1)
+#define IEEE_G            (1<<2)
+/* Baron move to ieee80211.c */
+int ieee80211_is_empty_essid23a(const char *essid, int essid_len);
+       ACT_PUBLIC_BSSCOEXIST = 0, /*  20/40 BSS Coexistence */
+       ACT_PUBLIC_MP = 7, /*  Measurement Pilot */
+       ACT_PUBLIC_VENDOR = 9, /*  for WIFI_DIRECT */
+#define WME_OUI_TYPE 2
+#define WME_VERSION 1
+#define OUI_BROADCOM 0x00904c /* Broadcom (Epigram) */
+#define VENDOR_HT_CAPAB_OUI_TYPE 0x33 /* 00-90-4c:0x33 */
+/* Represent channel details, subset of ieee80211_channel */
+struct rtw_ieee80211_channel {
+       /* enum ieee80211_band band; */
+       /* u16 center_freq; */
+       u16 hw_value;
+       u32 flags;
+       /* int max_antenna_gain; */
+       /* int max_power; */
+       /* int max_reg_power; */
+       /* bool beacon_found; */
+       /* u32 orig_flags; */
+       /* int orig_mag; */
+       /* int orig_mpwr; */
+#define CHAN_FMT \
+       /*"band:%d, "*/ \
+       /*"center_freq:%u, "*/ \
+       "hw_value:%u, " \
+       "flags:0x%08x" \
+       /*"max_antenna_gain:%d\n"*/ \
+       /*"max_power:%d\n"*/ \
+       /*"max_reg_power:%d\n"*/ \
+       /*"beacon_found:%u\n"*/ \
+       /*"orig_flags:0x%08x\n"*/ \
+       /*"orig_mag:%d\n"*/ \
+       /*"orig_mpwr:%d\n"*/
+#define CHAN_ARG(channel) \
+       /*(channel)->band*/ \
+       /*, (channel)->center_freq*/ \
+       (channel)->hw_value \
+       , (channel)->flags \
+       /*, (channel)->max_antenna_gain*/ \
+       /*, (channel)->max_power*/ \
+       /*, (channel)->max_reg_power*/ \
+       /*, (channel)->beacon_found*/ \
+       /*, (channel)->orig_flags*/ \
+       /*, (channel)->orig_mag*/ \
+       /*, (channel)->orig_mpwr*/ \
+/* Parsed Information Elements */
+struct rtw_ieee802_11_elems {
+       u8 *ssid;
+       u8 ssid_len;
+       u8 *supp_rates;
+       u8 supp_rates_len;
+       u8 *fh_params;
+       u8 fh_params_len;
+       u8 *ds_params;
+       u8 ds_params_len;
+       u8 *cf_params;
+       u8 cf_params_len;
+       u8 *tim;
+       u8 tim_len;
+       u8 *ibss_params;
+       u8 ibss_params_len;
+       u8 *challenge;
+       u8 challenge_len;
+       u8 *erp_info;
+       u8 erp_info_len;
+       u8 *ext_supp_rates;
+       u8 ext_supp_rates_len;
+       u8 *wpa_ie;
+       u8 wpa_ie_len;
+       u8 *rsn_ie;
+       u8 rsn_ie_len;
+       u8 *wme;
+       u8 wme_len;
+       u8 *wme_tspec;
+       u8 wme_tspec_len;
+       u8 *wps_ie;
+       u8 wps_ie_len;
+       u8 *power_cap;
+       u8 power_cap_len;
+       u8 *supp_channels;
+       u8 supp_channels_len;
+       u8 *mdie;
+       u8 mdie_len;
+       u8 *ftie;
+       u8 ftie_len;
+       u8 *timeout_int;
+       u8 timeout_int_len;
+       u8 *ht_capabilities;
+       u8 ht_capabilities_len;
+       u8 *ht_operation;
+       u8 ht_operation_len;
+       u8 *vendor_ht_cap;
+       u8 vendor_ht_cap_len;
+enum parse_res {
+       ParseOK = 0,
+       ParseUnknown = 1,
+       ParseFailed = -1
+enum parse_res rtw_ieee802_11_parse_elems23a(u8 *start, uint len,
+                               struct rtw_ieee802_11_elems *elems,
+                               int show_errors);
+u8 *rtw_set_fixed_ie23a(unsigned char *pbuf, unsigned int len, unsigned char *source, unsigned int *frlen);
+u8 *rtw_set_ie23a(u8 *pbuf, int index, uint len, u8 *source, uint *frlen);
+enum secondary_ch_offset {
+       SCN = 0, /* no secondary channel */
+       SCA = 1, /* secondary channel above */
+       SCB = 3,  /* secondary channel below */
+u8 secondary_ch_offset_to_hal_ch_offset23a(u8 ch_offset);
+u8 hal_ch_offset_to_secondary_ch_offset23a(u8 ch_offset);
+u8 *rtw_set_ie23a_ch_switch(u8 *buf, u32 *buf_len, u8 ch_switch_mode, u8 new_ch, u8 ch_switch_cnt);
+u8 *rtw_set_ie23a_secondary_ch_offset(u8 *buf, u32 *buf_len, u8 secondary_ch_offset);
+u8 *rtw_set_ie23a_mesh_ch_switch_parm(u8 *buf, u32 *buf_len, u8 ttl, u8 flags, u16 reason, u16 precedence);
+u8 *rtw_get_ie23a(u8*pbuf, int index, int *len, int limit);
+u8 *rtw_get_ie23a_ex(u8 *in_ie, uint in_len, u8 eid, u8 *oui, u8 oui_len, u8 *ie, uint *ielen);
+int rtw_ies_remove_ie23a(u8 *ies, uint *ies_len, uint offset, u8 eid, u8 *oui, u8 oui_len);
+void rtw_set_supported_rate23a(u8* SupportedRates, uint mode) ;
+unsigned char *rtw_get_wpa_ie23a(unsigned char *pie, int *wpa_ie_len, int limit);
+unsigned char *rtw_get_wpa2_ie23a(unsigned char *pie, int *rsn_ie_len, int limit);
+int rtw_get_wpa_cipher_suite23a(u8 *s);
+int rtw_get_wpa2_cipher_suite23a(u8 *s);
+int rtw_parse_wpa_ie23a(u8* wpa_ie, int wpa_ie_len, int *group_cipher, int *pairwise_cipher, int *is_8021x);
+int rtw_parse_wpa2_ie23a(u8* wpa_ie, int wpa_ie_len, int *group_cipher, int *pairwise_cipher, int *is_8021x);
+int rtw_get_sec_ie23a(u8 *in_ie,uint in_len,u8 *rsn_ie,u16 *rsn_len,u8 *wpa_ie,u16 *wpa_len);
+u8 rtw_is_wps_ie23a(u8 *ie_ptr, uint *wps_ielen);
+u8 *rtw_get_wps_ie23a(u8 *in_ie, uint in_len, u8 *wps_ie, uint *wps_ielen);
+u8 *rtw_get_wps_attr23a(u8 *wps_ie, uint wps_ielen, u16 target_attr_id ,u8 *buf_attr, u32 *len_attr);
+u8 *rtw_get_wps_attr_content23a(u8 *wps_ie, uint wps_ielen, u16 target_attr_id ,u8 *buf_content, uint *len_content);
+ * for_each_ie - iterate over continuous IEs
+ * @ie:
+ * @buf:
+ * @buf_len:
+ */
+#define for_each_ie(ie, buf, buf_len) \
+       for (ie = (void*)buf; (((u8*)ie) - ((u8*)buf) + 1) < buf_len; ie = (void*)(((u8*)ie) + *(((u8*)ie)+1) + 2))
+void dump_ies23a(u8 *buf, u32 buf_len);
+void dump_wps_ie23a(u8 *ie, u32 ie_len);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+void dump_p2p_ie23a(u8 *ie, u32 ie_len);
+u8 *rtw_get_p2p_ie23a(u8 *in_ie, int in_len, u8 *p2p_ie, uint *p2p_ielen);
+u8 *rtw_get_p2p_attr23a(u8 *p2p_ie, uint p2p_ielen, u8 target_attr_id ,u8 *buf_attr, u32 *len_attr);
+u8 *rtw_get_p2p_attr23a_content(u8 *p2p_ie, uint p2p_ielen, u8 target_attr_id ,u8 *buf_content, uint *len_content);
+u32 rtw_set_p2p_attr_content23a(u8 *pbuf, u8 attr_id, u16 attr_len, u8 *pdata_attr);
+void rtw_wlan_bssid_ex_remove_p2p_attr23a(struct wlan_bssid_ex *bss_ex, u8 attr_id);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+int rtw_get_wfd_ie(u8 *in_ie, int in_len, u8 *wfd_ie, uint *wfd_ielen);
+int rtw_get_wfd_attr_content(u8 *wfd_ie, uint wfd_ielen, u8 target_attr_id ,u8 *attr_content, uint *attr_contentlen);
+#endif /*  CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+uint   rtw_get_rateset_len23a(u8       *rateset);
+struct registry_priv;
+int rtw_generate_ie23a(struct registry_priv *pregistrypriv);
+int rtw_get_bit_value_from_ieee_value23a(u8 val);
+uint rtw_is_cckrates_included23a(u8 *rate);
+uint rtw_is_cckratesonly_included23a(u8 *rate);
+int rtw_check_network_type23a(unsigned char *rate, int ratelen, int channel);
+void rtw_get_bcn_info23a(struct wlan_network *pnetwork);
+void rtw_macaddr_cfg23a(u8 *mac_addr);
+u16 rtw_mcs_rate23a(u8 rf_type, u8 bw_40MHz, u8 short_GI_20, u8 short_GI_40, unsigned char * MCS_rate);
+int rtw_action_frame_parse23a(const u8 *frame, u32 frame_len, u8* category, u8 *action);
+const char *action_public_str23a(u8 action);
+#endif /* IEEE80211_H */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/ioctl_cfg80211.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/ioctl_cfg80211.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0eb9036
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __IOCTL_CFG80211_H__
+#define __IOCTL_CFG80211_H__
+struct rtw_wdev_invit_info {
+       u8 token;
+       u8 flags;
+       u8 status;
+       u8 req_op_ch;
+       u8 rsp_op_ch;
+#define rtw_wdev_invit_info_init(invit_info) \
+       do { \
+               (invit_info)->token = 0; \
+               (invit_info)->flags = 0x00; \
+               (invit_info)->status = 0xff; \
+               (invit_info)->req_op_ch = 0; \
+               (invit_info)->rsp_op_ch = 0; \
+       } while (0)
+struct rtw_wdev_priv {
+       struct wireless_dev *rtw_wdev;
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+       struct cfg80211_scan_request *scan_request;
+       spinlock_t scan_req_lock;
+       struct net_device *pmon_ndev;/* for monitor interface */
+       char ifname_mon[IFNAMSIZ + 1]; /* name for monitor interface */
+       u8 p2p_enabled;
+       u8 provdisc_req_issued;
+       struct rtw_wdev_invit_info invit_info;
+       bool block;
+       bool power_mgmt;
+#define wdev_to_priv(w) ((struct rtw_wdev_priv *)(wdev_priv(w)))
+#define wiphy_to_adapter(x)                                    \
+       (struct rtw_adapter *)(((struct rtw_wdev_priv *)        \
+       wiphy_priv(x))->padapter)
+#define wiphy_to_wdev(x)                                       \
+       (struct wireless_dev *)(((struct rtw_wdev_priv *)       \
+       wiphy_priv(x))->rtw_wdev)
+int rtw_wdev_alloc(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct device *dev);
+void rtw_wdev_free(struct wireless_dev *wdev);
+void rtw_wdev_unregister(struct wireless_dev *wdev);
+void rtw_cfg80211_init_wiphy(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_cfg80211_surveydone_event_callback(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_cfg80211_indicate_connect(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_cfg80211_indicate_disconnect(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_cfg80211_indicate_scan_done(struct rtw_wdev_priv *pwdev_priv,
+                                    bool aborted);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+void rtw_cfg80211_indicate_sta_assoc(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                    u8 *pmgmt_frame, uint frame_len);
+void rtw_cfg80211_indicate_sta_disassoc(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                       unsigned char *da, unsigned short reason);
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE */
+void rtw_cfg80211_issue_p2p_provision_request23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                             const u8 *buf, size_t len);
+void rtw_cfg80211_rx_p2p_action_public(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                      u8 *pmgmt_frame, uint frame_len);
+void rtw_cfg80211_rx_action_p2p(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                               u8 *pmgmt_frame, uint frame_len);
+void rtw_cfg80211_rx_action(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *frame,
+                           uint frame_len, const char*msg);
+int rtw_cfg80211_set_mgnt_wpsp2pie(struct net_device *net, char *buf, int len,
+                                  int type);
+bool rtw_cfg80211_pwr_mgmt(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+#define rtw_cfg80211_rx_mgmt(adapter, freq, sig_dbm, buf, len, gfp)    \
+       cfg80211_rx_mgmt((adapter)->rtw_wdev, freq, sig_dbm, buf, len, 0, gfp)
+#define rtw_cfg80211_send_rx_assoc(adapter, bss, buf, len)             \
+       cfg80211_send_rx_assoc((adapter)->pnetdev, bss, buf, len)
+#define rtw_cfg80211_mgmt_tx_status(adapter, cookie, buf, len, ack, gfp) \
+       cfg80211_mgmt_tx_status((adapter)->rtw_wdev, cookie, buf,       \
+                               len, ack, gfp)
+#define rtw_cfg80211_ready_on_channel(adapter, cookie, chan,           \
+                                     channel_type, duration, gfp)      \
+       cfg80211_ready_on_channel((adapter)->rtw_wdev, cookie, chan,    \
+                                 duration, gfp)
+#define rtw_cfg80211_remain_on_channel_expired(adapter, cookie, chan,  \
+                                              chan_type, gfp)          \
+       cfg80211_remain_on_channel_expired((adapter)->rtw_wdev,         \
+                                          cookie, chan, gfp)
+#endif /* __IOCTL_CFG80211_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/mlme_osdep.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/mlme_osdep.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b7132a9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __MLME_OSDEP_H_
+#define __MLME_OSDEP_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+void rtw_os_indicate_disconnect23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_os_indicate_connect23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_os_indicate_scan_done23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, bool aborted);
+void rtw_report_sec_ie23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 authmode, u8 *sec_ie);
+void rtw_reset_securitypriv23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+#endif /* _MLME_OSDEP_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/mp_custom_oid.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/mp_custom_oid.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..da197cf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __CUSTOM_OID_H
+#define __CUSTOM_OID_H
+/*  0xFF818000 - 0xFF81802F            RTL8180 Mass Production Kit */
+/*  0xFF818500 - 0xFF81850F            RTL8185 Setup Utility */
+/*  0xFF818580 - 0xFF81858F            RTL8185 Phy Status Utility */
+/*  For Production Kit with Agilent Equipments */
+/*  in order to make our custom oids hopefully somewhat unique */
+/*  we will use 0xFF (indicating implementation specific OID) */
+/*                81(first byte of non zero Realtek unique identifier) */
+/*                80 (second byte of non zero Realtek unique identifier) */
+/*                XX (the custom OID number - providing 255 possible custom oids) */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RESET_DUT           0xFF818000
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_DATA_RATE               0xFF818001
+#define OID_RT_PRO_START_TEST          0xFF818002
+#define OID_RT_PRO_STOP_TEST           0xFF818003
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_PREAMBLE                0xFF818004
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_SCRAMBLER               0xFF818005
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_FILTER_BB               0xFF818006
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_MANUAL_DIVERSITY_BB             0xFF818007
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_CHANNEL_DIRECT_CALL             0xFF818008
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_SLEEP_MODE_DIRECT_CALL          0xFF818009
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_WAKE_MODE_DIRECT_CALL           0xFF81800A
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_TX_ANTENNA_BB           0xFF81800D
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_ANTENNA_BB              0xFF81800E
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_CR_SCRAMBLER            0xFF81800F
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_CR_NEW_FILTER           0xFF818010
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_TX_POWER_CONTROL                0xFF818011
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_CR_TX_CONFIG            0xFF818012
+#define OID_RT_PRO_GET_TX_POWER_CONTROL                0xFF818013
+#define OID_RT_PRO_GET_CR_SIGNAL_QUALITY               0xFF818014
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_CR_SETPOINT             0xFF818015
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_INTEGRATOR              0xFF818016
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_SIGNAL_QUALITY          0xFF818017
+#define OID_RT_PRO_GET_INTEGRATOR              0xFF818018
+#define OID_RT_PRO_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY          0xFF818019
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QUERY_EEPROM_TYPE           0xFF81801A
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_MAC_ADDRESS           0xFF81801B
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_MAC_ADDRESS            0xFF81801C
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_CIS_DATA              0xFF81801D
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_CIS_DATA               0xFF81801E
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_POWER_CONTROL         0xFF81801F
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_POWER_CONTROL          0xFF818020
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_EEPROM                0xFF818021
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_EEPROM         0xFF818022
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RESET_TX_PACKET_SENT                0xFF818023
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QUERY_TX_PACKET_SENT                0xFF818024
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RESET_RX_PACKET_RECEIVED            0xFF818025
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QUERY_RX_PACKET_RECEIVED            0xFF818026
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QUERY_RX_PACKET_CRC32_ERROR         0xFF818027
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QUERY_CURRENT_ADDRESS               0xFF818028
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QUERY_PERMANENT_ADDRESS             0xFF818029
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_PHILIPS_RF_PARAMETERS           0xFF81802A
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RECEIVE_PACKET              0xFF81802C
+/*  added by Owen on 04/08/03 for Cameo's request */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_EEPROM_BYTE           0xFF81802D
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_EEPROM_BYTE            0xFF81802E
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_MODULATION              0xFF81802F
+/*  */
+#define OID_RT_DRIVER_OPTION           0xFF818080
+#define OID_RT_RF_OFF          0xFF818081
+#define OID_RT_AUTH_STATUS             0xFF818082
+/*  */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_CONTINUOUS_TX           0xFF81800B
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_SINGLE_CARRIER_TX               0xFF81800C
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_SINGLE_TONE_TX          0xFF818043
+/*  */
+/*  by Owen for RTL8185 Phy Status Report Utility */
+#define OID_RT_UTILITYfalse_ALARM_COUNTERS             0xFF818580
+#define OID_RT_UTILITY_SELECT_DEBUG_MODE               0xFF818581
+#define OID_RT_UTILITY_SELECT_SUBCARRIER_NUMBER                0xFF818582
+#define OID_RT_UTILITY_GET_RSSI_STATUS         0xFF818583
+#define OID_RT_UTILITY_GET_FRAME_DETECTION_STATUS              0xFF818584
+/*  by Owen on 03/09/19-03/09/22 for RTL8185 */
+#define OID_RT_WIRELESS_MODE           0xFF818500
+#define OID_RT_SUPPORTED_RATES         0xFF818501
+#define OID_RT_DESIRED_RATES           0xFF818502
+#define OID_RT_WIRELESS_MODE_STARTING_ADHOC            0xFF818503
+/*  */
+#define OID_RT_GET_CONNECT_STATE               0xFF030001
+#define OID_RT_RESCAN          0xFF030002
+#define OID_RT_SET_KEY_LENGTH          0xFF030003
+#define OID_RT_SET_DEFAULT_KEY_ID              0xFF030004
+#define OID_RT_SET_CHANNEL             0xFF010182
+#define OID_RT_SET_SNIFFER_MODE                0xFF010183
+#define OID_RT_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY              0xFF010184
+#define OID_RT_GET_SMALL_PACKET_CRC            0xFF010185
+#define OID_RT_GET_MIDDLE_PACKET_CRC           0xFF010186
+#define OID_RT_GET_LARGE_PACKET_CRC            0xFF010187
+#define OID_RT_GET_TX_RETRY            0xFF010188
+#define OID_RT_GET_RX_RETRY            0xFF010189
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_FW_DIG_STATE            0xFF01018A/* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_FW_RA_STATE             0xFF01018B/* S */
+#define OID_RT_GET_RX_TOTAL_PACKET             0xFF010190
+#define OID_RT_GET_TX_BEACON_OK                0xFF010191
+#define OID_RT_GET_TX_BEACON_ERR               0xFF010192
+#define OID_RT_GET_RX_ICV_ERR          0xFF010193
+#define OID_RT_SET_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM                0xFF010194
+#define OID_RT_SET_NO_AUTO_RESCAN              0xFF010195
+#define OID_RT_GET_PREAMBLE_MODE               0xFF010196
+#define OID_RT_GET_DRIVER_UP_DELTA_TIME                0xFF010197
+#define OID_RT_GET_AP_IP               0xFF010198
+#define OID_RT_GET_CHANNELPLAN         0xFF010199
+#define OID_RT_SET_PREAMBLE_MODE               0xFF01019A
+#define OID_RT_SET_BCN_INTVL           0xFF01019B
+#define OID_RT_GET_RF_VENDER           0xFF01019C
+#define OID_RT_DEDICATE_PROBE          0xFF01019D
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RX_FILTER_PATTERN           0xFF01019E
+#define OID_RT_GET_DCST_CURRENT_THRESHOLD              0xFF01019F
+#define OID_RT_GET_CCA_ERR             0xFF0101A0
+#define OID_RT_GET_CCA_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD               0xFF0101A1
+#define OID_RT_GET_CCA_FALLBACK_THRESHOLD              0xFF0101A2
+/*  by Owen on 03/31/03 for Cameo's request */
+#define OID_RT_SET_RATE_ADAPTIVE               0xFF0101A5
+/*  */
+#define OID_RT_GET_DCST_EVALUATE_PERIOD                0xFF0101A5
+#define OID_RT_GET_DCST_TIME_UNIT_INDEX                0xFF0101A6
+#define OID_RT_GET_TOTAL_TX_BYTES              0xFF0101A7
+#define OID_RT_GET_TOTAL_RX_BYTES              0xFF0101A8
+#define OID_RT_CURRENT_TX_POWER_LEVEL          0xFF0101A9
+#define OID_RT_GET_ENC_KEY_MISMATCH_COUNT              0xFF0101AA
+#define OID_RT_GET_ENC_KEY_MATCH_COUNT         0xFF0101AB
+#define OID_RT_GET_CHANNEL             0xFF0101AC
+#define OID_RT_SET_CHANNELPLAN         0xFF0101AD
+#define OID_RT_GET_HARDWARE_RADIO_OFF          0xFF0101AE
+#define OID_RT_CHANNELPLAN_BY_COUNTRY          0xFF0101AF
+#define OID_RT_SCAN_AVAILABLE_BSSID            0xFF0101B0
+#define OID_RT_GET_HARDWARE_VERSION            0xFF0101B1
+#define OID_RT_GET_IS_ROAMING          0xFF0101B2
+#define OID_RT_GET_IS_PRIVACY          0xFF0101B3
+#define OID_RT_GET_KEY_MISMATCH                0xFF0101B4
+#define OID_RT_SET_RSSI_ROAM_TRAFFIC_TH                0xFF0101B5
+#define OID_RT_SET_RSSI_ROAM_SIGNAL_TH         0xFF0101B6
+#define OID_RT_RESET_LOG               0xFF0101B7
+#define OID_RT_GET_LOG         0xFF0101B8
+#define OID_RT_SET_INDICATE_HIDDEN_AP          0xFF0101B9
+#define OID_RT_GET_HEADER_FAIL         0xFF0101BA
+#define OID_RT_GET_CHANNEL_LIST                0xFF0101BC
+#define OID_RT_GET_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS            0xFF0101BD
+#define OID_RT_GET_TX_INFO             0xFF0101BE
+#define OID_RT_RF_READ_WRITE_OFFSET            0xFF0101BF
+#define OID_RT_RF_READ_WRITE           0xFF0101C0
+/*  For Netgear request. 2005.01.13, by rcnjko. */
+#define OID_RT_FORCED_DATA_RATE                0xFF0101C1
+/*  For Netgear request. 2005.02.17, by rcnjko. */
+#define OID_RT_GET_BSS_WIRELESS_MODE           0xFF0101C3
+/*  For AZ project. 2005.06.27, by rcnjko. */
+#define OID_RT_SCAN_WITH_MAGIC_PACKET          0xFF0101C4
+/*  Vincent 8185MP */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RX_FILTER           0xFF0111C0
+/* Andy TEST */
+/* define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_REGISTRY            0xFF0111C1 */
+/* define OID_RT_PRO_READ_REGISTRY             0xFF0111C2 */
+#define OID_CE_USB_WRITE_REGISTRY              0xFF0111C1
+#define OID_CE_USB_READ_REGISTRY               0xFF0111C2
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_INITIAL_GAIN            0xFF0111C3
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_BB_RF_STANDBY_MODE              0xFF0111C4
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_BB_RF_SHUTDOWN_MODE             0xFF0111C5
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_TX_CHARGE_PUMP          0xFF0111C6
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_RX_CHARGE_PUMP          0xFF0111C7
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RF_WRITE_REGISTRY           0xFF0111C8
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RF_READ_REGISTRY            0xFF0111C9
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QUERY_RF_TYPE               0xFF0111CA
+/*  AP OID */
+#define OID_RT_AP_GET_ASSOCIATED_STATION_LIST          0xFF010300
+#define OID_RT_AP_GET_CURRENT_TIME_STAMP               0xFF010301
+#define OID_RT_AP_SWITCH_INTO_AP_MODE          0xFF010302
+#define OID_RT_AP_SET_DTIM_PERIOD              0xFF010303
+#define OID_RT_AP_SUPPORTED            0xFF010304      /*  Determine if driver supports AP mode. 2004.08.27, by rcnjko. */
+#define OID_RT_AP_SET_PASSPHRASE               0xFF010305      /*  Set WPA-PSK passphrase into authenticator. 2005.07.08, byrcnjko. */
+/*  8187MP. 2004.09.06, by rcnjko. */
+#define OID_RT_PRO8187_WI_POLL         0xFF818780
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_BB_REG                0xFF818781
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_BB_REG         0xFF818782
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_RF_REG                0xFF818783
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_RF_REG         0xFF818784
+/*  Meeting House. added by Annie, 2005-07-20. */
+#define OID_RT_MH_VENDER_ID            0xFFEDC100
+/* 8711 MP OID added 20051230. */
+#define OID_RT_PRO8711_JOIN_BSS                0xFF871100/* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_REGISTER               0xFF871101 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_REGISTER              0xFF871102 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_BURST_READ_REGISTER         0xFF871103 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_BURST_WRITE_REGISTER                0xFF871104 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_TXCMD         0xFF871105 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ16_EEPROM               0xFF871106 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE16_EEPROM              0xFF871107 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_H2C_SET_COMMAND             0xFF871108 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_H2C_QUERY_RESULT            0xFF871109 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO8711_WI_POLL         0xFF87110A /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO8711_PKT_LOSS                0xFF87110B /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_RD_ATTRIB_MEM           0xFF87110C/* Q */
+#define OID_RT_WR_ATTRIB_MEM           0xFF87110D/* S */
+/* Method 2 for H2C/C2H */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_H2C_CMD_MODE                0xFF871110 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_H2C_CMD_RSP_MODE            0xFF871111 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_H2C_CMD_EVENT_MODE          0xFF871112 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WAIT_C2H_EVENT              0xFF871113 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RW_ACCESS_PROTOCOL_TEST             0xFF871114/* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SCSI_ACCESS_TEST            0xFF871115 /* Q, S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SCSI_TCPIPOFFLOAD_OUT               0xFF871116 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SCSI_TCPIPOFFLOAD_IN                0xFF871117 /* Q,S */
+#define OID_RT_RRO_RX_PKT_VIA_IOCTRL           0xFF871118 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_RRO_RX_PKTARRAY_VIA_IOCTRL              0xFF871119 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_RPO_SET_PWRMGT_TEST             0xFF87111A /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QRY_PWRMGT_TEST             0XFF87111B /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_RPO_ASYNC_RWIO_TEST             0xFF87111C /* S */
+#define OID_RT_RPO_ASYNC_RWIO_POLL             0xFF87111D /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_RF_INTFS                0xFF87111E /* S */
+#define OID_RT_POLL_RX_STATUS          0xFF87111F /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_CFG_DEBUG_MESSAGE           0xFF871120 /* Q,S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_DATA_RATE_EX            0xFF871121/* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_BASIC_RATE              0xFF871122/* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_TSSI           0xFF871123/* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_POWER_TRACKING          0xFF871124/* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QRY_PWRSTATE                0xFF871150 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_PWRSTATE                0xFF871151 /* S */
+/* Method 2 , using workitem */
+#define OID_RT_SET_READ_REG            0xFF871181 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_SET_WRITE_REG           0xFF871182 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_SET_BURST_READ_REG              0xFF871183 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_SET_BURST_WRITE_REG             0xFF871184 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_SET_WRITE_TXCMD         0xFF871185 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_SET_READ16_EEPROM               0xFF871186 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_SET_WRITE16_EEPROM              0xFF871187 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_QRY_POLL_WKITEM         0xFF871188 /* Q */
+/* For SDIO INTERFACE only */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SYNCPAGERW_SRAM             0xFF8711A0 /* Q, S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_871X_DRV_EXT                0xFF8711A1
+/* For USB INTERFACE only */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_USB_VENDOR_REQ              0xFF8711B0 /* Q, S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SCSI_AUTO_TEST              0xFF8711B1 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_USB_MAC_AC_FIFO_WRITE               0xFF8711B2 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_USB_MAC_RX_FIFO_READ                0xFF8711B3 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_USB_MAC_RX_FIFO_POLLING             0xFF8711B4 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_H2C_SET_RATE_TABLE          0xFF8711FB /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_H2C_GET_RATE_TABLE          0xFF8711FC /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_H2C_C2H_LBK_TEST            0xFF8711FE
+#define OID_RT_PRO_ENCRYPTION_CTRL             0xFF871200 /* Q, S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_ADD_STA_INFO                0xFF871201 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_DELE_STA_INFO               0xFF871202 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_QUERY_DR_VARIABLE           0xFF871203 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RX_PACKET_TYPE              0xFF871204 /* Q, S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_READ_EFUSE          0xFF871205 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_WRITE_EFUSE         0xFF871206 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_RW_EFUSE_PGPKT              0xFF871207 /* Q, S */
+#define OID_RT_GET_EFUSE_CURRENT_SIZE          0xFF871208 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_SET_BANDWIDTH           0xFF871209 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_SET_CRYSTAL_CAP         0xFF87120A /* S */
+#define OID_RT_SET_RX_PACKET_TYPE              0xFF87120B /* S */
+#define OID_RT_GET_EFUSE_MAX_SIZE              0xFF87120C /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_TX_AGC_OFFSET           0xFF87120D /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_SET_PKT_TEST_MODE           0xFF87120E /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_FOR_EVM_TEST_SETTING                0xFF87120F /* S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_GET_THERMAL_METER           0xFF871210 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_RESET_PHY_RX_PACKET_COUNT       0xFF871211 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_GET_PHY_RX_PACKET_RECEIVED      0xFF871212 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_GET_PHY_RX_PACKET_CRC32_ERROR   0xFF871213 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_SET_POWER_DOWN          0xFF871214 /* S */
+#define OID_RT_GET_POWER_MODE          0xFF871215 /* Q */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_EFUSE               0xFF871216 /* Q, S */
+#define OID_RT_PRO_EFUSE_MAP           0xFF871217 /* Q, S */
+#endif /* ifndef       __CUSTOM_OID_H */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ac42732
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1210 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __HALDMOUTSRC_H__
+#define __HALDMOUTSRC_H__
+/*  */
+/*  Definition */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  2011/09/22 MH Define all team supprt ability. */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  2011/09/22 MH Define for all teams. Please Define the constan in your precomp header. */
+/*  */
+/* define              DM_ODM_SUPPORT_AP                       0 */
+/* define              DM_ODM_SUPPORT_ADSL                     0 */
+/* define              DM_ODM_SUPPORT_CE                       0 */
+/* define              DM_ODM_SUPPORT_MP                       1 */
+#define        TP_MODE         0
+#define        RSSI_MODE               1
+#define        TRAFFIC_LOW     0
+#define        TRAFFIC_HIGH    1
+/*  */
+/* 3 Tx Power Tracking */
+/* 3============================================================ */
+#define                DPK_DELTA_MAPPING_NUM   13
+#define                index_mapping_HP_NUM    15
+/*  */
+/* 3 PSD Handler */
+/* 3============================================================ */
+#define        AFH_PSD         1       /* 0:normal PSD scan, 1: only do 20 pts PSD */
+#define        MODE_40M                0       /* 0:20M, 1:40M */
+#define        PSD_TH2         3
+#define        PSD_CHMIN               20   /*  Minimum channel number for BT AFH */
+#define        SIR_STEP_SIZE   3
+#define   Smooth_Size_1                5
+#define        Smooth_TH_1     3
+#define   Smooth_Size_2                10
+#define        Smooth_TH_2     4
+#define   Smooth_Size_3                20
+#define        Smooth_TH_3     4
+#define   Smooth_Step_Size 5
+#define        Adaptive_SIR    1
+#define        PSD_RESCAN              4
+#define        PSD_SCAN_INTERVAL       700 /* ms */
+/* 8723A High Power IGI Setting */
+#define DM_DIG_HIGH_PWR_IGI_LOWER_BOUND        0x22
+#define DM_DIG_HIGH_PWR_THRESHOLD      0x3a
+/*  LPS define */
+#define DM_DIG_FA_TH0_LPS                              4 /*  4 in lps */
+#define DM_DIG_FA_TH1_LPS                              15 /*  15 lps */
+#define DM_DIG_FA_TH2_LPS                              30 /*  30 lps */
+#define RSSI_OFFSET_DIG                                        0x05;
+/* ANT Test */
+#define                        ANTTESTALL              0x00            /* Ant A or B will be Testing */
+#define                ANTTESTA                0x01            /* Ant A will be Testing */
+#define                ANTTESTB                0x02            /* Ant B will be testing */
+/*  */
+/*  structure and define */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  2011/09/20 MH Add for AP/ADSLpseudo DM structuer requirement. */
+/*  We need to remove to other position??? */
+/*  */
+struct rtl8723a_priv {
+       u8              temp;
+struct  dig_t {
+       u8              Dig_Enable_Flag;
+       u8              Dig_Ext_Port_Stage;
+       int             RssiLowThresh;
+       int             RssiHighThresh;
+       u32             FALowThresh;
+       u32             FAHighThresh;
+       u8              CurSTAConnectState;
+       u8              PreSTAConnectState;
+       u8              CurMultiSTAConnectState;
+       u8              PreIGValue;
+       u8              CurIGValue;
+       u8              BackupIGValue;
+       s8              BackoffVal;
+       s8              BackoffVal_range_max;
+       s8              BackoffVal_range_min;
+       u8              rx_gain_range_max;
+       u8              rx_gain_range_min;
+       u8              Rssi_val_min;
+       u8              PreCCK_CCAThres;
+       u8              CurCCK_CCAThres;
+       u8              PreCCKPDState;
+       u8              CurCCKPDState;
+       u8              LargeFAHit;
+       u8              ForbiddenIGI;
+       u32             Recover_cnt;
+       u8              DIG_Dynamic_MIN_0;
+       u8              DIG_Dynamic_MIN_1;
+       bool            bMediaConnect_0;
+       bool            bMediaConnect_1;
+       u32             AntDiv_RSSI_max;
+       u32             RSSI_max;
+struct dynamic_pwr_sav {
+       u8              PreCCAState;
+       u8              CurCCAState;
+       u8              PreRFState;
+       u8              CurRFState;
+       int                 Rssi_val_min;
+       u8              initialize;
+       u32             Reg874,RegC70,Reg85C,RegA74;
+struct false_alarm_stats {
+       u32     Cnt_Parity_Fail;
+       u32     Cnt_Rate_Illegal;
+       u32     Cnt_Crc8_fail;
+       u32     Cnt_Mcs_fail;
+       u32     Cnt_Ofdm_fail;
+       u32     Cnt_Cck_fail;
+       u32     Cnt_all;
+       u32     Cnt_Fast_Fsync;
+       u32     Cnt_SB_Search_fail;
+       u32     Cnt_OFDM_CCA;
+       u32     Cnt_CCK_CCA;
+       u32     Cnt_CCA_all;
+       u32     Cnt_BW_USC;     /* Gary */
+       u32     Cnt_BW_LSC;     /* Gary */
+struct pri_cca {
+       u8              PriCCA_flag;
+       u8              intf_flag;
+       u8              intf_type;
+       u8              DupRTS_flag;
+       u8              Monitor_flag;
+struct rx_hp {
+       u8              RXHP_flag;
+       u8              PSD_func_trigger;
+       u8              PSD_bitmap_RXHP[80];
+       u8              Pre_IGI;
+       u8              Cur_IGI;
+       u8              Pre_pw_th;
+       u8              Cur_pw_th;
+       bool            First_time_enter;
+       bool            RXHP_enable;
+       u8              TP_Mode;
+       struct timer_list PSDTimer;
+#define ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM                                    32 /*  Max size of AsocEntry[]. */
+#define        ODM_ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM                         ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM
+/*  This indicates two different the steps. */
+/*  In SWAW_STEP_PEAK, driver needs to switch antenna and listen to the signal on the air. */
+/*  In SWAW_STEP_DETERMINE, driver just compares the signal captured in SWAW_STEP_PEAK */
+/*  with original RSSI to determine if it is necessary to switch antenna. */
+#define SWAW_STEP_PEAK         0
+#define        TP_MODE         0
+#define        RSSI_MODE               1
+#define        TRAFFIC_LOW     0
+#define        TRAFFIC_HIGH    1
+struct sw_ant_sw {
+       u8              try_flag;
+       s32             PreRSSI;
+       u8              CurAntenna;
+       u8              PreAntenna;
+       u8              RSSI_Trying;
+       u8              TestMode;
+       u8              bTriggerAntennaSwitch;
+       u8              SelectAntennaMap;
+       u8              RSSI_target;
+       /*  Before link Antenna Switch check */
+       u8              SWAS_NoLink_State;
+       u32             SWAS_NoLink_BK_Reg860;
+       bool            ANTA_ON;        /* To indicate Ant A is or not */
+       bool            ANTB_ON;        /* To indicate Ant B is on or not */
+       s32             RSSI_sum_A;
+       s32             RSSI_sum_B;
+       s32             RSSI_cnt_A;
+       s32             RSSI_cnt_B;
+       u64             lastTxOkCnt;
+       u64             lastRxOkCnt;
+       u64             TXByteCnt_A;
+       u64             TXByteCnt_B;
+       u64             RXByteCnt_A;
+       u64             RXByteCnt_B;
+       u8              TrafficLoad;
+       struct timer_list SwAntennaSwitchTimer;
+struct edca_turbo {
+       bool bCurrentTurboEDCA;
+       bool bIsCurRDLState;
+       u32     prv_traffic_idx; /*  edca turbo */
+struct odm_rate_adapt {
+       u8      Type;           /*  DM_Type_ByFW/DM_Type_ByDriver */
+       u8      HighRSSIThresh; /*  if RSSI > HighRSSIThresh    => RATRState is DM_RATR_STA_HIGH */
+       u8      LowRSSIThresh;  /*  if RSSI <= LowRSSIThresh    => RATRState is DM_RATR_STA_LOW */
+       u8      RATRState;      /*  Current RSSI level, DM_RATR_STA_HIGH/DM_RATR_STA_MIDDLE/DM_RATR_STA_LOW */
+       u32     LastRATR;       /*  RATR Register Content */
+#define IQK_MAC_REG_NUM                4
+#define IQK_ADDA_REG_NUM               16
+#define IQK_BB_REG_NUM_MAX     10
+#define IQK_BB_REG_NUM         9
+#define HP_THERMAL_NUM         8
+#define AVG_THERMAL_NUM                8
+#define IQK_Matrix_REG_NUM     8
+#define IQK_Matrix_Settings_NUM        1+24+21
+#define                DM_Type_ByFW                    0
+#define                DM_Type_ByDriver                1
+/*  */
+/*  Declare for common info */
+/*  */
+/*  Declare for common info */
+/*  */
+#define MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS              2
+struct odm_phy_info {
+       u8              RxPWDBAll;
+       u8              SignalQuality;   /*  in 0-100 index. */
+       u8              RxMIMOSignalQuality[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS]; /* EVM */
+       u8              RxMIMOSignalStrength[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS];/*  in 0~100 index */
+       s8              RxPower; /*  in dBm Translate from PWdB */
+       s8              RecvSignalPower;/*  Real power in dBm for this packet, no beautification and aggregation. Keep this raw info to be used for the other procedures. */
+       u8              BTRxRSSIPercentage;
+       u8              SignalStrength; /*  in 0-100 index. */
+       u8              RxPwr[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS];/* per-path's pwdb */
+       u8              RxSNR[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS];/* per-path's SNR */
+struct odm_phy_dbg_info {
+       /* ODM Write,debug info */
+       s8              RxSNRdB[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS];
+       u64             NumQryPhyStatus;
+       u64             NumQryPhyStatusCCK;
+       u64             NumQryPhyStatusOFDM;
+       /* Others */
+       s32             RxEVM[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS];
+struct odm_packet_info {
+       u8              Rate;
+       u8              StationID;
+       bool            bPacketMatchBSSID;
+       bool            bPacketToSelf;
+       bool            bPacketBeacon;
+struct odm_mac_info {
+       u8      test;
+enum {
+       /*  BB Team */
+       ODM_DIG                 = 0x00000001,
+       ODM_HIGH_POWER          = 0x00000002,
+       ODM_CCK_CCA_TH          = 0x00000004,
+       ODM_FA_STATISTICS       = 0x00000008,
+       ODM_RAMASK              = 0x00000010,
+       ODM_RSSI_MONITOR        = 0x00000020,
+       ODM_SW_ANTDIV           = 0x00000040,
+       ODM_HW_ANTDIV           = 0x00000080,
+       ODM_BB_PWRSV            = 0x00000100,
+       ODM_2TPATHDIV           = 0x00000200,
+       ODM_1TPATHDIV           = 0x00000400,
+       ODM_PSD2AFH             = 0x00000800
+/*  */
+/*  2011/20/20 MH For MP driver RT_WLAN_STA =  struct sta_info */
+/*  Please declare below ODM relative info in your STA info structure. */
+/*  */
+struct odm_sta_info {
+       /*  Driver Write */
+       bool            bUsed;                          /*  record the sta status link or not? */
+       u8              IOTPeer;                        /*  Enum value. HT_IOT_PEER_E */
+       /*  ODM Write */
+       /* 1 PHY_STATUS_INFO */
+       u8              RSSI_Path[4];           /*  */
+       u8              RSSI_Ave;
+       u8              RXEVM[4];
+       u8              RXSNR[4];
+       /*  ODM Write */
+       /* 1 TX_INFO (may changed by IC) */
+       /*  */
+       /*      Please use compile flag to disable the structure for other IC except 88E. */
+       /*      Move To lower layer. */
+       /*  */
+       /*  ODM Write Wilson will handle this part(said by Luke.Lee) */
+/*  */
+/*  2011/10/20 MH Define Common info enum for all team. */
+/*  */
+enum odm_cmninfo {
+       /*  Fixed value: */
+       /*  */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_ABILITY,                                    /*  enum odm_ability */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_INTERFACE,                          /*  enum odm_interface_def */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_IC_TYPE,                                    /*  enum odm_ic_type_def */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_CUT_VER,                                    /*  enum odm_cut_version */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_FAB_VER,                                    /*  enum odm_fab_version */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_RF_TYPE,                                    /*  enum rf_path_def or enum odm_rf_type? */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_BOARD_TYPE,                         /*  enum odm_board_type */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_EXT_LNA,                                    /*  true */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_PATCH_ID,                           /* CUSTOMER ID */
+       /*  */
+       /*  Dynamic value: */
+       /*  */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_MAC_PHY_MODE,                       /*  enum odm_mac_phy_mode */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_WM_MODE,                            /*  enum odm_wireless_mode */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_BAND,                                       /*  enum odm_band_type */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_SEC_CHNL_OFFSET,            /*  enum odm_sec_chnl_offset */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_SEC_MODE,                           /*  enum odm_security */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_BW,                                         /*  enum odm_band_width */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_ONE_PATH_CCA,                       /*  enum odm_cca_path */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_DBG_COMP,                           /*  u64 */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_DBG_LEVEL,                          /*  u32 */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_RA_THRESHOLD_HIGH,          /*  u8 */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_RA_THRESHOLD_LOW,           /*  u8 */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_RF_ANTENNA_TYPE,            /*  u8 */
+       ODM_CMNINFO_BT_BUSY,                                    /* Check Bt is using or not */
+       /*  */
+       /*  Dynamic ptr array hook itms. */
+       /*  */
+/*  Define ODM support ability.  ODM_CMNINFO_ABILITY */
+enum {
+       /*  BB ODM section BIT 0-15 */
+       ODM_BB_DIG                              = BIT0,
+       ODM_BB_RA_MASK                          = BIT1,
+       ODM_BB_DYNAMIC_TXPWR                    = BIT2,
+       ODM_BB_FA_CNT                           = BIT3,
+       ODM_BB_RSSI_MONITOR                     = BIT4,
+       ODM_BB_CCK_PD                           = BIT5,
+       ODM_BB_ANT_DIV                          = BIT6,
+       ODM_BB_PWR_SAVE                         = BIT7,
+       ODM_BB_PWR_TRAIN                        = BIT8,
+       ODM_BB_RATE_ADAPTIVE                    = BIT9,
+       ODM_BB_PATH_DIV                         = BIT10,
+       ODM_BB_PSD                              = BIT11,
+       ODM_BB_RXHP                             = BIT12,
+       /*  MAC DM section BIT 16-23 */
+       ODM_MAC_EDCA_TURBO                      = BIT16,
+       ODM_MAC_EARLY_MODE                      = BIT17,
+       /*  RF ODM section BIT 24-31 */
+       ODM_RF_TX_PWR_TRACK                     = BIT24,
+       ODM_RF_RX_GAIN_TRACK                    = BIT25,
+       ODM_RF_CALIBRATION                      = BIT26,
+enum odm_interface_def {
+       ODM_ITRF_PCIE   =       0x1,
+       ODM_ITRF_USB    =       0x2,
+       ODM_ITRF_SDIO   =       0x4,
+       ODM_ITRF_ALL    =       0x7,
+enum odm_ic_type_def {
+       ODM_RTL8192S    =       BIT0,
+       ODM_RTL8192C    =       BIT1,
+       ODM_RTL8192D    =       BIT2,
+       ODM_RTL8723A    =       BIT3,
+       ODM_RTL8188E    =       BIT4,
+       ODM_RTL8812     =       BIT5,
+       ODM_RTL8821     =       BIT6,
+#define ODM_IC_11N_SERIES                      \
+       (ODM_RTL8192S|ODM_RTL8192C|ODM_RTL8192D|ODM_RTL8723A|ODM_RTL8188E)
+#define ODM_IC_11AC_SERIES             (ODM_RTL8812)
+enum odm_cut_version {
+       ODM_CUT_A               =       1,
+       ODM_CUT_B               =       2,
+       ODM_CUT_C               =       3,
+       ODM_CUT_D               =       4,
+       ODM_CUT_E               =       5,
+       ODM_CUT_F               =       6,
+       ODM_CUT_TEST            =       7,
+enum odm_fab_version {
+       ODM_TSMC        =       0,
+       ODM_UMC         =       1,
+/*  For example 1T2R (A+AB = BIT0|BIT4|BIT5) */
+enum rf_path_def {
+       ODM_RF_TX_A     =       BIT0,
+       ODM_RF_TX_B     =       BIT1,
+       ODM_RF_TX_C     =       BIT2,
+       ODM_RF_TX_D     =       BIT3,
+       ODM_RF_RX_A     =       BIT4,
+       ODM_RF_RX_B     =       BIT5,
+       ODM_RF_RX_C     =       BIT6,
+       ODM_RF_RX_D     =       BIT7,
+enum odm_rf_type {
+       ODM_1T1R        =       0,
+       ODM_1T2R        =       1,
+       ODM_2T2R        =       2,
+       ODM_2T3R        =       3,
+       ODM_2T4R        =       4,
+       ODM_3T3R        =       5,
+       ODM_3T4R        =       6,
+       ODM_4T4R        =       7,
+/*  ODM Dynamic common info value definition */
+enum odm_mac_phy_mode {
+       ODM_SMSP        = 0,
+       ODM_DMSP        = 1,
+       ODM_DMDP        = 2,
+enum odm_bt_coexist {
+       ODM_BT_BUSY             = 1,
+       ODM_BT_ON               = 2,
+       ODM_BT_OFF              = 3,
+       ODM_BT_NONE             = 4,
+enum odm_operation_mode {
+       ODM_NO_LINK             = BIT0,
+       ODM_LINK                = BIT1,
+       ODM_SCAN                = BIT2,
+       ODM_POWERSAVE           = BIT3,
+       ODM_AP_MODE             = BIT4,
+       ODM_CLIENT_MODE         = BIT5,
+       ODM_AD_HOC              = BIT6,
+       ODM_WIFI_DIRECT         = BIT7,
+       ODM_WIFI_DISPLAY        = BIT8,
+enum odm_wireless_mode {
+       ODM_WM_UNKNOW           = 0x0,
+       ODM_WM_B                = BIT0,
+       ODM_WM_G                = BIT1,
+       ODM_WM_A                = BIT2,
+       ODM_WM_N24G             = BIT3,
+       ODM_WM_N5G              = BIT4,
+       ODM_WM_AUTO             = BIT5,
+       ODM_WM_AC               = BIT6,
+enum odm_band_type {
+       ODM_BAND_2_4G           = BIT0,
+       ODM_BAND_5G             = BIT1,
+enum odm_sec_chnl_offset {
+       ODM_DONT_CARE           = 0,
+       ODM_BELOW               = 1,
+       ODM_ABOVE               = 2
+enum odm_security {
+       ODM_SEC_OPEN            = 0,
+       ODM_SEC_WEP40           = 1,
+       ODM_SEC_TKIP            = 2,
+       ODM_SEC_RESERVE         = 3,
+       ODM_SEC_AESCCMP         = 4,
+       ODM_SEC_WEP104          = 5,
+       ODM_WEP_WPA_MIXED       = 6, /*  WEP + WPA */
+       ODM_SEC_SMS4            = 7,
+enum odm_band_width {
+       ODM_BW20M               = 0,
+       ODM_BW40M               = 1,
+       ODM_BW80M               = 2,
+       ODM_BW160M              = 3,
+       ODM_BW10M               = 4,
+enum odm_board_type {
+       ODM_BOARD_NORMAL        = 0,
+       ODM_BOARD_HIGHPWR       = 1,
+       ODM_BOARD_MINICARD      = 2,
+       ODM_BOARD_SLIM          = 3,
+       ODM_BOARD_COMBO         = 4,
+enum odm_cca_path {
+       ODM_CCA_2R                      = 0,
+       ODM_CCA_1R_A                    = 1,
+       ODM_CCA_1R_B                    = 2,
+struct odm_ra_info {
+       u8 RateID;
+       u32 RateMask;
+       u32 RAUseRate;
+       u8 RateSGI;
+       u8 RssiStaRA;
+       u8 PreRssiStaRA;
+       u8 SGIEnable;
+       u8 DecisionRate;
+       u8 PreRate;
+       u8 HighestRate;
+       u8 LowestRate;
+       u32 NscUp;
+       u32 NscDown;
+       u16 RTY[5];
+       u32 TOTAL;
+       u16 DROP;
+       u8 Active;
+       u16 RptTime;
+       u8 RAWaitingCounter;
+       u8 RAPendingCounter;
+       u8 PTActive;  /*  on or off */
+       u8 PTTryState;  /*  0 trying state, 1 for decision state */
+       u8 PTStage;  /*  0~6 */
+       u8 PTStopCount; /* Stop PT counter */
+       u8 PTPreRate;  /*  if rate change do PT */
+       u8 PTPreRssi; /*  if RSSI change 5% do PT */
+       u8 PTModeSS;  /*  decide whitch rate should do PT */
+       u8 RAstage;  /*  StageRA, decide how many times RA will be done between PT */
+       u8 PTSmoothFactor;
+struct iqk_matrix_regs_set {
+       bool    bIQKDone;
+       s32     Value[1][IQK_Matrix_REG_NUM];
+struct odm_rf_cal_t {
+       /* for tx power tracking */
+       u32     RegA24; /*  for TempCCK */
+       s32     RegE94;
+       s32     RegE9C;
+       s32     RegEB4;
+       s32     RegEBC;
+       /* u8 bTXPowerTracking; */
+       u8              TXPowercount;
+       bool bTXPowerTrackingInit;
+       bool bTXPowerTracking;
+       u8              TxPowerTrackControl; /* for mp mode, turn off txpwrtracking as default */
+       u8              TM_Trigger;
+       u8              InternalPA5G[2];        /* pathA / pathB */
+       u8              ThermalMeter[2];    /*  ThermalMeter, index 0 for RFIC0, and 1 for RFIC1 */
+       u8              ThermalValue;
+       u8              ThermalValue_LCK;
+       u8              ThermalValue_IQK;
+       u8      ThermalValue_DPK;
+       u8      ThermalValue_AVG[AVG_THERMAL_NUM];
+       u8      ThermalValue_AVG_index;
+       u8      ThermalValue_RxGain;
+       u8      ThermalValue_Crystal;
+       u8      ThermalValue_DPKstore;
+       u8      ThermalValue_DPKtrack;
+       bool    TxPowerTrackingInProgress;
+       bool    bDPKenable;
+       bool    bReloadtxpowerindex;
+       u8      bRfPiEnable;
+       u32     TXPowerTrackingCallbackCnt; /* cosa add for debug */
+       u8      bCCKinCH14;
+       u8      CCK_index;
+       u8      OFDM_index[2];
+       bool bDoneTxpower;
+       u8      ThermalValue_HP[HP_THERMAL_NUM];
+       u8      ThermalValue_HP_index;
+       struct iqk_matrix_regs_set IQKMatrixRegSetting[IQK_Matrix_Settings_NUM];
+       u8      Delta_IQK;
+       u8      Delta_LCK;
+       /* for IQK */
+       u32     RegC04;
+       u32     Reg874;
+       u32     RegC08;
+       u32     RegB68;
+       u32     RegB6C;
+       u32     Reg870;
+       u32     Reg860;
+       u32     Reg864;
+       bool    bIQKInitialized;
+       bool bLCKInProgress;
+       bool    bAntennaDetected;
+       u32     ADDA_backup[IQK_ADDA_REG_NUM];
+       u32     IQK_MAC_backup[IQK_MAC_REG_NUM];
+       u32     IQK_BB_backup_recover[9];
+       u32     IQK_BB_backup[IQK_BB_REG_NUM];
+       /* for APK */
+       u32     APKoutput[2][2]; /* path A/B; output1_1a/output1_2a */
+       u8      bAPKdone;
+       u8      bAPKThermalMeterIgnore;
+       u8      bDPdone;
+       u8      bDPPathAOK;
+       u8      bDPPathBOK;
+/*  ODM Dynamic common info value definition */
+struct odm_fat_t {
+       u8      Bssid[6];
+       u8      antsel_rx_keep_0;
+       u8      antsel_rx_keep_1;
+       u8      antsel_rx_keep_2;
+       u32     antSumRSSI[7];
+       u32     antRSSIcnt[7];
+       u32     antAveRSSI[7];
+       u8      FAT_State;
+       u32     TrainIdx;
+       u8      antsel_a[ODM_ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM];
+       u8      antsel_b[ODM_ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM];
+       u8      antsel_c[ODM_ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM];
+       u32     MainAnt_Sum[ODM_ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM];
+       u32     AuxAnt_Sum[ODM_ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM];
+       u32     MainAnt_Cnt[ODM_ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM];
+       u32     AuxAnt_Cnt[ODM_ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM];
+       u8      RxIdleAnt;
+       bool    bBecomeLinked;
+enum fat_state {
+       FAT_NORMAL_STATE                = 0,
+       FAT_TRAINING_STATE              = 1,
+enum ant_dif_type {
+       NO_ANTDIV                       = 0xFF,
+       CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV                = 0x01,
+       CGCS_RX_HW_ANTDIV               = 0x02,
+       FIXED_HW_ANTDIV                 = 0x03,
+       CG_TRX_SMART_ANTDIV             = 0x04,
+       CGCS_RX_SW_ANTDIV               = 0x05,
+/*  2011/09/22 MH Copy from SD4 defined structure. We use to support PHY DM integration. */
+struct dm_odm_t {
+       /* struct timer_list FastAntTrainingTimer; */
+       /*  */
+       /*      Add for different team use temporarily */
+       /*  */
+       struct rtw_adapter      *Adapter;               /*  For CE/NIC team */
+       struct rtl8723a_priv    *priv;                  /*  For AP/ADSL team */
+       /*  WHen you use Adapter or priv pointer, you must make sure the pointer is ready. */
+       bool                    odm_ready;
+       struct rtl8723a_priv fake_priv;
+       u64                     DebugComponents;
+       u32                     DebugLevel;
+       bool                    bCckHighPower;
+       u8                      RFPathRxEnable;         /*  ODM_CMNINFO_RFPATH_ENABLE */
+       u8                      ControlChannel;
+       /*  Init Value */
+/* HOOK BEFORE REG INIT----------- */
+       /*  ODM Support Ability DIG/RATR/TX_PWR_TRACK/ ¡K¡K = 1/2/3/¡K */
+       u32                     SupportAbility;
+       /*  ODM PCIE/USB/SDIO/GSPI = 0/1/2/3 */
+       u8                      SupportInterface;
+       /*  ODM composite or independent. Bit oriented/ 92C+92D+ .... or any other type = 1/2/3/... */
+       u32                     SupportICType;
+       /*  Cut Version TestChip/A-cut/B-cut... = 0/1/2/3/... */
+       u8                      CutVersion;
+       /*  Fab Version TSMC/UMC = 0/1 */
+       u8                      FabVersion;
+       /*  RF Type 4T4R/3T3R/2T2R/1T2R/1T1R/... */
+       u8                      RFType;
+       /*  Board Type Normal/HighPower/MiniCard/SLIM/Combo/... = 0/1/2/3/4/... */
+       u8                      BoardType;
+       /*  with external LNA  NO/Yes = 0/1 */
+       u8                      ExtLNA;
+       /*  with external PA  NO/Yes = 0/1 */
+       u8                      ExtPA;
+       /*  with external TRSW  NO/Yes = 0/1 */
+       u8                      ExtTRSW;
+       u8                      PatchID; /* Customer ID */
+       bool                    bInHctTest;
+       bool                    bWIFITest;
+       bool                    bDualMacSmartConcurrent;
+       u32                     BK_SupportAbility;
+       u8                      AntDivType;
+/* HOOK BEFORE REG INIT----------- */
+       /*  */
+       /*  Dynamic Value */
+       /*  */
+/*  POINTER REFERENCE----------- */
+       u8                      u8_temp;
+       bool                    bool_temp;
+       struct rtw_adapter      *PADAPTER_temp;
+       /*  MAC PHY Mode SMSP/DMSP/DMDP = 0/1/2 */
+       u8                      *pMacPhyMode;
+       /* TX Unicast byte count */
+       u64                     *pNumTxBytesUnicast;
+       /* RX Unicast byte count */
+       u64                     *pNumRxBytesUnicast;
+       /*  Wireless mode B/G/A/N = BIT0/BIT1/BIT2/BIT3 */
+       u8                      *pWirelessMode; /* enum odm_wireless_mode */
+       /*  Frequence band 2.4G/5G = 0/1 */
+       u8                      *pBandType;
+       /*  Secondary channel offset don't_care/below/above = 0/1/2 */
+       u8                      *pSecChOffset;
+       /*  Security mode Open/WEP/AES/TKIP = 0/1/2/3 */
+       u8                      *pSecurity;
+       /*  BW info 20M/40M/80M = 0/1/2 */
+       u8                      *pBandWidth;
+       /*  Central channel location Ch1/Ch2/.... */
+       u8                      *pChannel;      /* central channel number */
+       /*  Common info for 92D DMSP */
+       bool                    *pbGetValueFromOtherMac;
+       struct rtw_adapter      **pBuddyAdapter;
+       bool                    *pbMasterOfDMSP; /* MAC0: master, MAC1: slave */
+       /*  Common info for Status */
+       bool                    *pbScanInProcess;
+       bool                    *pbPowerSaving;
+       /*  CCA Path 2-path/path-A/path-B = 0/1/2; using enum odm_cca_path. */
+       u8                      *pOnePathCCA;
+       /* pMgntInfo->AntennaTest */
+       u8                      *pAntennaTest;
+       bool                    *pbNet_closed;
+/*  POINTER REFERENCE----------- */
+       /*  */
+/* CALL BY VALUE------------- */
+       bool                    bWIFI_Direct;
+       bool                    bWIFI_Display;
+       bool                    bLinked;
+       u8                      RSSI_Min;
+       u8                      InterfaceIndex; /*  Add for 92D  dual MAC: 0--Mac0 1--Mac1 */
+       bool            bIsMPChip;
+       bool                    bOneEntryOnly;
+       /*  Common info for BTDM */
+       bool                    bBtDisabled;                    /*  BT is disabled */
+       bool                    bBtHsOperation;         /*  BT HS mode is under progress */
+       u8                      btHsDigVal;                     /*  use BT rssi to decide the DIG value */
+       bool                    bBtDisableEdcaTurbo;    /*  Under some condition, don't enable the EDCA Turbo */
+       bool                    bBtBusy;                        /*  BT is busy. */
+/* CALL BY VALUE------------- */
+       /* 2 Define STA info. */
+       /*  _ODM_STA_INFO */
+       /*  2012/01/12 MH For MP, we need to reduce one array pointer for default port.?? */
+       struct sta_info *               pODM_StaInfo[ODM_ASSOCIATE_ENTRY_NUM];
+       /*  */
+       /*  2012/02/14 MH Add to share 88E ra with other SW team. */
+       /*  We need to colelct all support abilit to a proper area. */
+       /*  */
+       bool                            RaSupport88E;
+       /*  Define ........... */
+       /*  Latest packet phy info (ODM write) */
+       struct odm_phy_dbg_info  PhyDbgInfo;
+       /* PHY_INFO_88E         PhyInfo; */
+       /*  Latest packet phy info (ODM write) */
+       struct odm_mac_info             *pMacInfo;
+       /* MAC_INFO_88E         MacInfo; */
+       /*  Different Team independt structure?? */
+       /*  */
+       /* TX_RTP_CMN           TX_retrpo; */
+       /* TX_RTP_88E           TX_retrpo; */
+       /* TX_RTP_8195          TX_retrpo; */
+       /*  */
+       /* ODM Structure */
+       /*  */
+       struct odm_fat_t                DM_FatTable;
+       struct dig_t    DM_DigTable;
+       struct dynamic_pwr_sav          DM_PSTable;
+       struct pri_cca  DM_PriCCA;
+       struct rx_hp            DM_RXHP_Table;
+       struct false_alarm_stats        FalseAlmCnt;
+       struct false_alarm_stats        FlaseAlmCntBuddyAdapter;
+       struct sw_ant_sw                DM_SWAT_Table;
+       bool            RSSI_test;
+       struct edca_turbo               DM_EDCA_Table;
+       u32             WMMEDCA_BE;
+       /*  Copy from SD4 structure */
+       /*  */
+       /*  ================================================== */
+       /*  */
+       /* common */
+       bool                    *pbDriverStopped;
+       bool                    *pbDriverIsGoingToPnpSetPowerSleep;
+       bool                    *pinit_adpt_in_progress;
+       /* PSD */
+       bool                    bUserAssignLevel;
+       struct timer_list       PSDTimer;
+       u8                      RSSI_BT;                        /* come from BT */
+       bool                    bPSDinProcess;
+       bool                    bDMInitialGainEnable;
+       /* for rate adaptive, in fact,  88c/92c fw will handle this */
+       u8                      bUseRAMask;
+       struct odm_rate_adapt   RateAdaptive;
+       struct odm_rf_cal_t     RFCalibrateInfo;
+       /*  */
+       /*  TX power tracking */
+       /*  */
+       u8                      BbSwingIdxOfdm;
+       u8                      BbSwingIdxOfdmCurrent;
+       u8                      BbSwingIdxOfdmBase;
+       bool                    BbSwingFlagOfdm;
+       u8                      BbSwingIdxCck;
+       u8                      BbSwingIdxCckCurrent;
+       u8                      BbSwingIdxCckBase;
+       bool                    BbSwingFlagCck;
+       /*  */
+       /*  ODM system resource. */
+       /*  */
+       /*  ODM relative time. */
+       struct timer_list PathDivSwitchTimer;
+       /* 2011.09.27 add for Path Diversity */
+       struct timer_list CCKPathDiversityTimer;
+       struct timer_list FastAntTrainingTimer;
+       /*  ODM relative workitem. */
+};     /*  DM_Dynamic_Mechanism_Structure */
+enum odm_rf_content {
+       odm_radioa_txt = 0x1000,
+       odm_radiob_txt = 0x1001,
+       odm_radioc_txt = 0x1002,
+       odm_radiod_txt = 0x1003
+enum odm_bb_config_type {
+/*  Status code */
+enum rt_status {
+/* include "odm_function.h" */
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+/* 3 DIG */
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+enum dm_dig_op {
+       DIG_TYPE_THRESH_HIGH    = 0,
+       DIG_TYPE_THRESH_LOW     = 1,
+       DIG_TYPE_BACKOFF                = 2,
+       DIG_TYPE_RX_GAIN_MIN    = 3,
+       DIG_TYPE_RX_GAIN_MAX    = 4,
+       DIG_TYPE_ENABLE                 = 5,
+       DIG_TYPE_DISABLE                = 6,
+#define                DM_DIG_THRESH_HIGH                      40
+#define                DM_DIG_THRESH_LOW                       35
+#define                DM_SCAN_RSSI_TH                         0x14 /* scan return issue for LC */
+#define                DM_FALSEALARM_THRESH_LOW        400
+#define                DM_FALSEALARM_THRESH_HIGH       1000
+#define                DM_DIG_MAX_NIC                          0x4e
+#define                DM_DIG_MIN_NIC                          0x1e
+#define                DM_DIG_MAX_AP                           0x32
+#define                DM_DIG_MIN_AP                           0x20
+#define                DM_DIG_MAX_NIC_HP                       0x46
+#define                DM_DIG_MIN_NIC_HP                       0x2e
+#define                DM_DIG_MAX_AP_HP                                0x42
+#define                DM_DIG_MIN_AP_HP                                0x30
+/* vivi 92c&92d has different definition, 20110504 */
+/* this is for 92c */
+#define                DM_DIG_FA_TH0                           0x200
+#define                DM_DIG_FA_TH1                           0x300
+#define                DM_DIG_FA_TH2                           0x400
+/* this is for 92d */
+#define                DM_DIG_FA_TH0_92D                       0x100
+#define                DM_DIG_FA_TH1_92D                       0x400
+#define                DM_DIG_FA_TH2_92D                       0x600
+#define                DM_DIG_BACKOFF_MAX                      12
+#define                DM_DIG_BACKOFF_MIN                      -4
+#define                DM_DIG_BACKOFF_DEFAULT          10
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+/* 3 AGC RX High Power Mode */
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+#define          LNA_Low_Gain_1                      0x64
+#define          LNA_Low_Gain_2                      0x5A
+#define          LNA_Low_Gain_3                      0x58
+#define          FA_RXHP_TH1                           5000
+#define          FA_RXHP_TH2                           1500
+#define          FA_RXHP_TH3                             800
+#define          FA_RXHP_TH4                             600
+#define          FA_RXHP_TH5                             500
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+/* 3 EDCA */
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+/* 3 Dynamic Tx Power */
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+/* Dynamic Tx Power Control Threshold */
+#define                TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL2 74
+#define                TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LVL1 67
+#define                TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_AP           0x3F
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_Normal           0
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_Level1           1
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_Level2           2
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_BT1                      3
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_BT2                      4
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_15                       5
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_35                       6
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_50                       7
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_70                       8
+#define                TxHighPwrLevel_100                      9
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+/* 3 Rate Adaptive */
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+#define                DM_RATR_STA_INIT                        0
+#define                DM_RATR_STA_HIGH                        1
+#define                        DM_RATR_STA_MIDDLE              2
+#define                        DM_RATR_STA_LOW                 3
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+/* 3 BB Power Save */
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+enum dm_1r_cca {
+       CCA_1R =0,
+       CCA_2R = 1,
+       CCA_MAX = 2,
+enum dm_rf_def {
+       RF_Save =0,
+       RF_Normal = 1,
+       RF_MAX = 2,
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+/* 3 Antenna Diversity */
+/* 3=========================================================== */
+enum dm_swas {
+       Antenna_A = 1,
+       Antenna_B = 2,
+       Antenna_MAX = 3,
+/*  Maximal number of antenna detection mechanism needs to perform, added by Roger, 2011.12.28. */
+#define        MAX_ANTENNA_DETECTION_CNT       10
+/*  */
+/*  Extern Global Variables. */
+/*  */
+#define        OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_92C     37
+#define        OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_92D     43
+#define        CCK_TABLE_SIZE          33
+extern u32 OFDMSwingTable23A[OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_92D];
+extern u8 CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch1323A[CCK_TABLE_SIZE][8];
+extern u8 CCKSwingTable_Ch1423A [CCK_TABLE_SIZE][8];
+/*  */
+/*  check Sta pointer valid or not */
+/*  */
+#define IS_STA_VALID(pSta)             (pSta)
+/*  20100514 Joseph: Add definition for antenna switching test after link. */
+/*  This indicates two different the steps. */
+/*  In SWAW_STEP_PEAK, driver needs to switch antenna and listen to the signal on the air. */
+/*  In SWAW_STEP_DETERMINE, driver just compares the signal captured in SWAW_STEP_PEAK */
+/*  with original RSSI to determine if it is necessary to switch antenna. */
+#define SWAW_STEP_PEAK         0
+void ODM_Write_DIG23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,        u8      CurrentIGI);
+void ODM_Write_CCK_CCA_Thres23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u8   CurCCK_CCAThres);
+void ODM_SetAntenna(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u8 Antenna);
+#define dm_RF_Saving   ODM_RF_Saving23a
+void ODM_RF_Saving23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u8 bForceInNormal);
+#define SwAntDivRestAfterLink  ODM_SwAntDivRestAfterLink
+void ODM_SwAntDivRestAfterLink(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+#define dm_CheckTXPowerTracking                ODM_TXPowerTrackingCheck23a
+void ODM_TXPowerTrackingCheck23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+bool ODM_RAStateCheck23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, s32 RSSI, bool bForceUpdate,
+                     u8 *pRATRState);
+#define dm_SWAW_RSSI_Check     ODM_SwAntDivChkPerPktRssi
+void ODM_SwAntDivChkPerPktRssi(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u8 StationID,
+                              struct odm_phy_info *pPhyInfo);
+u32 ConvertTo_dB23a(u32 Value);
+u32 GetPSDData(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, unsigned int point, u8 initial_gain_psd);
+void odm_DIG23abyRSSI_LPS(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+u32 ODM_Get_Rate_Bitmap23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 macid, u32 ra_mask, u8 rssi_level);
+void ODM23a_DMInit(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+void ODM_DMWatchdog23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm); /*  For common use in the future */
+void ODM_CmnInfoInit23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, enum odm_cmninfo     CmnInfo, u32 Value);
+void ODM23a_CmnInfoHook(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, enum odm_cmninfo     CmnInfo, void *pValue);
+void ODM_CmnInfoPtrArrayHook23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, enum odm_cmninfo     CmnInfo, u16 Index, void *pValue);
+void ODM_CmnInfoUpdate23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 CmnInfo, u64 Value);
+void ODM_InitAllTimers(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+void ODM_CancelAllTimers(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+void ODM_ReleaseAllTimers(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+void ODM_ResetIQKResult(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+void ODM_AntselStatistics_88C(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u8 MacId, u32 PWDBAll, bool isCCKrate);
+void ODM_SingleDualAntennaDefaultSetting(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+bool ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u8 mode);
+void odm_dtc(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_HWConfig.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_HWConfig.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..057fdb0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __HALHWOUTSRC_H__
+#define __HALHWOUTSRC_H__
+#include <Hal8723APhyCfg.h>
+/*  */
+/*  Definition */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  CCK Rates, TxHT = 0 */
+#define DESC92C_RATE1M                                 0x00
+#define DESC92C_RATE2M                                 0x01
+#define DESC92C_RATE5_5M                               0x02
+#define DESC92C_RATE11M                                0x03
+/*  OFDM Rates, TxHT = 0 */
+#define DESC92C_RATE6M                                 0x04
+#define DESC92C_RATE9M                                 0x05
+#define DESC92C_RATE12M                                0x06
+#define DESC92C_RATE18M                                0x07
+#define DESC92C_RATE24M                                0x08
+#define DESC92C_RATE36M                                0x09
+#define DESC92C_RATE48M                                0x0a
+#define DESC92C_RATE54M                                0x0b
+/*  MCS Rates, TxHT = 1 */
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS0                               0x0c
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS1                               0x0d
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS2                               0x0e
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS3                               0x0f
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS4                               0x10
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS5                               0x11
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS6                               0x12
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS7                               0x13
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS8                               0x14
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS9                               0x15
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS10                              0x16
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS11                              0x17
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS12                              0x18
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS13                              0x19
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS14                              0x1a
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS15                              0x1b
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS15_SG                   0x1c
+#define DESC92C_RATEMCS32                              0x20
+/*  */
+/*  structure and define */
+/*  */
+struct phy_rx_agc_info {
+       #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN
+               u8      gain:7,trsw:1;
+       #else
+               u8      trsw:1,gain:7;
+       #endif
+struct phy_status_rpt {
+       struct phy_rx_agc_info path_agc[2];
+       u8      ch_corr[2];
+       u8      cck_sig_qual_ofdm_pwdb_all;
+       u8      cck_agc_rpt_ofdm_cfosho_a;
+       u8      cck_rpt_b_ofdm_cfosho_b;
+       u8      rsvd_1;/* ch_corr_msb; */
+       u8      noise_power_db_msb;
+       u8      path_cfotail[2];
+       u8      pcts_mask[2];
+       s8      stream_rxevm[2];
+       u8      path_rxsnr[2];
+       u8      noise_power_db_lsb;
+       u8      rsvd_2[3];
+       u8      stream_csi[2];
+       u8      stream_target_csi[2];
+       s8      sig_evm;
+       u8      rsvd_3;
+       u8      antsel_rx_keep_2:1;     /* ex_intf_flg:1; */
+       u8      sgi_en:1;
+       u8      rxsc:2;
+       u8      idle_long:1;
+       u8      r_ant_train_en:1;
+       u8      ant_sel_b:1;
+       u8      ant_sel:1;
+#else  /*  _BIG_ENDIAN_ */
+       u8      ant_sel:1;
+       u8      ant_sel_b:1;
+       u8      r_ant_train_en:1;
+       u8      idle_long:1;
+       u8      rxsc:2;
+       u8      sgi_en:1;
+       u8      antsel_rx_keep_2:1;     /* ex_intf_flg:1; */
+struct phy_status_rpt_8195 {
+       struct phy_rx_agc_info path_agc[2];
+       u8      ch_num[2];
+       u8      cck_sig_qual_ofdm_pwdb_all;
+       u8      cck_agc_rpt_ofdm_cfosho_a;
+       u8      cck_bb_pwr_ofdm_cfosho_b;
+       u8    cck_rx_path;      /* CCK_RX_PATH [3:0] (with regA07[3:0] definition) */
+       u8      rsvd_1;
+       u8      path_cfotail[2];
+       u8      pcts_mask[2];
+       s8      stream_rxevm[2];
+       u8      path_rxsnr[2];
+       u8      rsvd_2[2];
+       u8      stream_snr[2];
+       u8      stream_csi[2];
+       u8      rsvd_3[2];
+       s8      sig_evm;
+       u8      rsvd_4;
+       u8      antidx_anta:3;
+       u8      antidx_antb:3;
+       u8      rsvd_5:2;
+#else  /*  _BIG_ENDIAN_ */
+       u8      rsvd_5:2;
+       u8      antidx_antb:3;
+       u8      antidx_anta:3;
+void odm_Init_RSSIForDM23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+       struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
+       struct odm_phy_info *pPhyInfo,
+       u8 *                                            pPhyStatus,
+       struct odm_packet_info *pPktinfo
+       );
+void ODM_MacStatusQuery23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
+       u8 *pMacStatus,
+       u8 MacID,
+       bool bPacketMatchBSSID,
+       bool bPacketToSelf,
+       bool bPacketBeacon
+enum hal_status ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
+       enum RF_RADIO_PATH      Content,
+       enum RF_RADIO_PATH      eRFPath
+enum hal_status ODM_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm,
+       enum odm_bb_config_type         ConfigType
+enum hal_status ODM_ConfigMACWithHeaderFile23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_RegConfig8723A.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_RegConfig8723A.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4ea579b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __INC_ODM_REGCONFIG_H_8723A
+#define __INC_ODM_REGCONFIG_H_8723A
+void odm_ConfigRFReg_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr, u32 Data,
+                          enum RF_RADIO_PATH RF_PATH, u32 RegAddr);
+void odm_ConfigRF_RadioA_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr, u32 Data);
+void odm_ConfigRF_RadioB_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr, u32 Data);
+void odm_ConfigMAC_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr, u8 Data);
+void odm_ConfigBB_AGC_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr,
+                           u32 Bitmask, u32 Data);
+void odm_ConfigBB_PHY_REG_PG_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr, u32 Bitmask, u32 Data);
+void odm_ConfigBB_PHY_8723A(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr, u32 Bitmask, u32 Data);
+#endif /*  end of SUPPORT */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_RegDefine11AC.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_RegDefine11AC.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..77b7ace
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __ODM_REGDEFINE11AC_H__
+#define __ODM_REGDEFINE11AC_H__
+/* 2 RF REG LIST */
+/* 2 BB REG LIST */
+/* PAGE 8 */
+/* PAGE 9 */
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RST_11AC                0x9A4
+/* PAGE A */
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_CCA_11AC                            0xA0A
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11AC                 0xA2C
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FA_11AC                             0xA5C
+/* PAGE C */
+#define        ODM_REG_IGI_A_11AC                              0xC50
+/* PAGE E */
+#define        ODM_REG_IGI_B_11AC                              0xE50
+/* PAGE F */
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_11AC                    0xF48
+/* 2 MAC REG LIST */
+/* DIG Related */
+#define        ODM_BIT_IGI_11AC                                0xFFFFFFFF
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_RegDefine11N.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_RegDefine11N.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2778215
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __ODM_REGDEFINE11N_H__
+#define __ODM_REGDEFINE11N_H__
+/* 2 RF REG LIST */
+#define        ODM_REG_RF_MODE_11N                     0x00
+#define        ODM_REG_RF_0B_11N                       0x0B
+#define        ODM_REG_CHNBW_11N                       0x18
+#define        ODM_REG_T_METER_11N                     0x24
+#define        ODM_REG_RF_25_11N                       0x25
+#define        ODM_REG_RF_26_11N                       0x26
+#define        ODM_REG_RF_27_11N                       0x27
+#define        ODM_REG_RF_2B_11N                       0x2B
+#define        ODM_REG_RF_2C_11N                       0x2C
+#define        ODM_REG_RXRF_A3_11N                     0x3C
+#define        ODM_REG_T_METER_92D_11N                 0x42
+#define        ODM_REG_T_METER_88E_11N                 0x42
+/* 2 BB REG LIST */
+/* PAGE 8 */
+#define        ODM_REG_BB_CTRL_11N                     0x800
+#define        ODM_REG_RF_PIN_11N                      0x804
+#define        ODM_REG_PSD_CTRL_11N                    0x808
+#define        ODM_REG_TX_ANT_CTRL_11N                 0x80C
+#define        ODM_REG_BB_PWR_SAV5_11N                 0x818
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_RPT_FORMAT_11N              0x824
+#define        ODM_REG_RX_DEFUALT_A_11N                0x858
+#define        ODM_REG_RX_DEFUALT_B_11N                0x85A
+#define        ODM_REG_BB_PWR_SAV3_11N                 0x85C
+#define        ODM_REG_ANTSEL_CTRL_11N                 0x860
+#define        ODM_REG_RX_ANT_CTRL_11N                 0x864
+#define        ODM_REG_PIN_CTRL_11N                    0x870
+#define        ODM_REG_BB_PWR_SAV1_11N                 0x874
+#define        ODM_REG_ANTSEL_PATH_11N                 0x878
+#define        ODM_REG_BB_3WIRE_11N                    0x88C
+#define        ODM_REG_SC_CNT_11N                      0x8C4
+#define        ODM_REG_PSD_DATA_11N                    0x8B4
+/* PAGE 9 */
+#define        ODM_REG_ANT_MAPPING1_11N                0x914
+#define        ODM_REG_ANT_MAPPING2_11N                0x918
+/* PAGE A */
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_ANTDIV_PARA1_11N            0xA00
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_CCA_11N                     0xA0A
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_ANTDIV_PARA2_11N            0xA0C
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_ANTDIV_PARA3_11N            0xA10
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_ANTDIV_PARA4_11N            0xA14
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FILTER_PARA1_11N            0xA22
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FILTER_PARA2_11N            0xA23
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FILTER_PARA3_11N            0xA24
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FILTER_PARA4_11N            0xA25
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FILTER_PARA5_11N            0xA26
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FILTER_PARA6_11N            0xA27
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FILTER_PARA7_11N            0xA28
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FILTER_PARA8_11N            0xA29
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FA_RST_11N                  0xA2C
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FA_MSB_11N                  0xA58
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_FA_LSB_11N                  0xA5C
+#define        ODM_REG_CCK_CCA_CNT_11N                 0xA60
+#define        ODM_REG_BB_PWR_SAV4_11N                 0xA74
+/* PAGE B */
+#define        ODM_REG_LNA_SWITCH_11N                  0xB2C
+#define        ODM_REG_PATH_SWITCH_11N                 0xB30
+#define        ODM_REG_RSSI_CTRL_11N                   0xB38
+#define        ODM_REG_CONFIG_ANTA_11N                 0xB68
+#define        ODM_REG_RSSI_BT_11N                     0xB9C
+/* PAGE C */
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_HOLDC_11N               0xC00
+#define        ODM_REG_RX_PATH_11N                     0xC04
+#define        ODM_REG_TRMUX_11N                       0xC08
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RSTC_11N                0xC0C
+#define        ODM_REG_RXIQI_MATRIX_11N                0xC14
+#define        ODM_REG_TXIQK_MATRIX_LSB1_11N           0xC4C
+#define        ODM_REG_IGI_A_11N                       0xC50
+#define        ODM_REG_ANTDIV_PARA2_11N                0xC54
+#define        ODM_REG_IGI_B_11N                       0xC58
+#define        ODM_REG_ANTDIV_PARA3_11N                0xC5C
+#define        ODM_REG_BB_PWR_SAV2_11N                 0xC70
+#define        ODM_REG_RX_OFF_11N                      0xC7C
+#define        ODM_REG_TXIQK_MATRIXA_11N               0xC80
+#define        ODM_REG_TXIQK_MATRIXB_11N               0xC88
+#define        ODM_REG_TXIQK_MATRIXA_LSB2_11N          0xC94
+#define        ODM_REG_TXIQK_MATRIXB_LSB2_11N          0xC9C
+#define        ODM_REG_RXIQK_MATRIX_LSB_11N            0xCA0
+#define        ODM_REG_ANTDIV_PARA1_11N                0xCA4
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE1_11N               0xCF0
+/* PAGE D */
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_RSTD_11N                0xD00
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE2_11N               0xDA0
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE3_11N               0xDA4
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_FA_TYPE4_11N               0xDA8
+/* PAGE E */
+#define        ODM_REG_TXAGC_A_6_18_11N                0xE00
+#define        ODM_REG_TXAGC_A_24_54_11N               0xE04
+#define        ODM_REG_TXAGC_A_1_MCS32_11N             0xE08
+#define        ODM_REG_TXAGC_A_MCS0_3_11N              0xE10
+#define        ODM_REG_TXAGC_A_MCS4_7_11N              0xE14
+#define        ODM_REG_TXAGC_A_MCS8_11_11N             0xE18
+#define        ODM_REG_TXAGC_A_MCS12_15_11N            0xE1C
+#define        ODM_REG_FPGA0_IQK_11N                   0xE28
+#define        ODM_REG_TXIQK_TONE_A_11N                0xE30
+#define        ODM_REG_RXIQK_TONE_A_11N                0xE34
+#define        ODM_REG_TXIQK_PI_A_11N                  0xE38
+#define        ODM_REG_RXIQK_PI_A_11N                  0xE3C
+#define        ODM_REG_TXIQK_11N                       0xE40
+#define        ODM_REG_RXIQK_11N                       0xE44
+#define        ODM_REG_IQK_AGC_PTS_11N                 0xE48
+#define        ODM_REG_IQK_AGC_RSP_11N                 0xE4C
+#define        ODM_REG_BLUETOOTH_11N                   0xE6C
+#define        ODM_REG_RX_WAIT_CCA_11N                 0xE70
+#define        ODM_REG_TX_CCK_RFON_11N                 0xE74
+#define        ODM_REG_TX_CCK_BBON_11N                 0xE78
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_RFON_11N                   0xE7C
+#define        ODM_REG_OFDM_BBON_11N                   0xE80
+#define ODM_REG_TX2RX_11N                      0xE84
+#define        ODM_REG_TX2TX_11N                       0xE88
+#define        ODM_REG_RX_CCK_11N                      0xE8C
+#define        ODM_REG_RX_OFDM_11N                     0xED0
+#define        ODM_REG_RX_WAIT_RIFS_11N                0xED4
+#define        ODM_REG_RX2RX_11N                       0xED8
+#define        ODM_REG_STANDBY_11N                     0xEDC
+#define        ODM_REG_SLEEP_11N                       0xEE0
+#define        ODM_REG_PMPD_ANAEN_11N                  0xEEC
+/* 2 MAC REG LIST */
+#define        ODM_REG_BB_RST_11N                      0x02
+#define        ODM_REG_ANTSEL_PIN_11N                  0x4C
+#define        ODM_REG_EARLY_MODE_11N                  0x4D0
+#define        ODM_REG_RSSI_MONITOR_11N                0x4FE
+#define        ODM_REG_EDCA_VO_11N                     0x500
+#define        ODM_REG_EDCA_VI_11N                     0x504
+#define        ODM_REG_EDCA_BE_11N                     0x508
+#define        ODM_REG_EDCA_BK_11N                     0x50C
+#define        ODM_REG_TXPAUSE_11N                     0x522
+#define        ODM_REG_RESP_TX_11N                     0x6D8
+#define        ODM_REG_ANT_TRAIN_PARA1_11N             0x7b0
+#define        ODM_REG_ANT_TRAIN_PARA2_11N             0x7b4
+/* DIG Related */
+#define        ODM_BIT_IGI_11N                         0x0000007F
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_debug.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_debug.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5bc51d0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __ODM_DBG_H__
+#define __ODM_DBG_H__
+/*  */
+/*     Define the debug levels */
+/*  */
+/*     1.      DBG_TRACE and DBG_LOUD are used for normal cases. */
+/*     So that, they can help SW engineer to develope or trace states changed */
+/*     and also help HW enginner to trace every operation to and from HW, */
+/*     e.g IO, Tx, Rx. */
+/*  */
+/*     2.      DBG_WARNNING and DBG_SERIOUS are used for unusual or error cases, */
+/*     which help us to debug SW or HW. */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     Never used in a call to ODM_RT_TRACE()! */
+/*  */
+#define ODM_DBG_OFF                                    1
+/*  */
+/*     Fatal bug. */
+/*     For example, Tx/Rx/IO locked up, OS hangs, memory access violation, */
+/*     resource allocation failed, unexpected HW behavior, HW BUG and so on. */
+/*  */
+#define ODM_DBG_SERIOUS                                2
+/*  */
+/*     Abnormal, rare, or unexpeted cases. */
+/*     For example, IRP/Packet/OID canceled, device suprisely unremoved and so on. */
+/*  */
+#define ODM_DBG_WARNING                                3
+/*  */
+/*     Normal case with useful information about current SW or HW state. */
+/*     For example, Tx/Rx descriptor to fill, Tx/Rx descriptor completed status, */
+/*     SW protocol state change, dynamic mechanism state change and so on. */
+/*  */
+#define ODM_DBG_LOUD                                   4
+/*  */
+/*     Normal case with detail execution flow or information. */
+/*  */
+#define ODM_DBG_TRACE                                  5
+/*  */
+/*  Define the tracing components */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* BB Functions */
+#define ODM_COMP_DIG                           BIT0
+#define ODM_COMP_RA_MASK                       BIT1
+#define ODM_COMP_DYNAMIC_TXPWR                 BIT2
+#define ODM_COMP_FA_CNT                                BIT3
+#define ODM_COMP_RSSI_MONITOR                  BIT4
+#define ODM_COMP_CCK_PD                                BIT5
+#define ODM_COMP_ANT_DIV                       BIT6
+#define ODM_COMP_PWR_SAVE                      BIT7
+#define ODM_COMP_PWR_TRAIN                     BIT8
+#define ODM_COMP_RATE_ADAPTIVE                 BIT9
+#define ODM_COMP_PATH_DIV                      BIT10
+#define ODM_COMP_PSD                           BIT11
+#define ODM_COMP_DYNAMIC_PRICCA                        BIT12
+#define ODM_COMP_RXHP                          BIT13
+/* MAC Functions */
+#define ODM_COMP_EDCA_TURBO                    BIT16
+#define ODM_COMP_EARLY_MODE                    BIT17
+/* RF Functions */
+#define ODM_COMP_TX_PWR_TRACK                  BIT24
+#define ODM_COMP_RX_GAIN_TRACK                 BIT25
+#define ODM_COMP_CALIBRATION                   BIT26
+/* Common Functions */
+#define ODM_COMP_COMMON                                BIT30
+#define ODM_COMP_INIT                          BIT31
+/*------------------------Export Macro Definition---------------------------*/
+       #define DbgPrint        printk
+       #define RT_PRINTK(fmt, args...) DbgPrint("%s(): " fmt, __func__, ## args);
+#ifndef ASSERT
+       #define ASSERT(expr)
+#define ODM_RT_TRACE(pDM_Odm, comp, level, fmt)                                                        \
+               if(((comp) & pDM_Odm->DebugComponents) && (level <= pDM_Odm->DebugLevel))       \
+               {                                                                               \
+                       DbgPrint("[ODM-8723A] ");                                               \
+                       RT_PRINTK fmt;                                                          \
+               }
+#define ODM_RT_TRACE_F(pDM_Odm, comp, level, fmt)                                              \
+               if(((comp) & pDM_Odm->DebugComponents) && (level <= pDM_Odm->DebugLevel))       \
+               {                                                                               \
+                       RT_PRINTK fmt;                                                          \
+               }
+#define ODM_RT_ASSERT(pDM_Odm, expr, fmt)                                                      \
+               if(!(expr)) {                                                                   \
+                       DbgPrint("Assertion failed! %s at ......\n", #expr);                    \
+                       DbgPrint("      ......%s,%s,line=%d\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);\
+                       RT_PRINTK fmt;                                                          \
+                       ASSERT(false);                                                          \
+               }
+#define ODM_dbg_enter() { DbgPrint("==> %s\n", __func__); }
+#define ODM_dbg_exit() { DbgPrint("<== %s\n", __func__); }
+#define ODM_dbg_trace(str) { DbgPrint("%s:%s\n", __func__, str); }
+#define ODM_PRINT_ADDR(pDM_Odm, comp, level, title_str, ptr)                                           \
+                       if(((comp) & pDM_Odm->DebugComponents) && (level <= pDM_Odm->DebugLevel){       \
+                               int __i;                        \
+                               u8 *    __ptr = (u8 *)ptr;      \
+                               DbgPrint("[ODM] ");             \
+                               DbgPrint(title_str);            \
+                               DbgPrint(" ");                  \
+                               for (__i=0; __i < 6; __i++)     \
+                                       DbgPrint("%02X%s", __ptr[__i], (__i == 5) ? "" : "-");          \
+                               DbgPrint("\n");                 \
+                       }
+void ODM_InitDebugSetting23a(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm);
+#endif /*  __ODM_DBG_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_interface.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_interface.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f216b58
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __ODM_INTERFACE_H__
+#define __ODM_INTERFACE_H__
+/*  */
+/*  =========== Constant/Structure/Enum/... Define */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  =========== Macro Define */
+/*  */
+#define _reg_all(_name)                        ODM_##_name
+#define _reg_ic(_name, _ic)            ODM_##_name##_ic
+#define _bit_all(_name)                        BIT_##_name
+#define _bit_ic(_name, _ic)            BIT_##_name##_ic
+/*  _cat: implemented by Token-Pasting Operator. */
+#define ODM_REG_DIG_11N                0xC50
+#define ODM_REG_DIG_11AC       0xDDD
+#define _reg_11N(_name)                        ODM_REG_##_name##_11N
+#define _reg_11AC(_name)               ODM_REG_##_name##_11AC
+#define _bit_11N(_name)                        ODM_BIT_##_name##_11N
+#define _bit_11AC(_name)               ODM_BIT_##_name##_11AC
+#define _cat(_name, _ic_type, _func)                                                                   \
+       (                                                                                                                       \
+               ((_ic_type) & ODM_IC_11N_SERIES)? _func##_11N(_name):           \
+               _func##_11AC(_name)                                                                     \
+       )
+/*  _name: name of register or bit. */
+/*  Example: "ODM_REG(R_A_AGC_CORE1, pDM_Odm)" */
+/*         gets "ODM_R_A_AGC_CORE1" or "ODM_R_A_AGC_CORE1_8192C", depends on SupportICType. */
+#define ODM_REG(_name, _pDM_Odm)       _cat(_name, _pDM_Odm->SupportICType, _reg)
+#define ODM_BIT(_name, _pDM_Odm)       _cat(_name, _pDM_Odm->SupportICType, _bit)
+/*  */
+/*  2012/02/17 MH For non-MP compile pass only. Linux does not support workitem. */
+/*  Suggest HW team to use thread instead of workitem. Windows also support the feature. */
+/*  */
+typedef void (*RT_WORKITEM_CALL_BACK)(struct work_struct *pContext);
+/*  */
+/*  =========== Extern Variable ??? It should be forbidden. */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  =========== EXtern Function Prototype */
+/*  */
+u8 ODM_Read1Byte(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr);
+u16 ODM_Read2Byte(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr);
+u32 ODM_Read4Byte(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr);
+void ODM_Write1Byte(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr, u8 Data);
+void ODM_Write2Byte(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr, u16 Data);
+void ODM_Write4Byte(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr, u32 Data);
+void ODM_SetMACReg(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask, u32 Data);
+u32 ODM_GetMACReg(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask);
+void ODM_SetBBReg(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask, u32 Data);
+u32 ODM_GetBBReg(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask);
+void ODM_SetRFReg(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, enum RF_RADIO_PATH eRFPath,
+                 u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask, u32 Data);
+u32 ODM_GetRFReg(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, enum RF_RADIO_PATH eRFPath,
+                u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask);
+/*  Memory Relative Function. */
+void ODM_AllocateMemory(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, void **pPtr, u32 length);
+void ODM_FreeMemory(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, void *pPtr, u32 length);
+s32 ODM_CompareMemory(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, void *pBuf1, void *pBuf2, u32 length);
+/*  ODM MISC-spin lock relative API. */
+void ODM_AcquireSpinLock(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, enum rt_spinlock_type type);
+void ODM_ReleaseSpinLock(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, enum rt_spinlock_type type);
+/*  ODM MISC-workitem relative API. */
+void ODM_InitializeWorkItem(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, void *pRtWorkItem,
+                           RT_WORKITEM_CALL_BACK RtWorkItemCallback, void *pContext, const char *szID);
+/*  ODM Timer relative API. */
+void ODM_SetTimer(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, struct timer_list *pTimer, u32 msDelay);
+void ODM_ReleaseTimer(struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm, struct timer_list *pTimer);
+/*  ODM FW relative API. */
+u32 ODM_FillH2CCmd(u8 *pH2CBuffer, u32 H2CBufferLen, u32 CmdNum,
+                  u32 *pElementID, u32 *pCmdLen, u8 **pCmbBuffer,
+                  u8 *CmdStartSeq);
+#endif /*  __ODM_INTERFACE_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_precomp.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_precomp.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f3fc2fa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __ODM_PRECOMP_H__
+#define __ODM_PRECOMP_H__
+#include "odm_types.h"
+#define                TEST_FALG___            1
+/* 2 Config Flags and Structs - defined by each ODM Type */
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include <hal_intf.h>
+/* 2 Hardware Parameter Files */
+#include "Hal8723UHWImg_CE.h"
+/* 2 OutSrc Header Files */
+#include "odm.h"
+#include "odm_HWConfig.h"
+#include "odm_debug.h"
+#include "odm_RegDefine11AC.h"
+#include "odm_RegDefine11N.h"
+#include "HalDMOutSrc8723A.h" /* for IQK,LCK,Power-tracking */
+#include "rtl8723a_hal.h"
+#include "odm_interface.h"
+#include "odm_reg.h"
+#include "HalHWImg8723A_MAC.h"
+#include "HalHWImg8723A_RF.h"
+#include "HalHWImg8723A_BB.h"
+#include "HalHWImg8723A_FW.h"
+#include "odm_RegConfig8723A.h"
+#endif /*  __ODM_PRECOMP_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_reg.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_reg.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..56191e9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/*  */
+/*  File Name: odm_reg.h */
+/*  */
+/*  Description: */
+/*  */
+/*  This file is for general register definition. */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#ifndef        __HAL_ODM_REG_H__
+#define __HAL_ODM_REG_H__
+/*  */
+/*  Register Definition */
+/*  */
+/* MAC REG */
+#define        ODM_BB_RESET                                    0x002
+#define        ODM_DUMMY                                               0x4fe
+#define        ODM_EDCA_VO_PARAM                       0x500
+#define        ODM_EDCA_VI_PARAM                       0x504
+#define        ODM_EDCA_BE_PARAM                       0x508
+#define        ODM_EDCA_BK_PARAM                       0x50C
+#define        ODM_TXPAUSE                                     0x522
+/* BB REG */
+#define        ODM_FPGA_PHY0_PAGE8                     0x800
+#define        ODM_PSD_SETTING                         0x808
+#define        ODM_AFE_SETTING                         0x818
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_B_6_18                                0x830
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_B_24_54                       0x834
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_B_MCS32_5                     0x838
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_B_MCS0_MCS3           0x83c
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_B_MCS4_MCS7           0x848
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_B_MCS8_MCS11          0x84c
+#define        ODM_ANALOG_REGISTER                     0x85c
+#define        ODM_RF_INTERFACE_OUTPUT         0x860
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_B_MCS12_MCS15 0x868
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_B_11_A_2_11           0x86c
+#define        ODM_AD_DA_LSB_MASK                      0x874
+#define        ODM_ENABLE_3_WIRE                       0x88c
+#define        ODM_PSD_REPORT                          0x8b4
+#define        ODM_R_ANT_SELECT                                0x90c
+#define        ODM_CCK_ANT_SELECT                      0xa07
+#define        ODM_CCK_PD_THRESH                       0xa0a
+#define        ODM_CCK_RF_REG1                         0xa11
+#define        ODM_CCK_MATCH_FILTER                    0xa20
+#define        ODM_CCK_RAKE_MAC                                0xa2e
+#define        ODM_CCK_CNT_RESET                       0xa2d
+#define        ODM_CCK_TX_DIVERSITY                    0xa2f
+#define        ODM_CCK_FA_CNT_MSB                      0xa5b
+#define        ODM_CCK_FA_CNT_LSB                      0xa5c
+#define        ODM_CCK_NEW_FUNCTION            0xa75
+#define        ODM_OFDM_PHY0_PAGE_C            0xc00
+#define        ODM_OFDM_RX_ANT                         0xc04
+#define        ODM_R_A_RXIQI                                   0xc14
+#define        ODM_R_A_AGC_CORE1                       0xc50
+#define        ODM_R_A_AGC_CORE2                       0xc54
+#define        ODM_R_B_AGC_CORE1                       0xc58
+#define        ODM_R_AGC_PAR                                   0xc70
+#define        ODM_R_HTSTF_AGC_PAR                     0xc7c
+#define        ODM_TX_PWR_TRAINING_A           0xc90
+#define        ODM_TX_PWR_TRAINING_B           0xc98
+#define        ODM_OFDM_FA_CNT1                                0xcf0
+#define        ODM_OFDM_PHY0_PAGE_D            0xd00
+#define        ODM_OFDM_FA_CNT2                                0xda0
+#define        ODM_OFDM_FA_CNT3                                0xda4
+#define        ODM_OFDM_FA_CNT4                                0xda8
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_A_6_18                                0xe00
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_A_24_54                       0xe04
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_A_1_MCS32                     0xe08
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_A_MCS0_MCS3           0xe10
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_A_MCS4_MCS7           0xe14
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_A_MCS8_MCS11          0xe18
+#define        ODM_TXAGC_A_MCS12_MCS15         0xe1c
+/* RF REG */
+#define        ODM_GAIN_SETTING                                0x00
+#define        ODM_CHANNEL                                     0x18
+/* Ant Detect Reg */
+#define        ODM_DPDT                                                0x300
+/* PSD Init */
+#define        ODM_PSDREG                                      0x808
+/* 92D Path Div */
+#define        PATHDIV_REG                                     0xB30
+#define        PATHDIV_TRI                                     0xBA0
+/*  */
+/*  Bitmap Definition */
+/*  */
+#define        BIT_FA_RESET                                    BIT0
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_types.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/odm_types.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a866769
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __ODM_TYPES_H__
+#define __ODM_TYPES_H__
+/*  Define Different SW team support */
+enum hal_status {
+enum rt_spinlock_type {
+       RT_TEMP =1,
+#define SET_TX_DESC_ANTSEL_A_88E(__pTxDesc, __Value)           \
+       SET_BITS_TO_LE_4BYTE(__pTxDesc+8, 24, 1, __Value)
+#define SET_TX_DESC_ANTSEL_B_88E(__pTxDesc, __Value)           \
+       SET_BITS_TO_LE_4BYTE(__pTxDesc+8, 25, 1, __Value)
+#define SET_TX_DESC_ANTSEL_C_88E(__pTxDesc, __Value)           \
+       SET_BITS_TO_LE_4BYTE(__pTxDesc+28, 29, 1, __Value)
+#endif /*  __ODM_TYPES_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/osdep_intf.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/osdep_intf.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b603cf5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __OSDEP_INTF_H_
+#define __OSDEP_INTF_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+int rtw_hw_suspend23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_hw_resume23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 rtw_init_drv_sw23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 rtw_free_drv_sw23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 rtw_reset_drv_sw23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u32 rtw_start_drv_threads23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_stop_drv_threads23a (struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_cancel_all_timer23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_init_netdev23a_name23a(struct net_device *pnetdev, const char *ifname);
+struct net_device *rtw_init_netdev23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u16 rtw_recv_select_queue23a(struct sk_buff *skb);
+void rtw_ips_dev_unload23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_ips_pwr_up23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_ips_pwr_down23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_drv_register_netdev(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_ndev_destructor(struct net_device *ndev);
+#endif /* _OSDEP_INTF_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/osdep_service.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/osdep_service.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cb7b5cd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __OSDEP_SERVICE_H_
+#define __OSDEP_SERVICE_H_
+#define _FAIL          0
+#define _SUCCESS       1
+#define RTW_RX_HANDLED 2
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kref.h>
+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
+#include <linux/circ_buf.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/byteorder.h>
+#include <asm/atomic.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <linux/semaphore.h>
+#include <linux/sem.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
+#include <linux/wireless.h>
+#include <net/iw_handler.h>
+#include <linux/if_arp.h>
+#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>     /*  Necessary because we use the proc fs */
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>   /*  for struct tasklet_struct */
+#include <linux/ip.h>
+#include <linux/kthread.h>
+/*     #include <linux/ieee80211.h> */
+#include <net/ieee80211_radiotap.h>
+#include <net/cfg80211.h>
+#include <linux/usb.h>
+#include <linux/usb/ch9.h>
+struct rtw_adapter;
+struct c2h_evt_hdr;
+typedef s32 (*c2h_id_filter)(u8 id);
+struct rtw_queue {
+       struct  list_head       queue;
+       spinlock_t              lock;
+static inline struct list_head *get_list_head(struct rtw_queue *queue)
+       return (&queue->queue);
+static inline int rtw_netif_queue_stopped(struct net_device *pnetdev)
+       return (netif_tx_queue_stopped(netdev_get_tx_queue(pnetdev, 0)) &&
+               netif_tx_queue_stopped(netdev_get_tx_queue(pnetdev, 1)) &&
+               netif_tx_queue_stopped(netdev_get_tx_queue(pnetdev, 2)) &&
+               netif_tx_queue_stopped(netdev_get_tx_queue(pnetdev, 3)) );
+#ifndef BIT
+#define BIT(x) ( 1 << (x))
+static inline u32 CHKBIT(u32 x)
+       WARN_ON(x >= 32);
+       if (x >= 32)
+               return 0;
+       return BIT(x);
+#define BIT0   0x00000001
+#define BIT1   0x00000002
+#define BIT2   0x00000004
+#define BIT3   0x00000008
+#define BIT4   0x00000010
+#define BIT5   0x00000020
+#define BIT6   0x00000040
+#define BIT7   0x00000080
+#define BIT8   0x00000100
+#define BIT9   0x00000200
+#define BIT10  0x00000400
+#define BIT11  0x00000800
+#define BIT12  0x00001000
+#define BIT13  0x00002000
+#define BIT14  0x00004000
+#define BIT15  0x00008000
+#define BIT16  0x00010000
+#define BIT17  0x00020000
+#define BIT18  0x00040000
+#define BIT19  0x00080000
+#define BIT20  0x00100000
+#define BIT21  0x00200000
+#define BIT22  0x00400000
+#define BIT23  0x00800000
+#define BIT24  0x01000000
+#define BIT25  0x02000000
+#define BIT26  0x04000000
+#define BIT27  0x08000000
+#define BIT28  0x10000000
+#define BIT29  0x20000000
+#define BIT30  0x40000000
+#define BIT31  0x80000000
+#define BIT32  0x0100000000
+#define BIT33  0x0200000000
+#define BIT34  0x0400000000
+#define BIT35  0x0800000000
+#define BIT36  0x1000000000
+int RTW_STATUS_CODE23a(int error_code);
+u8*    _rtw_vmalloc(u32 sz);
+u8*    _rtw_zvmalloc(u32 sz);
+void   _rtw_vmfree(u8 *pbuf, u32 sz);
+#define rtw_vmalloc(sz)                        _rtw_vmalloc((sz))
+#define rtw_zvmalloc(sz)                       _rtw_zvmalloc((sz))
+#define rtw_vmfree(pbuf, sz)           _rtw_vmfree((pbuf), (sz))
+extern unsigned char REALTEK_96B_IE23A[];
+extern unsigned char MCS_rate_2R23A[16];
+extern unsigned char RTW_WPA_OUI23A[];
+extern unsigned char WPA_TKIP_CIPHER23A[4];
+extern unsigned char RSN_TKIP_CIPHER23A[4];
+extern unsigned char   MCS_rate_2R23A[16];
+extern unsigned char   MCS_rate_1R23A[16];
+void   _rtw_init_queue23a(struct rtw_queue *pqueue);
+u32    _rtw_queue_empty23a(struct rtw_queue *pqueue);
+u32    rtw_get_current_time(void);
+u32    rtw_systime_to_ms23a(u32 systime);
+u32    rtw_ms_to_systime23a(u32 ms);
+s32    rtw_get_passing_time_ms23a(u32 start);
+s32    rtw_get_time_interval_ms23a(u32 start, u32 end);
+#define _RND(sz, r) ((((sz)+((r)-1))/(r))*(r))
+#define RND4(x)        (((x >> 2) + (((x & 3) == 0) ?  0: 1)) << 2)
+static inline u32 _RND4(u32 sz)
+       u32     val;
+       val = ((sz >> 2) + ((sz & 3) ? 1: 0)) << 2;
+       return val;
+static inline u32 _RND8(u32 sz)
+       u32     val;
+       val = ((sz >> 3) + ((sz & 7) ? 1: 0)) << 3;
+       return val;
+static inline u32 _RND128(u32 sz)
+       u32     val;
+       val = ((sz >> 7) + ((sz & 127) ? 1: 0)) << 7;
+       return val;
+static inline u32 _RND256(u32 sz)
+       u32     val;
+       val = ((sz >> 8) + ((sz & 255) ? 1: 0)) << 8;
+       return val;
+static inline u32 _RND512(u32 sz)
+       u32     val;
+       val = ((sz >> 9) + ((sz & 511) ? 1: 0)) << 9;
+       return val;
+static inline u32 bitshift(u32 bitmask)
+       u32 i;
+       for (i = 0; i <= 31; i++)
+               if (((bitmask>>i) &  0x1) == 1) break;
+       return i;
+#define STRUCT_PACKED __attribute__ ((packed))
+/*  limitation of path length */
+void rtw_suspend_lock_init(void);
+void rtw_suspend_lock_uninit(void);
+void rtw_lock_suspend(void);
+void rtw_unlock_suspend(void);
+/* File operation APIs, just for linux now */
+int rtw_is_file_readable(char *path);
+int rtw_retrive_from_file(char *path, u8* buf, u32 sz);
+int rtw_store_to_file(char *path, u8* buf, u32 sz);
+#define NDEV_FMT "%s"
+#define NDEV_ARG(ndev) ndev->name
+#define ADPT_FMT "%s"
+#define ADPT_ARG(adapter) adapter->pnetdev->name
+#define FUNC_NDEV_FMT "%s(%s)"
+#define FUNC_NDEV_ARG(ndev) __func__, ndev->name
+#define FUNC_ADPT_FMT "%s(%s)"
+#define FUNC_ADPT_ARG(adapter) __func__, adapter->pnetdev->name
+#define rtw_signal_process(pid, sig) kill_pid(find_vpid((pid)),(sig), 1)
+u64 rtw_modular6423a(u64 x, u64 y);
+u64 rtw_division6423a(u64 x, u64 y);
+/* Macros for handling unaligned memory accesses */
+#define RTW_GET_BE16(a) ((u16) (((a)[0] << 8) | (a)[1]))
+#define RTW_PUT_BE16(a, val)                   \
+       do {                                    \
+               (a)[0] = ((u16) (val)) >> 8;    \
+               (a)[1] = ((u16) (val)) & 0xff;  \
+       } while (0)
+#define RTW_GET_LE16(a) ((u16) (((a)[1] << 8) | (a)[0]))
+#define RTW_PUT_LE16(a, val)                   \
+       do {                                    \
+               (a)[1] = ((u16) (val)) >> 8;    \
+               (a)[0] = ((u16) (val)) & 0xff;  \
+       } while (0)
+#define RTW_GET_BE24(a) ((((u32) (a)[0]) << 16) | (((u32) (a)[1]) << 8) | \
+                        ((u32) (a)[2]))
+#define RTW_PUT_BE24(a, val)                                   \
+       do {                                                    \
+               (a)[0] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 16) & 0xff);   \
+               (a)[1] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 8) & 0xff);    \
+               (a)[2] = (u8) (((u32) (val)) & 0xff);           \
+       } while (0)
+#define RTW_GET_BE32(a) ((((u32) (a)[0]) << 24) | (((u32) (a)[1]) << 16) | \
+                        (((u32) (a)[2]) << 8) | ((u32) (a)[3]))
+#define RTW_PUT_BE32(a, val)                                   \
+       do {                                                    \
+               (a)[0] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 24) & 0xff);   \
+               (a)[1] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 16) & 0xff);   \
+               (a)[2] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 8) & 0xff);    \
+               (a)[3] = (u8) (((u32) (val)) & 0xff);           \
+       } while (0)
+#define RTW_GET_LE32(a) ((((u32) (a)[3]) << 24) | (((u32) (a)[2]) << 16) | \
+                        (((u32) (a)[1]) << 8) | ((u32) (a)[0]))
+#define RTW_PUT_LE32(a, val)                                   \
+       do {                                                    \
+               (a)[3] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 24) & 0xff);   \
+               (a)[2] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 16) & 0xff);   \
+               (a)[1] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 8) & 0xff);    \
+               (a)[0] = (u8) (((u32) (val)) & 0xff);           \
+       } while (0)
+#define RTW_GET_BE64(a) ((((u64) (a)[0]) << 56) | (((u64) (a)[1]) << 48) | \
+                        (((u64) (a)[2]) << 40) | (((u64) (a)[3]) << 32) | \
+                        (((u64) (a)[4]) << 24) | (((u64) (a)[5]) << 16) | \
+                        (((u64) (a)[6]) << 8) | ((u64) (a)[7]))
+#define RTW_PUT_BE64(a, val)                           \
+       do {                                            \
+               (a)[0] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 56);    \
+               (a)[1] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 48);    \
+               (a)[2] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 40);    \
+               (a)[3] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 32);    \
+               (a)[4] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 24);    \
+               (a)[5] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 16);    \
+               (a)[6] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 8);     \
+               (a)[7] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) & 0xff);   \
+       } while (0)
+#define RTW_GET_LE64(a) ((((u64) (a)[7]) << 56) | (((u64) (a)[6]) << 48) | \
+                        (((u64) (a)[5]) << 40) | (((u64) (a)[4]) << 32) | \
+                        (((u64) (a)[3]) << 24) | (((u64) (a)[2]) << 16) | \
+                        (((u64) (a)[1]) << 8) | ((u64) (a)[0]))
+struct rtw_cbuf {
+       u32 write;
+       u32 read;
+       u32 size;
+       void *bufs[0];
+bool rtw_cbuf_full23a(struct rtw_cbuf *cbuf);
+bool rtw_cbuf_empty23a(struct rtw_cbuf *cbuf);
+bool rtw_cbuf_push23a(struct rtw_cbuf *cbuf, void *buf);
+void *rtw_cbuf_pop23a(struct rtw_cbuf *cbuf);
+struct rtw_cbuf *rtw_cbuf_alloc23a(u32 size);
+void rtw_cbuf_free(struct rtw_cbuf *cbuf);
+int rtw_change_ifname(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, const char *ifname);
+s32 c2h_evt_hdl(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, struct c2h_evt_hdr *c2h_evt, c2h_id_filter filter);
+void indicate_wx_scan_complete_event(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 rtw_do_join23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/recv_osdep.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/recv_osdep.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..15c94b6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RECV_OSDEP_H_
+#define __RECV_OSDEP_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+int _rtw_init_recv_priv23a(struct recv_priv *precvpriv, struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void _rtw_free_recv_priv23a (struct recv_priv *precvpriv);
+int rtw_recv_entry23a(struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+int rtw_recv_indicatepkt23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+void rtw_recv_returnpacket(struct net_device *cnxt, struct sk_buff *preturnedpkt);
+void rtw_hostapd_mlme_rx23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+void rtw_handle_tkip_mic_err23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bgroup);
+int    rtw_init_recv_priv(struct recv_priv *precvpriv, struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_free_recv_priv (struct recv_priv *precvpriv);
+int rtw_os_recv_resource_init(struct recv_priv *precvpriv, struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_os_recv_resource_alloc23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precvframe);
+void rtw_os_recv_resource_free(struct recv_priv *precvpriv);
+int rtw_os_recvbuf_resource_alloc23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_buf *precvbuf);
+int rtw_os_recvbuf_resource_free23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_buf *precvbuf);
+void rtw_os_read_port23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_buf *precvbuf);
+void rtw_init_recv_timer23a(struct recv_reorder_ctrl *preorder_ctrl);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_bt-coexist.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_bt-coexist.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5777eda
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1672 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_BT_COEXIST_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_BT_COEXIST_H__
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include "odm_precomp.h"
+#define __BT_C__ 1
+#define __BT_HANDLEPACKET_C__ 1
+#define __BT_HCI_C__ 1
+#define __HALBTC87231ANT_C__ 1
+#define __HALBTC87232ANT_C__ 1
+#define __HALBTC8723_C__ 1
+#define __HALBTCCSR1ANT_C__ 1
+#define __HALBTCCSR2ANT_C__ 1
+#define __HALBTCOEXIST_C__ 1
+#define __HALBT_C__ 1
+#ifdef __BT_C__ /*  COMMON/BT.h */
+/*  HEADER/PlatformDef.h */
+enum rt_media_status {
+       RT_MEDIA_DISCONNECT     = 0,
+       RT_MEDIA_CONNECT        = 1
+/*  ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver COMMON/BT.h ===== */
+#define        BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE         100
+void BT_SignalCompensation(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                          u8 *rssi_wifi, u8 *rssi_bt);
+void BT_WifiScanNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 scanType);
+void BT_WifiAssociateNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 action);
+void BT_WifiMediaStatusNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                             enum rt_media_status mstatus);
+void BT_SpecialPacketNotify(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BT_HaltProcess(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BT_LpsLeave(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define        BT_HsConnectionEstablished(Adapter)             false
+/*  ===== End of sync from SD7 driver COMMON/BT.h ===== */
+#endif /*  __BT_C__ */
+#ifdef __BT_HCI_C__ /*  COMMON/bt_hci.h */
+/*  HEADER/SecurityType.h */
+#define TKIP_ENC_KEY_POS               32              /* KEK_LEN+KEK_LEN) */
+#define MAXRSNIELEN                            256
+/*  COMMON/Protocol802_11.h */
+/*  */
+/*       802.11 Management frame Status Code field */
+/*  */
+struct octet_string {
+       u8              *Octet;
+       u16             Length;
+/*  AES_CCMP specific */
+enum {
+       AESCCMP_BLK_SIZE                =   16,     /*  # octets in an AES block */
+       AESCCMP_MAX_PACKET              =   4*512,  /*  largest packet size */
+       AESCCMP_N_RESERVED              =   0,      /*  reserved nonce octet value */
+       AESCCMP_A_DATA                  =   0x40,   /*  the Adata bit in the flags */
+       AESCCMP_M_SHIFT                 =   3,      /*  how much to shift the 3-bit M field */
+       AESCCMP_L_SHIFT                 =   0,      /*  how much to shift the 3-bit L field */
+       AESCCMP_L_SIZE                  =   2,       /*  size of the l(m) length field (in octets) */
+       AESCCMP_OFFSET_SC               =       22,
+       AESCCMP_OFFSET_DURATION =       4,
+       AESCCMP_OFFSET_A2               =       10,
+       AESCCMP_OFFSET_A4               =       24,
+       AESCCMP_QC_TID_MASK             =       0x0f,
+       AESCCMP_BLK_SIZE_TOTAL  =   16*16,     /*  Added by Annie for CKIP AES MIC BSOD, 2006-08-17. */
+                                                                                       /*  16*8 < 4*60  Resove to 16*16 */
+/*  Key Length */
+#define PMK_LEN                                32
+#define PTK_LEN_TKIP                   64
+#define GTK_LEN                                32
+#define KEY_NONCE_LEN                  32
+/*  COMMON/Dot11d.h */
+struct chnl_txpower_triple {
+       u8 FirstChnl;
+       u8 NumChnls;
+       s8 MaxTxPowerInDbm;
+/*  ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver COMMON/bt_hci.h ===== */
+/*  The following is for BT 3.0 + HS HCI COMMAND ERRORS CODES */
+#define Max80211PALPDUSize                     1492
+#define Max80211AMPASSOCLen                    672
+#define MinGUserPrio                                   4
+#define MaxGUserPrio                                   7
+#define BEUserPrio0                                            0
+#define BEUserPrio1                                            3
+#define Max80211BeaconPeriod           2000
+#define ShortRangeModePowerMax         4
+#define BT_Default_Chnl                                        10
+#define ACLDataHeaderLen                               4
+#define BTTotalDataBlockNum                    0x100
+#define BTLocalBufNum                                  0x200
+#define BTMaxDataBlockLen                              0x800
+#define BTTOTALBANDWIDTH                               0x7530
+#define BTMAXBANDGUBANDWIDTH           0x4e20
+#define TmpLocalBufSize                                        0x100
+#define BTSynDataPacketLength                  0xff
+/*  */
+#define BTMaxAuthCount                                 5
+#define BTMaxAsocCount                                 5
+#define MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM                   2       /* temporarily define */
+#define MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM          2       /* temporarily define */
+#define INVALID_PL_HANDLE                              0xff
+#define INVALID_ENTRY_NUM                              0xff
+/*  */
+#define CAM_BT_START_INDEX             (HALF_CAM_ENTRY - 4)   /*  MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM : 4 !!! */
+enum hci_status {
+       HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS                      = 0x00, /* Success */
+       HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_HCI_CMD               = 0x01, /* Unknown HCI Command */
+       HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID            = 0X02, /* Unknown Connection Identifier */
+       HCI_STATUS_HW_FAIL                      = 0X03, /* Hardware Failure */
+       HCI_STATUS_PAGE_TIMEOUT                 = 0X04, /* Page Timeout */
+       HCI_STATUS_AUTH_FAIL                    = 0X05, /* Authentication Failure */
+       HCI_STATUS_PIN_OR_KEY_MISSING           = 0X06, /* PIN or Key Missing */
+       HCI_STATUS_MEM_CAP_EXCEED               = 0X07, /* Memory Capacity Exceeded */
+       HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT              = 0X08, /* Connection Timeout */
+       HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_LIMIT                = 0X09, /* Connection Limit Exceeded */
+       HCI_STATUS_SYN_CONNECT_LIMIT            = 0X0a, /* Synchronous Connection Limit To A Device Exceeded */
+       HCI_STATUS_ACL_CONNECT_EXISTS           = 0X0b, /* ACL Connection Already Exists */
+       HCI_STATUS_CMD_DISALLOW                 = 0X0c, /* Command Disallowed */
+       HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_RJT_LIMIT_RESOURCE   = 0X0d, /* Connection Rejected due to Limited Resources */
+       HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_RJT_SEC_REASON       = 0X0e, /* Connection Rejected Due To Security Reasons */
+       HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_RJT_UNACCEPT_BD_ADDR = 0X0f, /* Connection Rejected due to Unacceptable BD_ADDR */
+       HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT       = 0X10, /* Connection Accept Timeout Exceeded */
+       HCI_STATUS_UNSUPPORT_FEATURE_PARA_VALUE = 0X11, /* Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value */
+       HCI_STATUS_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARA_VALUE   = 0X12, /* Invalid HCI Command Parameters */
+       HCI_STATUS_REMOTE_USER_TERMINATE_CONNECT = 0X13, /* Remote User Terminated Connection */
+       HCI_STATUS_REMOTE_DEV_TERMINATE_LOW_RESOURCE = 0X14, /* Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Low Resources */
+       HCI_STATUS_REMOTE_DEV_TERMINATE_CONNECT_POWER_OFF = 0X15, /* Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Power Off */
+       HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_TERMINATE_LOCAL_HOST = 0X16, /* Connection Terminated By Local Host */
+       HCI_STATUS_REPEATE_ATTEMPT              = 0X17, /* Repeated Attempts */
+       HCI_STATUS_PAIR_NOT_ALLOW               = 0X18, /* Pairing Not Allowed */
+       HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_LMP_PDU               = 0X19, /* Unknown LMP PDU */
+       HCI_STATUS_UNSUPPORT_REMOTE_LMP_FEATURE = 0X1a, /* Unsupported Remote Feature / Unsupported LMP Feature */
+       HCI_STATUS_SOC_OFFSET_REJECT            = 0X1b, /* SCO Offset Rejected */
+       HCI_STATUS_SOC_INTERVAL_REJECT          = 0X1c, /* SCO Interval Rejected */
+       HCI_STATUS_SOC_AIR_MODE_REJECT          = 0X1d,/* SCO Air Mode Rejected */
+       HCI_STATUS_INVALID_LMP_PARA             = 0X1e, /* Invalid LMP Parameters */
+       HCI_STATUS_UNSPECIFIC_ERROR             = 0X1f, /* Unspecified Error */
+       HCI_STATUS_UNSUPPORT_LMP_PARA_VALUE     = 0X20, /* Unsupported LMP Parameter Value */
+       HCI_STATUS_ROLE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOW        = 0X21, /* Role Change Not Allowed */
+       HCI_STATUS_LMP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT         = 0X22, /* LMP Response Timeout */
+       HCI_STATUS_LMP_ERROR_TRANSACTION_COLLISION = 0X23, /* LMP Error Transaction Collision */
+       HCI_STATUS_LMP_PDU_NOT_ALLOW            = 0X24, /* LMP PDU Not Allowed */
+       HCI_STATUS_ENCRYPTION_MODE_NOT_ALLOW    = 0X25, /* Encryption Mode Not Acceptable */
+       HCI_STATUS_LINK_KEY_CAN_NOT_CHANGE      = 0X26, /* Link Key Can Not be Changed */
+       HCI_STATUS_REQUEST_QOS_NOT_SUPPORT      = 0X27, /* Requested QoS Not Supported */
+       HCI_STATUS_INSTANT_PASSED               = 0X28, /* Instant Passed */
+       HCI_STATUS_PAIRING_UNIT_KEY_NOT_SUPPORT = 0X29, /* Pairing With Unit Key Not Supported */
+       HCI_STATUS_DIFFERENT_TRANSACTION_COLLISION = 0X2a, /* Different Transaction Collision */
+       HCI_STATUS_RESERVE_1                    = 0X2b, /* Reserved */
+       HCI_STATUS_QOS_UNACCEPT_PARA            = 0X2c, /* QoS Unacceptable Parameter */
+       HCI_STATUS_QOS_REJECT                   = 0X2d, /* QoS Rejected */
+       HCI_STATUS_CHNL_CLASSIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORT = 0X2e, /* Channel Classification Not Supported */
+       HCI_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY        = 0X2f, /* Insufficient Security */
+       HCI_STATUS_PARA_OUT_OF_RANGE            = 0x30, /* Parameter Out Of Mandatory Range */
+       HCI_STATUS_RESERVE_2                    = 0X31, /* Reserved */
+       HCI_STATUS_ROLE_SWITCH_PENDING          = 0X32, /* Role Switch Pending */
+       HCI_STATUS_RESERVE_3                    = 0X33, /* Reserved */
+       HCI_STATUS_RESERVE_SOLT_VIOLATION       = 0X34, /* Reserved Slot Violation */
+       HCI_STATUS_ROLE_SWITCH_FAIL             = 0X35, /* Role Switch Failed */
+       HCI_STATUS_EXTEND_INQUIRY_RSP_TOO_LARGE = 0X36, /* Extended Inquiry Response Too Large */
+       HCI_STATUS_SEC_SIMPLE_PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORT = 0X37, /* Secure Simple Pairing Not Supported By Host. */
+       HCI_STATUS_HOST_BUSY_PAIRING            = 0X38, /* Host Busy - Pairing */
+       HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_REJ_NOT_SUIT_CHNL_FOUND = 0X39, /* Connection Rejected due to No Suitable Channel Found */
+       HCI_STATUS_CONTROLLER_BUSY              = 0X3a  /* CONTROLLER BUSY */
+/*  */
+/*  The following is for BT 3.0 + HS HCI COMMAND */
+/*  */
+/* bit 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 */
+/*      |      OCF                                  |     OGF       | */
+/*  */
+/* OGF 0x01 */
+#define LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS                  0x01
+enum link_control_commands {
+       HCI_INQUIRY                                     = 0x0001,
+       HCI_INQUIRY_CANCEL                              = 0x0002,
+       HCI_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE                       = 0x0003,
+       HCI_EXIT_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE                  = 0x0004,
+       HCI_CREATE_CONNECTION                           = 0x0005,
+       HCI_DISCONNECT                                  = 0x0006,
+       HCI_CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL                    = 0x0008,
+       HCI_ACCEPT_CONNECTIONREQUEST                    = 0x0009,
+       HCI_REJECT_CONNECTION_REQUEST                   = 0x000a,
+       HCI_LINK_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY                      = 0x000b,
+       HCI_LINK_KEY_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY             = 0x000c,
+       HCI_PIN_CODE_REQUEST_REPLY                      = 0x000d,
+       HCI_PIN_CODE_REQUEST_NEGATIVE_REPLY             = 0x000e,
+       HCI_CHANGE_CONNECTION_PACKET_TYPE               = 0x000f,
+       HCI_AUTHENTICATION_REQUESTED                    = 0x0011,
+       HCI_SET_CONNECTION_ENCRYPTION                   = 0x0013,
+       HCI_CHANGE_CONNECTION_LINK_KEY                  = 0x0015,
+       HCI_MASTER_LINK_KEY                             = 0x0017,
+       HCI_REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST                         = 0x0019,
+       HCI_REMOTE_NAME_REQUEST_CANCEL                  = 0x001a,
+       HCI_READ_REMOTE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES              = 0x001b,
+       HCI_READ_REMOTE_EXTENDED_FEATURES               = 0x001c,
+       HCI_READ_REMOTE_VERSION_INFORMATION             = 0x001d,
+       HCI_READ_CLOCK_OFFSET                           = 0x001f,
+       HCI_READ_LMP_HANDLE                             = 0x0020,
+       HCI_SETUP_SYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION                = 0x0028,
+       HCI_IO_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_REPLY                 = 0x002b,
+       HCI_USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST_REPLY             = 0x002c,
+       HCI_USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST_REPLY                  = 0x002e,
+       HCI_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST_REPLY               = 0x0030,
+       HCI_CREATE_PHYSICAL_LINK                        = 0x0035,
+       HCI_ACCEPT_PHYSICAL_LINK                        = 0x0036,
+       HCI_DISCONNECT_PHYSICAL_LINK                    = 0x0037,
+       HCI_CREATE_LOGICAL_LINK                         = 0x0038,
+       HCI_ACCEPT_LOGICAL_LINK                         = 0x0039,
+       HCI_DISCONNECT_LOGICAL_LINK                     = 0x003a,
+       HCI_LOGICAL_LINK_CANCEL                         = 0x003b,
+       HCI_FLOW_SPEC_MODIFY                            = 0x003c
+/* OGF 0x02 */
+#define HOLD_MODE_COMMAND                              0x02
+enum hold_mode_command {
+       HCI_HOLD_MODE                                   = 0x0001,
+       HCI_SNIFF_MODE                                  = 0x0002,
+       HCI_EXIT_SNIFF_MODE                             = 0x0003,
+       HCI_PARK_STATE                                  = 0x0005,
+       HCI_EXIT_PARK_STATE                             = 0x0006,
+       HCI_QOS_SETUP                                   = 0x0007,
+       HCI_ROLE_DISCOVERY                              = 0x0009,
+       HCI_SWITCH_ROLE                                 = 0x000b,
+       HCI_READ_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS                   = 0x000c,
+       HCI_WRITE_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS                  = 0x000d,
+       HCI_READ_DEFAULT_LINK_POLICY_SETTINGS           = 0x000e,
+       HCI_FLOW_SPECIFICATION                          = 0x0010,
+       HCI_SNIFF_SUBRATING                             = 0x0011
+/* OGF 0x03 */
+#define OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND                     0x03
+enum set_event_mask_command {
+       HCI_SET_EVENT_MASK                              = 0x0001,
+       HCI_RESET                                       = 0x0003,
+       HCI_SET_EVENT_FILTER                            = 0x0005,
+       HCI_FLUSH                                       = 0x0008,
+       HCI_READ_PIN_TYPE                               = 0x0009,
+       HCI_WRITE_PIN_TYPE                              = 0x000a,
+       HCI_CREATE_NEW_UNIT_KEY                         = 0x000b,
+       HCI_READ_STORED_LINK_KEY                        = 0x000d,
+       HCI_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEY                       = 0x0011,
+       HCI_DELETE_STORED_LINK_KEY                      = 0x0012,
+       HCI_WRITE_LOCAL_NAME                            = 0x0013,
+       HCI_READ_LOCAL_NAME                             = 0x0014,
+       HCI_READ_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT              = 0x0015,
+       HCI_WRITE_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT             = 0x0016,
+       HCI_READ_PAGE_TIMEOUT                           = 0x0017,
+       HCI_WRITE_PAGE_TIMEOUT                          = 0x0018,
+       HCI_READ_SCAN_ENABLE                            = 0x0019,
+       HCI_WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE                           = 0x001a,
+       HCI_READ_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY                     = 0x001b,
+       HCI_WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_ACTIVITY                    = 0x001c,
+       HCI_READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY                  = 0x001d,
+       HCI_WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_ACTIVITY                 = 0x001e,
+       HCI_READ_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE                  = 0x001f,
+       HCI_WRITE_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE                 = 0x0020,
+       HCI_READ_CLASS_OF_DEVICE                        = 0x0023,
+       HCI_WRITE_CLASS_OF_DEVICE                       = 0x0024,
+       HCI_READ_VOICE_SETTING                          = 0x0025,
+       HCI_WRITE_VOICE_SETTING                         = 0x0026,
+       HCI_READ_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT                = 0x0027,
+       HCI_WRITE_AUTOMATIC_FLUSH_TIMEOUT               = 0x0028,
+       HCI_READ_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY                     = 0x002b,
+       HCI_WRITE_HOLD_MODE_ACTIVITY                    = 0x002c,
+       HCI_HOST_BUFFER_SIZE                            = 0x0033,
+       HCI_HOST_NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS            = 0x0035,
+       HCI_READ_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT               = 0x0036,
+       HCI_WRITE_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT              = 0x0037,
+       HCI_READ_NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTED_IAC                = 0x0038,
+       HCI_READ_CURRENT_IAC_LAP                        = 0x0039,
+       HCI_WRITE_CURRENT_IAC_LAP                       = 0x003a,
+       HCI_READ_PAGE_SCAN_MODE                         = 0x003d,
+       HCI_WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_MODE                        = 0x003e,
+       HCI_READ_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE                      = 0x0042,
+       HCI_WRITE_INQUIRY_SCAN_TYPE                     = 0x0043,
+       HCI_READ_INQUIRY_MODE                           = 0x0044,
+       HCI_WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE                          = 0x0045,
+       HCI_READ_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE                         = 0x0046,
+       HCI_WRITE_PAGE_SCAN_TYPE                        = 0x0047,
+       HCI_READ_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE            = 0x0048,
+       HCI_WRITE_AFH_CHANNEL_ASSESSMENT_MODE           = 0x0049,
+       HCI_READ_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE              = 0x0051,
+       HCI_WRITE_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE             = 0x0052,
+       HCI_REFRESH_ENCRYPTION_KEY                      = 0x0053,
+       HCI_READ_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE                    = 0x0055,
+       HCI_WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE                   = 0x0056,
+       HCI_READ_LOCAL_OOB_DATA                         = 0x0057,
+       HCI_ENHANCED_FLUSH                              = 0x005f,
+       HCI_SEND_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION                  = 0x0060,
+       HCI_READ_LOGICAL_LINK_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT            = 0x0061,
+       HCI_WRITE_LOGICAL_LINK_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT           = 0x0062,
+       HCI_SET_EVENT_MASK_PAGE_2                       = 0x0063,
+       HCI_READ_LOCATION_DATA                          = 0x0064,
+       HCI_WRITE_LOCATION_DATA                         = 0x0065,
+       HCI_READ_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE                      = 0x0066,
+       HCI_WRITE_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE                     = 0x0067,
+       HCI_READ_ENHANCE_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL           = 0x0068,
+       HCI_READ_BEST_EFFORT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT              = 0x0069,
+       HCI_WRITE_BEST_EFFORT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT             = 0x006a,
+       HCI_SHORT_RANGE_MODE                            = 0x006b
+/* OGF 0x04 */
+#define OGF_INFORMATIONAL_PARAMETERS                   0x04
+enum informational_params {
+       HCI_READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION              = 0x0001,
+       HCI_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS               = 0x0002,
+       HCI_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES               = 0x0003,
+       HCI_READ_LOCAL_EXTENDED_FEATURES                = 0x0004,
+       HCI_READ_BUFFER_SIZE                            = 0x0005,
+       HCI_READ_BD_ADDR                                = 0x0009,
+       HCI_READ_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE                        = 0x000a
+/* OGF 0x05 */
+#define OGF_STATUS_PARAMETERS                          0x05
+enum status_params {
+       HCI_READ_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER                 = 0x0001,
+       HCI_RESET_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER                = 0x0002,
+       HCI_READ_LINK_QUALITY                           = 0x0003,
+       HCI_READ_RSSI                                   = 0x0005,
+       HCI_READ_AFH_CHANNEL_MAP                        = 0x0006,
+       HCI_READ_CLOCK                                  = 0x0007,
+       HCI_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE                    = 0x0008,
+       HCI_READ_LOCAL_AMP_INFO                         = 0x0009,
+       HCI_READ_LOCAL_AMP_ASSOC                        = 0x000a,
+       HCI_WRITE_REMOTE_AMP_ASSOC                      = 0x000b
+/* OGF 0x06 */
+#define OGF_TESTING_COMMANDS                           0x06
+enum testing_commands {
+       HCI_READ_LOOPBACK_MODE                          = 0x0001,
+       HCI_WRITE_LOOPBACK_MODE                         = 0x0002,
+       HCI_ENABLE_DEVICE_UNDER_TEST_MODE               = 0x0003,
+       HCI_WRITE_SIMPLE_PAIRING_DEBUG_MODE             = 0x0004,
+       HCI_ENABLE_AMP_RECEIVER_REPORTS                 = 0x0007,
+       HCI_AMP_TEST_END                                = 0x0008,
+       HCI_AMP_TEST_COMMAND                            = 0x0009
+/* OGF 0x3f */
+#define OGF_EXTENSION                                  0X3f
+enum hci_extension_commands {
+       HCI_SET_ACL_LINK_DATA_FLOW_MODE                 = 0x0010,
+       HCI_SET_ACL_LINK_STATUS                         = 0x0020,
+       HCI_SET_SCO_LINK_STATUS                         = 0x0030,
+       HCI_SET_RSSI_VALUE                              = 0x0040,
+       HCI_SET_CURRENT_BLUETOOTH_STATUS                = 0x0041,
+       /* The following is for RTK8723 */
+       HCI_EXTENSION_VERSION_NOTIFY                    = 0x0100,
+       HCI_LINK_STATUS_NOTIFY                          = 0x0101,
+       HCI_BT_OPERATION_NOTIFY                         = 0x0102,
+       HCI_ENABLE_WIFI_SCAN_NOTIFY                     = 0x0103,
+       /* The following is for IVT */
+       HCI_WIFI_CURRENT_CHANNEL                        = 0x0300,
+       HCI_WIFI_CURRENT_BANDWIDTH                      = 0x0301,
+       HCI_WIFI_CONNECTION_STATUS                      = 0x0302,
+enum bt_spec {
+       BT_SPEC_1_0_b                                   = 0x00,
+       BT_SPEC_1_1                                     = 0x01,
+       BT_SPEC_1_2                                     = 0x02,
+       BT_SPEC_2_0_EDR                                 = 0x03,
+       BT_SPEC_2_1_EDR                                 = 0x04,
+       BT_SPEC_3_0_HS                                  = 0x05,
+       BT_SPEC_4_0                                     = 0x06
+/*  The following is for BT 3.0 + HS EVENTS */
+enum hci_event {
+       HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE                      = 0x01,
+       HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT                        = 0x02,
+       HCI_EVENT_CONNECTION_COMPLETE                   = 0x03,
+       HCI_EVENT_CONNECTION_REQUEST                    = 0x04,
+       HCI_EVENT_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE                = 0x05,
+       HCI_EVENT_AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE               = 0x06,
+       HCI_EVENT_ENCRYPTION_CHANGE                     = 0x08,
+       HCI_EVENT_CHANGE_LINK_KEY_COMPLETE              = 0x09,
+       HCI_EVENT_MASTER_LINK_KEY_COMPLETE              = 0x0a,
+       HCI_EVENT_QOS_SETUP_COMPLETE                    = 0x0d,
+       HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_COMPLETE                      = 0x0e,
+       HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_STATUS                        = 0x0f,
+       HCI_EVENT_HARDWARE_ERROR                        = 0x10,
+       HCI_EVENT_FLUSH_OCCRUED                         = 0x11,
+       HCI_EVENT_ROLE_CHANGE                           = 0x12,
+       HCI_EVENT_NUMBER_OF_COMPLETE_PACKETS            = 0x13,
+       HCI_EVENT_MODE_CHANGE                           = 0x14,
+       HCI_EVENT_RETURN_LINK_KEYS                      = 0x15,
+       HCI_EVENT_PIN_CODE_REQUEST                      = 0x16,
+       HCI_EVENT_LINK_KEY_REQUEST                      = 0x17,
+       HCI_EVENT_LINK_KEY_NOTIFICATION                 = 0x18,
+       HCI_EVENT_LOOPBACK_COMMAND                      = 0x19,
+       HCI_EVENT_DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW                  = 0x1a,
+       HCI_EVENT_MAX_SLOTS_CHANGE                      = 0x1b,
+       HCI_EVENT_READ_CLOCK_OFFSET_COMPLETE            = 0x1c,
+       HCI_EVENT_CONNECT_PACKET_TYPE_CHANGE            = 0x1d,
+       HCI_EVENT_QOS_VIOLATION                         = 0x1e,
+       HCI_EVENT_FLOW_SEPC_COMPLETE                    = 0x21,
+       HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI              = 0x22,
+       HCI_EVENT_SYNC_CONNECT_COMPLETE                 = 0x2c,
+       HCI_EVENT_SYNC_CONNECT_CHANGE                   = 0x2d,
+       HCI_EVENT_SNIFFER_SUBRATING                     = 0x2e,
+       HCI_EVENT_EXTENTED_INQUIRY_RESULT               = 0x2f,
+       HCI_EVENT_IO_CAPIBILITY_COMPLETE                = 0x31,
+       HCI_EVENT_IO_CAPIBILITY_RESPONSE                = 0x32,
+       HCI_EVENT_USER_CONFIRMTION_REQUEST              = 0x33,
+       HCI_EVENT_USER_PASSKEY_REQUEST                  = 0x34,
+       HCI_EVENT_REMOTE_OOB_DATA_REQUEST               = 0x35,
+       HCI_EVENT_SIMPLE_PAIRING_COMPLETE               = 0x36,
+       HCI_EVENT_ENHANCED_FLUSH_COMPLETE               = 0x39,
+       HCI_EVENT_USER_PASSKEY_NOTIFICATION             = 0x3b,
+       HCI_EVENT_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION                 = 0x3c,
+       HCI_EVENT_PHY_LINK_COMPLETE                     = 0x40,
+       HCI_EVENT_CHANNEL_SELECT                        = 0x41,
+       HCI_EVENT_PHY_LINK_LOSS_EARLY_WARNING           = 0x43,
+       HCI_EVENT_PHY_LINK_RECOVER                      = 0x44,
+       HCI_EVENT_LOGICAL_LINK_COMPLETE                 = 0x45,
+       HCI_EVENT_FLOW_SPEC_MODIFY_COMPLETE             = 0x47,
+       HCI_EVENT_NUM_OF_COMPLETE_DATA_BLOCKS           = 0x48,
+       HCI_EVENT_AMP_START_TEST                        = 0x49,
+       HCI_EVENT_AMP_TEST_END                          = 0x4a,
+       HCI_EVENT_AMP_RECEIVER_REPORT                   = 0x4b,
+       HCI_EVENT_AMP_STATUS_CHANGE                     = 0x4d,
+       HCI_EVENT_EXTENSION_RTK                         = 0xfe,
+       HCI_EVENT_EXTENSION_MOTO                        = 0xff,
+enum hci_extension_event_moto {
+       HCI_EVENT_GET_BT_RSSI                           = 0x01,
+enum hci_extension_event {
+       HCI_EVENT_EXT_WIFI_SCAN_NOTIFY                  = 0x01,
+enum hci_event_mask_page_2 {
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_PHY_LINK_COMPLETE                = 0x0000000000000001,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_CHANNEL_SELECT                   = 0x0000000000000002,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK_COMPLETE     = 0x0000000000000004,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_PHY_LINK_LOSS_EARLY_WARNING      = 0x0000000000000008,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_PHY_LINK_RECOVER                 = 0x0000000000000010,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_LOGICAL_LINK_COMPLETE            = 0x0000000000000020,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_FLOW_SPEC_MODIFY_COMPLETE        = 0x0000000000000080,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_NUM_OF_COMPLETE_DATA_BLOCKS      = 0x0000000000000100,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_AMP_START_TEST                   = 0x0000000000000200,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_AMP_TEST_END                     = 0x0000000000000400,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_AMP_RECEIVER_REPORT              = 0x0000000000000800,
+       EMP2_HCI_EVENT_AMP_STATUS_CHANGE                = 0x0000000000002000,
+enum hci_state_machine {
+       HCI_STATE_STARTING                      = 0x01,
+       HCI_STATE_CONNECTING                    = 0x02,
+       HCI_STATE_AUTHENTICATING                = 0x04,
+       HCI_STATE_CONNECTED                     = 0x08,
+       HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING                 = 0x10,
+       HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED                  = 0x20
+enum amp_assoc_structure_type {
+       AMP_MAC_ADDR                            = 0x01,
+       AMP_PREFERRED_CHANNEL_LIST              = 0x02,
+       AMP_CONNECTED_CHANNEL                   = 0x03,
+       AMP_80211_PAL_CAP_LIST                  = 0x04,
+       AMP_80211_PAL_VISION                    = 0x05,
+       AMP_RESERVED_FOR_TESTING                = 0x33
+enum amp_btap_type {
+       AMP_BTAP_NONE,
+enum hci_state_with_cmd {
+enum hci_service_type {
+enum hci_traffic_mode {
+       TRAFFIC_MODE_BEST_EFFORT                        = 0x00,
+       TRAFFIC_MODE_GUARANTEED_LATENCY                 = 0x01,
+       TRAFFIC_MODE_GUARANTEED_BANDWIDTH               = 0x02,
+#define HCIOPCODE(_OCF, _OGF)          (_OGF<<10|_OCF)
+#define HCIOPCODELOW(_OCF, _OGF)       (u8)(HCIOPCODE(_OCF, _OGF)&0x00ff)
+#define HCIOPCODEHIGHT(_OCF, _OGF)     (u8)(HCIOPCODE(_OCF, _OGF)>>8)
+#define TWOBYTE_HIGHTBYTE(_DATA)       (u8)(_DATA>>8)
+#define TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(_DATA)         (u8)(_DATA)
+enum amp_status {
+       AMP_STATUS_AVA_PHY_PWR_DWN              = 0x0,
+       AMP_STATUS_BT_USE_ONLY                  = 0x1,
+       AMP_STATUS_NO_CAPACITY_FOR_BT           = 0x2,
+       AMP_STATUS_LOW_CAPACITY_FOR_BT          = 0x3,
+       AMP_STATUS_HIGH_CAPACITY_FOR_BT         = 0x5,
+       AMP_STATUS_FULL_CAPACITY_FOR_BT         = 0x6
+enum bt_wpa_msg_type {
+       Type_BT_4way1st = 0,
+       Type_BT_4way2nd = 1,
+       Type_BT_4way3rd = 2,
+       Type_BT_4way4th = 3,
+       Type_BT_unknow  = 4
+enum bt_connect_type {
+       BT_CONNECT_AUTH_REQ                     = 0x00,
+       BT_CONNECT_AUTH_RSP                     = 0x01,
+       BT_CONNECT_ASOC_REQ                     = 0x02,
+       BT_CONNECT_ASOC_RSP                     = 0x03,
+       BT_DISCONNECT                           = 0x04
+enum bt_ll_service_type {
+       BT_LL_BE = 0x01,
+       BT_LL_GU = 0x02
+enum bt_ll_flowspec {
+       BT_TX_BE_FS,                    /* TX best effort flowspec */
+       BT_RX_BE_FS,                    /* RX best effort flowspec */
+       BT_TX_GU_FS,                    /* TX guaranteed latency flowspec */
+       BT_RX_GU_FS,                    /* RX guaranteed latency flowspec */
+       BT_TX_BE_AGG_FS,                /* TX aggregated best effort flowspec */
+       BT_RX_BE_AGG_FS,                /* RX aggregated best effort flowspec */
+       BT_TX_GU_BW_FS,                 /* TX guaranteed bandwidth flowspec */
+       BT_RX_GU_BW_FS,                 /* RX guaranteed bandwidth flowspec */
+       BT_TX_GU_LARGE_FS,              /* TX guaranteed latency flowspec, for testing only */
+       BT_RX_GU_LARGE_FS,              /* RX guaranteed latency flowspec, for testing only */
+enum bt_traffic_mode {
+       BT_MOTOR_EXT_BE         = 0x00, /* Best Effort. Default. for HCRP, PAN, SDP, RFCOMM-based profiles like FTP, OPP, SPP, DUN, etc. */
+       BT_MOTOR_EXT_GUL        = 0x01, /* Guaranteed Latency. This type of traffic is used e.g. for HID and AVRCP. */
+       BT_MOTOR_EXT_GUB        = 0X02, /* Guaranteed Bandwidth. */
+       BT_MOTOR_EXT_GULB       = 0X03  /* Guaranteed Latency and Bandwidth. for A2DP and VDP. */
+enum bt_traffic_mode_profile {
+       BT_PROFILE_A2DP,
+enum bt_link_role {
+       BT_LINK_MASTER  = 0,
+       BT_LINK_SLAVE   = 1
+enum bt_state_wpa_auth {
+       STATE_WPA_AUTH_WAIT_PACKET_1, /*  Join */
+       STATE_WPA_AUTH_WAIT_PACKET_2, /*  Creat */
+#define BT_WPA_AUTH_TIMEOUT_PERIOD             1000
+#define BTMaxWPAAuthReTransmitCoun             5
+#define MAX_AMP_ASSOC_FRAG_LEN                 248
+#define TOTAL_ALLOCIATE_ASSOC_LEN                      1000
+struct hci_flow_spec {
+       u8                              Identifier;
+       u8                              ServiceType;
+       u16                             MaximumSDUSize;
+       u32                             SDUInterArrivalTime;
+       u32                             AccessLatency;
+       u32                             FlushTimeout;
+struct hci_log_link_cmd_data {
+       u8                              BtPhyLinkhandle;
+       u16                             BtLogLinkhandle;
+       u8                              BtTxFlowSpecID;
+       struct hci_flow_spec            Tx_Flow_Spec;
+       struct hci_flow_spec            Rx_Flow_Spec;
+       u32                             TxPacketCount;
+       u32                             BestEffortFlushTimeout;
+       u8                              bLLCompleteEventIsSet;
+       u8                              bLLCancelCMDIsSetandComplete;
+struct hci_phy_link_cmd_data {
+       /* Physical_Link_Handle */
+       u8                              BtPhyLinkhandle;
+       u16                             LinkSuperversionTimeout;
+       /* u16                          SuperTimeOutCnt; */
+       /* Dedicated_AMP_Key_Length */
+       u8                              BtAMPKeyLen;
+       /* Dedicated_AMP_Key_Type */
+       u8                              BtAMPKeyType;
+       /* Dedicated_AMP_Key */
+       u8                              BtAMPKey[PMK_LEN];
+struct amp_assoc_structure {
+       /* TYPE ID */
+       u8                              TypeID;
+       /* Length */
+       u16                             Length;
+       /* Value */
+       u8                              Data[1];
+struct amp_pref_chnl_regulatory {
+       u8                              reXId;
+       u8                              regulatoryClass;
+       u8                              coverageClass;
+struct amp_assoc_cmd_data {
+       /* Physical_Link_Handle */
+       u8                              BtPhyLinkhandle;
+       /* Length_So_Far */
+       u16                             LenSoFar;
+       u16                             MaxRemoteASSOCLen;
+       /* AMP_ASSOC_Remaining_Length */
+       u16                             AMPAssocRemLen;
+       /* AMP_ASSOC_fragment */
+       void                            *AMPAssocfragment;
+struct hci_link_info {
+       u16                             ConnectHandle;
+       u8                              IncomingTrafficMode;
+       u8                              OutgoingTrafficMode;
+       u8                              BTProfile;
+       u8                              BTCoreSpec;
+       s8                              BT_RSSI;
+       u8                              TrafficProfile;
+       u8                              linkRole;
+struct hci_ext_config {
+       struct hci_link_info            linkInfo[MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM];
+       u8                              btOperationCode;
+       u16                             CurrentConnectHandle;
+       u8                              CurrentIncomingTrafficMode;
+       u8                              CurrentOutgoingTrafficMode;
+       s8                              MIN_BT_RSSI;
+       u8                              NumberOfHandle;
+       u8                              NumberOfSCO;
+       u8                              CurrentBTStatus;
+       u16                             HCIExtensionVer;
+       /* Bt coexist related */
+       u8                              btProfileCase;
+       u8                              btProfileAction;
+       u8                              bManualControl;
+       u8                              bBTBusy;
+       u8                              bBTA2DPBusy;
+       u8                              bEnableWifiScanNotify;
+       u8                              bHoldForBtOperation;
+       u32                             bHoldPeriodCnt;
+struct hci_acl_packet_data {
+       u16                             ACLDataPacketLen;
+       u8                              SyncDataPacketLen;
+       u16                             TotalNumACLDataPackets;
+       u16                             TotalSyncNumDataPackets;
+struct hci_phy_link_bss_info {
+       u16                             bdCap;  /*  capability information */
+struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data {
+       u16             OCF:10;
+       u16             OGF:6;
+       u8              Length;
+       u8              Data[20];
+struct bt_asoc_entry {
+       u8                                              bUsed;
+       u8                                              mAssoc;
+       u8                                              b4waySuccess;
+       u8                                              Bssid[6];
+       struct hci_phy_link_cmd_data            PhyLinkCmdData;
+       struct hci_log_link_cmd_data            LogLinkCmdData[MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM];
+       struct hci_acl_packet_data                      ACLPacketsData;
+       struct amp_assoc_cmd_data               AmpAsocCmdData;
+       struct octet_string                             BTSsid;
+       u8                                              BTSsidBuf[33];
+       enum hci_status                                         PhyLinkDisconnectReason;
+       u8                                              bSendSupervisionPacket;
+       /* u8                                           CurrentSuervisionPacketSendNum; */
+       /* u8                                           LastSuervisionPacketSendNum; */
+       u32                                             NoRxPktCnt;
+       /* Is Creator or Joiner */
+       enum amp_btap_type                              AMPRole;
+       /* BT current state */
+       u8                                              BtCurrentState;
+       /* BT next state */
+       u8                                              BtNextState;
+       u8                                              bNeedPhysLinkCompleteEvent;
+       enum hci_status                                 PhysLinkCompleteStatus;
+       u8                                              BTRemoteMACAddr[6];
+       u32                                             BTCapability;
+       u8                                              SyncDataPacketLen;
+       u16                                             TotalSyncNumDataPackets;
+       u16                                             TotalNumACLDataPackets;
+       u8                                              ShortRangeMode;
+       u8                                              PTK[PTK_LEN_TKIP];
+       u8                                              GTK[GTK_LEN];
+       u8                                              ANonce[KEY_NONCE_LEN];
+       u8                                              SNonce[KEY_NONCE_LEN];
+       u64                                             KeyReplayCounter;
+       u8                                              WPAAuthReplayCount;
+       u8                                              AESKeyBuf[AESCCMP_BLK_SIZE_TOTAL];
+       u8                                              PMK[PMK_LEN];
+       enum bt_state_wpa_auth                  BTWPAAuthState;
+       s32                                             UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+       /*  Add for HW security !! */
+       u8                                              HwCAMIndex;  /*  Cam index */
+       u8                                              bPeerQosSta;
+       u32                                             rxSuvpPktCnt;
+struct bt_traffic_statistics {
+       u8                              bTxBusyTraffic;
+       u8                              bRxBusyTraffic;
+       u8                              bIdle;
+       u32                             TxPktCntInPeriod;
+       u32                             RxPktCntInPeriod;
+       u64                             TxPktLenInPeriod;
+       u64                             RxPktLenInPeriod;
+struct bt_mgnt {
+       u8                              bBTConnectInProgress;
+       u8                              bLogLinkInProgress;
+       u8                              bPhyLinkInProgress;
+       u8                              bPhyLinkInProgressStartLL;
+       u8                              BtCurrentPhyLinkhandle;
+       u16                             BtCurrentLogLinkhandle;
+       u8                              CurrentConnectEntryNum;
+       u8                              DisconnectEntryNum;
+       u8                              CurrentBTConnectionCnt;
+       enum bt_connect_type            BTCurrentConnectType;
+       enum bt_connect_type            BTReceiveConnectPkt;
+       u8                              BTAuthCount;
+       u8                              BTAsocCount;
+       u8                              bStartSendSupervisionPkt;
+       u8                              BtOperationOn;
+       u8                              BTNeedAMPStatusChg;
+       u8                              JoinerNeedSendAuth;
+       struct hci_phy_link_bss_info    bssDesc;
+       struct hci_ext_config           ExtConfig;
+       u8                              bNeedNotifyAMPNoCap;
+       u8                              bCreateSpportQos;
+       u8                              bSupportProfile;
+       u8                              BTChannel;
+       u8                              CheckChnlIsSuit;
+       u8                              bBtScan;
+       u8                              btLogoTest;
+struct bt_hci_dgb_info {
+       u32                             hciCmdCnt;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntUnknown;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntCreatePhyLink;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntAcceptPhyLink;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntDisconnectPhyLink;
+       u32                             hciCmdPhyLinkStatus;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntCreateLogLink;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntAcceptLogLink;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntDisconnectLogLink;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntReadLocalAmpAssoc;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntWriteRemoteAmpAssoc;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntSetAclLinkStatus;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntSetScoLinkStatus;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntExtensionVersionNotify;
+       u32                             hciCmdCntLinkStatusNotify;
+struct bt_irp_dgb_info {
+       u32                             irpMJCreate;
+       /*  Io Control */
+       u32                             irpIoControl;
+       u32                             irpIoCtrlHciCmd;
+       u32                             irpIoCtrlHciEvent;
+       u32                             irpIoCtrlHciTxData;
+       u32                             irpIoCtrlHciRxData;
+       u32                             irpIoCtrlUnknown;
+       u32                             irpIoCtrlHciTxData1s;
+struct bt_packet_dgb_info {
+       u32                             btPktTxProbReq;
+       u32                             btPktRxProbReq;
+       u32                             btPktRxProbReqFail;
+       u32                             btPktTxProbRsp;
+       u32                             btPktRxProbRsp;
+       u32                             btPktTxAuth;
+       u32                             btPktRxAuth;
+       u32                             btPktRxAuthButDrop;
+       u32                             btPktTxAssocReq;
+       u32                             btPktRxAssocReq;
+       u32                             btPktRxAssocReqButDrop;
+       u32                             btPktTxAssocRsp;
+       u32                             btPktRxAssocRsp;
+       u32                             btPktTxDisassoc;
+       u32                             btPktRxDisassoc;
+       u32                             btPktRxDeauth;
+       u32                             btPktTx4way1st;
+       u32                             btPktRx4way1st;
+       u32                             btPktTx4way2nd;
+       u32                             btPktRx4way2nd;
+       u32                             btPktTx4way3rd;
+       u32                             btPktRx4way3rd;
+       u32                             btPktTx4way4th;
+       u32                             btPktRx4way4th;
+       u32                             btPktTxLinkSuperReq;
+       u32                             btPktRxLinkSuperReq;
+       u32                             btPktTxLinkSuperRsp;
+       u32                             btPktRxLinkSuperRsp;
+       u32                             btPktTxData;
+       u32                             btPktRxData;
+struct bt_dgb {
+       u8                              dbgCtrl;
+       u32                             dbgProfile;
+       struct bt_hci_dgb_info          dbgHciInfo;
+       struct bt_irp_dgb_info          dbgIrpInfo;
+       struct bt_packet_dgb_info       dbgBtPkt;
+struct bt_hci_info {
+       /* 802.11 Pal version specifier */
+       u8                              BTPalVersion;
+       u16                             BTPalCompanyID;
+       u16                             BTPalsubversion;
+       /* Connected channel list */
+       u16                             BTConnectChnlListLen;
+       u8                              BTConnectChnllist[64];
+       /* Fail contact counter */
+       u16                             FailContactCount;
+       /* Event mask */
+       u64                             BTEventMask;
+       u64                             BTEventMaskPage2;
+       /* timeout var */
+       u16                             ConnAcceptTimeout;
+       u16                             LogicalAcceptTimeout;
+       u16                             PageTimeout;
+       u8                              LocationDomainAware;
+       u16                             LocationDomain;
+       u8                              LocationDomainOptions;
+       u8                              LocationOptions;
+       u8                              FlowControlMode;
+       /* Preferred channel list */
+       u16                             BtPreChnlListLen;
+       u8                              BTPreChnllist[64];
+       u16                             enFlush_LLH;    /* enhanced flush handle */
+       u16                             FLTO_LLH;               /* enhanced flush handle */
+       /*  */
+       /* Test command only. */
+       u8                              bInTestMode;
+       u8                              bTestIsEnd;
+       u8                              bTestNeedReport;
+       u8                              TestScenario;
+       u8                              TestReportInterval;
+       u8                              TestCtrType;
+       u32                             TestEventType;
+       u16                             TestNumOfFrame;
+       u16                             TestNumOfErrFrame;
+       u16                             TestNumOfBits;
+       u16                             TestNumOfErrBits;
+       /*  */
+struct bt_traffic {
+       /*  Add for check replay data */
+       u8                                      LastRxUniFragNum;
+       u16                                     LastRxUniSeqNum;
+       /* s32                                  EntryMaxUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB; */
+       /* s32                                  EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB; */
+       struct bt_traffic_statistics            Bt30TrafficStatistics;
+#define RT_WORK_ITEM struct work_struct
+struct bt_security {
+       /*  WPA auth state
+        *  May need to remove to BTSecInfo ... 
+        * enum bt_state_wpa_auth BTWPAAuthState;
+        */
+       struct octet_string     RSNIE;
+       u8                      RSNIEBuf[MAXRSNIELEN];
+       u8                      bRegNoEncrypt;
+       u8                      bUsedHwEncrypt;
+struct bt_30info {
+       struct rtw_adapter      *padapter;
+       struct bt_asoc_entry            BtAsocEntry[MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM];
+       struct bt_mgnt                          BtMgnt;
+       struct bt_dgb                           BtDbg;
+       struct bt_hci_info                      BtHciInfo;
+       struct bt_traffic                       BtTraffic;
+       struct bt_security                      BtSec;
+       RT_WORK_ITEM            HCICmdWorkItem;
+       struct timer_list BTHCICmdTimer;
+       RT_WORK_ITEM            BTPsDisableWorkItem;
+       RT_WORK_ITEM            BTConnectWorkItem;
+       struct timer_list BTHCIDiscardAclDataTimer;
+       struct timer_list BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer;
+       struct timer_list BTTestSendPacketTimer;
+       struct timer_list BTDisconnectPhyLinkTimer;
+       struct timer_list BTBeaconTimer;
+       u8                              BTBeaconTmrOn;
+       struct timer_list BTPsDisableTimer;
+       void *                          pBtChnlList;
+struct packet_irp_acl_data {
+       u16             Handle:12;
+       u16             PB_Flag:2;
+       u16             BC_Flag:2;
+       u16             Length;
+       u8              Data[1];
+struct packet_irp_hcievent_data {
+       u8              EventCode;
+       u8              Length;
+       u8              Data[5];
+struct common_triple {
+       u8 byte_1st;
+       u8 byte_2nd;
+       u8 byte_3rd;
+#define COUNTRY_STR_LEN                3       /*  country string len = 3 */
+#define LOCAL_PMK      0
+enum hci_wifi_connect_status {
+       HCI_WIFI_NOT_CONNECTED                  = 0x0,
+       HCI_WIFI_CONNECTED                      = 0x1,
+       HCI_WIFI_CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS            = 0x2,
+enum hci_ext_bp_operation {
+       HCI_BT_OP_NONE                          = 0x0,
+       HCI_BT_OP_INQUIRY_START                 = 0x1,
+       HCI_BT_OP_INQUIRY_FINISH                = 0x2,
+       HCI_BT_OP_PAGING_START                  = 0x3,
+       HCI_BT_OP_PAGING_SUCCESS                = 0x4,
+       HCI_BT_OP_PAGING_UNSUCCESS              = 0x5,
+       HCI_BT_OP_PAIRING_START                 = 0x6,
+       HCI_BT_OP_PAIRING_FINISH                = 0x7,
+       HCI_BT_OP_BT_DEV_ENABLE                 = 0x8,
+       HCI_BT_OP_BT_DEV_DISABLE                = 0x9,
+       HCI_BT_OP_MAX
+/*     Function proto type */
+struct btdata_entry {
+       struct list_head        List;
+       void                    *pDataBlock;
+#define BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(_Adapter, _StateToEnter, _StateCmd, _EntryNum)      \
+{                                                                              \
+       RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT state change] caused by ""%s"", line =%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__));                                                       \
+       BTHCI_StateMachine(_Adapter, _StateToEnter, _StateCmd, _EntryNum);\
+void BTHCI_EventParse(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, void *pEvntData, u32 dataLen);
+#define BT_EventParse BTHCI_EventParse
+u8 BTHCI_HsConnectionEstablished(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTHCI_UpdateBTProfileRTKToMoto(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTHCI_WifiScanNotify(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 scanType);
+void BTHCI_StateMachine(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 StateToEnter, enum hci_state_with_cmd StateCmd, u8 EntryNum);
+void BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 EntryNum);
+void BTHCI_EventNumOfCompletedDataBlocks(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTHCI_EventAMPStatusChange(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 AMP_Status);
+void BTHCI_DisconnectAll(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+enum hci_status BTHCI_HandleHCICMD(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd);
+/*  ===== End of sync from SD7 driver COMMON/bt_hci.h ===== */
+#endif /*  __BT_HCI_C__ */
+#ifdef __HALBTC87231ANT_C__ /*  HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87231Ant.h */
+/*  ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87231Ant.h ===== */
+#define GET_BT_INFO(padapter)  (&GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->BtInfo)
+#define        BTC_FOR_SCAN_START                              1
+#define        BTC_FOR_SCAN_FINISH                             0
+#define        BT_TXRX_CNT_THRES_1                             1200
+#define        BT_TXRX_CNT_THRES_2                             1400
+#define        BT_TXRX_CNT_THRES_3                             3000
+#define        BT_TXRX_CNT_LEVEL_0                             0       /*  < 1200 */
+#define        BT_TXRX_CNT_LEVEL_1                             1       /*  >= 1200 && < 1400 */
+#define        BT_TXRX_CNT_LEVEL_2                             2       /*  >= 1400 */
+#define        BT_TXRX_CNT_LEVEL_3                             3       /*  >= 3000 */
+enum bt_state_1ant {
+       BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED                  = 0,
+       BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION             = 1,
+       BT_INFO_STATE_CONNECT_IDLE              = 2,
+       BT_INFO_STATE_INQ_OR_PAG                = 3,
+       BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_ONLY_BUSY             = 4,
+       BT_INFO_STATE_SCO_ONLY_BUSY             = 5,
+       BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_SCO_BUSY              = 6,
+       BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_INQ_OR_PAG            = 7,
+       BT_INFO_STATE_MAX                       = 8
+struct btdm_8723a_1ant {
+       u8              prePsTdma;
+       u8              curPsTdma;
+       u8              psTdmaDuAdjType;
+       u8              bPrePsTdmaOn;
+       u8              bCurPsTdmaOn;
+       u8              preWifiPara;
+       u8              curWifiPara;
+       u8              preCoexWifiCon;
+       u8              curCoexWifiCon;
+       u8              wifiRssiThresh;
+       u32             psTdmaMonitorCnt;
+       u32             psTdmaGlobalCnt;
+       /* DurationAdjust For SCO */
+       u32             psTdmaMonitorCntForSCO;
+       u8              psTdmaDuAdjTypeForSCO;
+       u8              RSSI_WiFi_Last;
+       u8              RSSI_BT_Last;
+       u8              bWiFiHalt;
+       u8              bRAChanged;
+void BTDM_1AntSignalCompensation(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 *rssi_wifi, u8 *rssi_bt);
+void BTDM_1AntForDhcp(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_1AntBtCoexist8723A(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+/*  ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87231Ant.h ===== */
+#endif /*  __HALBTC87231ANT_C__ */
+#ifdef __HALBTC87232ANT_C__ /*  HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87232Ant.h */
+/*  ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87232Ant.h ===== */
+enum bt_2ant_bt_status {
+       BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_IDLE                  = 0x0,
+       BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE        = 0x1,
+       BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_IDLE              = 0x2,
+enum bt_2ant_coex_algo {
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_UNDEFINED                     = 0x0,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO                           = 0x1,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID                           = 0x2,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP                          = 0x3,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR                        = 0x4,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANHS                         = 0x5,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_A2DP           = 0x6,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID            = 0x7,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR       = 0x8,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP                      = 0x9,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANHS        = 0xA,
+       BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_MAX                           = 0xB,
+struct btdm_8723a_2ant {
+       u8      bPreDecBtPwr;
+       u8      bCurDecBtPwr;
+       u8      preWlanActHi;
+       u8      curWlanActHi;
+       u8      preWlanActLo;
+       u8      curWlanActLo;
+       u8      preFwDacSwingLvl;
+       u8      curFwDacSwingLvl;
+       u8      bPreRfRxLpfShrink;
+       u8      bCurRfRxLpfShrink;
+       u8      bPreLowPenaltyRa;
+       u8      bCurLowPenaltyRa;
+       u8      preBtRetryIndex;
+       u8      curBtRetryIndex;
+       u8      bPreDacSwingOn;
+       u32     preDacSwingLvl;
+       u8      bCurDacSwingOn;
+       u32     curDacSwingLvl;
+       u8      bPreAdcBackOff;
+       u8      bCurAdcBackOff;
+       u8      bPreAgcTableEn;
+       u8      bCurAgcTableEn;
+       u32     preVal0x6c0;
+       u32     curVal0x6c0;
+       u32     preVal0x6c8;
+       u32     curVal0x6c8;
+       u8      preVal0x6cc;
+       u8      curVal0x6cc;
+       u8      bCurIgnoreWlanAct;
+       u8      bPreIgnoreWlanAct;
+       u8      prePsTdma;
+       u8      curPsTdma;
+       u8      psTdmaDuAdjType;
+       u8      bPrePsTdmaOn;
+       u8      bCurPsTdmaOn;
+       u8      preAlgorithm;
+       u8      curAlgorithm;
+       u8      bResetTdmaAdjust;
+       u8      btStatus;
+void BTDM_2AntBtCoexist8723A(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+/*  ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87232Ant.h ===== */
+#endif /*  __HALBTC87232ANT_C__ */
+#ifdef __HALBTC8723_C__ /*  HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc8723.h */
+/*  ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc8723.h ===== */
+#define        BT_Q_PKT_OFF            0
+#define        BT_Q_PKT_ON             1
+#define        BT_TX_PWR_OFF           0
+#define        BT_TX_PWR_ON            1
+/*  TDMA mode definition */
+#define        TDMA_2ANT                       0
+#define        TDMA_1ANT                       1
+#define        TDMA_NAV_OFF            0
+#define        TDMA_NAV_ON             1
+#define        TDMA_DAC_SWING_OFF      0
+#define        TDMA_DAC_SWING_ON       1
+#define        BT_RSSI_LEVEL_H 0
+#define        BT_RSSI_LEVEL_M 1
+#define        BT_RSSI_LEVEL_L 2
+/*  PTA mode related definition */
+#define        BT_PTA_MODE_OFF         0
+#define        BT_PTA_MODE_ON          1
+/*  Penalty Tx Rate Adaptive */
+#define        BT_TX_RATE_ADAPTIVE_NORMAL                      0
+/*  RF Corner */
+#define        BT_RF_RX_LPF_CORNER_RESUME                      0
+#define        BT_RF_RX_LPF_CORNER_SHRINK                      1
+#define BT_INFO_ACL                    BIT(0)
+#define BT_INFO_SCO                    BIT(1)
+#define BT_INFO_INQ_PAG                BIT(2)
+#define BT_INFO_ACL_BUSY       BIT(3)
+#define BT_INFO_SCO_BUSY       BIT(4)
+#define BT_INFO_HID                    BIT(5)
+#define BT_INFO_A2DP           BIT(6)
+#define BT_INFO_FTP                    BIT(7)
+struct bt_coexist_8723a {
+       u32                                     highPriorityTx;
+       u32                                     highPriorityRx;
+       u32                                     lowPriorityTx;
+       u32                                     lowPriorityRx;
+       u8                                      btRssi;
+       u8                                      TotalAntNum;
+       u8                                      bC2hBtInfoSupport;
+       u8                                      c2hBtInfo;
+       u8                                      c2hBtInfoOriginal;
+       u8                                      prec2hBtInfo; /*  for 1Ant */
+       u8                                      bC2hBtInquiryPage;
+       u64                                     btInqPageStartTime; /*  for 2Ant */
+       u8                                      c2hBtProfile; /*  for 1Ant */
+       u8                                      btRetryCnt;
+       u8                                      btInfoExt;
+       u8                                      bC2hBtInfoReqSent;
+       u8                                      bForceFwBtInfo;
+       u8                                      bForceA2dpSink;
+       struct btdm_8723a_2ant                  btdm2Ant;
+       struct btdm_8723a_1ant                  btdm1Ant;
+void BTDM_SetFwChnlInfo(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, enum rt_media_status mstatus);
+u8 BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_SetFw3a(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 byte1, u8 byte2, u8 byte3, u8 byte4, u8 byte5);
+void BTDM_QueryBtInformation(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_SetSwRfRxLpfCorner(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 type);
+void BTDM_SetSwPenaltyTxRateAdaptive(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 raType);
+void BTDM_SetFwDecBtPwr(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 bDecBtPwr);
+u8 BTDM_BtProfileSupport(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_LpsLeave(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_1Ant8723A(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define BT_1Ant BTDM_1Ant8723A
+/*  ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc8723.h ===== */
+#endif /*  __HALBTC8723_C__ */
+#ifdef __HALBTCCSR1ANT_C__ /*  HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr1Ant.h */
+/*  ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr1Ant.h ===== */
+enum BT_A2DP_INDEX{
+       BT_A2DP_INDEX0          = 0,                    /*  32, 12; the most critical for BT */
+       BT_A2DP_INDEX1,                                 /*  12, 24 */
+       BT_A2DP_INDEX2,                                 /*  0, 0 */
+#define BT_A2DP_STATE_NOT_ENTERED              0
+#define BT_A2DP_STATE_DETECTING                1
+#define BT_A2DP_STATE_DETECTED                 2
+#define BTDM_ANT_BT_IDLE                               0
+#define BTDM_ANT_WIFI                                  1
+#define BTDM_ANT_BT                                            2
+void BTDM_SingleAnt(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 bSingleAntOn, u8 bInterruptOn, u8 bMultiNAVOn);
+void BTDM_CheckBTIdleChange1Ant(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+/*  ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr1Ant.h ===== */
+#endif /*  __HALBTCCSR1ANT_C__ */
+#ifdef __HALBTCCSR2ANT_C__ /*  HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr2Ant.h */
+/*  ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr2Ant.h ===== */
+/*  */
+/*  For old core stack before v251 */
+/*  */
+#define BT_RSSI_STATE_AMDPU_OFF                BIT1
+#define        BT_DACSWING_OFF                         0
+#define        BT_DACSWING_M4                          1
+#define        BT_DACSWING_M7                          2
+#define        BT_DACSWING_M10                         3
+void BTDM_DiminishWiFi(struct rtw_adapter * Adapter, u8 bDACOn, u8 bInterruptOn, u8 DACSwingLevel, u8 bNAVOn);
+/*  ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr2Ant.h ===== */
+#endif /*  __HALBTCCSR2ANT_C__ */
+#ifdef __HALBTCOEXIST_C__ /*  HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtCoexist.h */
+/*  HEADER/TypeDef.h */
+#define MAX_FW_SUPPORT_MACID_NUM                       64
+/*  ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtCoexist.h ===== */
+#define        FW_VER_BT_REG                   62
+#define        FW_VER_BT_REG1          74
+#define        REG_BT_ACTIVE                   0x444
+#define        REG_BT_STATE                    0x448
+#define        REG_BT_POLLING1         0x44c
+#define        REG_BT_POLLING                  0x700
+#define        REG_BT_ACTIVE_OLD               0x488
+#define        REG_BT_STATE_OLD                0x48c
+#define        REG_BT_POLLING_OLD      0x490
+/*  The reg define is for 8723 */
+#define        REG_HIGH_PRIORITY_TXRX                  0x770
+#define        REG_LOW_PRIORITY_TXRX                   0x774
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL                  6
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_20                           20
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_23                           23
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_25                           25
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_30                           30
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_35                           35
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_40                           40
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_45                           45
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_47                           47
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_50                           50
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_55                           55
+#define BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_65                           65
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT30                                     BIT(0)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT20                        BIT(1)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT40                        BIT(2)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_LEGACY                      BIT(3)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_LOW            BIT(4)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_HIGH           BIT(6)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_DEC_BT_POWER             BIT(7)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_IDLE                        BIT(8)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_UPLINK                      BIT(9)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_DOWNLINK            BIT(10)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_INQ_PAGE      BIT(11)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_IDLE                          BIT(12)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_UPLINK                        BIT(13)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_DOWNLINK              BIT(14)
+/*  */
+/*  Todo: Remove these definitions */
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_IDLE                      BIT(15)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_UPLINK            BIT(16)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_A2DP_IDLE             BIT(18)
+/*  */
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_RSSI_LOW                      BIT(19)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_HID                      BIT(20)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_A2DP             BIT(21)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_PAN                      BIT(22)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_SCO                      BIT(23)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_LOW          BIT(24)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_HIGH         BIT(26)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_LOW             BIT(27)
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BTINFO_COMMON                            BIT30
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BTINFO_B_FTP_A2DP                        BIT32
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_CNT_LEVEL_0                           BIT33
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_CNT_LEVEL_1                           BIT34
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_CNT_LEVEL_2                           BIT35
+#define BT_COEX_STATE_BT_CNT_LEVEL_3                           BIT36
+#define BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH                                     0
+#define BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM                           1
+#define BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW                                      2
+#define BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH                        3
+#define BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM                      4
+#define BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW                 5
+#define        BT_AGCTABLE_OFF                         0
+#define        BT_AGCTABLE_ON                          1
+#define        BT_BB_BACKOFF_OFF                       0
+#define        BT_BB_BACKOFF_ON                        1
+#define        BT_FW_NAV_OFF                           0
+#define        BT_FW_NAV_ON                            1
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_NONE                       0
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_SCO                        1
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_HID                        2
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_A2DP                       3
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_PAN                        4
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_HID_A2DP                   5
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_HID_PAN                    6
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_PAN_A2DP                   7
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_HID_SCO_ESCO               8
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_FTP_A2DP                   9
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_COMMON                     10
+#define        BT_COEX_MECH_MAX                        11
+/*     BT Dbg Ctrl */
+#define        BT_DBG_PROFILE_NONE                     0
+#define        BT_DBG_PROFILE_SCO                      1
+#define        BT_DBG_PROFILE_HID                      2
+#define        BT_DBG_PROFILE_A2DP                     3
+#define        BT_DBG_PROFILE_PAN                      4
+#define        BT_DBG_PROFILE_HID_A2DP                 5
+#define        BT_DBG_PROFILE_HID_PAN                  6
+#define        BT_DBG_PROFILE_PAN_A2DP                 7
+#define        BT_DBG_PROFILE_MAX                      9
+struct bt_coexist_str {
+       u8                      BluetoothCoexist;
+       u8                      BT_Ant_Num;
+       u8                      BT_CoexistType;
+       u8                      BT_Ant_isolation;       /* 0:good, 1:bad */
+       u8                      bt_radiosharedtype;
+       u32                     Ratio_Tx;
+       u32                     Ratio_PRI;
+       u8                      bInitlized;
+       u32                     BtRfRegOrigin1E;
+       u32                     BtRfRegOrigin1F;
+       u8                      bBTBusyTraffic;
+       u8                      bBTTrafficModeSet;
+       u8                      bBTNonTrafficModeSet;
+       struct bt_traffic_statistics            BT21TrafficStatistics;
+       u64                     CurrentState;
+       u64                     PreviousState;
+       u8                      preRssiState;
+       u8                      preRssiState1;
+       u8                      preRssiStateBeacon;
+       u8                      bFWCoexistAllOff;
+       u8                      bSWCoexistAllOff;
+       u8                      bHWCoexistAllOff;
+       u8                      bBalanceOn;
+       u8                      bSingleAntOn;
+       u8                      bInterruptOn;
+       u8                      bMultiNAVOn;
+       u8                      PreWLANActH;
+       u8                      PreWLANActL;
+       u8                      WLANActH;
+       u8                      WLANActL;
+       u8                      A2DPState;
+       u8                      AntennaState;
+       u32                     lastBtEdca;
+       u16                     last_aggr_num;
+       u8                      bEDCAInitialized;
+       u8                      exec_cnt;
+       u8                      b8723aAgcTableOn;
+       u8                      b92DAgcTableOn;
+       struct bt_coexist_8723a halCoex8723;
+       u8                      btActiveZeroCnt;
+       u8                      bCurBtDisabled;
+       u8                      bPreBtDisabled;
+       u8                      bNeedToRoamForBtDisableEnable;
+       u8                      fw3aVal[5];
+void BTDM_CheckAntSelMode(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_FwC2hBtRssi(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 *tmpBuf);
+#define BT_FwC2hBtRssi BTDM_FwC2hBtRssi
+void BTDM_FwC2hBtInfo(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 *tmpBuf, u8 length);
+#define BT_FwC2hBtInfo BTDM_FwC2hBtInfo
+void BTDM_DisplayBtCoexInfo(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define BT_DisplayBtCoexInfo BTDM_DisplayBtCoexInfo
+void BTDM_RejectAPAggregatedPacket(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 bReject);
+u8 BTDM_IsHT40(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_Legacy(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_CheckWiFiState(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+s32 BTDM_GetRxSS(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_CheckCoexBcnRssiState(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 levelNum, u8 RssiThresh, u8 RssiThresh1);
+u8 BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 levelNum, u8 RssiThresh, u8 RssiThresh1);
+u8 BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 levelNum, u8 RssiThresh, u8 RssiThresh1);
+u8 BTDM_DisableEDCATurbo(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define BT_DisableEDCATurbo BTDM_DisableEDCATurbo
+void BTDM_Balance(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 bBalanceOn, u8 ms0, u8 ms1);
+void BTDM_AGCTable(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 type);
+void BTDM_BBBackOffLevel(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 type);
+void BTDM_FWCoexAllOff(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_SWCoexAllOff(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_HWCoexAllOff(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_CoexAllOff(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_TurnOffBtCoexistBeforeEnterIPS(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_SignalCompensation(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 *rssi_wifi, u8 *rssi_bt);
+void BTDM_Coexist(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define BT_CoexistMechanism BTDM_Coexist
+void BTDM_UpdateCoexState(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsSameCoexistState(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_PWDBMonitor(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsBTBusy(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define BT_IsBtBusy BTDM_IsBTBusy
+u8 BTDM_IsWifiBusy(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsCoexistStateChanged(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsWifiUplink(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsWifiDownlink(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsBTHSMode(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsBTUplink(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsBTDownlink(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_AdjustForBtOperation(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_ForHalt(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_WifiScanNotify(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 scanType);
+void BTDM_WifiAssociateNotify(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 action);
+void BTDM_MediaStatusNotify(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, enum rt_media_status mstatus);
+void BTDM_ForDhcp(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_ResetActionProfileState(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void BTDM_SetBtCoexCurrAntNum(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 antNum);
+#define BT_SetBtCoexCurrAntNum BTDM_SetBtCoexCurrAntNum
+u8 BTDM_IsActionSCO(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsActionHID(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsActionA2DP(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsActionPAN(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsActionHIDA2DP(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsActionHIDPAN(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsActionPANA2DP(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 BTDM_IsBtDisabled(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define BT_IsBtDisabled BTDM_IsBtDisabled
+u32 BTDM_BtTxRxCounterH(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u32 BTDM_BtTxRxCounterL(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+/*  ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtCoexist.h ===== */
+#endif /*  __HALBTCOEXIST_C__ */
+#ifdef __HALBT_C__ /*  HAL/HalBT.h */
+/*  ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/HalBT.h ===== */
+#define RTS_CTS_NO_LEN_LIMIT   0
+u8 HALBT_GetPGAntNum(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define BT_GetPGAntNum HALBT_GetPGAntNum
+void HALBT_SetKey(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 EntryNum);
+void HALBT_RemoveKey(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 EntryNum);
+void HALBT_InitBTVars8723A(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define HALBT_InitHalVars HALBT_InitBTVars8723A
+#define BT_InitHalVars HALBT_InitHalVars
+u8 HALBT_IsBTExist(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define BT_IsBtExist HALBT_IsBTExist
+u8 HALBT_BTChipType(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void HALBT_InitHwConfig(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+#define BT_InitHwConfig HALBT_InitHwConfig
+void HALBT_SetRtsCtsNoLenLimit(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+/*  ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/HalBT.c ===== */
+#endif /*  __HALBT_C__ */
+#define _bt_dbg_off_           0
+#define _bt_dbg_on_            1
+extern u32 BTCoexDbgLevel;
+#endif /*  __RTL8723A_BT_COEXIST_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_cmd.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_cmd.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8fccbfc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_CMD_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_CMD_H__
+#define H2C_BT_FW_PATCH_LEN            3
+#define H2C_BT_PWR_FORCE_LEN           3
+enum cmd_msg_element_id
+       AP_OFFLOAD_EID = 0,
+       SET_PWRMODE_EID = 1,
+       JOINBSS_RPT_EID = 2,
+       RSVD_PAGE_EID = 3,
+       RSSI_4_EID = 4,
+       RSSI_SETTING_EID = 5,
+       MACID_CONFIG_EID = 6,
+       MACID_PS_MODE_EID = 7,
+       P2P_PS_OFFLOAD_EID = 8,
+       BT_QUEUE_PKT_EID = 17,
+       BT_ANT_TDMA_EID = 20,
+       BT_2ANT_HID_EID = 21,
+       P2P_PS_CTW_CMD_EID = 32,
+       FORCE_BT_TX_PWR_EID = 33,
+       BT_IGNORE_WLAN_ACT_EID = 37,
+       DAC_SWING_VALUE_EID = 41,
+       H2C_BT_FW_PATCH = 54,
+       B_TYPE_TDMA_EID = 58,
+       SCAN_EN_EID = 59,
+       LOWPWR_LPS_EID = 71,
+       H2C_RESET_TSF = 75,
+struct cmd_msg_parm {
+       u8 eid; /* element id */
+       u8 sz; /*  sz */
+       u8 buf[6];
+struct setpwrmode_parm {
+       u8 Mode;
+       u8 SmartPS;
+       u8 AwakeInterval;       /*  unit: beacon interval */
+       u8 bAllQueueUAPSD;
+#define SETPM_LOWRXBCN                 BIT(0)
+#define SETPM_AUTOANTSWITCH            BIT(1)
+       u8 BcnAntMode;
+} __packed;
+       u8 ROFOn; /*  1: on, 0:off */
+       u16 gpio_period; /*  unit: 1024 us */
+}__attribute__ ((packed));
+struct joinbssrpt_parm {
+       u8 OpMode;      /*  enum rt_media_status */
+struct rsvdpage_loc {
+       u8 LocProbeRsp;
+       u8 LocPsPoll;
+       u8 LocNullData;
+       u8 LocQosNull;
+       u8 LocBTQosNull;
+struct P2P_PS_Offload_t {
+       u8 Offload_En:1;
+       u8 role:1; /*  1: Owner, 0: Client */
+       u8 CTWindow_En:1;
+       u8 NoA0_En:1;
+       u8 NoA1_En:1;
+       u8 AllStaSleep:1; /*  Only valid in Owner */
+       u8 discovery:1;
+       u8 rsvd:1;
+struct P2P_PS_CTWPeriod_t {
+       u8 CTWPeriod;   /* TU */
+#define B_TDMA_EN                      BIT(0)
+#define B_TDMA_FIXANTINBT              BIT(1)
+#define B_TDMA_TXPSPOLL                        BIT(2)
+#define B_TDMA_VAL870                  BIT(3)
+#define B_TDMA_AUTOWAKEUP              BIT(4)
+#define B_TDMA_NOPS                    BIT(5)
+#define B_TDMA_WLANHIGHPRI             BIT(6)
+struct b_type_tdma_parm {
+       u8 option;
+       u8 TBTTOnPeriod;
+       u8 MedPeriod;
+       u8 rsvd30;
+} __packed;
+struct scan_en_parm {
+       u8 En;
+} __packed;
+/*  BT_PWR */
+#define SET_H2CCMD_BT_PWR_IDX(__pH2CCmd, __Value)                                                      SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE_8BIT(__pH2CCmd, 0, 8, __Value)
+/*  BT_FW_PATCH */
+#define SET_H2CCMD_BT_FW_PATCH_ENABLE(__pH2CCmd, __Value)                                      SET_BITS_TO_LE_4BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 0, 8, __Value) /*       SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 0, 8, __Value) */
+#define SET_H2CCMD_BT_FW_PATCH_SIZE(__pH2CCmd, __Value)                                                SET_BITS_TO_LE_4BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 8, 16, __Value) /*      SET_BITS_TO_LE_2BYTE((__pH2CCmd)+1, 0, 16, __Value) */
+struct lowpwr_lps_parm{
+       u8 bcn_count:4;
+       u8 tb_bcn_threshold:3;
+       u8 enable:1;
+       u8 bcn_interval;
+       u8 drop_threshold;
+       u8 max_early_period;
+       u8 max_bcn_timeout_period;
+} __packed;
+/*  host message to firmware cmd */
+void rtl8723a_set_FwPwrMode_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 Mode);
+void rtl8723a_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 mstatus);
+void rtl8723a_set_BTCoex_AP_mode_FwRsvdPkt_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+u8 rtl8723a_set_rssi_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 *param);
+u8 rtl8723a_set_raid_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u32 mask, u8 arg);
+void rtl8723a_add_rateatid(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u32 bitmap, u8 arg, u8 rssi_level);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+void rtl8723a_set_p2p_ps_offload_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 p2p_ps_state);
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+void CheckFwRsvdPageContent23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_dm.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_dm.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..47e887f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_DM_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_DM_H__
+/*  */
+/*  Description: */
+/*  */
+/*  This file is for 8723A dynamic mechanism only */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+       UP_LINK,
+       DOWN_LINK,
+/*  */
+/*  structure and define */
+/*  */
+/*  duplicate code,will move to ODM ######### */
+#define IQK_MAC_REG_NUM                4
+#define IQK_ADDA_REG_NUM               16
+#define IQK_BB_REG_NUM                 9
+#define HP_THERMAL_NUM         8
+/*  duplicate code,will move to ODM ######### */
+struct dm_priv
+       u8      DM_Type;
+       u8      DMFlag;
+       u8      InitDMFlag;
+       u32     InitODMFlag;
+       /*  Upper and Lower Signal threshold for Rate Adaptive*/
+       int     UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+       int     UndecoratedSmoothedCCK;
+       int     EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+       int     EntryMaxUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+       int     MinUndecoratedPWDBForDM;
+       int     LastMinUndecoratedPWDBForDM;
+       s32     UndecoratedSmoothedBeacon;
+       #ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_BT_COEXIST
+       s32 BT_EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+       s32 BT_EntryMaxUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+       #endif
+       /* for High Power */
+       u8 bDynamicTxPowerEnable;
+       u8 LastDTPLvl;
+       u8 DynamicTxHighPowerLvl;/* Add by Jacken Tx Power Control for Near/Far Range 2008/03/06 */
+       /* for tx power tracking */
+       u8      bTXPowerTracking;
+       u8      TXPowercount;
+       u8      bTXPowerTrackingInit;
+       u8      TxPowerTrackControl;    /* for mp mode, turn off txpwrtracking as default */
+       u8      TM_Trigger;
+       u8      ThermalMeter[2];                                /*  ThermalMeter, index 0 for RFIC0, and 1 for RFIC1 */
+       u8      ThermalValue;
+       u8      ThermalValue_LCK;
+       u8      ThermalValue_IQK;
+       u8      ThermalValue_DPK;
+       u8      bRfPiEnable;
+       /* for APK */
+       u32     APKoutput[2][2];        /* path A/B; output1_1a/output1_2a */
+       u8      bAPKdone;
+       u8      bAPKThermalMeterIgnore;
+       u8      bDPdone;
+       u8      bDPPathAOK;
+       u8      bDPPathBOK;
+       /* for IQK */
+       u32     RegC04;
+       u32     Reg874;
+       u32     RegC08;
+       u32     RegB68;
+       u32     RegB6C;
+       u32     Reg870;
+       u32     Reg860;
+       u32     Reg864;
+       u32     ADDA_backup[IQK_ADDA_REG_NUM];
+       u32     IQK_MAC_backup[IQK_MAC_REG_NUM];
+       u32     IQK_BB_backup_recover[9];
+       u32     IQK_BB_backup[IQK_BB_REG_NUM];
+       u8      PowerIndex_backup[6];
+       u8      bCCKinCH14;
+       u8      CCK_index;
+       u8      OFDM_index[2];
+       u8      bDoneTxpower;
+       u8      CCK_index_HP;
+       u8      OFDM_index_HP[2];
+       u8      ThermalValue_HP[HP_THERMAL_NUM];
+       u8      ThermalValue_HP_index;
+       /* for TxPwrTracking */
+       s32     RegE94;
+       s32     RegE9C;
+       s32     RegEB4;
+       s32     RegEBC;
+       u32     TXPowerTrackingCallbackCnt;     /* cosa add for debug */
+       u32     prv_traffic_idx; /*  edca turbo */
+       s32     OFDM_Pkt_Cnt;
+       u8      RSSI_Select;
+/*     u8      DIG_Dynamic_MIN ; */
+/*  duplicate code,will move to ODM ######### */
+       /*  Add for Reading Initial Data Rate SEL Register 0x484 during watchdog. Using for fill tx desc. 2011.3.21 by Thomas */
+       u8      INIDATA_RATE[32];
+/*  */
+/*  function prototype */
+/*  */
+void rtl8723a_init_dm_priv(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_deinit_dm_priv(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_InitHalDm(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_HalDmWatchDog(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_hal.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_hal.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c20248b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_HAL_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_HAL_H__
+#include "rtl8723a_spec.h"
+#include "rtl8723a_pg.h"
+#include "Hal8723APhyReg.h"
+#include "Hal8723APhyCfg.h"
+#include "rtl8723a_rf.h"
+#include "rtl8723a_bt-coexist.h"
+#include "rtl8723a_dm.h"
+#include "rtl8723a_recv.h"
+#include "rtl8723a_xmit.h"
+#include "rtl8723a_cmd.h"
+#include "rtl8723a_sreset.h"
+#include "rtw_efuse.h"
+#include "odm_precomp.h"
+/* 2TODO: We should define 8192S firmware related macro settings here!! */
+#define RTL819X_DEFAULT_RF_TYPE                        RF_1T2R
+#define RTL819X_TOTAL_RF_PATH                          2
+/* TODO:  The following need to check!! */
+#define RTL8723_FW_UMC_IMG                             "rtl8192CU\\rtl8723fw.bin"
+#define RTL8723_FW_UMC_B_IMG                   "rtl8192CU\\rtl8723fw_B.bin"
+#define RTL8723_PHY_REG                                        "rtl8723S\\PHY_REG_1T.txt"
+#define RTL8723_PHY_RADIO_A                            "rtl8723S\\radio_a_1T.txt"
+#define RTL8723_PHY_RADIO_B                            "rtl8723S\\radio_b_1T.txt"
+#define RTL8723_AGC_TAB                                        "rtl8723S\\AGC_TAB_1T.txt"
+#define RTL8723_PHY_MACREG                             "rtl8723S\\MAC_REG.txt"
+#define RTL8723_PHY_REG_PG                             "rtl8723S\\PHY_REG_PG.txt"
+#define RTL8723_PHY_REG_MP                             "rtl8723S\\PHY_REG_MP.txt"
+/*  */
+/*             RTL8723S From header */
+/*  */
+/*  Fw Array */
+#define Rtl8723_FwImageArray                           Rtl8723UFwImgArray
+#define Rtl8723_FwUMCBCutImageArrayWithBT              Rtl8723UFwUMCBCutImgArrayWithBT
+#define Rtl8723_FwUMCBCutImageArrayWithoutBT   Rtl8723UFwUMCBCutImgArrayWithoutBT
+#define Rtl8723_ImgArrayLength                         Rtl8723UImgArrayLength
+#define Rtl8723_UMCBCutImgArrayWithBTLength            Rtl8723UUMCBCutImgArrayWithBTLength
+#define Rtl8723_UMCBCutImgArrayWithoutBTLength Rtl8723UUMCBCutImgArrayWithoutBTLength
+#define Rtl8723_PHY_REG_Array_PG                       Rtl8723UPHY_REG_Array_PG
+#define Rtl8723_PHY_REG_Array_PGLength         Rtl8723UPHY_REG_Array_PGLength
+#define Rtl8723_FwUMCBCutMPImageArray          Rtl8723SFwUMCBCutMPImgAr
+#define Rtl8723_UMCBCutMPImgArrayLength                Rtl8723SUMCBCutMPImgArrayLength
+#define DRVINFO_SZ                             4 /*  unit is 8bytes */
+#define PageNum_128(_Len)              (u32)(((_Len)>>7) + ((_Len)&0x7F ? 1:0))
+#define FW_8723A_SIZE                  0x8000
+#define FW_8723A_START_ADDRESS 0x1000
+#define FW_8723A_END_ADDRESS           0x1FFF /* 0x5FFF */
+#define MAX_PAGE_SIZE                  4096    /*  @ page : 4k bytes */
+#define IS_FW_HEADER_EXIST(_pFwHdr)    ((le16_to_cpu(_pFwHdr->Signature)&0xFFF0) == 0x92C0 ||\
+                                                                       (le16_to_cpu(_pFwHdr->Signature)&0xFFF0) == 0x88C0 ||\
+                                                                       (le16_to_cpu(_pFwHdr->Signature)&0xFFF0) == 0x2300)
+/*  */
+/*  This structure must be cared byte-ordering */
+/*  */
+/*  Added by tynli. 2009.12.04. */
+struct rt_8723a_firmware_hdr {
+       /*  8-byte alinment required */
+       /*  LONG WORD 0 ---- */
+       u16             Signature;      /*  92C0: test chip; 92C, 88C0: test chip; 88C1: MP A-cut; 92C1: MP A-cut */
+       u8              Category;       /*  AP/NIC and USB/PCI */
+       u8              Function;       /*  Reserved for different FW function indcation, for further use when driver needs to download different FW in different conditions */
+       u16             Version;                /*  FW Version */
+       u8              Subversion;     /*  FW Subversion, default 0x00 */
+       u16             Rsvd1;
+       /*  LONG WORD 1 ---- */
+       u8              Month;  /*  Release time Month field */
+       u8              Date;   /*  Release time Date field */
+       u8              Hour;   /*  Release time Hour field */
+       u8              Minute; /*  Release time Minute field */
+       u16             RamCodeSize;    /*  The size of RAM code */
+       u16             Rsvd2;
+       /*  LONG WORD 2 ---- */
+       u32             SvnIdx; /*  The SVN entry index */
+       u32             Rsvd3;
+       /*  LONG WORD 3 ---- */
+       u32             Rsvd4;
+       u32             Rsvd5;
+#define DRIVER_EARLY_INT_TIME          0x05
+#define BCN_DMA_ATIME_INT_TIME         0x02
+#define MAX_TX_QUEUE           9
+#define TX_SELE_HQ                     BIT(0)          /*  High Queue */
+#define TX_SELE_LQ                     BIT(1)          /*  Low Queue */
+#define TX_SELE_NQ                     BIT(2)          /*  Normal Queue */
+/*  Note: We will divide number of page equally for each queue other than public queue! */
+#define TX_TOTAL_PAGE_NUMBER   0xF8
+#define TX_PAGE_BOUNDARY               (TX_TOTAL_PAGE_NUMBER + 1)
+/*  For Normal Chip Setting */
+/*  (HPQ + LPQ + NPQ + PUBQ) shall be TX_TOTAL_PAGE_NUMBER */
+#define NORMAL_PAGE_NUM_PUBQ   0xE7
+#define NORMAL_PAGE_NUM_HPQ            0x0C
+#define NORMAL_PAGE_NUM_LPQ            0x02
+#define NORMAL_PAGE_NUM_NPQ            0x02
+/*  For Test Chip Setting */
+/*  (HPQ + LPQ + PUBQ) shall be TX_TOTAL_PAGE_NUMBER */
+#define TEST_PAGE_NUM_PUBQ             0x7E
+/*  For Test Chip Setting */
+#define WMM_TEST_TX_PAGE_BOUNDARY              (WMM_TEST_TX_TOTAL_PAGE_NUMBER + 1) /* F6 */
+#define WMM_TEST_PAGE_NUM_PUBQ         0xA3
+#define WMM_TEST_PAGE_NUM_HPQ          0x29
+#define WMM_TEST_PAGE_NUM_LPQ          0x29
+/*  Note: For Normal Chip Setting, modify later */
+#define WMM_NORMAL_PAGE_NUM_PUBQ       0xB0
+#define WMM_NORMAL_PAGE_NUM_HPQ                0x29
+#define WMM_NORMAL_PAGE_NUM_LPQ                0x1C
+#define WMM_NORMAL_PAGE_NUM_NPQ                0x1C
+/*  */
+/*     Chip specific */
+/*  */
+#define CHIP_BONDING_IDENTIFIER(_value)        (((_value)>>22)&0x3)
+#define CHIP_BONDING_92C_1T2R                  0x1
+#define CHIP_BONDING_88C_USB_MCARD             0x2
+#define CHIP_BONDING_88C_USB_HP                        0x1
+#include "HalVerDef.h"
+#include "hal_com.h"
+/*  */
+/*     Channel Plan */
+/*  */
+enum ChannelPlan
+       CHPL_FCC        = 0,
+       CHPL_IC         = 1,
+       CHPL_ETSI       = 2,
+       CHPL_SPAIN      = 3,
+       CHPL_FRANCE     = 4,
+       CHPL_MKK        = 5,
+       CHPL_MKK1       = 6,
+       CHPL_ISRAEL     = 7,
+       CHPL_TELEC      = 8,
+       CHPL_GLOBAL     = 9,
+       CHPL_WORLD      = 10,
+#define EFUSE_REAL_CONTENT_LEN         512
+#define EFUSE_MAP_LEN                          128
+#define EFUSE_MAX_SECTION                      16
+#define EFUSE_IC_ID_OFFSET                     506     /* For some inferiority IC purpose. added by Roger, 2009.09.02. */
+/*  */
+/*  <Roger_Notes> */
+/*  To prevent out of boundary programming case, */
+/*  leave 1byte and program full section */
+/*  9bytes + 1byt + 5bytes and pre 1byte. */
+/*  For worst case: */
+/*  | 1byte|----8bytes----|1byte|--5bytes--| */
+/*  |         |            Reserved(14bytes)         | */
+/*  */
+/*  PG data exclude header, dummy 6 bytes frome CP test and reserved 1byte. */
+#define EFUSE_OOB_PROTECT_BYTES                        15
+#define EFUSE_REAL_CONTENT_LEN_8723A   512
+#define EFUSE_MAP_LEN_8723A                            256
+#define EFUSE_MAX_SECTION_8723A                        32
+/*  */
+/*                     EFUSE for BT definition */
+/*  */
+#define EFUSE_BT_REAL_CONTENT_LEN              1536    /*  512*3 */
+#define EFUSE_BT_MAP_LEN                               1024    /*  1k bytes */
+#define EFUSE_BT_MAX_SECTION                   128             /*  1024/8 */
+#define EFUSE_PROTECT_BYTES_BANK               16
+/*  */
+/*  <Roger_Notes> For RTL8723 WiFi/BT/GPS multi-function configuration. 2010.10.06. */
+/*  */
+       RT_MULTI_FUNC_NONE = 0x00,
+       RT_MULTI_FUNC_WIFI = 0x01,
+       RT_MULTI_FUNC_BT = 0x02,
+       RT_MULTI_FUNC_GPS = 0x04,
+/*  */
+/*  <Roger_Notes> For RTL8723 WiFi PDn/GPIO polarity control configuration. 2010.10.08. */
+/*  */
+       RT_POLARITY_LOW_ACT = 0,
+/*  For RTL8723 regulator mode. by tynli. 2011.01.14. */
+       RT_LDO_REGULATOR = 1,
+/*  Description: Determine the types of C2H events that are the same in driver and Fw. */
+/*  Fisrt constructed by tynli. 2009.10.09. */
+enum {
+       C2H_DBG = 0,
+       C2H_TSF = 1,
+       C2H_AP_RPT_RSP = 2,
+       C2H_CCX_TX_RPT = 3,     /*  The FW notify the report of the specific tx packet. */
+       C2H_BT_RSSI = 4,
+       C2H_BT_OP_MODE = 5,
+       C2H_EXT_RA_RPT = 6,
+       C2H_HW_INFO_EXCH = 10,
+       C2H_C2H_H2C_TEST = 11,
+       C2H_BT_INFO = 12,
+       C2H_BT_MP_INFO = 15,
+       MAX_C2HEVENT
+struct hal_data_8723a {
+       struct hal_version              VersionID;
+       enum rt_customer_id CustomerID;
+       u16     FirmwareVersion;
+       u16     FirmwareVersionRev;
+       u16     FirmwareSubVersion;
+       u16     FirmwareSignature;
+       /* current WIFI_PHY values */
+       u32     ReceiveConfig;
+       enum WIRELESS_MODE              CurrentWirelessMode;
+       enum ht_channel_width   CurrentChannelBW;
+       u8      CurrentChannel;
+       u8      nCur40MhzPrimeSC;/*  Control channel sub-carrier */
+       u16     BasicRateSet;
+       /* rf_ctrl */
+       u8      rf_chip;
+       u8      rf_type;
+       u8      NumTotalRFPath;
+       u8      BoardType;
+       u8      CrystalCap;
+       /*  */
+       /*  EEPROM setting. */
+       /*  */
+       u8      EEPROMVersion;
+       u16     EEPROMVID;
+       u16     EEPROMPID;
+       u16     EEPROMSVID;
+       u16     EEPROMSDID;
+       u8      EEPROMCustomerID;
+       u8      EEPROMSubCustomerID;
+       u8      EEPROMRegulatory;
+       u8      EEPROMThermalMeter;
+       u8      EEPROMBluetoothCoexist;
+       u8      EEPROMBluetoothType;
+       u8      EEPROMBluetoothAntNum;
+       u8      EEPROMBluetoothAntIsolation;
+       u8      EEPROMBluetoothRadioShared;
+       u8      bTXPowerDataReadFromEEPORM;
+       u8      bAPKThermalMeterIgnore;
+       u8      bIQKInitialized;
+       u8      bAntennaDetected;
+       u8      TxPwrLevelCck[RF_PATH_MAX][CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER];
+       u8      TxPwrLevelHT40_1S[RF_PATH_MAX][CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER];     /*  For HT 40MHZ pwr */
+       u8      TxPwrLevelHT40_2S[RF_PATH_MAX][CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER];     /*  For HT 40MHZ pwr */
+       u8      TxPwrHt20Diff[RF_PATH_MAX][CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER];/*  HT 20<->40 Pwr diff */
+       u8      TxPwrLegacyHtDiff[RF_PATH_MAX][CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER];/*  For HT<->legacy pwr diff */
+       /*  For power group */
+       u8      PwrGroupHT20[RF_PATH_MAX][CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER];
+       u8      PwrGroupHT40[RF_PATH_MAX][CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER];
+       u8      LegacyHTTxPowerDiff;/*  Legacy to HT rate power diff */
+       /*  Read/write are allow for following hardware information variables */
+       u8      framesync;
+       u32     framesyncC34;
+       u8      framesyncMonitor;
+       u8      DefaultInitialGain[4];
+       u8      pwrGroupCnt;
+       u32     MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[7][16];
+       u32     CCKTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset;
+       u32     AntennaTxPath;                                  /*  Antenna path Tx */
+       u32     AntennaRxPath;                                  /*  Antenna path Rx */
+       u8      ExternalPA;
+       u8      bLedOpenDrain; /*  Support Open-drain arrangement for controlling the LED. Added by Roger, 2009.10.16. */
+       u8      b1x1RecvCombine;        /*  for 1T1R receive combining */
+       /*  For EDCA Turbo mode */
+       u32     AcParam_BE; /* Original parameter for BE, use for EDCA turbo. */
+       /* vivi, for tx power tracking, 20080407 */
+       /* u16  TSSI_13dBm; */
+       /* u32  Pwr_Track; */
+       /*  The current Tx Power Level */
+       u8      CurrentCckTxPwrIdx;
+       u8      CurrentOfdm24GTxPwrIdx;
+       struct bb_reg_define    PHYRegDef[4];   /* Radio A/B/C/D */
+       bool            bRFPathRxEnable[4];     /*  We support 4 RF path now. */
+       u32     RfRegChnlVal[2];
+       u8      bCckHighPower;
+       /* RDG enable */
+       bool     bRDGEnable;
+       /* for host message to fw */
+       u8      LastHMEBoxNum;
+       u8      fw_ractrl;
+       u8      RegTxPause;
+       /*  Beacon function related global variable. */
+       u32     RegBcnCtrlVal;
+       u8      RegFwHwTxQCtrl;
+       u8      RegReg542;
+       struct dm_priv  dmpriv;
+       struct dm_odm_t         odmpriv;
+       struct sreset_priv srestpriv;
+       u8                              bBTMode;
+       /*  BT only. */
+       struct bt_30info                BtInfo;
+       /*  For bluetooth co-existance */
+       struct bt_coexist_str   bt_coexist;
+       u8      bDumpRxPkt;/* for debug */
+       u8      FwRsvdPageStartOffset; /* 2010.06.23. Added by tynli. Reserve page start offset except beacon in TxQ. */
+       /*  2010/08/09 MH Add CU power down mode. */
+       u8      pwrdown;
+       /*  Add for dual MAC  0--Mac0 1--Mac1 */
+       u32     interfaceIndex;
+       u8      OutEpQueueSel;
+       u8      OutEpNumber;
+       /*  2010/12/10 MH Add for USB aggreation mode dynamic shceme. */
+       bool            UsbRxHighSpeedMode;
+       /*  2010/11/22 MH Add for slim combo debug mode selective. */
+       /*  This is used for fix the drawback of CU TSMC-A/UMC-A cut. HW auto suspend ability. Close BT clock. */
+       bool            SlimComboDbg;
+       /*  */
+       /*  Add For EEPROM Efuse switch and  Efuse Shadow map Setting */
+       /*  */
+       u8                      EepromOrEfuse;
+       u16                     EfuseUsedBytes;
+       u16                     BTEfuseUsedBytes;
+       /*  Interrupt relatd register information. */
+       u32                     SysIntrStatus;
+       u32                     SysIntrMask;
+       /*  */
+       /*  2011/02/23 MH Add for 8723 mylti function definition. The define should be moved to an */
+       /*  independent file in the future. */
+       /*  */
+       /* 8723-----------------------------------------*/
+       enum RT_MULTI_FUNC      MultiFunc; /*  For multi-function consideration. */
+       enum RT_POLARITY_CTL    PolarityCtl; /*  For Wifi PDn Polarity control. */
+       enum RT_REGULATOR_MODE  RegulatorMode; /*  switching regulator or LDO */
+       /* 8723-----------------------------------------
+        *  2011/02/23 MH Add for 8723 mylti function definition. The define should be moved to an */
+       /*  independent file in the future. */
+       bool                            bMACFuncEnable;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+       struct P2P_PS_Offload_t p2p_ps_offload;
+       /*  */
+       /*  For USB Interface HAL related */
+       /*  */
+       u32     UsbBulkOutSize;
+       /*  Interrupt related register information. */
+       u32     IntArray[2];
+       u32     IntrMask[2];
+       /*  */
+       /*  For SDIO Interface HAL related */
+       /*  */
+       /*  Auto FSM to Turn On, include clock, isolation, power control for MAC only */
+       u8                      bMacPwrCtrlOn;
+#define GET_HAL_DATA(__pAdapter)       ((struct hal_data_8723a *)((__pAdapter)->HalData))
+#define GET_RF_TYPE(priv)                      (GET_HAL_DATA(priv)->rf_type)
+#define INCLUDE_MULTI_FUNC_BT(_Adapter)                (GET_HAL_DATA(_Adapter)->MultiFunc & RT_MULTI_FUNC_BT)
+#define INCLUDE_MULTI_FUNC_GPS(_Adapter)       (GET_HAL_DATA(_Adapter)->MultiFunc & RT_MULTI_FUNC_GPS)
+struct rxreport_8723a {
+       u32 pktlen:14;
+       u32 crc32:1;
+       u32 icverr:1;
+       u32 drvinfosize:4;
+       u32 security:3;
+       u32 qos:1;
+       u32 shift:2;
+       u32 physt:1;
+       u32 swdec:1;
+       u32 ls:1;
+       u32 fs:1;
+       u32 eor:1;
+       u32 own:1;
+       u32 macid:5;
+       u32 tid:4;
+       u32 hwrsvd:4;
+       u32 amsdu:1;
+       u32 paggr:1;
+       u32 faggr:1;
+       u32 a1fit:4;
+       u32 a2fit:4;
+       u32 pam:1;
+       u32 pwr:1;
+       u32 md:1;
+       u32 mf:1;
+       u32 type:2;
+       u32 mc:1;
+       u32 bc:1;
+       u32 seq:12;
+       u32 frag:4;
+       u32 nextpktlen:14;
+       u32 nextind:1;
+       u32 rsvd0831:1;
+       u32 rxmcs:6;
+       u32 rxht:1;
+       u32 gf:1;
+       u32 splcp:1;
+       u32 bw:1;
+       u32 htc:1;
+       u32 eosp:1;
+       u32 bssidfit:2;
+       u32 rsvd1214:16;
+       u32 unicastwake:1;
+       u32 magicwake:1;
+       u32 pattern0match:1;
+       u32 pattern1match:1;
+       u32 pattern2match:1;
+       u32 pattern3match:1;
+       u32 pattern4match:1;
+       u32 pattern5match:1;
+       u32 pattern6match:1;
+       u32 pattern7match:1;
+       u32 pattern8match:1;
+       u32 pattern9match:1;
+       u32 patternamatch:1;
+       u32 patternbmatch:1;
+       u32 patterncmatch:1;
+       u32 rsvd1613:19;
+       u32 tsfl;
+       u32 bassn:12;
+       u32 bavld:1;
+       u32 rsvd2413:19;
+/*  rtl8723a_hal_init.c */
+s32 rtl8723a_FirmwareDownload(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_FirmwareSelfReset(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_InitializeFirmwareVars(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_InitAntenna_Selection(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_DeinitAntenna_Selection(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_CheckAntenna_Selection(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_init_default_value(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+s32 InitLLTTable23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 boundary);
+s32 CardDisableHWSM(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 resetMCU);
+s32 CardDisableWithoutHWSM(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+/*  EFuse */
+u8 GetEEPROMSize8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void Hal_InitPGData(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *PROMContent);
+void Hal_EfuseParseIDCode(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo);
+void Hal_EfuseParsetxpowerinfo_8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *PROMContent, bool AutoLoadFail);
+void Hal_EfuseParseBTCoexistInfo_8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail);
+void Hal_EfuseParseEEPROMVer(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail);
+void rtl8723a_EfuseParseChnlPlan(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail);
+void Hal_EfuseParseCustomerID(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail);
+void Hal_EfuseParseAntennaDiversity(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail);
+void Hal_EfuseParseRateIndicationOption(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail);
+void Hal_EfuseParseXtal_8723A(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u8 *hwinfo, u8 AutoLoadFail);
+void Hal_EfuseParseThermalMeter_8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, u8 AutoLoadFail);
+void Hal_InitChannelPlan23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_set_hal_ops(struct hal_ops *pHalFunc);
+void SetHwReg8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 variable, u8 *val);
+void GetHwReg8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 variable, u8 *val);
+void rtl8723a_SingleDualAntennaDetection(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+/*  register */
+void SetBcnCtrlReg23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 SetBits, u8 ClearBits);
+void rtl8723a_InitBeaconParameters(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_clone_haldata(struct rtw_adapter *dst_adapter, struct rtw_adapter *src_adapter);
+void rtl8723a_start_thread(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_stop_thread(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+s32 c2h_id_filter_ccx_8723a(u8 id);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_led.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_led.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1623d18
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_LED_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_LED_H__
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+/*  */
+/*  Interface to manipulate LED objects. */
+/*  */
+void rtl8723au_InitSwLeds(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723au_DeInitSwLeds(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void SwLedOn23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct led_8723a * pLed);
+void SwLedOff23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct led_8723a * pLed);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_pg.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_pg.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..12f7a13
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_PG_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_PG_H__
+/*  */
+/*                     EEPROM/Efuse PG Offset for 8723E/8723U/8723S */
+/*  */
+#define EEPROM_CCK_TX_PWR_INX_8723A                    0x10
+#define EEPROM_HT40_1S_TX_PWR_INX_8723A                0x16
+#define EEPROM_HT20_TX_PWR_INX_DIFF_8723A      0x1C
+#define EEPROM_OFDM_TX_PWR_INX_DIFF_8723A      0x1F
+#define EEPROM_HT40_MAX_PWR_OFFSET_8723A       0x22
+#define EEPROM_HT20_MAX_PWR_OFFSET_8723A       0x25
+#define EEPROM_ChannelPlan_8723A                       0x28
+#define EEPROM_TSSI_A_8723A                                    0x29
+#define EEPROM_THERMAL_METER_8723A                     0x2A
+#define RF_OPTION1_8723A                                       0x2B
+#define RF_OPTION2_8723A                                       0x2C
+#define RF_OPTION3_8723A                                       0x2D
+#define RF_OPTION4_8723A                                       0x2E
+#define EEPROM_VERSION_8723A                           0x30
+#define EEPROM_CustomID_8723A                          0x31
+#define EEPROM_SubCustomID_8723A                       0x32
+#define EEPROM_XTAL_K_8723A                                    0x33
+#define EEPROM_Chipset_8723A                           0x34
+/*  RTL8723AE */
+#define EEPROM_VID_8723AE                                      0x49
+#define EEPROM_DID_8723AE                                      0x4B
+#define EEPROM_SVID_8723AE                                     0x4D
+#define EEPROM_SMID_8723AE                                     0x4F
+#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_8723AE                         0x67
+/*  RTL8723AU */
+#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_8723AU                         0xC6
+#define EEPROM_VID_8723AU                                      0xB7
+#define EEPROM_PID_8723AU                                      0xB9
+/*  RTL8723AS */
+#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_8723AS                         0xAA
+/*  */
+/*                     EEPROM/Efuse Value Type */
+/*  */
+#define EETYPE_TX_PWR                                          0x0
+/*  */
+/*                     EEPROM/Efuse Default Value */
+/*  */
+#define EEPROM_Default_CrystalCap_8723A                0x20
+/*  */
+/*        EEPROM/EFUSE data structure definition. */
+/*  */
+#define        MAX_RF_PATH_NUM 2
+#define        MAX_CHNL_GROUP          3+9
+struct txpowerinfo {
+       u8 HT40_1SIndex[MAX_RF_PATH_NUM][MAX_CHNL_GROUP];
+       u8 HT40_2SIndexDiff[MAX_RF_PATH_NUM][MAX_CHNL_GROUP];
+       u8 HT20IndexDiff[MAX_RF_PATH_NUM][MAX_CHNL_GROUP];
+       u8 HT40MaxOffset[MAX_RF_PATH_NUM][MAX_CHNL_GROUP];
+       u8 HT20MaxOffset[MAX_RF_PATH_NUM][MAX_CHNL_GROUP];
+       u8 TSSI_A[3];
+       u8 TSSI_B[3];
+       u8 TSSI_A_5G[3];                /* 5GL/5GM/5GH */
+       u8 TSSI_B_5G[3];
+enum bt_ant_num {
+       Ant_x2  = 0,
+       Ant_x1  = 1
+enum bt_cotype {
+       BT_2Wire                = 0,
+       BT_ISSC_3Wire           = 1,
+       BT_Accel                = 2,
+       BT_CSR_BC4              = 3,
+       BT_CSR_BC8              = 4,
+       BT_RTL8756              = 5,
+       BT_RTL8723A             = 6
+enum bt_radioshared {
+       BT_Radio_Shared         = 0,
+       BT_Radio_Individual     = 1,
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_recv.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_recv.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6bf6904
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_RECV_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_RECV_H__
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#define NR_RECVBUFF (4)
+#define RECV_BLK_SZ 512
+#define RECV_BLK_CNT 16
+#define MAX_RECVBUF_SZ (15360) /*  15k < 16k */
+#define RECV_BULK_IN_ADDR              0x80
+#define RECV_INT_IN_ADDR               0x81
+#define PHY_RSSI_SLID_WIN_MAX                          100
+#define PHY_LINKQUALITY_SLID_WIN_MAX           20
+struct phy_stat
+       unsigned int phydw0;
+       unsigned int phydw1;
+       unsigned int phydw2;
+       unsigned int phydw3;
+       unsigned int phydw4;
+       unsigned int phydw5;
+       unsigned int phydw6;
+       unsigned int phydw7;
+/*  Rx smooth factor */
+#define        Rx_Smooth_Factor (20)
+struct interrupt_msg_format {
+       unsigned int C2H_MSG0;
+       unsigned int C2H_MSG1;
+       unsigned int C2H_MSG2;
+       unsigned int C2H_MSG3;
+       unsigned int HISR; /*  from HISR Reg0x124, read to clear */
+       unsigned int HISRE;/*  from HISRE Reg0x12c, read to clear */
+       unsigned int  MSG_EX;
+void rtl8723au_init_recvbuf(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_buf *precvbuf);
+int    rtl8723au_init_recv_priv(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void rtl8723au_free_recv_priv(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void rtl8723a_process_phy_info(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, void *prframe);
+void update_recvframe_attrib(struct recv_frame *precvframe, struct recv_stat *prxstat);
+void update_recvframe_phyinfo(struct recv_frame *precvframe, struct phy_stat *pphy_info);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_rf.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_rf.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..166a45f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_RF_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_RF_H__
+/*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/
+/*  */
+/*  For RF 6052 Series */
+/*  */
+#define                RF6052_MAX_TX_PWR                       0x3F
+#define                RF6052_MAX_REG                          0x3F
+#define                RF6052_MAX_PATH                         2
+/*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/
+/*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/
+/*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export Marco Definition---------------------------*/
+/*------------------------Export Marco Definition---------------------------*/
+/*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/
+/*  */
+/*  RF RL6052 Series API */
+/*  */
+void rtl8723a_phy_rf6052set_bw(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter,
+                              enum ht_channel_width Bandwidth);
+void rtl823a_phy_rf6052setccktxpower(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter,
+                                     u8* pPowerlevel);
+void rtl8723a_PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter,
+                                      u8* pPowerLevel, u8 Channel);
+/*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/
+int    PHY_RF6052_Config8723A(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_spec.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_spec.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3595c27
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2158 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_SPEC_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_SPEC_H__
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0000h ~ 0x00FFh       System Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_SYS_ISO_CTRL               0x0000
+#define REG_SYS_FUNC_EN                        0x0002
+#define REG_APS_FSMCO                  0x0004
+#define REG_SYS_CLKR                   0x0008
+#define REG_9346CR                     0x000A
+#define REG_EE_VPD                     0x000C
+#define REG_AFE_MISC                   0x0010
+#define REG_SPS0_CTRL                  0x0011
+#define REG_SPS_OCP_CFG                        0x0018
+#define REG_RSV_CTRL                   0x001C
+#define REG_RF_CTRL                    0x001F
+#define REG_LDOA15_CTRL                        0x0020
+#define REG_LDOV12D_CTRL               0x0021
+#define REG_LDOHCI12_CTRL              0x0022
+#define REG_LPLDO_CTRL                 0x0023
+#define REG_AFE_XTAL_CTRL              0x0024
+#define REG_AFE_PLL_CTRL               0x0028
+#define REG_MAC_PHY_CTRL               0x002c
+#define REG_EFUSE_CTRL                 0x0030
+#define REG_EFUSE_TEST                 0x0034
+#define REG_PWR_DATA                   0x0038
+#define REG_CAL_TIMER                  0x003C
+#define REG_ACLK_MON                   0x003E
+#define REG_GPIO_MUXCFG                        0x0040
+#define REG_GPIO_IO_SEL                        0x0042
+#define REG_MAC_PINMUX_CFG             0x0043
+#define REG_GPIO_PIN_CTRL              0x0044
+#define REG_GPIO_INTM                  0x0048
+#define REG_LEDCFG0                    0x004C
+#define REG_LEDCFG1                    0x004D
+#define REG_LEDCFG2                    0x004E
+#define REG_LEDCFG3                    0x004F
+#define REG_LEDCFG                     REG_LEDCFG2
+#define REG_FSIMR                      0x0050
+#define REG_FSISR                      0x0054
+#define REG_HSIMR                      0x0058
+#define REG_HSISR                      0x005c
+ /*  RTL8723 WIFI/BT/GPS Multi-Function GPIO Pin Control. */
+#define REG_GPIO_PIN_CTRL_2            0x0060
+ /*  RTL8723 WIFI/BT/GPS Multi-Function GPIO Select. */
+#define REG_GPIO_IO_SEL_2              0x0062
+ /*  RTL8723 WIFI/BT/GPS Multi-Function control source. */
+#define REG_MULTI_FUNC_CTRL            0x0068
+#define REG_MCUFWDL                    0x0080
+#define REG_HMEBOX_EXT_0               0x0088
+#define REG_HMEBOX_EXT_1               0x008A
+#define REG_HMEBOX_EXT_2               0x008C
+#define REG_HMEBOX_EXT_3               0x008E
+       /*  Host suspend counter on FPGA platform */
+#define REG_HOST_SUSP_CNT              0x00BC
+       /*  Efuse access protection for RTL8723 */
+#define REG_EFUSE_ACCESS               0x00CF
+#define REG_BIST_SCAN                  0x00D0
+#define REG_BIST_RPT                   0x00D4
+#define REG_BIST_ROM_RPT               0x00D8
+#define REG_USB_SIE_INTF               0x00E0
+#define REG_PCIE_MIO_INTF              0x00E4
+#define REG_PCIE_MIO_INTD              0x00E8
+#define REG_HPON_FSM                   0x00EC
+#define REG_SYS_CFG                    0x00F0
+#define REG_GPIO_OUTSTS                        0x00F4  /*  For RTL8723 only. */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0100h ~ 0x01FFh       MACTOP General Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_CR                         0x0100
+#define REG_PBP                                0x0104
+#define REG_TRXDMA_CTRL                        0x010C
+#define REG_TRXFF_BNDY                 0x0114
+#define REG_TRXFF_STATUS               0x0118
+#define REG_RXFF_PTR                   0x011C
+#define REG_HIMR                       0x0120
+#define REG_HISR                       0x0124
+#define REG_HIMRE                      0x0128
+#define REG_HISRE                      0x012C
+#define REG_CPWM                       0x012F
+#define REG_FWIMR                      0x0130
+#define REG_FWISR                      0x0134
+#define REG_PKTBUF_DBG_CTRL            0x0140
+#define REG_PKTBUF_DBG_DATA_L          0x0144
+#define REG_PKTBUF_DBG_DATA_H          0x0148
+#define REG_TC0_CTRL                   0x0150
+#define REG_TC1_CTRL                   0x0154
+#define REG_TC2_CTRL                   0x0158
+#define REG_TC3_CTRL                   0x015C
+#define REG_TC4_CTRL                   0x0160
+#define REG_TCUNIT_BASE                        0x0164
+#define REG_MBIST_START                        0x0174
+#define REG_MBIST_DONE                 0x0178
+#define REG_MBIST_FAIL                 0x017C
+#define REG_C2HEVT_MSG_NORMAL          0x01A0
+#define REG_C2HEVT_CLEAR               0x01AF
+#define REG_C2HEVT_MSG_TEST            0x01B8
+#define REG_MCUTST_1                   0x01c0
+#define REG_FMETHR                     0x01C8
+#define REG_HMETFR                     0x01CC
+#define REG_HMEBOX_0                   0x01D0
+#define REG_HMEBOX_1                   0x01D4
+#define REG_HMEBOX_2                   0x01D8
+#define REG_HMEBOX_3                   0x01DC
+#define REG_LLT_INIT                   0x01E0
+#define REG_BB_ACCEESS_CTRL            0x01E8
+#define REG_BB_ACCESS_DATA             0x01EC
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0200h ~ 0x027Fh       TXDMA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_RQPN                       0x0200
+#define REG_FIFOPAGE                   0x0204
+#define REG_TDECTRL                    0x0208
+#define REG_TXDMA_OFFSET_CHK           0x020C
+#define REG_TXDMA_STATUS               0x0210
+#define REG_RQPN_NPQ                   0x0214
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0280h ~ 0x02FFh       RXDMA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_RXDMA_AGG_PG_TH            0x0280
+#define REG_RXPKT_NUM                  0x0284
+#define REG_RXDMA_STATUS               0x0288
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0300h ~ 0x03FFh       PCIe */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define        REG_PCIE_CTRL_REG               0x0300
+#define        REG_INT_MIG                     0x0304  /*  Interrupt Migration */
+       /*  TX Beacon Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_BCNQ_DESA                   0x0308
+       /*  TX High Queue Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_HQ_DESA                     0x0310
+       /*  TX Manage Queue Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_MGQ_DESA                    0x0318
+       /*  TX VO Queue Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_VOQ_DESA                    0x0320
+       /*  TX VI Queue Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_VIQ_DESA                    0x0328
+       /*  TX BE Queue Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_BEQ_DESA                    0x0330
+       /*  TX BK Queue Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_BKQ_DESA                    0x0338
+       /*  RX Queue    Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_RX_DESA                     0x0340
+       /*  Backdoor REG for Access Configuration */
+#define        REG_DBI                         0x0348
+       /*  MDIO for Access PCIE PHY */
+#define        REG_MDIO                        0x0354
+       /*  Debug Selection Register */
+#define        REG_DBG_SEL                     0x0360
+       /* PCIe RPWM */
+#define        REG_PCIE_HRPWM                  0x0361
+       /* PCIe CPWM */
+#define        REG_PCIE_HCPWM                  0x0363
+       /*  UART        Control */
+#define        REG_UART_CTRL                   0x0364
+       /*  UART TX Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_UART_TX_DESA                0x0370
+       /*  UART Rx Descriptor Address */
+#define        REG_UART_RX_DESA                0x0378
+/*  spec version 11 */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0400h ~ 0x047Fh       Protocol Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_VOQ_INFORMATION            0x0400
+#define REG_VIQ_INFORMATION            0x0404
+#define REG_BEQ_INFORMATION            0x0408
+#define REG_BKQ_INFORMATION            0x040C
+#define REG_MGQ_INFORMATION            0x0410
+#define REG_HGQ_INFORMATION            0x0414
+#define REG_BCNQ_INFORMATION           0x0418
+#define REG_CPU_MGQ_INFORMATION                0x041C
+#define REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL              0x0420
+#define REG_HWSEQ_CTRL                 0x0423
+#define REG_TXPKTBUF_BCNQ_BDNY         0x0424
+#define REG_TXPKTBUF_MGQ_BDNY          0x0425
+#define REG_LIFETIME_EN                        0x0426
+#define REG_MULTI_BCNQ_OFFSET          0x0427
+#define REG_SPEC_SIFS                  0x0428
+#define REG_RL                         0x042A
+#define REG_DARFRC                     0x0430
+#define REG_RARFRC                     0x0438
+#define REG_RRSR                       0x0440
+#define REG_ARFR0                      0x0444
+#define REG_ARFR1                      0x0448
+#define REG_ARFR2                      0x044C
+#define REG_ARFR3                      0x0450
+#define REG_AGGLEN_LMT                 0x0458
+#define REG_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE            0x045C
+#define REG_TXPKTBUF_WMAC_LBK_BF_HD    0x045D
+#define REG_FAST_EDCA_CTRL             0x0460
+#define REG_RD_RESP_PKT_TH             0x0463
+#define REG_INIRTS_RATE_SEL            0x0480
+#define REG_INIDATA_RATE_SEL           0x0484
+#define REG_POWER_STATUS               0x04A4
+#define REG_POWER_STAGE1               0x04B4
+#define REG_POWER_STAGE2               0x04B8
+#define REG_PKT_VO_VI_LIFE_TIME                0x04C0
+#define REG_PKT_BE_BK_LIFE_TIME                0x04C2
+#define REG_STBC_SETTING               0x04C4
+#define REG_PROT_MODE_CTRL             0x04C8
+#define REG_MAX_AGGR_NUM               0x04CA
+#define REG_RTS_MAX_AGGR_NUM           0x04CB
+#define REG_BAR_MODE_CTRL              0x04CC
+#define REG_RA_TRY_RATE_AGG_LMT                0x04CF
+#define REG_NQOS_SEQ                   0x04DC
+#define REG_QOS_SEQ                    0x04DE
+#define REG_NEED_CPU_HANDLE            0x04E0
+#define REG_PKT_LOSE_RPT               0x04E1
+#define REG_PTCL_ERR_STATUS            0x04E2
+#define REG_DUMMY                      0x04FC
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0500h ~ 0x05FFh       EDCA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_EDCA_VO_PARAM              0x0500
+#define REG_EDCA_VI_PARAM              0x0504
+#define REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM              0x0508
+#define REG_EDCA_BK_PARAM              0x050C
+#define REG_BCNTCFG                    0x0510
+#define REG_PIFS                       0x0512
+#define REG_RDG_PIFS                   0x0513
+#define REG_SIFS_CCK                   0x0514
+#define REG_SIFS_OFDM                  0x0516
+#define REG_SIFS_CTX                   0x0514
+#define REG_SIFS_TRX                   0x0516
+#define REG_TSFTR_SYN_OFFSET           0x0518
+#define REG_AGGR_BREAK_TIME            0x051A
+#define REG_SLOT                       0x051B
+#define REG_TX_PTCL_CTRL               0x0520
+#define REG_TXPAUSE                    0x0522
+#define REG_DIS_TXREQ_CLR              0x0523
+#define REG_RD_CTRL                    0x0524
+#define REG_TBTT_PROHIBIT              0x0540
+#define REG_RD_NAV_NXT                 0x0544
+#define REG_NAV_PROT_LEN               0x0546
+#define REG_BCN_CTRL                   0x0550
+#define REG_BCN_CTRL_1                 0x0551
+#define REG_MBID_NUM                   0x0552
+#define REG_DUAL_TSF_RST               0x0553
+       /*  The same as REG_MBSSID_BCN_SPACE */
+#define REG_BCN_INTERVAL               0x0554
+#define REG_MBSSID_BCN_SPACE           0x0554
+#define REG_DRVERLYINT                 0x0558
+#define REG_BCNDMATIM                  0x0559
+#define REG_ATIMWND                    0x055A
+#define REG_BCN_MAX_ERR                        0x055D
+#define REG_RXTSF_OFFSET_CCK           0x055E
+#define REG_RXTSF_OFFSET_OFDM          0x055F
+#define REG_TSFTR                      0x0560
+#define REG_TSFTR1                     0x0568
+#define REG_INIT_TSFTR                 0x0564
+#define REG_ATIMWND_1                  0x0570
+#define REG_PSTIMER                    0x0580
+#define REG_TIMER0                     0x0584
+#define REG_TIMER1                     0x0588
+#define REG_ACMHWCTRL                  0x05C0
+#define REG_ACMRSTCTRL                 0x05C1
+#define REG_ACMAVG                     0x05C2
+#define REG_VO_ADMTIME                 0x05C4
+#define REG_VI_ADMTIME                 0x05C6
+#define REG_BE_ADMTIME                 0x05C8
+#define REG_EDCA_RANDOM_GEN            0x05CC
+#define REG_SCH_TXCMD                  0x05D0
+/* define REG_FW_TSF_SYNC_CNT          0x04A0 */
+#define REG_FW_RESET_TSF_CNT_1         0x05FC
+#define REG_FW_RESET_TSF_CNT_0         0x05FD
+#define REG_FW_BCN_DIS_CNT             0x05FE
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0600h ~ 0x07FFh       WMAC Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_APSD_CTRL                  0x0600
+#define REG_BWOPMODE                   0x0603
+#define REG_TCR                                0x0604
+#define REG_RCR                                0x0608
+#define REG_RX_PKT_LIMIT               0x060C
+#define REG_RX_DLK_TIME                        0x060D
+#define REG_RX_DRVINFO_SZ              0x060F
+#define REG_MACID                      0x0610
+#define REG_BSSID                      0x0618
+#define REG_MAR                                0x0620
+#define REG_MBIDCAMCFG                 0x0628
+#define REG_USTIME_EDCA                        0x0638
+#define REG_MAC_SPEC_SIFS              0x063A
+/*  20100719 Joseph: Hardware register definition change. (HW datasheet v54) */
+       /*  [15:8]SIFS_R2T_OFDM, [7:0]SIFS_R2T_CCK */
+#define REG_R2T_SIFS                   0x063C
+       /*  [15:8]SIFS_T2T_OFDM, [7:0]SIFS_T2T_CCK */
+#define REG_T2T_SIFS                   0x063E
+#define REG_ACKTO                      0x0640
+#define REG_CTS2TO                     0x0641
+#define REG_EIFS                       0x0642
+/* WMA, BA, CCX */
+#define REG_NAV_CTRL                   0x0650
+#define REG_BACAMCMD                   0x0654
+#define REG_BACAMCONTENT               0x0658
+#define REG_LBDLY                      0x0660
+#define REG_FWDLY                      0x0661
+#define REG_RXERR_RPT                  0x0664
+#define REG_WMAC_TRXPTCL_CTL           0x0668
+/*  Security */
+#define REG_CAMCMD                     0x0670
+#define REG_CAMWRITE                   0x0674
+#define REG_CAMREAD                    0x0678
+#define REG_CAMDBG                     0x067C
+#define REG_SECCFG                     0x0680
+/*  Power */
+#define REG_WOW_CTRL                   0x0690
+#define REG_PSSTATUS                   0x0691
+#define REG_PS_RX_INFO                 0x0692
+#define REG_LPNAV_CTRL                 0x0694
+#define REG_WKFMCAM_CMD                        0x0698
+#define REG_WKFMCAM_RWD                        0x069C
+#define REG_RXFLTMAP0                  0x06A0
+#define REG_RXFLTMAP1                  0x06A2
+#define REG_RXFLTMAP2                  0x06A4
+#define REG_BCN_PSR_RPT                        0x06A8
+#define REG_CALB32K_CTRL               0x06AC
+#define REG_PKT_MON_CTRL               0x06B4
+#define REG_BT_COEX_TABLE              0x06C0
+#define REG_WMAC_RESP_TXINFO           0x06D8
+#define REG_MACID1                     0x0700
+#define REG_BSSID1                     0x0708
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0xFE00h ~ 0xFE55h       USB Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_USB_INFO                   0xFE17
+#define REG_USB_SPECIAL_OPTION         0xFE55
+#define REG_USB_DMA_AGG_TO             0xFE5B
+#define REG_USB_AGG_TO                 0xFE5C
+#define REG_USB_AGG_TH                 0xFE5D
+/*  For test chip */
+#define REG_TEST_USB_TXQS              0xFE48
+#define REG_TEST_SIE_VID               0xFE60          /*  0xFE60~0xFE61 */
+#define REG_TEST_SIE_PID               0xFE62          /*  0xFE62~0xFE63 */
+#define REG_TEST_SIE_OPTIONAL          0xFE64
+#define REG_TEST_SIE_CHIRP_K           0xFE65
+#define REG_TEST_SIE_PHY               0xFE66          /*  0xFE66~0xFE6B */
+#define REG_TEST_SIE_MAC_ADDR          0xFE70          /*  0xFE70~0xFE75 */
+#define REG_TEST_SIE_STRING            0xFE80          /*  0xFE80~0xFEB9 */
+/*  For normal chip */
+#define REG_NORMAL_SIE_VID             0xFE60          /*  0xFE60~0xFE61 */
+#define REG_NORMAL_SIE_PID             0xFE62          /*  0xFE62~0xFE63 */
+#define REG_NORMAL_SIE_OPTIONAL                0xFE64
+#define REG_NORMAL_SIE_EP              0xFE65          /*  0xFE65~0xFE67 */
+#define REG_NORMAL_SIE_PHY             0xFE68          /*  0xFE68~0xFE6B */
+#define REG_NORMAL_SIE_OPTIONAL2       0xFE6C
+#define REG_NORMAL_SIE_GPS_EP          0xFE6D          /*  RTL8723 only */
+#define REG_NORMAL_SIE_MAC_ADDR                0xFE70          /*  0xFE70~0xFE75 */
+#define REG_NORMAL_SIE_STRING          0xFE80          /*  0xFE80~0xFEDF */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     Redifine 8192C register definition for compatibility */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  TODO: use these definition when using REG_xxx naming rule. */
+/*  NOTE: DO NOT Remove these definition. Use later. */
+       /*  System Isolation Interface Control. */
+#define        SYS_ISO_CTRL                    REG_SYS_ISO_CTRL
+       /*  System Function Enable. */
+#define        SYS_FUNC_EN                     REG_SYS_FUNC_EN
+#define        SYS_CLK                         REG_SYS_CLKR
+       /*  93C46/93C56 Command Register. */
+#define        CR9346                          REG_9346CR
+       /*  E-Fuse Control. */
+#define        EFUSE_CTRL                      REG_EFUSE_CTRL
+       /*  E-Fuse Test. */
+#define        EFUSE_TEST                      REG_EFUSE_TEST
+       /*  Media Status register */
+#define        MSR                             (REG_CR + 2)
+#define        ISR                             REG_HISR
+       /*  Timing Sync Function Timer Register. */
+#define        TSFR                            REG_TSFTR
+       /*  MAC ID Register, Offset 0x0050-0x0053 */
+#define        MACIDR0                         REG_MACID
+       /*  MAC ID Register, Offset 0x0054-0x0055 */
+#define        MACIDR4                         (REG_MACID + 4)
+#define        PBP                             REG_PBP
+       /*  Redifine MACID register, to compatible prior ICs. */
+#define        IDR0                            MACIDR0
+#define        IDR4                            MACIDR4
+/*  */
+/*  9. Security Control Registers      (Offset: ) */
+/*  */
+       /* IN 8190 Data Sheet is called CAMcmd */
+#define        RWCAM                           REG_CAMCMD
+       /*  Software write CAM input content */
+#define        WCAMI                           REG_CAMWRITE
+       /*  Software read/write CAM config */
+#define        RCAMO                           REG_CAMREAD
+#define        CAMDBG                          REG_CAMDBG
+       /* Security Configuration Register */
+#define        SECR                            REG_SECCFG
+/*  Unused register */
+#define        UnusedRegister                  0x1BF
+#define        DCAM                            UnusedRegister
+#define        PSR                             UnusedRegister
+#define        BBAddr                          UnusedRegister
+#define        PhyDataR                        UnusedRegister
+#define        InvalidBBRFValue                0x12345678
+/*  Min Spacing related settings. */
+#define        MAX_MSS_DENSITY_2T              0x13
+#define        MAX_MSS_DENSITY_1T              0x0A
+/*  */
+/* 8192C Cmd9346CR bits                        (Offset 0xA, 16bit) */
+/*  */
+        /*  EEPROM enable when set 1 */
+#define        CmdEEPROM_En                    BIT5
+       /*  System EEPROM select, 0: boot from E-FUSE,
+           1: The EEPROM used is 9346 */
+#define        CmdEERPOMSEL                    BIT4
+#define        Cmd9346CR_9356SEL               BIT4
+#define        AutoLoadEEPROM                  (CmdEEPROM_En|CmdEERPOMSEL)
+#define        AutoLoadEFUSE                   CmdEEPROM_En
+/*  */
+/* 8192C GPIO MUX Configuration Register (offset 0x40, 4 byte) */
+/*  */
+#define        GPIOSEL_GPIO                    0
+#define        GPIOSEL_ENBT                    BIT5
+/*  */
+/*        8192C GPIO PIN Control Register (offset 0x44, 4 byte) */
+/*  */
+       /*  GPIO pins input value */
+#define        GPIO_IN                         REG_GPIO_PIN_CTRL
+       /*  GPIO pins output value */
+#define        GPIO_OUT                        (REG_GPIO_PIN_CTRL+1)
+       /*  GPIO pins output enable when a bit is set to "1";
+           otherwise, input is configured. */
+#define        GPIO_IO_SEL                     (REG_GPIO_PIN_CTRL+2)
+#define        GPIO_MOD                        (REG_GPIO_PIN_CTRL+3)
+/*  */
+/* 8192C (MSR) Media Status Register   (Offset 0x4C, 8 bits) */
+/*  */
+Network Type
+00: No link
+01: Link in ad hoc network
+10: Link in infrastructure network
+11: AP mode
+Default: 00b.
+#define        MSR_NOLINK                      0x00
+#define        MSR_ADHOC                       0x01
+#define        MSR_INFRA                       0x02
+#define        MSR_AP                          0x03
+/*  */
+/*  6. Adaptive Control Registers  (Offset: 0x0160 - 0x01CF) */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 8192C Response Rate Set Register    (offset 0x181, 24bits) */
+/*  */
+#define        RRSR_RSC_OFFSET                 21
+#define        RRSR_SHORT_OFFSET               23
+#define        RRSR_RSC_BW_40M                 0x600000
+#define        RRSR_RSC_UPSUBCHNL              0x400000
+#define        RRSR_RSC_LOWSUBCHNL             0x200000
+#define        RRSR_SHORT                      0x800000
+#define        RRSR_1M                         BIT0
+#define        RRSR_2M                         BIT1
+#define        RRSR_5_5M                       BIT2
+#define        RRSR_11M                        BIT3
+#define        RRSR_6M                         BIT4
+#define        RRSR_9M                         BIT5
+#define        RRSR_12M                        BIT6
+#define        RRSR_18M                        BIT7
+#define        RRSR_24M                        BIT8
+#define        RRSR_36M                        BIT9
+#define        RRSR_48M                        BIT10
+#define        RRSR_54M                        BIT11
+#define        RRSR_MCS0                       BIT12
+#define        RRSR_MCS1                       BIT13
+#define        RRSR_MCS2                       BIT14
+#define        RRSR_MCS3                       BIT15
+#define        RRSR_MCS4                       BIT16
+#define        RRSR_MCS5                       BIT17
+#define        RRSR_MCS6                       BIT18
+#define        RRSR_MCS7                       BIT19
+#define        BRSR_AckShortPmb                BIT23
+/*  CCK ACK: use Short Preamble or not */
+/*  */
+/* 8192C BW_OPMODE bits                        (Offset 0x203, 8bit) */
+/*  */
+#define        BW_OPMODE_20MHZ                 BIT2
+#define        BW_OPMODE_5G                    BIT1
+#define        BW_OPMODE_11J                   BIT0
+/*  */
+/* 8192C CAM Config Setting (offset 0x250, 1 byte) */
+/*  */
+#define        CAM_VALID                       BIT15
+#define        CAM_NOTVALID                    0x0000
+#define        CAM_USEDK                       BIT5
+#define        CAM_CONTENT_COUNT               8
+#define        CAM_NONE                        0x0
+#define        CAM_WEP40                       0x01
+#define        CAM_TKIP                        0x02
+#define        CAM_AES                         0x04
+#define        CAM_WEP104                      0x05
+#define        TOTAL_CAM_ENTRY                 32
+#define        HALF_CAM_ENTRY                  16
+#define        CAM_CONFIG_USEDK                true
+#define        CAM_CONFIG_NO_USEDK             false
+#define        CAM_WRITE                       BIT16
+#define        CAM_READ                        0x00000000
+#define        CAM_POLLINIG                    BIT31
+#define        SCR_UseDK                       0x01
+#define        SCR_TxSecEnable                 0x02
+#define        SCR_RxSecEnable                 0x04
+/*  */
+/*  12. Host Interrupt Status Registers         (Offset: 0x0300 - 0x030F) */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 8190 IMR/ISR bits                   (offset 0xfd,  8bits) */
+/*  */
+#define        IMR8190_DISABLED                0x0
+/*  IMR DW0 Bit 0-31 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDMAINT6                  BIT31   /*  Beacon DMA Interrupt 6 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDMAINT5                  BIT30   /*  Beacon DMA Interrupt 5 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDMAINT4                  BIT29   /*  Beacon DMA Interrupt 4 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDMAINT3                  BIT28   /*  Beacon DMA Interrupt 3 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDMAINT2                  BIT27   /*  Beacon DMA Interrupt 2 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDMAINT1                  BIT26   /*  Beacon DMA Interrupt 1 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDOK8                     BIT25   /*  Beacon Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt 8 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDOK7                     BIT24   /*  Beacon Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt 7 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDOK6                     BIT23   /*  Beacon Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt 6 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDOK5                     BIT22   /*  Beacon Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt 5 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDOK4                     BIT21   /*  Beacon Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt 4 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDOK3                     BIT20   /*  Beacon Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt 3 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDOK2                     BIT19   /*  Beacon Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt 2 */
+#define        IMR_BCNDOK1                     BIT18   /*  Beacon Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt 1 */
+#define        IMR_TIMEOUT2                    BIT17   /*  Timeout interrupt 2 */
+#define        IMR_TIMEOUT1                    BIT16   /*  Timeout interrupt 1 */
+#define        IMR_TXFOVW                      BIT15   /*  Transmit FIFO Overflow */
+#define        IMR_PSTIMEOUT                   BIT14   /*  Power save time out
+                                                   interrupt */
+#define        IMR_BcnInt                      BIT13   /*  Beacon DMA Interrupt 0 */
+#define        IMR_RXFOVW                      BIT12   /*  Receive FIFO Overflow */
+#define        IMR_RDU                         BIT11   /*  Receive Descriptor
+                                                   Unavailable */
+#define        IMR_ATIMEND                     BIT10   /*  For 92C,ATIM Window
+                                                   End Interrupt */
+#define        IMR_BDOK                        BIT9    /*  Beacon Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrup */
+#define        IMR_HIGHDOK                     BIT8    /*  High Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt */
+#define        IMR_TBDOK                       BIT7    /*  Transmit Beacon OK
+                                                   interrup */
+#define        IMR_MGNTDOK                     BIT6    /*  Management Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt */
+#define        IMR_TBDER                       BIT5    /*  For 92C,Transmit Beacon
+                                                   Error Interrupt */
+#define        IMR_BKDOK                       BIT4    /*  AC_BK DMA OK Interrupt */
+#define        IMR_BEDOK                       BIT3    /*  AC_BE DMA OK Interrupt */
+#define        IMR_VIDOK                       BIT2    /*  AC_VI DMA OK Interrupt */
+#define        IMR_VODOK                       BIT1    /*  AC_VO DMA Interrupt */
+#define        IMR_ROK                         BIT0    /*  Receive DMA OK Interrupt */
+#define        IMR_RX_MASK                     (IMR_ROK|IMR_RDU|IMR_RXFOVW)
+#define        IMR_TX_MASK                     (IMR_VODOK|IMR_VIDOK|IMR_BEDOK| \
+                                        IMR_BKDOK|IMR_MGNTDOK|IMR_HIGHDOK| \
+                                        IMR_BDOK)
+/*  13. Host Interrupt Status Extension Register (Offset: 0x012C-012Eh) */
+#define        IMR_BcnInt_E                    BIT12
+#define        IMR_TXERR                       BIT11
+#define        IMR_RXERR                       BIT10
+#define        IMR_C2HCMD                      BIT9
+#define        IMR_CPWM                        BIT8
+/* RSVD [2-7] */
+#define        IMR_OCPINT                      BIT1
+#define        IMR_WLANOFF                     BIT0
+/*        8192C EEPROM/EFUSE share register definition. */
+/*  Default Value for EEPROM or EFUSE!!! */
+#define EEPROM_Default_TSSI                    0x0
+#define EEPROM_Default_TxPowerDiff             0x0
+#define EEPROM_Default_CrystalCap              0x5
+ /*  Default: 2X2, RTL8192CE(QFPN68) */
+#define EEPROM_Default_BoardType               0x02
+#define EEPROM_Default_TxPower                 0x1010
+#define EEPROM_Default_HT2T_TxPwr              0x10
+#define EEPROM_Default_LegacyHTTxPowerDiff     0x3
+#define EEPROM_Default_ThermalMeter            0x12
+#define EEPROM_Default_AntTxPowerDiff          0x0
+#define EEPROM_Default_TxPwDiff_CrystalCap     0x5
+#define EEPROM_Default_TxPowerLevel            0x22
+#define EEPROM_Default_HT40_2SDiff             0x0
+       /*  HT20<->40 default Tx Power Index Difference */
+#define EEPROM_Default_HT20_Diff               2
+#define EEPROM_Default_LegacyHTTxPowerDiff     0x3
+#define EEPROM_Default_HT40_PwrMaxOffset       0
+#define EEPROM_Default_HT20_PwrMaxOffset       0
+/*  For debug */
+#define EEPROM_Default_PID                     0x1234
+#define EEPROM_Default_VID                     0x5678
+#define EEPROM_Default_CustomerID              0xAB
+#define EEPROM_Default_SubCustomerID           0xCD
+#define EEPROM_Default_Version                 0
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_FCC                        0x0
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_IC                 0x1
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_ETSI               0x2
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_SPAIN              0x3
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_FRANCE             0x4
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_MKK                        0x5
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_MKK1               0x6
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_ISRAEL             0x7
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_TELEC              0x8
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_NCC                        0xB
+#define EEPROM_USB_OPTIONAL1                   0xE
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN_BY_HW_MASK         0x80
+#define EEPROM_CID_DEFAULT                     0x0
+#define EEPROM_CID_TOSHIBA                     0x4
+ /*  CCX test. By Bruce, 2009-02-25. */
+#define EEPROM_CID_CCX                         0x10
+#define EEPROM_CID_QMI                         0x0D
+ /*  added by chiyoko for dtm, 20090108 */
+#define EEPROM_CID_WHQL                                0xFE
+#define        RTL_EEPROM_ID                           0x8129
+#define        SUPPORT_HW_RADIO_DETECT(pHalData)               \
+       (pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_MINICARD ||       \
+       pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_USB_SOLO ||        \
+       pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_USB_COMBO)
+/*  */
+/*  EEPROM address for Test chip */
+/*  */
+#define EEPROM_TEST_USB_OPT            0x0E
+#define EEPROM_TEST_CHIRP_K            0x0F
+#define EEPROM_TEST_EP_SETTING         0x0E
+#define EEPROM_TEST_USB_PHY            0x10
+/*  */
+/*  EEPROM address for Normal chip */
+/*  */
+#define EEPROM_NORMAL_USB_OPT          0x0E
+#define EEPROM_NORMAL_CHIRP_K          0x0E    /*  Changed */
+#define EEPROM_NORMAL_EP_SETTING       0x0F    /*  Changed */
+#define EEPROM_NORMAL_USB_PHY          0x12    /*  Changed */
+enum {
+       BOARD_USB_DONGLE = 0,   /*  USB dongle */
+       BOARD_USB_High_PA = 1,  /*  USB dongle with high power PA */
+       BOARD_MINICARD = 2,     /*  Minicard */
+       BOARD_USB_SOLO = 3,     /*  USB solo-Slim module */
+       BOARD_USB_COMBO = 4,    /*  USB Combo-Slim module */
+/*  Test chip and normal chip common define */
+/*  */
+/*  EEPROM address for both */
+/*  */
+#define EEPROM_ID0                     0x00
+#define EEPROM_ID1                     0x01
+#define EEPROM_RTK_RSV1                        0x02
+#define EEPROM_RTK_RSV2                        0x03
+#define EEPROM_RTK_RSV3                        0x04
+#define EEPROM_RTK_RSV4                        0x05
+#define EEPROM_RTK_RSV5                        0x06
+#define EEPROM_DBG_SEL                 0x07
+#define EEPROM_RTK_RSV6                        0x08
+#define EEPROM_VID                     0x0A
+#define EEPROM_PID                     0x0C
+#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR                        0x16
+#define EEPROM_STRING                  0x1C
+#define EEPROM_SUBCUSTOMER_ID          0x59
+#define EEPROM_CCK_TX_PWR_INX          0x5A
+#define EEPROM_HT40_1S_TX_PWR_INX      0x60
+#define EEPROM_HT40_2S_TX_PWR_INX_DIFF 0x66
+#define EEPROM_HT20_TX_PWR_INX_DIFF    0x69
+#define EEPROM_HT40_MAX_PWR_OFFSET     0x6F
+#define EEPROM_HT20_MAX_PWR_OFFSET     0x72
+#define EEPROM_CHANNEL_PLAN            0x75
+#define EEPROM_TSSI_A                  0x76
+#define EEPROM_TSSI_B                  0x77
+#define EEPROM_THERMAL_METER           0x78
+#define EEPROM_RF_OPT1                 0x79
+#define EEPROM_RF_OPT2                 0x7A
+#define EEPROM_RF_OPT3                 0x7B
+#define EEPROM_RF_OPT4                 0x7C
+#define EEPROM_VERSION                 0x7E
+#define EEPROM_CUSTOMER_ID             0x7F
+        /* 0x0: RTL8188SU, 0x1: RTL8191SU, 0x2: RTL8192SU, 0x3: RTL8191GU */
+#define EEPROM_BoardType               0x54
+       /* 0x5C-0x76, Tx Power index. */
+#define EEPROM_TxPwIndex               0x5C
+       /*  Difference of gain index between legacy and high throughput OFDM. */
+#define EEPROM_PwDiff                  0x67
+       /*  CCK Tx Power */
+#define EEPROM_TxPowerCCK              0x5A
+/*  2009/02/09 Cosa Add for SD3 requirement */
+       /*  HT20 Tx Power Index Difference */
+#define EEPROM_TX_PWR_HT20_DIFF                0x6e
+       /*  HT20<->40 default Tx Power Index Difference */
+#define DEFAULT_HT20_TXPWR_DIFF                2
+       /*  OFDM Tx Power Index Difference */
+#define EEPROM_TX_PWR_OFDM_DIFF                0x71
+       /*  Power diff for channel group */
+#define EEPROM_TxPWRGroup              0x73
+       /*  Check if power safety is need */
+#define EEPROM_Regulatory              0x79
+       /*  92cu, 0x7E[4] */
+#define EEPROM_NORMAL_BoardType                EEPROM_RF_OPT1  /* 7:5] */
+#define BOARD_TYPE_NORMAL_MASK         0xE0
+#define BOARD_TYPE_TEST_MASK           0x0F
+       /* BIT0 1 for build-in module, 0 for external dongle */
+#define EEPROM_EASY_REPLACEMENT                0x50
+/*  */
+/* EPROM content definitions */
+/*  */
+#define OS_LINK_SPEED                  BIT(5)
+#define BOARD_TYPE_MASK                        0xF
+#define BT_COEXISTENCE                 BIT(4)
+#define BT_CO_SHIFT                    4
+#define EP_NUMBER_MASK                 0x30    /* bit 4:5 0Eh */
+#define EP_NUMBER_SHIFT                        4
+#define USB_PHY_PARA_SIZE              5
+/*  */
+/*     \14EEPROM default value definitions */
+/*  */
+/*  Use 0xABCD instead of 0x8192 for debug */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_ID_0                        0xCD    /*  Byte 0x00 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_ID_1                        0xAB    /*  Byte 0x01 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_RTK_RSV_A3          0x74    /*  Byte 0x03 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_RTK_RSV_A4          0x6D    /*  Byte 0x04 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_RTK_RSV_A8          0xFF    /*  Byte 0x08 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_VID_0               0x0A    /*  Byte 0x0A */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_VID_1               0x0B
+#define EEPROM_DEF_PID_0               0x92    /*  Byte 0x0C */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_PID_1               0x81
+#define EEPROM_TEST_DEF_USB_OPT                0x80    /*  Byte 0x0E */
+#define EEPROM_NORMAL_DEF_USB_OPT      0x00    /*  Byte 0x0E */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_CHIRPK              0x15    /*  Byte 0x0F */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_USB_PHY_0           0x85    /*  Byte 0x10 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_USB_PHY_1           0x62    /*  Byte 0x11 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_USB_PHY_2           0x9E    /*  Byte 0x12 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_USB_PHY_3           0x06    /*  Byte 0x13 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_TSSI_A              0x09    /*  Byte 0x78 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_TSSI_B              0x09    /*  Byte 0x79 */
+#define EEPROM_DEF_THERMAL_METER       0x12    /*  Byte 0x7A */
+       /*  Check if power safety spec is need */
+#define RF_OPTION1                     0x79
+#define RF_OPTION2                     0x7A
+#define RF_OPTION3                     0x7B
+#define RF_OPTION4                     0x7C
+#define        EEPROM_USB_SN                   BIT(0)
+#define        EEPROM_USB_REMOTE_WAKEUP        BIT(1)
+#define        EEPROM_USB_DEVICE_PWR           BIT(2)
+#define        EEPROM_EP_NUMBER                (BIT(3)|BIT(4))
+Here the register defines are for 92C. When the define is as same with 92C,
+we will use the 92C's define for the consistency
+So the following defines for 92C is not entire!!!!!!
+Based on Datasheet V33---090401
+Register Summary
+Current IOREG MAP
+0x0000h ~ 0x00FFh   System Configuration (256 Bytes)
+0x0100h ~ 0x01FFh   MACTOP General Configuration (256 Bytes)
+0x0200h ~ 0x027Fh   TXDMA Configuration (128 Bytes)
+0x0280h ~ 0x02FFh   RXDMA Configuration (128 Bytes)
+0x0300h ~ 0x03FFh   PCIE EMAC Reserved Region (256 Bytes)
+0x0400h ~ 0x04FFh   Protocol Configuration (256 Bytes)
+0x0500h ~ 0x05FFh   EDCA Configuration (256 Bytes)
+0x0600h ~ 0x07FFh   WMAC Configuration (512 Bytes)
+0x2000h ~ 0x3FFFh   8051 FW Download Region (8196 Bytes)
+/*  */
+/* 8192C (RCR) Receive Configuration Register  (Offset 0x608, 32 bits) */
+/*  */
+#define        RCR_APPFCS                      BIT31 /* WMAC append FCS after payload*/
+#define        RCR_APP_MIC                     BIT30
+#define        RCR_APP_PHYSTS                  BIT28
+#define        RCR_APP_ICV                     BIT29
+#define        RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF              BIT28
+#define        RCR_APP_BA_SSN                  BIT27 /* Accept BA SSN */
+#define        RCR_ENMBID                      BIT24 /* Enable Multiple BssId. */
+#define        RCR_LSIGEN                      BIT23
+#define        RCR_MFBEN                       BIT22
+#define        RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL                BIT14 /* MFC<--HTC=1 MFC-->HTC=0 */
+#define        RCR_AMF                         BIT13 /* Accept management type frame */
+#define        RCR_ACF                         BIT12 /* Accept control type frame */
+#define        RCR_ADF                         BIT11 /* Accept data type frame */
+#define        RCR_AICV                        BIT9  /* Accept ICV error packet */
+#define        RCR_ACRC32                      BIT8  /* Accept CRC32 error packet */
+#define        RCR_CBSSID_BCN                  BIT7  /* Accept BSSID match packet
+                                                (Rx beacon, probe rsp) */
+#define        RCR_CBSSID_DATA                 BIT6  /* Accept BSSID match packet
+                                                (Data) */
+#define        RCR_CBSSID                      RCR_CBSSID_DATA /* Accept BSSID match
+                                                          packet */
+#define        RCR_APWRMGT                     BIT5  /* Accept power management
+                                                packet */
+#define        RCR_ADD3                        BIT4  /* Accept address 3 match
+                                                packet */
+#define        RCR_AB                          BIT3  /* Accept broadcast packet */
+#define        RCR_AM                          BIT2  /* Accept multicast packet */
+#define        RCR_APM                         BIT1  /* Accept physical match packet */
+#define        RCR_AAP                         BIT0  /* Accept all unicast packet */
+#define        RCR_MXDMA_OFFSET                8
+#define        RCR_FIFO_OFFSET                 13
+/*  */
+/* 8192c USB specific Regsiter Offset and Content definition, */
+/* 2009.08.18, added by vivi. for merge 92c and 92C into one driver */
+/*  */
+/* define APS_FSMCO                    0x0004  same with 92Ce */
+#define RSV_CTRL                       0x001C
+#define RD_CTRL                                0x0524
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0xFE00h ~ 0xFE55h       USB Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_USB_INFO                   0xFE17
+#define REG_USB_SPECIAL_OPTION         0xFE55
+#define REG_USB_DMA_AGG_TO             0xFE5B
+#define REG_USB_AGG_TO                 0xFE5C
+#define REG_USB_AGG_TH                 0xFE5D
+#define REG_USB_VID                    0xFE60
+#define REG_USB_PID                    0xFE62
+#define REG_USB_OPTIONAL               0xFE64
+#define REG_USB_CHIRP_K                        0xFE65
+#define REG_USB_PHY                    0xFE66
+#define REG_USB_MAC_ADDR               0xFE70
+#define REG_USB_HRPWM                  0xFE58
+#define REG_USB_HCPWM                  0xFE57
+#define        InvalidBBRFValue                0x12345678
+/*  */
+/*        8192C Regsiter Bit and Content definition */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0000h ~ 0x00FFh       System Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 SPS0_CTRL */
+#define SW18_FPWM                      BIT(3)
+/* 2 SYS_ISO_CTRL */
+#define ISO_MD2PP                      BIT(0)
+#define ISO_UA2USB                     BIT(1)
+#define ISO_UD2CORE                    BIT(2)
+#define ISO_PA2PCIE                    BIT(3)
+#define ISO_PD2CORE                    BIT(4)
+#define ISO_IP2MAC                     BIT(5)
+#define ISO_DIOP                       BIT(6)
+#define ISO_DIOE                       BIT(7)
+#define ISO_EB2CORE                    BIT(8)
+#define ISO_DIOR                       BIT(9)
+#define PWC_EV25V                      BIT(14)
+#define PWC_EV12V                      BIT(15)
+/* 2 SYS_FUNC_EN */
+#define FEN_BBRSTB                     BIT(0)
+#define FEN_BB_GLB_RSTn                        BIT(1)
+#define FEN_USBA                       BIT(2)
+#define FEN_UPLL                       BIT(3)
+#define FEN_USBD                       BIT(4)
+#define FEN_DIO_PCIE                   BIT(5)
+#define FEN_PCIEA                      BIT(6)
+#define FEN_PPLL                       BIT(7)
+#define FEN_PCIED                      BIT(8)
+#define FEN_DIOE                       BIT(9)
+#define FEN_CPUEN                      BIT(10)
+#define FEN_DCORE                      BIT(11)
+#define FEN_ELDR                       BIT(12)
+#define FEN_DIO_RF                     BIT(13)
+#define FEN_HWPDN                      BIT(14)
+#define FEN_MREGEN                     BIT(15)
+/* 2 APS_FSMCO */
+#define PFM_LDALL                      BIT(0)
+#define PFM_ALDN                       BIT(1)
+#define PFM_LDKP                       BIT(2)
+#define PFM_WOWL                       BIT(3)
+#define EnPDN                          BIT(4)
+#define PDN_PL                         BIT(5)
+#define APFM_ONMAC                     BIT(8)
+#define APFM_OFF                       BIT(9)
+#define APFM_RSM                       BIT(10)
+#define AFSM_HSUS                      BIT(11)
+#define AFSM_PCIE                      BIT(12)
+#define APDM_MAC                       BIT(13)
+#define APDM_HOST                      BIT(14)
+#define APDM_HPDN                      BIT(15)
+#define RDY_MACON                      BIT(16)
+#define SUS_HOST                       BIT(17)
+#define ROP_ALD                                BIT(20)
+#define ROP_PWR                                BIT(21)
+#define ROP_SPS                                BIT(22)
+#define SOP_MRST                       BIT(25)
+#define SOP_FUSE                       BIT(26)
+#define SOP_ABG                                BIT(27)
+#define SOP_AMB                                BIT(28)
+#define SOP_RCK                                BIT(29)
+#define SOP_A8M                                BIT(30)
+#define XOP_BTCK                       BIT(31)
+/* 2 SYS_CLKR */
+#define ANAD16V_EN                     BIT(0)
+#define ANA8M                          BIT(1)
+#define MACSLP                         BIT(4)
+#define LOADER_CLK_EN                  BIT(5)
+#define _80M_SSC_DIS                   BIT(7)
+#define _80M_SSC_EN_HO                 BIT(8)
+#define PHY_SSC_RSTB                   BIT(9)
+#define SEC_CLK_EN                     BIT(10)
+#define MAC_CLK_EN                     BIT(11)
+#define SYS_CLK_EN                     BIT(12)
+#define RING_CLK_EN                    BIT(13)
+/* 2 9346CR */
+#define                EEDO                    BIT(0)
+#define                EEDI                    BIT(1)
+#define                EESK                    BIT(2)
+#define                EECS                    BIT(3)
+/* define      EERPROMSEL              BIT(4) */
+/* define      EEPROM_EN               BIT(5) */
+#define                BOOT_FROM_EEPROM        BIT(4)
+#define                EEPROM_EN               BIT(5)
+#define                EEM0                    BIT(6)
+#define                EEM1                    BIT(7)
+/* 2 AFE_MISC */
+#define AFE_BGEN                       BIT(0)
+#define AFE_MBEN                       BIT(1)
+#define MAC_ID_EN                      BIT(7)
+/* 2 SPS0_CTRL */
+/* 2 SPS_OCP_CFG */
+/* 2 RSV_CTRL */
+#define WLOCK_ALL                      BIT(0)
+#define WLOCK_00                       BIT(1)
+#define WLOCK_04                       BIT(2)
+#define WLOCK_08                       BIT(3)
+#define WLOCK_40                       BIT(4)
+#define R_DIS_PRST_0                   BIT(5)
+#define R_DIS_PRST_1                   BIT(6)
+#define LOCK_ALL_EN                    BIT(7)
+/* 2 RF_CTRL */
+#define RF_EN                          BIT(0)
+#define RF_RSTB                                BIT(1)
+#define RF_SDMRSTB                     BIT(2)
+/* 2 LDOA15_CTRL */
+#define LDA15_EN                       BIT(0)
+#define LDA15_STBY                     BIT(1)
+#define LDA15_OBUF                     BIT(2)
+#define LDA15_REG_VOS                  BIT(3)
+#define _LDA15_VOADJ(x)                        (((x) & 0x7) << 4)
+/* 2 LDOV12D_CTRL */
+#define LDV12_EN                       BIT(0)
+#define LDV12_SDBY                     BIT(1)
+#define LPLDO_HSM                      BIT(2)
+#define LPLDO_LSM_DIS                  BIT(3)
+#define _LDV12_VADJ(x)                 (((x) & 0xF) << 4)
+/* 2 AFE_XTAL_CTRL */
+#define XTAL_EN                                BIT(0)
+#define XTAL_BSEL                      BIT(1)
+#define _XTAL_BOSC(x)                  (((x) & 0x3) << 2)
+#define _XTAL_CADJ(x)                  (((x) & 0xF) << 4)
+#define XTAL_GATE_USB                  BIT(8)
+#define _XTAL_USB_DRV(x)               (((x) & 0x3) << 9)
+#define XTAL_GATE_AFE                  BIT(11)
+#define _XTAL_AFE_DRV(x)               (((x) & 0x3) << 12)
+#define XTAL_RF_GATE                   BIT(14)
+#define _XTAL_RF_DRV(x)                        (((x) & 0x3) << 15)
+#define XTAL_GATE_DIG                  BIT(17)
+#define _XTAL_DIG_DRV(x)               (((x) & 0x3) << 18)
+#define XTAL_BT_GATE                   BIT(20)
+#define _XTAL_BT_DRV(x)                        (((x) & 0x3) << 21)
+#define _XTAL_GPIO(x)                  (((x) & 0x7) << 23)
+#define CKDLY_AFE                      BIT(26)
+#define CKDLY_USB                      BIT(27)
+#define CKDLY_DIG                      BIT(28)
+#define CKDLY_BT                       BIT(29)
+/* 2 AFE_PLL_CTRL */
+#define APLL_EN                                BIT(0)
+#define APLL_320_EN                    BIT(1)
+#define APLL_FREF_SEL                  BIT(2)
+#define APLL_EDGE_SEL                  BIT(3)
+#define APLL_WDOGB                     BIT(4)
+#define APLL_LPFEN                     BIT(5)
+#define APLL_REF_CLK_13MHZ             0x1
+#define APLL_REF_CLK_19_2MHZ           0x2
+#define APLL_REF_CLK_20MHZ             0x3
+#define APLL_REF_CLK_25MHZ             0x4
+#define APLL_REF_CLK_26MHZ             0x5
+#define APLL_REF_CLK_38_4MHZ           0x6
+#define APLL_REF_CLK_40MHZ             0x7
+#define APLL_320EN                     BIT(14)
+#define APLL_80EN                      BIT(15)
+#define APLL_1MEN                      BIT(24)
+/* 2 EFUSE_CTRL */
+#define ALD_EN                         BIT(18)
+#define EF_PD                          BIT(19)
+#define EF_FLAG                                BIT(31)
+/* 2 EFUSE_TEST (For RTL8723 partially) */
+#define EF_TRPT                                BIT(7)
+       /*  00: Wifi Efuse, 01: BT Efuse0, 10: BT Efuse1, 11: BT Efuse2 */
+#define EF_CELL_SEL                    (BIT(8)|BIT(9))
+#define LDOE25_EN                      BIT(31)
+#define EFUSE_SEL(x)                   (((x) & 0x3) << 8)
+#define EFUSE_SEL_MASK                 0x300
+#define EFUSE_WIFI_SEL_0               0x0
+#define EFUSE_BT_SEL_0                 0x1
+#define EFUSE_BT_SEL_1                 0x2
+#define EFUSE_BT_SEL_2                 0x3
+#define EFUSE_ACCESS_ON                        0x69    /*  For RTL8723 only. */
+#define EFUSE_ACCESS_OFF               0x00    /*  For RTL8723 only. */
+/* 2 PWR_DATA */
+/* 2 CAL_TIMER */
+/* 2 ACLK_MON */
+#define RSM_EN                         BIT(0)
+#define Timer_EN                       BIT(4)
+/* 2 GPIO_MUXCFG */
+#define TRSW0EN                                BIT(2)
+#define TRSW1EN                                BIT(3)
+#define EROM_EN                                BIT(4)
+#define EnBT                           BIT(5)
+#define EnUart                         BIT(8)
+#define Uart_910                       BIT(9)
+#define EnPMAC                         BIT(10)
+#define SIC_SWRST                      BIT(11)
+#define EnSIC                          BIT(12)
+#define SIC_23                         BIT(13)
+#define EnHDP                          BIT(14)
+#define SIC_LBK                                BIT(15)
+/* 2 GPIO_PIN_CTRL */
+/*  GPIO BIT */
+#define HAL_8192C_HW_GPIO_WPS_BIT      BIT(2)
+/* 2 GPIO_INTM */
+/* 2 LEDCFG */
+#define LED0PL                         BIT(4)
+#define LED0DIS                                BIT(7)
+#define LED1DIS                                BIT(15)
+#define LED1PL                         BIT(12)
+#define  SECCAM_CLR                    BIT(30)
+/* 2 FSIMR */
+/* 2 FSISR */
+/* 2 8051FWDL */
+/* 2 MCUFWDL */
+#define MCUFWDL_EN                     BIT(0)
+#define MCUFWDL_RDY                    BIT(1)
+#define FWDL_ChkSum_rpt                        BIT(2)
+#define MACINI_RDY                     BIT(3)
+#define BBINI_RDY                      BIT(4)
+#define RFINI_RDY                      BIT(5)
+#define WINTINI_RDY                    BIT(6)
+#define CPRST                          BIT(23)
+/* 2REG_HPON_FSM */
+#define BOND92CE_1T2R_CFG              BIT(22)
+/* 2 REG_SYS_CFG */
+#define XCLK_VLD                       BIT(0)
+#define ACLK_VLD                       BIT(1)
+#define UCLK_VLD                       BIT(2)
+#define PCLK_VLD                       BIT(3)
+#define PCIRSTB                                BIT(4)
+#define V15_VLD                                BIT(5)
+#define TRP_B15V_EN                    BIT(7)
+#define SIC_IDLE                       BIT(8)
+#define BD_MAC2                                BIT(9)
+#define BD_MAC1                                BIT(10)
+#define IC_MACPHY_MODE                 BIT(11)
+#define CHIP_VER                       (BIT(12)|BIT(13)|BIT(14)|BIT(15))
+#define BT_FUNC                                BIT(16)
+#define VENDOR_ID                      BIT(19)
+#define PAD_HWPD_IDN                   BIT(22)
+#define TRP_VAUX_EN                    BIT(23)
+#define TRP_BT_EN                      BIT(24)
+#define BD_PKG_SEL                     BIT(25)
+#define BD_HCI_SEL                     BIT(26)
+#define TYPE_ID                                BIT(27)
+#define CHIP_VER_RTL_MASK              0xF000  /* Bit 12 ~ 15 */
+#define CHIP_VER_RTL_SHIFT             12
+/* 2REG_GPIO_OUTSTS (For RTL8723 only) */
+#define        EFS_HCI_SEL                     (BIT(0)|BIT(1))
+#define        PAD_HCI_SEL                     (BIT(2)|BIT(3))
+#define        HCI_SEL                         (BIT(4)|BIT(5))
+#define        PKG_SEL_HCI                     BIT(6)
+#define        FEN_GPS                         BIT(7)
+#define        FEN_BT                          BIT(8)
+#define        FEN_WL                          BIT(9)
+#define        FEN_PCI                         BIT(10)
+#define        FEN_USB                         BIT(11)
+#define        BTRF_HWPDN_N                    BIT(12)
+#define        WLRF_HWPDN_N                    BIT(13)
+#define        PDN_BT_N                        BIT(14)
+#define        PDN_GPS_N                       BIT(15)
+#define        BT_CTL_HWPDN                    BIT(16)
+#define        GPS_CTL_HWPDN                   BIT(17)
+#define        PPHY_SUSB                       BIT(20)
+#define        UPHY_SUSB                       BIT(21)
+#define        PCI_SUSEN                       BIT(22)
+#define        USB_SUSEN                       BIT(23)
+#define        RF_RL_ID                        (BIT(31)|BIT(30)|BIT(29)|BIT(28))
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0100h ~ 0x01FFh       MACTOP General Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 Function Enable Registers */
+/* 2 CR */
+#define REG_LBMODE                     (REG_CR + 3)
+#define HCI_TXDMA_EN                   BIT(0)
+#define HCI_RXDMA_EN                   BIT(1)
+#define TXDMA_EN                       BIT(2)
+#define RXDMA_EN                       BIT(3)
+#define PROTOCOL_EN                    BIT(4)
+#define SCHEDULE_EN                    BIT(5)
+#define MACTXEN                                BIT(6)
+#define MACRXEN                                BIT(7)
+#define ENSWBCN                                BIT(8)
+#define ENSEC                          BIT(9)
+/*  Network type */
+#define _NETTYPE(x)                    (((x) & 0x3) << 16)
+#define MASK_NETTYPE                   0x30000
+#define NT_NO_LINK                     0x0
+#define NT_LINK_AD_HOC                 0x1
+#define NT_LINK_AP                     0x2
+#define NT_AS_AP                       0x3
+#define _LBMODE(x)                     (((x) & 0xF) << 24)
+#define MASK_LBMODE                    0xF000000
+#define LOOPBACK_NORMAL                        0x0
+#define LOOPBACK_IMMEDIATELY           0xB
+#define LOOPBACK_MAC_DELAY             0x3
+#define LOOPBACK_PHY                   0x1
+#define LOOPBACK_DMA                   0x7
+/* 2 PBP - Page Size Register */
+#define GET_RX_PAGE_SIZE(value)                ((value) & 0xF)
+#define GET_TX_PAGE_SIZE(value)                (((value) & 0xF0) >> 4)
+#define _PSRX_MASK                     0xF
+#define _PSTX_MASK                     0xF0
+#define _PSRX(x)                       (x)
+#define _PSTX(x)                       ((x) << 4)
+#define PBP_64                         0x0
+#define PBP_128                                0x1
+#define PBP_256                                0x2
+#define PBP_512                                0x3
+#define PBP_1024                       0x4
+/* 2 TX/RXDMA */
+#define RXDMA_ARBBW_EN                 BIT(0)
+#define RXSHFT_EN                      BIT(1)
+#define RXDMA_AGG_EN                   BIT(2)
+#define QS_VO_QUEUE                    BIT(8)
+#define QS_VI_QUEUE                    BIT(9)
+#define QS_BE_QUEUE                    BIT(10)
+#define QS_BK_QUEUE                    BIT(11)
+#define QS_MANAGER_QUEUE               BIT(12)
+#define QS_HIGH_QUEUE                  BIT(13)
+#define HQSEL_VOQ                      BIT(0)
+#define HQSEL_VIQ                      BIT(1)
+#define HQSEL_BEQ                      BIT(2)
+#define HQSEL_BKQ                      BIT(3)
+#define HQSEL_MGTQ                     BIT(4)
+#define HQSEL_HIQ                      BIT(5)
+/*  For normal driver, 0x10C */
+#define _TXDMA_HIQ_MAP(x)              (((x)&0x3) << 14)
+#define _TXDMA_MGQ_MAP(x)              (((x)&0x3) << 12)
+#define _TXDMA_BKQ_MAP(x)              (((x)&0x3) << 10)
+#define _TXDMA_BEQ_MAP(x)              (((x)&0x3) << 8 )
+#define _TXDMA_VIQ_MAP(x)              (((x)&0x3) << 6 )
+#define _TXDMA_VOQ_MAP(x)              (((x)&0x3) << 4 )
+#define QUEUE_LOW                      1
+#define QUEUE_NORMAL                   2
+#define QUEUE_HIGH                     3
+/* 2 TRXFF_BNDY */
+/* 2 LLT_INIT */
+#define _LLT_NO_ACTIVE                 0x0
+#define _LLT_WRITE_ACCESS              0x1
+#define _LLT_READ_ACCESS               0x2
+#define _LLT_INIT_DATA(x)              ((x) & 0xFF)
+#define _LLT_INIT_ADDR(x)              (((x) & 0xFF) << 8)
+#define _LLT_OP(x)                     (((x) & 0x3) << 30)
+#define _LLT_OP_VALUE(x)               (((x) >> 30) & 0x3)
+#define BB_WRITE_READ_MASK             (BIT(31) | BIT(30))
+#define BB_WRITE_EN                    BIT(30)
+#define BB_READ_EN                     BIT(31)
+/* define BB_ADDR_MASK                 0xFFF */
+/* define _BB_ADDR(x)                  ((x) & BB_ADDR_MASK) */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0200h ~ 0x027Fh       TXDMA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 RQPN */
+#define _HPQ(x)                                ((x) & 0xFF)
+#define _LPQ(x)                                (((x) & 0xFF) << 8)
+#define _PUBQ(x)                       (((x) & 0xFF) << 16)
+       /*  NOTE: in RQPN_NPQ register */
+#define _NPQ(x)                                ((x) & 0xFF)
+#define HPQ_PUBLIC_DIS                 BIT(24)
+#define LPQ_PUBLIC_DIS                 BIT(25)
+#define LD_RQPN                                BIT(31)
+/* 2 TDECTRL */
+#define BCN_VALID                      BIT(16)
+#define BCN_HEAD(x)                    (((x) & 0xFF) << 8)
+#define        BCN_HEAD_MASK                   0xFF00
+/* 2 TDECTL */
+#define BLK_DESC_NUM_SHIFT             4
+#define BLK_DESC_NUM_MASK              0xF
+#define DROP_DATA_EN                   BIT(9)
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0400h ~ 0x047Fh       Protocol Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 FWHW_TXQ_CTRL */
+#define EN_AMPDU_RTY_NEW               BIT(7)
+#define _INIRTSMCS_SEL(x)              ((x) & 0x3F)
+/* 2 SPEC SIFS */
+#define _SPEC_SIFS_CCK(x)              ((x) & 0xFF)
+#define _SPEC_SIFS_OFDM(x)             (((x) & 0xFF) << 8)
+/* 2 RRSR */
+#define RATE_REG_BITMAP_ALL            0xFFFFF
+#define _RRSC_BITMAP(x)                        ((x) & 0xFFFFF)
+#define _RRSR_RSC(x)                   (((x) & 0x3) << 21)
+#define RRSR_RSC_RESERVED              0x0
+#define RRSR_RSC_DUPLICATE_MODE                0x3
+/* 2 ARFR */
+#define USE_SHORT_G1                   BIT(20)
+/* 2 AGGLEN_LMT_L */
+#define _AGGLMT_MCS0(x)                        ((x) & 0xF)
+#define _AGGLMT_MCS1(x)                        (((x) & 0xF) << 4)
+#define _AGGLMT_MCS2(x)                        (((x) & 0xF) << 8)
+#define _AGGLMT_MCS3(x)                        (((x) & 0xF) << 12)
+#define _AGGLMT_MCS4(x)                        (((x) & 0xF) << 16)
+#define _AGGLMT_MCS5(x)                        (((x) & 0xF) << 20)
+#define _AGGLMT_MCS6(x)                        (((x) & 0xF) << 24)
+#define _AGGLMT_MCS7(x)                        (((x) & 0xF) << 28)
+/* 2 RL */
+#define        RETRY_LIMIT_SHORT_SHIFT         8
+#define        RETRY_LIMIT_LONG_SHIFT          0
+/* 2 DARFRC */
+#define _DARF_RC1(x)                   ((x) & 0x1F)
+#define _DARF_RC2(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 8)
+#define _DARF_RC3(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 16)
+#define _DARF_RC4(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 24)
+/*  NOTE: shift starting from address (DARFRC + 4) */
+#define _DARF_RC5(x)                   ((x) & 0x1F)
+#define _DARF_RC6(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 8)
+#define _DARF_RC7(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 16)
+#define _DARF_RC8(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 24)
+/* 2 RARFRC */
+#define _RARF_RC1(x)                   ((x) & 0x1F)
+#define _RARF_RC2(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 8)
+#define _RARF_RC3(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 16)
+#define _RARF_RC4(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 24)
+/*  NOTE: shift starting from address (RARFRC + 4) */
+#define _RARF_RC5(x)                   ((x) & 0x1F)
+#define _RARF_RC6(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 8)
+#define _RARF_RC7(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 16)
+#define _RARF_RC8(x)                   (((x) & 0x1F) << 24)
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0500h ~ 0x05FFh       EDCA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 EDCA setting */
+#define AC_PARAM_ECW_MAX_OFFSET                12
+#define AC_PARAM_ECW_MIN_OFFSET                8
+#define AC_PARAM_AIFS_OFFSET           0
+/* 2 EDCA_VO_PARAM */
+#define _AIFS(x)                       (x)
+#define _ECW_MAX_MIN(x)                        ((x) << 8)
+#define _TXOP_LIMIT(x)                 ((x) << 16)
+#define _BCNIFS(x)                     ((x) & 0xFF)
+#define _BCNECW(x)                     (((x) & 0xF))<< 8)
+#define _LRL(x)                                ((x) & 0x3F)
+#define _SRL(x)                                (((x) & 0x3F) << 8)
+/* 2 SIFS_CCK */
+#define _SIFS_CCK_CTX(x)               ((x) & 0xFF)
+#define _SIFS_CCK_TRX(x)               (((x) & 0xFF) << 8);
+/* 2 SIFS_OFDM */
+#define _SIFS_OFDM_CTX(x)              ((x) & 0xFF)
+#define _SIFS_OFDM_TRX(x)              (((x) & 0xFF) << 8);
+#define _TBTT_PROHIBIT_HOLD(x)         (((x) & 0xFF) << 8)
+/* 2 REG_RD_CTRL */
+#define DIS_EDCA_CNT_DWN               BIT(11)
+/* 2 BCN_CTRL */
+#define EN_MBSSID                      BIT(1)
+#define EN_TXBCN_RPT                   BIT(2)
+#define        EN_BCN_FUNCTION                 BIT(3)
+#define DIS_TSF_UPDATE                 BIT(3)
+/*  The same function but different bit field. */
+#define        DIS_TSF_UDT0_NORMAL_CHIP        BIT(4)
+#define        DIS_TSF_UDT0_TEST_CHIP          BIT(5)
+/* 2 ACMHWCTRL */
+#define        AcmHw_HwEn                      BIT(0)
+#define        AcmHw_BeqEn                     BIT(1)
+#define        AcmHw_ViqEn                     BIT(2)
+#define        AcmHw_VoqEn                     BIT(3)
+#define        AcmHw_BeqStatus                 BIT(4)
+#define        AcmHw_ViqStatus                 BIT(5)
+#define        AcmHw_VoqStatus                 BIT(6)
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0600h ~ 0x07FFh       WMAC Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 APSD_CTRL */
+#define APSDOFF                                BIT(6)
+#define APSDOFF_STATUS                 BIT(7)
+/* 2 BWOPMODE */
+#define BW_20MHZ                       BIT(2)
+#define RATE_BITMAP_ALL                        0xFFFFF
+/*  Only use CCK 1M rate for ACK */
+#define RATE_RRSR_CCK_ONLY_1M          0xFFFF1
+/* 2 TCR */
+#define TSFRST                         BIT(0)
+#define DIS_GCLK                       BIT(1)
+#define PAD_SEL                                BIT(2)
+#define PWR_ST                         BIT(6)
+#define PWRBIT_OW_EN                   BIT(7)
+#define ACRC                           BIT(8)
+#define CFENDFORM                      BIT(9)
+#define ICV                            BIT(10)
+/* 2 RCR */
+#define AAP                            BIT(0)
+#define APM                            BIT(1)
+#define AM                             BIT(2)
+#define AB                             BIT(3)
+#define ADD3                           BIT(4)
+#define APWRMGT                                BIT(5)
+#define CBSSID                         BIT(6)
+#define CBSSID_BCN                     BIT(7)
+#define ACRC32                         BIT(8)
+#define AICV                           BIT(9)
+#define ADF                            BIT(11)
+#define ACF                            BIT(12)
+#define AMF                            BIT(13)
+#define HTC_LOC_CTRL                   BIT(14)
+#define UC_DATA_EN                     BIT(16)
+#define BM_DATA_EN                     BIT(17)
+#define MFBEN                          BIT(22)
+#define LSIGEN                         BIT(23)
+#define EnMBID                         BIT(24)
+#define APP_BASSN                      BIT(27)
+#define APP_PHYSTS                     BIT(28)
+#define APP_ICV                                BIT(29)
+#define APP_MIC                                BIT(30)
+#define APP_FCS                                BIT(31)
+/* 2 RX_PKT_LIMIT */
+/* 2 RX_DLK_TIME */
+#define _MIN_SPACE(x)                  ((x) & 0x7)
+#define _SHORT_GI_PADDING(x)           (((x) & 0x1F) << 3)
+/* 2 RXERR_RPT */
+#define RXERR_TYPE_OFDM_PPDU           0
+#define RXERR_TYPE_OFDMfalse_ALARM     1
+#define        RXERR_TYPE_OFDM_MPDU_OK         2
+#define RXERR_TYPE_CCK_PPDU            4
+#define RXERR_TYPE_CCKfalse_ALARM      5
+#define RXERR_TYPE_CCK_MPDU_OK         6
+#define RXERR_TYPE_CCK_MPDU_FAIL       7
+#define RXERR_TYPE_HT_PPDU             8
+#define RXERR_TYPE_HTfalse_ALARM       9
+#define RXERR_TYPE_HT_MPDU_TOTAL       10
+#define RXERR_TYPE_HT_MPDU_OK          11
+#define RXERR_TYPE_HT_MPDU_FAIL                12
+#define RXERR_TYPE_RX_FULL_DROP                15
+#define RXERR_COUNTER_MASK             0xFFFFF
+#define RXERR_RPT_RST                  BIT(27)
+#define _RXERR_RPT_SEL(type)           ((type) << 28)
+/* 2 SECCFG */
+#define        SCR_TxUseDK                     BIT(0)  /* Force Tx Use Default Key */
+#define        SCR_RxUseDK                     BIT(1)  /* Force Rx Use Default Key */
+#define        SCR_TxEncEnable                 BIT(2)  /* Enable Tx Encryption */
+#define        SCR_RxDecEnable                 BIT(3)  /* Enable Rx Decryption */
+#define        SCR_SKByA2                      BIT(4)  /* Search kEY BY A2 */
+#define        SCR_NoSKMC                      BIT(5)  /* No Key Search Multicast */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0xFE00h ~ 0xFE55h       USB Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 USB Information (0xFE17) */
+#define USB_IS_HIGH_SPEED              0
+#define USB_IS_FULL_SPEED              1
+#define USB_SPEED_MASK                 BIT(5)
+#define USB_NORMAL_SIE_EP_MASK         0xF
+#define USB_NORMAL_SIE_EP_SHIFT                4
+#define USB_TEST_EP_MASK               0x30
+#define USB_TEST_EP_SHIFT              4
+/* 2 Special Option */
+#define USB_AGG_EN                     BIT(3)
+       /*  Set by driver and notify FW that the driver has read the
+           C2H command message */
+#define C2H_EVT_HOST_CLOSE             0x00
+       /*  Set by FW indicating that FW had set the C2H command message
+           and it's not yet read by driver. */
+#define C2H_EVT_FW_CLOSE               0xFF
+/* 2REG_MULTI_FUNC_CTRL(For RTL8723 Only) */
+       /*  Enable GPIO[9] as WiFi HW PDn source */
+#define        WL_HWPDN_EN                     BIT0
+       /*  WiFi HW PDn polarity control */
+#define        WL_HWPDN_SL                     BIT1
+       /*  WiFi function enable */
+#define        WL_FUNC_EN                      BIT2
+       /*  Enable GPIO[9] as WiFi RF HW PDn source */
+#define        WL_HWROF_EN                     BIT3
+       /*  Enable GPIO[11] as BT HW PDn source */
+#define        BT_HWPDN_EN                     BIT16
+       /*  BT HW PDn polarity control */
+#define        BT_HWPDN_SL                     BIT17
+       /*  BT function enable */
+#define        BT_FUNC_EN                      BIT18
+       /*  Enable GPIO[11] as BT/GPS RF HW PDn source */
+#define        BT_HWROF_EN                     BIT19
+       /*  Enable GPIO[10] as GPS HW PDn source */
+#define        GPS_HWPDN_EN                    BIT20
+       /*  GPS HW PDn polarity control */
+#define        GPS_HWPDN_SL                    BIT21
+       /*  GPS function enable */
+#define        GPS_FUNC_EN                     BIT22
+#define        HAL92C_EN_PKT_LIFE_TIME_BK      BIT3
+#define        HAL92C_EN_PKT_LIFE_TIME_BE      BIT2
+#define        HAL92C_EN_PKT_LIFE_TIME_VI      BIT1
+#define        HAL92C_EN_PKT_LIFE_TIME_VO      BIT0
+#define        HAL92C_MSDU_LIFE_TIME_UNIT      128     /*  in us, said by Tim. */
+/*  */
+/*  General definitions */
+/*  */
+#define POLLING_LLT_THRESHOLD          20
+/*  Min Spacing related settings. */
+#define        MAX_MSS_DENSITY_2T              0x13
+#define        MAX_MSS_DENSITY_1T              0x0A
+/*  */
+/*     8723A Regsiter offset definition */
+/*  */
+#define HAL_8723A_NAV_UPPER_UNIT       128             /*  micro-second */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0000h ~ 0x00FFh       System Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_SYSON_REG_LOCK             0x001C
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0100h ~ 0x01FFh       MACTOP General Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_FTIMR                      0x0138
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0200h ~ 0x027Fh       TXDMA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0280h ~ 0x02FFh       RXDMA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0300h ~ 0x03FFh       PCIe */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0400h ~ 0x047Fh       Protocol Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+#define REG_EARLY_MODE_CONTROL         0x4D0
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0500h ~ 0x05FFh       EDCA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 BCN_CTRL */
+#define DIS_ATIM                       BIT(0)
+#define DIS_BCNQ_SUB                   BIT(1)
+#define DIS_TSF_UDT                    BIT(4)
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0600h ~ 0x07FFh       WMAC Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  Note: */
+/*     The NAV upper value is very important to WiFi 11n 5.2.3 NAV test.
+ *     The default value is always too small, but the WiFi TestPlan test
+ *     by 25,000 microseconds of NAV through sending CTS in the air. We
+ *     must update this value greater than 25,000 microseconds to pass the
+ *     item.
+*      The offset of NAV_UPPER in 8192C Spec is incorrect, and the offset
+*      should be 0x0652. Commented by SD1 Scott. */
+/*  By Bruce, 2011-07-18. */
+/*  */
+#define        REG_NAV_UPPER                   0x0652  /*  unit of 128 */
+/*  */
+/*     8723 Regsiter Bit and Content definition */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0000h ~ 0x00FFh       System Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 SPS0_CTRL */
+/* 2 SYS_ISO_CTRL */
+/* 2 SYS_FUNC_EN */
+/* 2 APS_FSMCO */
+#define EN_WLON                                BIT(16)
+/* 2 SYS_CLKR */
+/* 2 9346CR */
+/* 2 AFE_MISC */
+/* 2 SPS0_CTRL */
+/* 2 SPS_OCP_CFG */
+#define WLOCK_ALL                      BIT(0)
+#define WLOCK_00                       BIT(1)
+#define WLOCK_04                       BIT(2)
+#define WLOCK_08                       BIT(3)
+#define WLOCK_40                       BIT(4)
+#define WLOCK_1C_B6                    BIT(5)
+#define R_DIS_PRST_1                   BIT(6)
+#define LOCK_ALL_EN                    BIT(7)
+/* 2 RF_CTRL */
+/* 2 LDOA15_CTRL */
+/* 2 LDOV12D_CTRL */
+/* 2 AFE_XTAL_CTRL */
+/* 2 AFE_PLL_CTRL */
+/* 2 EFUSE_CTRL */
+/* 2 EFUSE_TEST (For RTL8723 partially) */
+/* 2 PWR_DATA */
+/* 2 CAL_TIMER */
+/* 2 ACLK_MON */
+/* 2 GPIO_MUXCFG */
+/* 2 GPIO_PIN_CTRL */
+/* 2 GPIO_INTM */
+/* 2 LEDCFG */
+/* 2 FSIMR */
+/* 2 FSISR */
+/* 2 HSIMR */
+/*  8723 Host System Interrupt Mask Register (offset 0x58, 32 byte) */
+#define HSIMR_GPIO12_0_INT_EN          BIT(0)
+#define HSIMR_SPS_OCP_INT_EN           BIT(5)
+#define HSIMR_RON_INT_EN               BIT(6)
+#define HSIMR_PDNINT_EN                        BIT(7)
+#define HSIMR_GPIO9_INT_EN             BIT(25)
+/* 2 HSISR */
+/*  8723 Host System Interrupt Status Register (offset 0x5C, 32 byte) */
+#define HSISR_GPIO12_0_INT             BIT(0)
+#define HSISR_SPS_OCP_INT              BIT(5)
+#define HSISR_RON_INT                  BIT(6)
+#define HSISR_PDNINT                   BIT(7)
+#define        HSISR_GPIO9_INT                 BIT(25)
+/*  interrupt mask which needs to clear */
+#define MASK_HSISR_CLEAR               (HSISR_GPIO12_0_INT | \
+                                        HSISR_SPS_OCP_INT | \
+                                        HSISR_RON_INT | \
+                                        HSISR_PDNINT | \
+                                        HSISR_GPIO9_INT)
+/* 2 MCUFWDL */
+#define RAM_DL_SEL                     BIT7    /*  1:RAM, 0:ROM */
+/* 2 HPON_FSM */
+/* 2 SYS_CFG */
+#define RTL_ID                         BIT(23) /*  TestChip ID,
+                                                   1:Test(RLE); 0:MP(RL) */
+#define SPS_SEL                                BIT(24) /*  1:LDO regulator mode;
+                                                   0:Switching regulator mode*/
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0100h ~ 0x01FFh       MACTOP General Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 Function Enable Registers */
+/* 2 CR */
+#define CALTMR_EN                      BIT(10)
+/* 2 PBP - Page Size Register */
+/* 2 TX/RXDMA */
+/* 2 TRXFF_BNDY */
+/* 2 LLT_INIT */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0200h ~ 0x027Fh       TXDMA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 RQPN */
+/* 2 TDECTRL */
+/* 2 TDECTL */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0400h ~ 0x047Fh       Protocol Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 FWHW_TXQ_CTRL */
+/* 2 SPEC SIFS */
+/* 2 RRSR */
+/* 2 ARFR */
+/* 2 AGGLEN_LMT_L */
+/* 2 RL */
+/* 2 DARFRC */
+/* 2 RARFRC */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0500h ~ 0x05FFh       EDCA Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 EDCA setting */
+/* 2 EDCA_VO_PARAM */
+/* 2 SIFS_CCK */
+/* 2 SIFS_OFDM */
+/* 2 REG_RD_CTRL */
+/* 2 BCN_CTRL */
+/* 2 ACMHWCTRL */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0x0600h ~ 0x07FFh       WMAC Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/* 2 APSD_CTRL */
+/* 2 BWOPMODE */
+/* 2 TCR */
+/* 2 RCR */
+/* 2 RX_PKT_LIMIT */
+/* 2 RX_DLK_TIME */
+/* 2 RXERR_RPT */
+/* 2 SECCFG */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*     0xFE00h ~ 0xFE55h       RTL8723 SDIO Configuration */
+/*  */
+/*  */
+/*  I/O bus domain address mapping */
+#define WLAN_IOREG_BASE                        0x10260000
+#define FIRMWARE_FIFO_BASE             0x10270000
+#define TX_HIQ_BASE                    0x10310000
+#define TX_MIQ_BASE                    0x10320000
+#define TX_LOQ_BASE                    0x10330000
+#define RX_RX0FF_BASE                  0x10340000
+/*  SDIO host local register space mapping. */
+#define WLAN_IOREG_MSK                 0x7FFF
+#define WLAN_FIFO_MSK                  0x1FFF  /*  Aggregation Length[12:0] */
+#define WLAN_RX0FF_MSK                 0x0003
+#define WLAN_RX0FF_DEVICE_ID           7       /*  0b[16], 111b[15:13] */
+#define WLAN_IOREG_DEVICE_ID           8       /*  1b[16] */
+/*  8723 EFUSE */
+#define HWSET_MAX_SIZE                 256
+/* USB interrupt */
+#define        UHIMR_TIMEOUT2                  BIT31
+#define        UHIMR_TIMEOUT1                  BIT30
+#define        UHIMR_PSTIMEOUT                 BIT29
+#define        UHIMR_GTINT4                    BIT28
+#define        UHIMR_GTINT3                    BIT27
+#define        UHIMR_TXBCNERR                  BIT26
+#define        UHIMR_TXBCNOK                   BIT25
+#define        UHIMR_TSF_BIT32_TOGGLE          BIT24
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDMAINT3                BIT23
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDMAINT2                BIT22
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDMAINT1                BIT21
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDMAINT0                BIT20
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDOK3                   BIT19
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDOK2                   BIT18
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDOK1                   BIT17
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDOK0                   BIT16
+#define        UHIMR_HSISR_IND                 BIT15
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDMAINT_E               BIT14
+/* RSVD        BIT13 */
+#define        UHIMR_CTW_END                   BIT12
+/* RSVD        BIT11 */
+#define        UHIMR_C2HCMD                    BIT10
+#define        UHIMR_CPWM2                     BIT9
+#define        UHIMR_CPWM                      BIT8
+#define        UHIMR_HIGHDOK                   BIT7    /*  High Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt */
+#define        UHIMR_MGNTDOK                   BIT6    /*  Management Queue DMA OK
+                                                   Interrupt */
+#define        UHIMR_BKDOK                     BIT5    /*  AC_BK DMA OK Interrupt */
+#define        UHIMR_BEDOK                     BIT4    /*  AC_BE DMA OK Interrupt */
+#define        UHIMR_VIDOK                     BIT3    /*  AC_VI DMA OK Interrupt */
+#define        UHIMR_VODOK                     BIT2    /*  AC_VO DMA Interrupt */
+#define        UHIMR_RDU                       BIT1    /*  Receive Descriptor
+                                                   Unavailable */
+#define        UHIMR_ROK                       BIT0    /*  Receive DMA OK Interrupt */
+/*  USB Host Interrupt Status Extension bit */
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDMAINT7                BIT23
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDMAINT6                BIT22
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDMAINT5                BIT21
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDMAINT4                BIT20
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDOK7                   BIT19
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDOK6                   BIT18
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDOK5                   BIT17
+#define        UHIMR_BCNDOK4                   BIT16
+/*  bit14-15: RSVD */
+#define        UHIMR_ATIMEND_E                 BIT13
+#define        UHIMR_ATIMEND                   BIT12
+#define        UHIMR_TXERR                     BIT11
+#define        UHIMR_RXERR                     BIT10
+#define        UHIMR_TXFOVW                    BIT9
+#define        UHIMR_RXFOVW                    BIT8
+/*  bit2-7: RSVD */
+#define        UHIMR_OCPINT                    BIT1
+/*  bit0: RSVD */
+#define        REG_USB_HIMR                    0xFE38
+#define        REG_USB_HIMRE                   0xFE3C
+#define        REG_USB_HISR                    0xFE78
+#define        REG_USB_HISRE                   0xFE7C
+#define        USB_INTR_CPWM_OFFSET            16
+#define        USB_INTR_CONTENT_HISR_OFFSET    48
+#define        USB_INTR_CONTENT_HISRE_OFFSET   52
+#define        USB_INTR_CONTENT_LENGTH         56
+#define        USB_C2H_CMDID_OFFSET            0
+#define        USB_C2H_SEQ_OFFSET              1
+#define        USB_C2H_EVENT_OFFSET            2
+/*  */
+/*     General definitions */
+/*  */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_sreset.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_sreset.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..82af6a2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RTL8723A_SRESET_H_
+#define _RTL8723A_SRESET_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include <rtw_sreset.h>
+void rtl8723a_sreset_xmit_status_check(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtl8723a_sreset_linked_status_check(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_xmit.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtl8723a_xmit.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3b6fdc3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTL8723A_XMIT_H__
+#define __RTL8723A_XMIT_H__
+/*  */
+/*  Queue Select Value in TxDesc */
+/*  */
+#define QSLT_BK                                                        0x2/* 0x01 */
+#define QSLT_BE                                                        0x0
+#define QSLT_VI                                                        0x5/* 0x4 */
+#define QSLT_VO                                                        0x7/* 0x6 */
+#define QSLT_BEACON                                            0x10
+#define QSLT_HIGH                                              0x11
+#define QSLT_MGNT                                              0x12
+#define QSLT_CMD                                               0x13
+/*  */
+/* defined for TX DESC Operation */
+/*  */
+#define MAX_TID (15)
+/* OFFSET 0 */
+#define OFFSET_SZ      0
+#define OFFSET_SHT     16
+#define BMC            BIT(24)
+#define LSG            BIT(26)
+#define FSG            BIT(27)
+#define OWN            BIT(31)
+/* OFFSET 4 */
+#define PKT_OFFSET_SZ  0
+#define BK             BIT(6)
+#define QSEL_SHT       8
+#define Rate_ID_SHT    16
+#define NAVUSEHDR      BIT(20)
+#define PKT_OFFSET_SHT 26
+#define HWPC           BIT(31)
+/* OFFSET 8 */
+#define AGG_EN         BIT(29)
+/* OFFSET 12 */
+#define SEQ_SHT                16
+/* OFFSET 16 */
+#define QoS            BIT(6)
+#define HW_SEQ_EN      BIT(7)
+#define USERATE                BIT(8)
+#define DISDATAFB      BIT(10)
+#define DATA_SHORT     BIT(24)
+#define DATA_BW                BIT(25)
+/* OFFSET 20 */
+#define SGI            BIT(6)
+struct txdesc_8723a {
+       u32 pktlen:16;
+       u32 offset:8;
+       u32 bmc:1;
+       u32 htc:1;
+       u32 ls:1;
+       u32 fs:1;
+       u32 linip:1;
+       u32 noacm:1;
+       u32 gf:1;
+       u32 own:1;
+       u32 macid:5;
+       u32 agg_en:1;
+       u32 bk:1;
+       u32 rd_en:1;
+       u32 qsel:5;
+       u32 rd_nav_ext:1;
+       u32 lsig_txop_en:1;
+       u32 pifs:1;
+       u32 rate_id:4;
+       u32 navusehdr:1;
+       u32 en_desc_id:1;
+       u32 sectype:2;
+       u32 rsvd0424:2;
+       u32 pkt_offset:5;       /*  unit: 8 bytes */
+       u32 rsvd0431:1;
+       u32 rts_rc:6;
+       u32 data_rc:6;
+       u32 rsvd0812:2;
+       u32 bar_rty_th:2;
+       u32 rsvd0816:1;
+       u32 morefrag:1;
+       u32 raw:1;
+       u32 ccx:1;
+       u32 ampdu_density:3;
+       u32 bt_null:1;
+       u32 ant_sel_a:1;
+       u32 ant_sel_b:1;
+       u32 tx_ant_cck:2;
+       u32 tx_antl:2;
+       u32 tx_ant_ht:2;
+       u32 nextheadpage:8;
+       u32 tailpage:8;
+       u32 seq:12;
+       u32 cpu_handle:1;
+       u32 tag1:1;
+       u32 trigger_int:1;
+       u32 hwseq_en:1;
+       u32 rtsrate:5;
+       u32 ap_dcfe:1;
+       u32 hwseq_sel:2;
+       u32 userate:1;
+       u32 disrtsfb:1;
+       u32 disdatafb:1;
+       u32 cts2self:1;
+       u32 rtsen:1;
+       u32 hw_rts_en:1;
+       u32 port_id:1;
+       u32 rsvd1615:3;
+       u32 wait_dcts:1;
+       u32 cts2ap_en:1;
+       u32 data_sc:2;
+       u32 data_stbc:2;
+       u32 data_short:1;
+       u32 data_bw:1;
+       u32 rts_short:1;
+       u32 rts_bw:1;
+       u32 rts_sc:2;
+       u32 vcs_stbc:2;
+       u32 datarate:6;
+       u32 sgi:1;
+       u32 try_rate:1;
+       u32 data_ratefb_lmt:5;
+       u32 rts_ratefb_lmt:4;
+       u32 rty_lmt_en:1;
+       u32 data_rt_lmt:6;
+       u32 usb_txagg_num:8;
+       u32 txagg_a:5;
+       u32 txagg_b:5;
+       u32 use_max_len:1;
+       u32 max_agg_num:5;
+       u32 mcsg1_max_len:4;
+       u32 mcsg2_max_len:4;
+       u32 mcsg3_max_len:4;
+       u32 mcs7_sgi_max_len:4;
+       u32 checksum:16;        /*  TxBuffSize(PCIe)/CheckSum(USB) */
+       u32 mcsg4_max_len:4;
+       u32 mcsg5_max_len:4;
+       u32 mcsg6_max_len:4;
+       u32 mcs15_sgi_max_len:4;
+#define txdesc_set_ccx_sw_8723a(txdesc, value) \
+       do { \
+               ((struct txdesc_8723a *)(txdesc))->mcsg4_max_len = (((value)>>8) & 0x0f); \
+               ((struct txdesc_8723a *)(txdesc))->mcs15_sgi_max_len= (((value)>>4) & 0x0f); \
+               ((struct txdesc_8723a *)(txdesc))->mcsg6_max_len = ((value) & 0x0f); \
+       } while (0)
+struct txrpt_ccx_8723a {
+       /* offset 0 */
+       u8 tag1:1;
+       u8 rsvd:4;
+       u8 int_bt:1;
+       u8 int_tri:1;
+       u8 int_ccx:1;
+       /* offset 1 */
+       u8 mac_id:5;
+       u8 pkt_drop:1;
+       u8 pkt_ok:1;
+       u8 bmc:1;
+       /* offset 2 */
+       u8 retry_cnt:6;
+       u8 lifetime_over:1;
+       u8 retry_over:1;
+       /* offset 3 */
+       u8 ccx_qtime0;
+       u8 ccx_qtime1;
+       /* offset 5 */
+       u8 final_data_rate;
+       /* offset 6 */
+       u8 sw1:4;
+       u8 qsel:4;
+       /* offset 7 */
+       u8 sw0;
+#define txrpt_ccx_sw_8723a(txrpt_ccx) ((txrpt_ccx)->sw0 + ((txrpt_ccx)->sw1<<8))
+#define txrpt_ccx_qtime_8723a(txrpt_ccx) ((txrpt_ccx)->ccx_qtime0+((txrpt_ccx)->ccx_qtime1<<8))
+void dump_txrpt_ccx_8723a(void *buf);
+void handle_txrpt_ccx_8723a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, void *buf);
+void rtl8723a_update_txdesc(struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe, u8 *pmem);
+void rtl8723a_fill_fake_txdesc(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pDesc, u32 BufferLen, u8 IsPsPoll, u8 IsBTQosNull);
+s32    rtl8723au_hal_xmitframe_enqueue(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+s32 rtl8723au_xmit_buf_handler(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+#define hal_xmit_handler rtl8723au_xmit_buf_handler
+s32    rtl8723au_init_xmit_priv(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void   rtl8723au_free_xmit_priv(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+s32 rtl8723au_hal_xmit(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+s32 rtl8723au_mgnt_xmit(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe);
+s32 rtl8723au_xmitframe_complete(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv, struct xmit_buf *pxmitbuf);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ap.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ap.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..76f82d6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_AP_H_
+#define __RTW_AP_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+/* external function */
+void rtw_indicate_sta_assoc_event23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void rtw_indicate_sta_disassoc_event23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void init_mlme_ap_info23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void free_mlme_ap_info23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+/* void update_BCNTIM(struct rtw_adapter *padapter); */
+void rtw_add_bcn_ie(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct wlan_bssid_ex *pnetwork, u8 index, u8 *data, u8 len);
+void rtw_remove_bcn_ie(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct wlan_bssid_ex *pnetwork, u8 index);
+void update_beacon23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 ie_id, u8 *oui, u8 tx);
+void add_RATid23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta, u8 rssi_level);
+void expire_timeout_chk23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void update_sta_info23a_apmode23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+int rtw_check_beacon_data23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf,  int len);
+void rtw_ap_restore_network(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_set_macaddr_acl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, int mode);
+int rtw_acl_add_sta23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *addr);
+int rtw_acl_remove_sta23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *addr);
+void associated_clients_update23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 updated);
+void bss_cap_update_on_sta_join23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+u8 bss_cap_update_on_sta_leave23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void sta_info_update23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void ap_sta_info_defer_update23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+u8 ap_free_sta23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta, bool active, u16 reason);
+int rtw_sta_flush23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_ap_inform_ch_switch23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 new_ch, u8 ch_offset);
+void start_ap_mode23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void stop_ap_mode23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+#endif /* end of CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_cmd.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_cmd.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f9caa3e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_CMD_H_
+#define __RTW_CMD_H_
+#include <wlan_bssdef.h>
+#include <rtw_rf.h>
+#include <rtw_led.h>
+#define C2H_MEM_SZ (16*1024)
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <ieee80211.h> /*  <ieee80211/ieee80211.h> */
+#define FREE_CMDOBJ_SZ 128
+#define MAX_CMDSZ      1024
+#define MAX_RSPSZ      512
+#define MAX_EVTSZ      1024
+#define CMDBUFF_ALIGN_SZ 512
+struct cmd_obj {
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+       u16     cmdcode;
+       u8      res;
+       u8      *parmbuf;
+       u32     cmdsz;
+       u8      *rsp;
+       u32     rspsz;
+       /* struct semaphore             cmd_sem; */
+       struct list_head        list;
+struct cmd_priv {
+       struct semaphore        cmd_queue_sema;
+       /* struct semaphore     cmd_done_sema; */
+       struct semaphore        terminate_cmdthread_sema;
+       struct rtw_queue        cmd_queue;
+       u8      cmd_seq;
+       u8      *cmd_buf;       /* shall be non-paged, and 4 bytes aligned */
+       u8      *cmd_allocated_buf;
+       u8      *rsp_buf;       /* shall be non-paged, and 4 bytes aligned */
+       u8      *rsp_allocated_buf;
+       u32     cmd_issued_cnt;
+       u32     cmd_done_cnt;
+       u32     rsp_cnt;
+       u8 cmdthd_running;
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+#define C2H_QUEUE_MAX_LEN 10
+struct evt_priv {
+       struct work_struct c2h_wk;
+       bool c2h_wk_alive;
+       struct rtw_cbuf *c2h_queue;
+       atomic_t event_seq;
+       u8      *evt_buf;       /* shall be non-paged, and 4 bytes aligned */
+       u8      *evt_allocated_buf;
+       u32     evt_done_cnt;
+#define init_h2fwcmd_w_parm_no_rsp(pcmd, pparm, code) \
+do {\
+       INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pcmd->list);\
+       pcmd->cmdcode = code;\
+       pcmd->parmbuf = (u8 *)(pparm);\
+       pcmd->cmdsz = sizeof (*pparm);\
+       pcmd->rsp = NULL;\
+       pcmd->rspsz = 0;\
+} while(0)
+struct c2h_evt_hdr {
+       u8 id:4;
+       u8 plen:4;
+       u8 seq;
+       u8 payload[0];
+#define c2h_evt_exist(c2h_evt) ((c2h_evt)->id || (c2h_evt)->plen)
+u32 rtw_enqueue_cmd23a(struct cmd_priv *pcmdpriv, struct cmd_obj *obj);
+void rtw_free_cmd_obj23a(struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+int rtw_cmd_thread23a(void *context);
+int rtw_init_cmd_priv23a(struct cmd_priv *pcmdpriv);
+void rtw_free_cmd_priv23a (struct cmd_priv *pcmdpriv);
+u32 rtw_init_evt_priv23a (struct evt_priv *pevtpriv);
+void rtw_free_evt_priv23a (struct evt_priv *pevtpriv);
+void rtw_cmd_clr_isr23a(struct cmd_priv *pcmdpriv);
+void rtw_evt_notify_isr(struct evt_priv *pevtpriv);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+u8 p2p_protocol_wk_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, int intCmdType );
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+enum rtw_drvextra_cmd_id
+       NONE_WK_CID,
+       DM_CTRL_WK_CID,
+       LPS_CTRL_WK_CID,
+       P2P_PS_WK_CID,
+       P2P_PROTO_WK_CID,
+       CHECK_HIQ_WK_CID,/* for softap mode, check hi queue if empty */
+       C2H_WK_CID,
+       MAX_WK_CID
+       LPS_CTRL_SCAN=0,
+       LPS_CTRL_LEAVE=5,
+enum RFINTFS {
+       SWSI,
+       HWSI,
+       HWPI,
+Caller Mode: Infra, Ad-HoC(C)
+Notes: To enter USB suspend mode
+Command Mode
+struct usb_suspend_parm {
+       u32 action;/*  1: sleep, 0:resume */
+Caller Mode: Infra, Ad-HoC
+Notes: To join a known BSS.
+Command-Event Mode
+Caller Mode: Infra, Ad-HoC(C)
+Notes: To disconnect the current associated BSS
+Command Mode
+struct disconnect_parm {
+       u32 deauth_timeout_ms;
+struct setopmode_parm {
+       u8      mode;
+       u8      rsvd[3];
+Caller Mode: AP, Ad-HoC, Infra
+Notes: To ask RTL8711 performing site-survey
+Command-Event Mode
+#define RTW_CHANNEL_SCAN_AMOUNT (14+37)
+struct sitesurvey_parm {
+       int scan_mode;  /* active: 1, passive: 0 */
+       u8 ssid_num;
+       u8 ch_num;
+       struct cfg80211_ssid ssid[RTW_SSID_SCAN_AMOUNT];
+       struct rtw_ieee80211_channel ch[RTW_CHANNEL_SCAN_AMOUNT];
+Caller Mode: Any
+Notes: To set the auth type of RTL8711. open/shared/802.1x
+Command Mode
+struct setauth_parm {
+       u8 mode;  /* 0: legacy open, 1: legacy shared 2: 802.1x */
+       u8 _1x;   /* 0: PSK, 1: TLS */
+       u8 rsvd[2];
+Caller Mode: Infra
+a. algorithm: wep40, wep104, tkip & aes
+b. keytype: grp key/unicast key
+c. key contents
+when shared key ==> keyid is the camid
+when 802.1x ==> keyid [0:1] ==> grp key
+when 802.1x ==> keyid > 2 ==> unicast key
+struct setkey_parm {
+       u8      algorithm;      /*  encryption algorithm, could be none, wep40, TKIP, CCMP, wep104 */
+       u8      keyid;
+       u8      grpkey;         /*  1: this is the grpkey for 802.1x. 0: this is the unicast key for 802.1x */
+       u8      set_tx;         /*  1: main tx key for wep. 0: other key. */
+       u8      key[16];        /*  this could be 40 or 104 */
+When in AP or Ad-Hoc mode, this is used to
+allocate an sw/hw entry for a newly associated sta.
+when shared key ==> algorithm/keyid
+struct set_stakey_parm {
+       u8      addr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      algorithm;
+       u8      id;/*  currently for erasing cam entry if algorithm == _NO_PRIVACY_ */
+       u8      key[16];
+struct set_stakey_rsp {
+       u8      addr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      keyid;
+       u8      rsvd;
+Caller Ad-Hoc/AP
+Command -Rsp(AID == CAMID) mode
+This is to force fw to add an sta_data entry per driver's request.
+FW will write an cam entry associated with it.
+struct set_assocsta_parm {
+       u8      addr[ETH_ALEN];
+struct set_assocsta_rsp {
+       u8      cam_id;
+       u8      rsvd[3];
+       Caller Ad-Hoc/AP
+       Command mode
+       This is to force fw to del an sta_data entry per driver's request
+       FW will invalidate the cam entry associated with it.
+struct del_assocsta_parm {
+       u8      addr[ETH_ALEN];
+Caller Mode: AP/Ad-HoC(M)
+Notes: To notify fw that given staid has changed its power state
+Command Mode
+struct setstapwrstate_parm {
+       u8      staid;
+       u8      status;
+       u8      hwaddr[6];
+Caller Mode: Any
+Notes: To setup the basic rate of RTL8711
+Command Mode
+struct setbasicrate_parm {
+       u8      basicrates[NumRates];
+Caller Mode: Any
+Notes: To read the current basic rate
+Command-Rsp Mode
+struct getbasicrate_parm {
+       u32 rsvd;
+struct getbasicrate_rsp {
+       u8 basicrates[NumRates];
+Caller Mode: Any
+Notes: To setup the data rate of RTL8711
+Command Mode
+struct setdatarate_parm {
+       u8      mac_id;
+       u8      datarates[NumRates];
+Caller Mode: Any
+Notes: To read the current data rate
+Command-Rsp Mode
+struct getdatarate_parm {
+       u32 rsvd;
+struct getdatarate_rsp {
+       u8 datarates[NumRates];
+Caller Mode: Any
+AP: AP can use the info for the contents of beacon frame
+Infra: STA can use the info when sitesurveying
+Ad-HoC(M): Like AP
+Ad-HoC(C): Like STA
+Notes: To set the phy capability of the NIC
+Command Mode
+struct setphyinfo_parm {
+       struct regulatory_class class_sets[NUM_REGULATORYS];
+       u8      status;
+struct getphyinfo_parm {
+       u32 rsvd;
+struct getphyinfo_rsp {
+       struct regulatory_class class_sets[NUM_REGULATORYS];
+       u8      status;
+Caller Mode: Any
+Notes: To set the channel/modem/band
+This command will be used when channel/modem/band is changed.
+Command Mode
+struct setphy_parm {
+       u8      rfchannel;
+       u8      modem;
+Caller Mode: Any
+Notes: To get the current setting of channel/modem/band
+Command-Rsp Mode
+struct getphy_parm {
+       u32 rsvd;
+struct getphy_rsp {
+       u8      rfchannel;
+       u8      modem;
+struct readBB_parm {
+       u8      offset;
+struct readBB_rsp {
+       u8      value;
+struct readTSSI_parm {
+       u8      offset;
+struct readTSSI_rsp {
+       u8      value;
+struct writeBB_parm {
+       u8      offset;
+       u8      value;
+struct readRF_parm {
+       u8      offset;
+struct readRF_rsp {
+       u32     value;
+struct writeRF_parm {
+       u32     offset;
+       u32     value;
+struct getrfintfs_parm {
+       u8      rfintfs;
+struct Tx_Beacon_param
+       struct wlan_bssid_ex network;
+/*  CMD param Formart for driver extra cmd handler */
+struct drvextra_cmd_parm {
+       int ec_id; /* extra cmd id */
+       int type_size; /*  Can use this field as the type id or command size */
+       unsigned char *pbuf;
+/*------------------- Below are used for RF/BB tunning ---------------------*/
+struct setantenna_parm {
+       u8      tx_antset;
+       u8      rx_antset;
+       u8      tx_antenna;
+       u8      rx_antenna;
+struct enrateadaptive_parm {
+       u32     en;
+struct settxagctbl_parm {
+       u32     txagc[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct gettxagctbl_parm {
+       u32 rsvd;
+struct gettxagctbl_rsp {
+       u32     txagc[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct setagcctrl_parm {
+       u32     agcctrl;                /*  0: pure hw, 1: fw */
+struct setssup_parm    {
+       u32     ss_ForceUp[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct getssup_parm    {
+       u32 rsvd;
+struct getssup_rsp     {
+       u8      ss_ForceUp[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct setssdlevel_parm        {
+       u8      ss_DLevel[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct getssdlevel_parm        {
+       u32 rsvd;
+struct getssdlevel_rsp {
+       u8      ss_DLevel[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct setssulevel_parm        {
+       u8      ss_ULevel[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct getssulevel_parm        {
+       u32 rsvd;
+struct getssulevel_rsp {
+       u8      ss_ULevel[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct setcountjudge_parm {
+       u8      count_judge[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct getcountjudge_parm {
+       u32 rsvd;
+struct getcountjudge_rsp {
+       u8      count_judge[MAX_RATES_LENGTH];
+struct setratable_parm {
+       u8 ss_ForceUp[NumRates];
+       u8 ss_ULevel[NumRates];
+       u8 ss_DLevel[NumRates];
+       u8 count_judge[NumRates];
+struct getratable_parm {
+                uint rsvd;
+struct getratable_rsp {
+        u8 ss_ForceUp[NumRates];
+        u8 ss_ULevel[NumRates];
+        u8 ss_DLevel[NumRates];
+        u8 count_judge[NumRates];
+/* to get TX,RX retry count */
+struct gettxretrycnt_parm{
+       unsigned int rsvd;
+struct gettxretrycnt_rsp{
+       unsigned long tx_retrycnt;
+struct getrxretrycnt_parm{
+       unsigned int rsvd;
+struct getrxretrycnt_rsp{
+       unsigned long rx_retrycnt;
+/* to get BCNOK,BCNERR count */
+struct getbcnokcnt_parm{
+       unsigned int rsvd;
+struct getbcnokcnt_rsp{
+       unsigned long  bcnokcnt;
+struct getbcnerrcnt_parm{
+       unsigned int rsvd;
+struct getbcnerrcnt_rsp{
+       unsigned long bcnerrcnt;
+/*  to get current TX power level */
+struct getcurtxpwrlevel_parm{
+       unsigned int rsvd;
+struct getcurtxpwrlevel_rsp{
+       unsigned short tx_power;
+struct setprobereqextraie_parm {
+       unsigned char e_id;
+       unsigned char ie_len;
+       unsigned char ie[0];
+struct setassocreqextraie_parm {
+       unsigned char e_id;
+       unsigned char ie_len;
+       unsigned char ie[0];
+struct setproberspextraie_parm {
+       unsigned char e_id;
+       unsigned char ie_len;
+       unsigned char ie[0];
+struct setassocrspextraie_parm {
+       unsigned char e_id;
+       unsigned char ie_len;
+       unsigned char ie[0];
+struct addBaReq_parm {
+       unsigned int tid;
+       u8      addr[ETH_ALEN];
+/*H2C Handler index: 46 */
+struct set_ch_parm {
+       u8 ch;
+       u8 bw;
+       u8 ch_offset;
+/*H2C Handler index: 59 */
+struct SetChannelPlan_param {
+       u8 channel_plan;
+/*H2C Handler index: 60 */
+struct LedBlink_param {
+       struct led_8723a *pLed;
+/*H2C Handler index: 61 */
+struct SetChannelSwitch_param {
+       u8 new_ch_no;
+/*H2C Handler index: 62 */
+struct TDLSoption_param {
+       u8 addr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8 option;
+#define GEN_CMD_CODE(cmd)      cmd ## _CMD_
+0x00: success
+0x01: sucess, and check Response.
+0x02: cmd ignored due to duplicated sequcne number
+0x03: cmd dropped due to invalid cmd code
+0x04: reserved.
+#define H2C_RSP_OFFSET                 512
+#define H2C_SUCCESS                    0x00
+#define H2C_SUCCESS_RSP                        0x01
+#define H2C_DUPLICATED                 0x02
+#define H2C_DROPPED                    0x03
+#define H2C_PARAMETERS_ERROR           0x04
+#define H2C_REJECTED                   0x05
+#define H2C_CMD_OVERFLOW               0x06
+#define H2C_RESERVED                   0x07
+u8 rtw_setassocsta_cmd(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, u8 *mac_addr);
+u8 rtw_setstandby_cmd(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, uint action);
+u8 rtw_sitesurvey_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct cfg80211_ssid *ssid, int ssid_num, struct rtw_ieee80211_channel *ch, int ch_num);
+u8 rtw_createbss_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter);
+u8 rtw_createbss_cmd23a_ex(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, unsigned char *pbss, unsigned int sz);
+u8 rtw_setphy_cmd(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, u8 modem, u8 ch);
+u8 rtw_setstakey_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, u8 *psta, u8 unicast_key);
+u8 rtw_clearstakey_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *psta, u8 entry, u8 enqueue);
+u8 rtw_joinbss_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct wlan_network* pnetwork);
+u8 rtw_disassoc_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 deauth_timeout_ms, bool enqueue);
+u8 rtw_setopmode_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, enum ndis_802_11_net_infra networktype);
+u8 rtw_setdatarate_cmd(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, u8 *rateset);
+u8 rtw_setbasicrate_cmd(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, u8 *rateset);
+u8 rtw_setbbreg_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 offset, u8 val);
+u8 rtw_setrfreg_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 offset, u32 val);
+u8 rtw_getbbreg_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 offset, u8 * pval);
+u8 rtw_getrfreg_cmd(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u8 offset, u8 * pval);
+u8 rtw_setrfintfs_cmd(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, u8 mode);
+u8 rtw_setrttbl_cmd(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct setratable_parm *prate_table);
+u8 rtw_getrttbl_cmd(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct getratable_rsp *pval);
+u8 rtw_gettssi_cmd(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, u8 offset,u8 *pval);
+u8 rtw_setfwdig_cmd(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, u8 type);
+u8 rtw_setfwra_cmd(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, u8 type);
+u8 rtw_addbareq_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, u8 tid, u8 *addr);
+u8 rtw_dynamic_chk_wk_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+u8 rtw_lps_ctrl_wk_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, u8 lps_ctrl_type, u8 enqueue);
+u8 rtw_ps_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter*padapter);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+u8 rtw_chk_hi_queue_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter*padapter);
+u8 rtw_set_ch_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, u8 ch, u8 bw, u8 ch_offset, u8 enqueue);
+u8 rtw_set_chplan_cmd(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, u8 chplan, u8 enqueue);
+u8 rtw_led_blink_cmd(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, struct led_8723a *pLed);
+u8 rtw_set_csa_cmd(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, u8 new_ch_no);
+u8 rtw_tdls_cmd(struct rtw_adapter*padapter, u8 *addr, u8 option);
+u8 rtw_c2h_wk_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *c2h_evt);
+u8 rtw_drvextra_cmd_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf);
+void rtw_survey_cmd_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+void rtw_disassoc_cmd23a_callback(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+void rtw_joinbss_cmd23a_callback(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+void rtw_createbss_cmd23a_callback(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+void rtw_getbbrfreg_cmdrsp_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+void rtw_readtssi_cmdrsp_callback(struct rtw_adapter*  padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+void rtw_setstaKey_cmdrsp_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+void rtw_setassocsta_cmdrsp_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+void rtw_getrttbl_cmdrsp_callback(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter,  struct cmd_obj *pcmd);
+struct _cmd_callback {
+       u32     cmd_code;
+       void (*callback)(struct rtw_adapter  *padapter, struct cmd_obj *cmd);
+enum rtw_h2c_cmd {
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Read_MACREG) ,    /*0*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Write_MACREG) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Read_BBREG) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Write_BBREG) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Read_RFREG) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Write_RFREG) , /*5*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Read_EEPROM) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Write_EEPROM) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Read_EFUSE) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Write_EFUSE) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Read_CAM) ,       /*10*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Write_CAM) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_setBCNITV),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_setMBIDCFG),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_JoinBss),   /*14*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_DisConnect) , /*15*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_CreateBss) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetOpMode) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SiteSurvey),  /*18*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetAuth) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetKey) , /*20*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetStaKey) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetAssocSta) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_DelAssocSta) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetStaPwrState) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetBasicRate) , /*25*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_GetBasicRate) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetDataRate) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_GetDataRate) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetPhyInfo) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_GetPhyInfo) ,     /*30*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetPhy) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_GetPhy) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_readRssi) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_readGain) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetAtim) , /*35*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetPwrMode) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_JoinbssRpt),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetRaTable) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_GetRaTable) ,
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_GetCCXReport), /*40*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_GetDTMReport),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_GetTXRateStatistics),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetUsbSuspend),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetH2cLbk),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_AddBAReq) , /*45*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetChannel), /*46*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetTxPower),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SwitchAntenna),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetCrystalCap),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetSingleCarrierTx), /*50*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetSingleToneTx),/*51*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetCarrierSuppressionTx),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetContinuousTx),
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SwitchBandwidth), /*54*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_TX_Beacon), /*55*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Set_MLME_EVT), /*56*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Set_Drv_Extra), /*57*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_Set_H2C_MSG), /*58*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetChannelPlan), /*59*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_LedBlink), /*60*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_SetChannelSwitch), /*61*/
+       GEN_CMD_CODE(_TDLS), /*62*/
+       MAX_H2CCMD
+#define _GetBBReg_CMD_         _Read_BBREG_CMD_
+#define _SetBBReg_CMD_         _Write_BBREG_CMD_
+#define _GetRFReg_CMD_         _Read_RFREG_CMD_
+#define _SetRFReg_CMD_         _Write_RFREG_CMD_
+extern struct _cmd_callback    rtw_cmd_callback[];
+#endif /*  _CMD_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_debug.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_debug.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a69d6e2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_DEBUG_H__
+#define __RTW_DEBUG_H__
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#define _drv_always_                   1
+#define _drv_emerg_                    2
+#define _drv_alert_                    3
+#define _drv_err_                      4
+#define        _drv_warning_                   5
+#define _drv_notice_                   6
+#define _drv_info_                     7
+#define        _drv_debug_                     8
+#define _module_rtl871x_xmit_c_                BIT(0)
+#define _module_xmit_osdep_c_          BIT(1)
+#define _module_rtl871x_recv_c_                BIT(2)
+#define _module_recv_osdep_c_          BIT(3)
+#define _module_rtl871x_mlme_c_                BIT(4)
+#define _module_mlme_osdep_c_          BIT(5)
+#define _module_rtl871x_sta_mgt_c_     BIT(6)
+#define _module_rtl871x_cmd_c_         BIT(7)
+#define _module_cmd_osdep_c_           BIT(8)
+#define _module_rtl871x_io_c_          BIT(9)
+#define _module_io_osdep_c_            BIT(10)
+#define _module_os_intfs_c_            BIT(11)
+#define _module_rtl871x_security_c_    BIT(12)
+#define _module_rtl871x_eeprom_c_      BIT(13)
+#define _module_hal_init_c_            BIT(14)
+#define _module_hci_hal_init_c_                BIT(15)
+#define _module_rtl871x_ioctl_c_       BIT(16)
+#define _module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_   BIT(17)
+#define _module_rtl871x_ioctl_query_c_ BIT(18)
+#define _module_rtl871x_pwrctrl_c_     BIT(19)
+#define _module_hci_intfs_c_           BIT(20)
+#define _module_hci_ops_c_             BIT(21)
+#define _module_osdep_service_c_       BIT(22)
+#define _module_mp_                    BIT(23)
+#define _module_hci_ops_os_c_          BIT(24)
+#define _module_rtl871x_ioctl_os_c     BIT(25)
+#define _module_rtl8712_cmd_c_         BIT(26)
+#define        _module_rtl8192c_xmit_c_        BIT(28)
+#define _module_hal_xmit_c_            BIT(28) /* duplication intentional */
+#define _module_efuse_                 BIT(29)
+#define _module_rtl8712_recv_c_                BIT(30)
+#define _module_rtl8712_led_c_         BIT(31)
+#if defined _RTW_XMIT_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_xmit_c_
+#elif defined _XMIT_OSDEP_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_xmit_osdep_c_
+#elif defined _RTW_RECV_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_recv_c_
+#elif defined _RECV_OSDEP_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_recv_osdep_c_
+#elif defined _RTW_MLME_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_mlme_c_
+#elif defined _MLME_OSDEP_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_mlme_osdep_c_
+#elif defined _RTW_MLME_EXT_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ 1
+#elif defined _RTW_STA_MGT_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_sta_mgt_c_
+#elif defined _RTW_CMD_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_cmd_c_
+#elif defined _CMD_OSDEP_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_cmd_osdep_c_
+#elif defined _RTW_IO_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_io_c_
+#elif defined _IO_OSDEP_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_io_osdep_c_
+#elif defined _OS_INTFS_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_os_intfs_c_
+#elif defined _RTW_SECURITY_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_security_c_
+#elif defined _RTW_EEPROM_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_eeprom_c_
+#elif defined _HAL_INTF_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_hal_init_c_
+#elif (defined _HCI_HAL_INIT_C_) || (defined _SDIO_HALINIT_C_)
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_hci_hal_init_c_
+#elif defined _RTL871X_IOCTL_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_ioctl_c_
+#elif defined _RTL871X_IOCTL_SET_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_
+#elif defined _RTL871X_IOCTL_QUERY_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_ioctl_query_c_
+#elif defined _RTL871X_PWRCTRL_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_pwrctrl_c_
+#elif defined _RTW_PWRCTRL_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ 1
+#elif defined _HCI_INTF_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_hci_intfs_c_
+#elif defined _HCI_OPS_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_hci_ops_c_
+#elif defined _SDIO_OPS_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ 1
+#elif defined _OSDEP_HCI_INTF_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_hci_intfs_c_
+#elif defined _OSDEP_SERVICE_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_osdep_service_c_
+#elif defined _HCI_OPS_OS_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_hci_ops_os_c_
+#elif defined _RTL871X_IOCTL_LINUX_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl871x_ioctl_os_c
+#elif defined _RTL8712_CMD_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl8712_cmd_c_
+#elif defined _RTL8192C_XMIT_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ 1
+#elif defined _RTL8723AS_XMIT_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ 1
+#elif defined _RTL8712_RECV_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl8712_recv_c_
+#elif defined _RTL8192CU_RECV_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_rtl8712_recv_c_
+#elif defined _RTL871X_MLME_EXT_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_mlme_osdep_c_
+#elif defined _RTW_MP_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_mp_
+#elif defined _RTW_MP_IOCTL_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_mp_
+#elif defined _RTW_EFUSE_C_
+       #define _MODULE_DEFINE_ _module_efuse_
+#define DRIVER_PREFIX  "RTL8723AU: "
+#define DEBUG_LEVEL    (_drv_err_)
+#define DBG_8723A_LEVEL(_level, fmt, arg...)                           \
+       do {                                                            \
+               if (_level <= GlobalDebugLevel23A)                              \
+                       pr_info(DRIVER_PREFIX"ERROR " fmt, ##arg);\
+       } while (0)
+#define DBG_8723A(...)                                                 \
+       do {                                                            \
+               if (_drv_err_ <= GlobalDebugLevel23A)                   \
+                       pr_info(DRIVER_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__);             \
+       } while (0)
+#define MSG_8723A(...)                                                 \
+       do {                                                            \
+               if (_drv_err_ <= GlobalDebugLevel23A)                   \
+                       pr_info(DRIVER_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__);             \
+       } while (0)
+extern u32 GlobalDebugLevel23A;
+#define RT_TRACE(_Comp, _Level, Fmt)                                   \
+do {                                                                   \
+       if (_Level <= GlobalDebugLevel23A) {                            \
+               pr_info("%s [0x%08x,%d]", DRIVER_PREFIX,                \
+                        (unsigned int)_Comp, _Level);                  \
+               pr_info Fmt;                                            \
+       }                                                               \
+} while (0)
+#define RT_PRINT_DATA(_Comp, _Level, _TitleString, _HexData,           \
+                     _HexDataLen)                                      \
+       if (_Level <= GlobalDebugLevel23A) {                            \
+               int __i;                                                \
+               u8      *ptr = (u8 *)_HexData;                          \
+               pr_info("%s", DRIVER_PREFIX);                           \
+               pr_info(_TitleString);                                  \
+               for (__i = 0; __i < (int)_HexDataLen; __i++) {          \
+                       printk("%02X%s", ptr[__i],                      \
+                              (((__i + 1) % 4) == 0) ? "  " : " ");    \
+                       if (((__i + 1) % 16) == 0)                      \
+                               printk("\n");                           \
+               }                                                       \
+               printk("\n");                                           \
+       }
+#endif /* __RTW_DEBUG_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_eeprom.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_eeprom.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d008f03
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_EEPROM_H__
+#define __RTW_EEPROM_H__
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#define        RTL8712_EEPROM_ID                       0x8712
+/* define      EEPROM_MAX_SIZE                 256 */
+#define        HWSET_MAX_SIZE_512              512
+#define        EEPROM_MAX_SIZE                 HWSET_MAX_SIZE_512
+#define        CLOCK_RATE                                      50                      /* 100us */
+/*  EEPROM opcodes */
+#define EEPROM_READ_OPCODE             06
+#define EEPROM_WRITE_OPCODE            05
+#define EEPROM_ERASE_OPCODE            07
+#define EEPROM_EWEN_OPCODE             19      /*  Erase/write enable */
+#define EEPROM_EWDS_OPCODE             16      /*  Erase/write disable */
+/* Country codes */
+#define USA                                                    0x555320
+#define EUROPE                                         0x1 /* temp, should be provided later */
+#define JAPAN                                          0x2 /* temp, should be provided later */
+#define        EEPROM_CID_DEFAULT                      0x0
+#define        EEPROM_CID_ALPHA                                0x1
+#define        EEPROM_CID_Senao                                0x3
+#define        EEPROM_CID_NetCore                              0x5
+#define        EEPROM_CID_CAMEO                                0X8
+#define        EEPROM_CID_SITECOM                              0x9
+#define        EEPROM_CID_COREGA                               0xB
+#define        EEPROM_CID_EDIMAX_BELKIN                0xC
+#define        EEPROM_CID_SERCOMM_BELKIN               0xE
+#define        EEPROM_CID_CAMEO1                               0xF
+#define        EEPROM_CID_WNC_COREGA           0x12
+#define        EEPROM_CID_CLEVO                                0x13
+#define        EEPROM_CID_WHQL                         0xFE /*  added by chiyoko for dtm, 20090108 */
+/*  */
+/*  Customer ID, note that: */
+/*  This variable is initiailzed through EEPROM or registry, */
+/*  however, its definition may be different with that in EEPROM for */
+/*  EEPROM size consideration. So, we have to perform proper translation between them. */
+/*  Besides, CustomerID of registry has precedence of that of EEPROM. */
+/*  defined below. 060703, by rcnjko. */
+/*  */
+enum rt_customer_id
+       RT_CID_DEFAULT = 0,
+       RT_CID_8187_ALPHA0 = 1,
+       RT_CID_8187_SERCOMM_PS = 2,
+       RT_CID_8187_HW_LED = 3,
+       RT_CID_8187_NETGEAR = 4,
+       RT_CID_WHQL = 5,
+       RT_CID_819x_CAMEO  = 6,
+       RT_CID_819x_RUNTOP = 7,
+       RT_CID_819x_Senao = 8,
+       RT_CID_TOSHIBA = 9,     /*  Merge by Jacken, 2008/01/31. */
+       RT_CID_819x_Netcore = 10,
+       RT_CID_Nettronix = 11,
+       RT_CID_DLINK = 12,
+       RT_CID_PRONET = 13,
+       RT_CID_COREGA = 14,
+       RT_CID_CHINA_MOBILE = 15,
+       RT_CID_819x_ALPHA = 16,
+       RT_CID_819x_Sitecom = 17,
+       RT_CID_CCX = 18, /*  It's set under CCX logo test and isn't demanded for CCX functions, but for test behavior like retry limit and tx report. By Bruce, 2009-02-17. */
+       RT_CID_819x_Lenovo = 19,
+       RT_CID_819x_QMI = 20,
+       RT_CID_819x_Edimax_Belkin = 21,
+       RT_CID_819x_Sercomm_Belkin = 22,
+       RT_CID_819x_CAMEO1 = 23,
+       RT_CID_819x_MSI = 24,
+       RT_CID_819x_Acer = 25,
+       RT_CID_819x_AzWave_ASUS = 26,
+       RT_CID_819x_AzWave = 27, /*  For AzWave in PCIe, The ID is AzWave use and not only Asus */
+       RT_CID_819x_HP = 28,
+       RT_CID_819x_WNC_COREGA = 29,
+       RT_CID_819x_Arcadyan_Belkin = 30,
+       RT_CID_819x_SAMSUNG = 31,
+       RT_CID_819x_CLEVO = 32,
+       RT_CID_819x_DELL = 33,
+       RT_CID_819x_PRONETS = 34,
+       RT_CID_819x_Edimax_ASUS = 35,
+       RT_CID_819x_CAMEO_NETGEAR = 36,
+       RT_CID_PLANEX = 37,
+       RT_CID_CC_C = 38,
+       RT_CID_819x_Xavi = 39,
+       RT_CID_819x_FUNAI_TV = 40,
+       RT_CID_819x_ALPHA_WD=41,
+struct eeprom_priv {
+       u8              bautoload_fail_flag;
+       u8              bloadfile_fail_flag;
+       u8              bloadmac_fail_flag;
+       /* u8           bempty; */
+       /* u8           sys_config; */
+       u8              mac_addr[6];    /* PermanentAddress */
+       /* u8           config0; */
+       u16             channel_plan;
+       /* u8           country_string[3]; */
+       /* u8           tx_power_b[15]; */
+       /* u8           tx_power_g[15]; */
+       /* u8           tx_power_a[201]; */
+       u8              EepromOrEfuse;
+       u8              efuse_eeprom_data[HWSET_MAX_SIZE_512]; /* 92C:256bytes, 88E:512bytes, we use union set (512bytes) */
+void eeprom_write16(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 reg, u16 data);
+u16 eeprom_read16(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 reg);
+void read_eeprom_content(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void eeprom_read_sz(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, u16 reg,u8* data, u32 sz);
+void read_eeprom_content_by_attrib(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+#endif  /* __RTL871X_EEPROM_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_efuse.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_efuse.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a775505
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_EFUSE_H__
+#define __RTW_EFUSE_H__
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#define        EFUSE_ERROE_HANDLE              1
+#define        PG_STATE_HEADER                 0x01
+#define        PG_STATE_WORD_0         0x02
+#define        PG_STATE_WORD_1         0x04
+#define        PG_STATE_WORD_2         0x08
+#define        PG_STATE_WORD_3         0x10
+#define        PG_STATE_DATA                   0x20
+#define        PG_SWBYTE_H                     0x01
+#define        PG_SWBYTE_L                     0x02
+#define        PGPKT_DATA_SIZE         8
+#define        EFUSE_WIFI                              0
+#define        EFUSE_BT                                1
+       TYPE_EFUSE_MAX_SECTION                          = 0,
+       TYPE_EFUSE_REAL_CONTENT_LEN                     = 1,
+       TYPE_EFUSE_MAP_LEN                                      = 4,
+       TYPE_EFUSE_PROTECT_BYTES_BANK           = 5,
+       TYPE_EFUSE_CONTENT_LEN_BANK                     = 6,
+/* E-Fuse */
+#define EFUSE_MAP_SIZE      256
+#define EFUSE_MAX_SIZE      512
+/* end of E-Fuse */
+#define                EFUSE_MAX_MAP_LEN               256
+#define                EFUSE_MAX_HW_SIZE               512
+#define                EFUSE_MAX_SECTION_BASE  16
+#define EXT_HEADER(header) ((header & 0x1F ) == 0x0F)
+#define ALL_WORDS_DISABLED(wde)        ((wde & 0x0F) == 0x0F)
+#define GET_HDR_OFFSET_2_0(header) ( (header & 0xE0) >> 5)
+#define                EFUSE_REPEAT_THRESHOLD_                 3
+/*  */
+/*     The following is for BT Efuse definition */
+/*  */
+#define                EFUSE_BT_MAX_MAP_LEN            1024
+#define                EFUSE_MAX_BANK                  4
+#define                EFUSE_MAX_BT_BANK               (EFUSE_MAX_BANK-1)
+/*  */
+/*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/
+#define                EFUSE_MAX_WORD_UNIT                     4
+/*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/
+struct pg_pkt_struct {
+       u8 offset;
+       u8 word_en;
+       u8 data[8];
+       u8 word_cnts;
+/*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/
+u8     efuse_GetCurrentSize23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 *size);
+u16    efuse_GetMaxSize23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8     rtw_efuse_access23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bRead, u16 start_addr, u16 cnts, u8 *data);
+u8     rtw_efuse_map_read23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 addr, u16 cnts, u8 *data);
+u8     rtw_efuse_map_write(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 addr, u16 cnts, u8 *data);
+u8     rtw_BT_efuse_map_read23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 addr, u16 cnts, u8 *data);
+u8     rtw_BT_efuse_map_write(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 addr, u16 cnts, u8 *data);
+u16    Efuse_GetCurrentSize23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u8 efuseType);
+u8     Efuse_CalculateWordCnts23a(u8 word_en);
+void   ReadEFuseByte23a(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u16 _offset, u8 *pbuf);
+void   EFUSE_GetEfuseDefinition23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u8 efuseType, u8 type, void *pOut);
+u8     efuse_OneByteRead23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u16 addr, u8 *data);
+u8     efuse_OneByteWrite23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u16 addr, u8 data);
+void   Efuse_PowerSwitch23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter,u8    bWrite,u8        PwrState);
+int    Efuse_PgPacketRead23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u8 offset, u8 *data);
+int    Efuse_PgPacketWrite23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u8 offset, u8 word_en, u8 *data);
+void   efuse_WordEnableDataRead23a(u8 word_en, u8 *sourdata, u8 *targetdata);
+u8     Efuse_WordEnableDataWrite23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u16 efuse_addr, u8 word_en, u8 *data);
+u8     EFUSE_Read1Byte23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u16 Address);
+void   EFUSE_ShadowMapUpdate23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u8 efuseType);
+void   EFUSE_ShadowRead23a(struct rtw_adapter *pAdapter, u8 Type, u16 Offset, u32 *Value);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_event.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_event.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bb20640
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RTW_EVENT_H_
+#define _RTW_EVENT_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <wlan_bssdef.h>
+Used to report a bss has been scanned
+struct survey_event    {
+       struct wlan_bssid_ex bss;
+Used to report that the requested site survey has been done.
+bss_cnt indicates the number of bss that has been reported.
+struct surveydone_event {
+       unsigned int    bss_cnt;
+Used to report the link result of joinning the given bss
+-1: authentication fail
+-2: association fail
+> 0: TID
+struct joinbss_event {
+       struct  wlan_network    network;
+Used to report a given STA has joinned the created BSS.
+It is used in AP/Ad-HoC(M) mode.
+struct stassoc_event {
+       unsigned char macaddr[6];
+       unsigned char rsvd[2];
+       int    cam_id;
+struct stadel_event {
+ unsigned char macaddr[6];
+ unsigned char rsvd[2]; /* for reason */
+ int mac_id;
+struct addba_event
+       unsigned int tid;
+#define GEN_EVT_CODE(event)    event ## _EVT_
+struct fwevent {
+       u32     parmsize;
+       void (*event_callback)(struct rtw_adapter *dev, u8 *pbuf);
+#define C2HEVENT_SZ                    32
+struct event_node{
+       unsigned char *node;
+       unsigned char evt_code;
+       unsigned short evt_sz;
+       volatile int    *caller_ff_tail;
+       int     caller_ff_sz;
+struct c2hevent_queue {
+       volatile int    head;
+       volatile int    tail;
+       struct  event_node      nodes[C2HEVENT_SZ];
+       unsigned char   seq;
+#define NETWORK_QUEUE_SZ       4
+struct network_queue {
+       volatile int    head;
+       volatile int    tail;
+       struct wlan_bssid_ex networks[NETWORK_QUEUE_SZ];
+#endif /*  _WLANEVENT_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ht.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ht.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7fe0aa4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RTW_HT_H_
+#define _RTW_HT_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include "linux/ieee80211.h"
+#include "wifi.h"
+struct ht_priv
+       u32     ht_option;
+       u32     ampdu_enable;/* for enable Tx A-MPDU */
+       /* u8   baddbareq_issued[16]; */
+       u32     tx_amsdu_enable;/* for enable Tx A-MSDU */
+       u32     tx_amdsu_maxlen; /*  1: 8k, 0:4k ; default:8k, for tx */
+       u32     rx_ampdu_maxlen; /* for rx reordering ctrl win_sz, updated when join_callback. */
+       u8      bwmode;/*  */
+       u8      ch_offset;/* PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET */
+       u8      sgi;/* short GI */
+       /* for processing Tx A-MPDU */
+       u8      agg_enable_bitmap;
+       /* u8   ADDBA_retry_count; */
+       u8      candidate_tid_bitmap;
+       struct ieee80211_ht_cap ht_cap;
+#endif /* _RTL871X_HT_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_io.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_io.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8d39d80
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RTW_IO_H_
+#define _RTW_IO_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <osdep_intf.h>
+#include <asm/byteorder.h>
+#include <linux/semaphore.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+/* include <linux/smp_lock.h> */
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <asm/atomic.h>
+#include <linux/usb.h>
+#include <linux/usb/ch9.h>
+#define rtw_usb_buffer_alloc(dev, size, dma) usb_alloc_coherent((dev), (size), (in_interrupt() ? GFP_ATOMIC : GFP_KERNEL), (dma))
+#define rtw_usb_buffer_free(dev, size, addr, dma) usb_free_coherent((dev), (size), (addr), (dma))
+#define NUM_IOREQ              8
+#define MAX_PROT_SZ    (64-16)
+#define _IOREADY                       0
+#define _IO_WAIT_COMPLETE   1
+#define _IO_WAIT_RSP        2
+#define _IOSZ_MASK_            (0x7F)
+#define _IO_WRITE_             BIT(7)
+#define _IO_FIXED_             BIT(8)
+#define _IO_BURST_             BIT(9)
+#define _IO_BYTE_              BIT(10)
+#define _IO_HW_                        BIT(11)
+#define _IO_WORD_              BIT(12)
+#define _IO_SYNC_              BIT(13)
+#define _IO_CMDMASK_   (0x1F80)
+       For prompt mode accessing, caller shall free io_req
+       Otherwise, io_handler will free io_req
+#define _IO_ERR_               BIT(2)
+#define _IO_SUCCESS_   BIT(1)
+#define _IO_DONE_              BIT(0)
+#define IO_RD32                        (_IO_SYNC_ | _IO_WORD_)
+#define IO_RD16                        (_IO_SYNC_ | _IO_HW_)
+#define IO_RD8                 (_IO_SYNC_ | _IO_BYTE_)
+#define IO_RD32_ASYNC  (_IO_WORD_)
+#define IO_RD16_ASYNC  (_IO_HW_)
+#define IO_RD8_ASYNC   (_IO_BYTE_)
+#define IO_WR32                        (_IO_WRITE_ | _IO_SYNC_ | _IO_WORD_)
+#define IO_WR16                        (_IO_WRITE_ | _IO_SYNC_ | _IO_HW_)
+#define IO_WR8                 (_IO_WRITE_ | _IO_SYNC_ | _IO_BYTE_)
+#define IO_WR32_ASYNC  (_IO_WRITE_ | _IO_WORD_)
+#define IO_WR16_ASYNC  (_IO_WRITE_ | _IO_HW_)
+#define IO_WR8_ASYNC   (_IO_WRITE_ | _IO_BYTE_)
+       Only Sync. burst accessing is provided.
+#define IO_WR_BURST(x)         (_IO_WRITE_ | _IO_SYNC_ | _IO_BURST_ | ( (x) & _IOSZ_MASK_))
+#define IO_RD_BURST(x)         (_IO_SYNC_ | _IO_BURST_ | ( (x) & _IOSZ_MASK_))
+/* below is for the intf_option bit defition... */
+#define _INTF_ASYNC_   BIT(0)  /* support async io */
+struct intf_priv;
+struct intf_hdl;
+struct io_queue;
+struct _io_ops
+               u8 (*_read8)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr);
+               u16 (*_read16)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr);
+               u32 (*_read32)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr);
+               int (*_write8)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u8 val);
+               int (*_write16)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u16 val);
+               int (*_write32)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 val);
+               int (*_writeN)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 length, u8 *pdata);
+               int (*_write8_async)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u8 val);
+               int (*_write16_async)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u16 val);
+               int (*_write32_async)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 val);
+               void (*_read_mem)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 cnt, u8 *pmem);
+               void (*_write_mem)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 cnt, u8 *pmem);
+               void (*_sync_irp_protocol_rw)(struct io_queue *pio_q);
+               u32 (*_read_interrupt)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr);
+               u32 (*_read_port)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 cnt, struct recv_buf *rbuf);
+               u32 (*_write_port)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 cnt, struct xmit_buf *pmem);
+               u32 (*_write_scsi)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl,u32 cnt, u8 *pmem);
+               void (*_read_port_cancel)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl);
+               void (*_write_port_cancel)(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl);
+struct io_req {
+       struct list_head        list;
+       u32     addr;
+       volatile u32    val;
+       u32     command;
+       u32     status;
+       u8      *pbuf;
+       struct semaphore        sema;
+       void (*_async_io_callback)(struct rtw_adapter *padater, struct io_req *pio_req, u8 *cnxt);
+       u8 *cnxt;
+struct intf_hdl {
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+       struct dvobj_priv *pintf_dev;/*         pointer to &(padapter->dvobjpriv); */
+       struct _io_ops  io_ops;
+struct reg_protocol_rd {
+       /* DW1 */
+       u32             NumOfTrans:4;
+       u32             Reserved1:4;
+       u32             Reserved2:24;
+       /* DW2 */
+       u32             ByteCount:7;
+       u32             WriteEnable:1;          /* 0:read, 1:write */
+       u32             FixOrContinuous:1;      /* 0:continuous, 1: Fix */
+       u32             BurstMode:1;
+       u32             Byte1Access:1;
+       u32             Byte2Access:1;
+       u32             Byte4Access:1;
+       u32             Reserved3:3;
+       u32             Reserved4:16;
+       /* DW3 */
+       u32             BusAddress;
+       /* DW4 */
+       /* u32          Value; */
+/* DW1 */
+       u32 Reserved1  :4;
+       u32 NumOfTrans :4;
+       u32 Reserved2  :24;
+       /* DW2 */
+       u32 WriteEnable : 1;
+       u32 ByteCount :7;
+       u32 Reserved3 : 3;
+       u32 Byte4Access : 1;
+       u32 Byte2Access : 1;
+       u32 Byte1Access : 1;
+       u32 BurstMode :1 ;
+       u32 FixOrContinuous : 1;
+       u32 Reserved4 : 16;
+       /* DW3 */
+       u32             BusAddress;
+       /* DW4 */
+       /* u32          Value; */
+struct reg_protocol_wt {
+       /* DW1 */
+       u32             NumOfTrans:4;
+       u32             Reserved1:4;
+       u32             Reserved2:24;
+       /* DW2 */
+       u32             ByteCount:7;
+       u32             WriteEnable:1;          /* 0:read, 1:write */
+       u32             FixOrContinuous:1;      /* 0:continuous, 1: Fix */
+       u32             BurstMode:1;
+       u32             Byte1Access:1;
+       u32             Byte2Access:1;
+       u32             Byte4Access:1;
+       u32             Reserved3:3;
+       u32             Reserved4:16;
+       /* DW3 */
+       u32             BusAddress;
+       /* DW4 */
+       u32             Value;
+       /* DW1 */
+       u32 Reserved1  :4;
+       u32 NumOfTrans :4;
+       u32 Reserved2  :24;
+       /* DW2 */
+       u32 WriteEnable : 1;
+       u32 ByteCount :7;
+       u32 Reserved3 : 3;
+       u32 Byte4Access : 1;
+       u32 Byte2Access : 1;
+       u32 Byte1Access : 1;
+       u32 BurstMode :1 ;
+       u32 FixOrContinuous : 1;
+       u32 Reserved4 : 16;
+       /* DW3 */
+       u32             BusAddress;
+       /* DW4 */
+       u32             Value;
+Below is the data structure used by _io_handler
+struct io_queue {
+       spinlock_t      lock;
+       struct list_head free_ioreqs;
+       struct list_head pending;               /* The io_req list that will be served in the single protocol read/write. */
+       struct list_head processing;
+       u8      *free_ioreqs_buf; /*  4-byte aligned */
+       u8      *pallocated_free_ioreqs_buf;
+       struct  intf_hdl        intf;
+struct io_priv{
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+       struct intf_hdl intf;
+uint ioreq_flush(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, struct io_queue *ioqueue);
+void sync_ioreq_enqueue(struct io_req *preq,struct io_queue *ioqueue);
+uint sync_ioreq_flush(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, struct io_queue *ioqueue);
+uint free_ioreq(struct io_req *preq, struct io_queue *pio_queue);
+struct io_req *alloc_ioreq(struct io_queue *pio_q);
+uint register_intf_hdl(u8 *dev, struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl);
+void unregister_intf_hdl(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl);
+void _rtw_attrib_read(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 cnt, u8 *pmem);
+void _rtw_attrib_write(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 cnt, u8 *pmem);
+u8 _rtw_read823a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr);
+u16 _rtw_read1623a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr);
+u32 _rtw_read3223a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr);
+void _rtw_read_mem23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 cnt, u8 *pmem);
+void _rtw_read_port23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 cnt, struct recv_buf *rbuf);
+void _rtw_read_port23a_cancel(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+int _rtw_write823a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u8 val);
+int _rtw_write1623a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u16 val);
+int _rtw_write3223a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 val);
+int _rtw_writeN23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 length, u8 *pdata);
+int _rtw_write823a_async23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u8 val);
+int _rtw_write1623a_async(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u16 val);
+int _rtw_write3223a_async23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 val);
+void _rtw_write_mem23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 cnt, u8 *pmem);
+u32 _rtw_write_port23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 cnt, struct xmit_buf *pmem);
+u32 _rtw_write_port23a_and_wait23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 cnt, struct xmit_buf *pmem, int timeout_ms);
+void _rtw_write_port23a_cancel(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+#ifdef DBG_IO
+bool match_read_sniff_ranges(u16 addr, u16 len);
+bool match_write_sniff_ranges(u16 addr, u16 len);
+u8 dbg_rtw_read823a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, const char *caller, const int line);
+u16 dbg_rtw_read1623a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, const char *caller, const int line);
+u32 dbg_rtw_read3223a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, const char *caller, const int line);
+int dbg_rtw_write823a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u8 val, const char *caller, const int line);
+int dbg_rtw_write1623a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u16 val, const char *caller, const int line);
+int dbg_rtw_write3223a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 val, const char *caller, const int line);
+int dbg_rtw_writeN23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr ,u32 length , u8 *data, const char *caller, const int line);
+#define rtw_read8(adapter, addr) dbg_rtw_read823a((adapter), (addr), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+#define rtw_read16(adapter, addr) dbg_rtw_read1623a((adapter), (addr), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+#define rtw_read32(adapter, addr) dbg_rtw_read3223a((adapter), (addr), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+#define rtw_read_mem(adapter, addr, cnt, mem) _rtw_read_mem23a((adapter), (addr), (cnt), (mem))
+#define rtw_read_port(adapter, addr, cnt, mem) _rtw_read_port23a((adapter), (addr), (cnt), (mem))
+#define rtw_read_port_cancel(adapter) _rtw_read_port23a_cancel((adapter))
+#define  rtw_write8(adapter, addr, val) dbg_rtw_write823a((adapter), (addr), (val), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+#define  rtw_write16(adapter, addr, val) dbg_rtw_write1623a((adapter), (addr), (val), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+#define  rtw_write32(adapter, addr, val) dbg_rtw_write3223a((adapter), (addr), (val), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+#define  rtw_writeN(adapter, addr, length, data) dbg_rtw_writeN23a((adapter), (addr), (length), (data), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+#define rtw_write8_async(adapter, addr, val) _rtw_write823a_async23a((adapter), (addr), (val))
+#define rtw_write16_async(adapter, addr, val) _rtw_write1623a_async((adapter), (addr), (val))
+#define rtw_write32_async(adapter, addr, val) _rtw_write3223a_async23a((adapter), (addr), (val))
+#define rtw_write_mem(adapter, addr, cnt, mem) _rtw_write_mem23a((adapter), addr, cnt, mem)
+#define rtw_write_port(adapter, addr, cnt, mem) _rtw_write_port23a(adapter, addr, cnt, mem)
+#define rtw_write_port_and_wait(adapter, addr, cnt, mem, timeout_ms) _rtw_write_port23a_and_wait23a((adapter), (addr), (cnt), (mem), (timeout_ms))
+#define rtw_write_port_cancel(adapter) _rtw_write_port23a_cancel(adapter)
+#else /* DBG_IO */
+#define rtw_read8(adapter, addr) _rtw_read823a((adapter), (addr))
+#define rtw_read16(adapter, addr) _rtw_read1623a((adapter), (addr))
+#define rtw_read32(adapter, addr) _rtw_read3223a((adapter), (addr))
+#define rtw_read_mem(adapter, addr, cnt, mem) _rtw_read_mem23a((adapter), (addr), (cnt), (mem))
+#define rtw_read_port(adapter, addr, cnt, mem) _rtw_read_port23a((adapter), (addr), (cnt), (mem))
+#define rtw_read_port_cancel(adapter) _rtw_read_port23a_cancel((adapter))
+#define  rtw_write8(adapter, addr, val) _rtw_write823a((adapter), (addr), (val))
+#define  rtw_write16(adapter, addr, val) _rtw_write1623a((adapter), (addr), (val))
+#define  rtw_write32(adapter, addr, val) _rtw_write3223a((adapter), (addr), (val))
+#define  rtw_writeN(adapter, addr, length, data) _rtw_writeN23a((adapter), (addr), (length), (data))
+#define rtw_write8_async(adapter, addr, val) _rtw_write823a_async23a((adapter), (addr), (val))
+#define rtw_write16_async(adapter, addr, val) _rtw_write1623a_async((adapter), (addr), (val))
+#define rtw_write32_async(adapter, addr, val) _rtw_write3223a_async23a((adapter), (addr), (val))
+#define rtw_write_mem(adapter, addr, cnt, mem) _rtw_write_mem23a((adapter), (addr), (cnt), (mem))
+#define rtw_write_port(adapter, addr, cnt, mem) _rtw_write_port23a((adapter), (addr), (cnt), (mem))
+#define rtw_write_port_and_wait(adapter, addr, cnt, mem, timeout_ms) _rtw_write_port23a_and_wait23a((adapter), (addr), (cnt), (mem), (timeout_ms))
+#define rtw_write_port_cancel(adapter) _rtw_write_port23a_cancel((adapter))
+#endif /* DBG_IO */
+void rtw_write_scsi(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 cnt, u8 *pmem);
+/* ioreq */
+void ioreq_read8(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u8 *pval);
+void ioreq_read16(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u16 *pval);
+void ioreq_read32(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 *pval);
+void ioreq_write8(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u8 val);
+void ioreq_write16(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u16 val);
+void ioreq_write32(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 addr, u32 val);
+int rtw_init_io_priv23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, void (*set_intf_ops)(struct _io_ops *pops));
+uint alloc_io_queue(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void free_io_queue(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void async_bus_io(struct io_queue *pio_q);
+void bus_sync_io(struct io_queue *pio_q);
+u32 _ioreq2rwmem(struct io_queue *pio_q);
+void dev_power_down(struct rtw_adapter * Adapter, u8 bpwrup);
+#define PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(_a,_b,_c)               \
+       rtw_write8(_a,_b,_c)
+#define PlatformEFIOWrite2Byte(_a,_b,_c)               \
+       rtw_write16(_a,_b,_c)
+#define PlatformEFIOWrite4Byte(_a,_b,_c)               \
+       rtw_write32(_a,_b,_c)
+#define PlatformEFIORead1Byte(_a,_b)           \
+               rtw_read8(_a,_b)
+#define PlatformEFIORead2Byte(_a,_b)           \
+               rtw_read16(_a,_b)
+#define PlatformEFIORead4Byte(_a,_b)           \
+               rtw_read32(_a,_b)
+#endif /* _RTL8711_IO_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ioctl.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ioctl.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..629eec8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RTW_IOCTL_H_
+#define _RTW_IOCTL_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+extern struct iw_handler_def  rtw_handlers_def;
+#endif /*  #ifndef __INC_CEINFO_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ioctl_set.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_ioctl_set.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..18ad2a8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_IOCTL_SET_H_
+#define __RTW_IOCTL_SET_H_
+#include <drv_types.h>
+struct bssid_info {
+       unsigned char  BSSID[6];
+       u8  PMKID[16];
+u8 rtw_set_802_11_authentication_mode23a(struct rtw_adapter *pdapter,
+                                     enum ndis_802_11_auth_mode authmode);
+u8 rtw_set_802_11_add_wep23a(struct rtw_adapter * padapter,
+                         struct ndis_802_11_wep *wep);
+u8 rtw_set_802_11_bssid23a_list_scan(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                 struct cfg80211_ssid *pssid, int ssid_max_num);
+u8 rtw_set_802_11_infrastructure_mode23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                     enum ndis_802_11_net_infra networktype);
+u8 rtw_set_802_11_ssid23a(struct rtw_adapter * padapter, struct cfg80211_ssid * ssid);
+u16 rtw_get_cur_max_rate23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+s32 FillH2CCmd(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 ElementID, u32 CmdLen, u8 *pCmdBuffer);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_led.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_led.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c071da5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_LED_H_
+#define __RTW_LED_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#define MSECS(t)        (HZ * ((t) / 1000) + (HZ * ((t) % 1000)) / 1000)
+#define LED_BLINK_LONG_INTERVAL        400
+#define LED_BLINK_NO_LINK_INTERVAL_ALPHA               1000
+#define LED_BLINK_LINK_INTERVAL_ALPHA                  500             /* 500 */
+#define LED_BLINK_SCAN_INTERVAL_ALPHA          180     /* 150 */
+#define LED_BLINK_FASTER_INTERVAL_ALPHA                50
+/*  060403, rcnjko: Customized for AzWave. */
+#define LED_CM2_BLINK_ON_INTERVAL                      250
+#define LED_CM2_BLINK_OFF_INTERVAL             4750
+#define LED_CM8_BLINK_INTERVAL                 500             /* for QMI */
+#define LED_CM8_BLINK_OFF_INTERVAL     3750    /* for QMI */
+/*  080124, lanhsin: Customized for RunTop */
+#define LED_RunTop_BLINK_INTERVAL                      300
+/*  060421, rcnjko: Customized for Sercomm Printer Server case. */
+#define LED_CM3_BLINK_INTERVAL                         1500
+enum led_ctl_mode {
+       LED_CTL_POWER_ON = 1,
+       LED_CTL_LINK = 2,
+       LED_CTL_NO_LINK = 3,
+       LED_CTL_TX = 4,
+       LED_CTL_RX = 5,
+       LED_CTL_SITE_SURVEY = 6,
+       LED_CTL_POWER_OFF = 7,
+       LED_CTL_START_TO_LINK = 8,
+       LED_CTL_START_WPS = 9,
+       LED_CTL_STOP_WPS = 10,
+       LED_CTL_START_WPS_BOTTON = 11, /* added for runtop */
+       LED_CTL_STOP_WPS_FAIL = 12, /* added for ALPHA */
+       LED_CTL_STOP_WPS_FAIL_OVERLAP = 13, /* added for BELKIN */
+enum led_state_872x {
+       LED_UNKNOWN = 0,
+       RTW_LED_ON = 1,
+       RTW_LED_OFF = 2,
+       LED_BLINK_NORMAL = 3,
+       LED_BLINK_SLOWLY = 4,
+       LED_BLINK_POWER_ON = 5,
+       LED_BLINK_SCAN = 6, /*  LED is blinking during scanning period, the # of times to blink is depend on time for scanning. */
+       LED_BLINK_NO_LINK = 7, /*  LED is blinking during no link state. */
+       LED_BLINK_StartToBlink = 8,/*  Customzied for Sercomm Printer Server case */
+       LED_BLINK_TXRX = 9,
+       LED_BLINK_WPS = 10,     /*  LED is blinkg during WPS communication */
+       LED_BLINK_WPS_STOP = 11,        /* for ALPHA */
+       LED_BLINK_WPS_STOP_OVERLAP = 12,        /* for BELKIN */
+       LED_BLINK_RUNTOP = 13, /*  Customized for RunTop */
+       LED_BLINK_CAMEO = 14,
+       LED_BLINK_XAVI = 15,
+       LED_BLINK_ALWAYS_ON = 16,
+enum led_pin_8723a {
+       LED_PIN_NULL = 0,
+       LED_PIN_LED0 = 1,
+       LED_PIN_LED1 = 2,
+       LED_PIN_LED2 = 3,
+       LED_PIN_GPIO0 = 4,
+struct led_8723a {
+       struct rtw_adapter                              *padapter;
+       enum led_pin_8723a              LedPin; /*  Identify how to implement this SW led. */
+       enum led_state_872x             CurrLedState; /*  Current LED state. */
+       enum led_state_872x             BlinkingLedState; /*  Next state for blinking, either RTW_LED_ON or RTW_LED_OFF are. */
+       u8                                      bLedOn; /*  true if LED is ON, false if LED is OFF. */
+       u8                                      bLedBlinkInProgress; /*  true if it is blinking, false o.w.. */
+       u8                                      bLedWPSBlinkInProgress;
+       u32                                     BlinkTimes; /*  Number of times to toggle led state for blinking. */
+       struct timer_list                       BlinkTimer; /*  Timer object for led blinking. */
+       u8                                      bSWLedCtrl;
+       /*  ALPHA, added by chiyoko, 20090106 */
+       u8                                      bLedNoLinkBlinkInProgress;
+       u8                                      bLedLinkBlinkInProgress;
+       u8                                      bLedStartToLinkBlinkInProgress;
+       u8                                      bLedScanBlinkInProgress;
+       struct work_struct                      BlinkWorkItem; /*  Workitem used by BlinkTimer to manipulate H/W to blink LED. */
+#define IS_LED_WPS_BLINKING(_LED_871x) (((struct led_8723a *)_LED_871x)->CurrLedState==LED_BLINK_WPS \
+                                       || ((struct led_8723a *)_LED_871x)->CurrLedState==LED_BLINK_WPS_STOP \
+                                       || ((struct led_8723a *)_LED_871x)->bLedWPSBlinkInProgress)
+#define IS_LED_BLINKING(_LED_871x)     (((struct led_8723a *)_LED_871x)->bLedWPSBlinkInProgress \
+                                       ||((struct led_8723a *)_LED_871x)->bLedScanBlinkInProgress)
+/*  */
+/*  LED customization. */
+/*  */
+enum led_strategy_8723a {
+       SW_LED_MODE0 = 0, /*  SW control 1 LED via GPIO0. It is default option. */
+       SW_LED_MODE1= 1, /*  2 LEDs, through LED0 and LED1. For ALPHA. */
+       SW_LED_MODE2 = 2, /*  SW control 1 LED via GPIO0, customized for AzWave 8187 minicard. */
+       SW_LED_MODE3 = 3, /*  SW control 1 LED via GPIO0, customized for Sercomm Printer Server case. */
+       SW_LED_MODE4 = 4, /* for Edimax / Belkin */
+       SW_LED_MODE5 = 5, /* for Sercomm / Belkin */
+       SW_LED_MODE6 = 6, /* for 88CU minicard, porting from ce SW_LED_MODE7 */
+       HW_LED = 50, /*  HW control 2 LEDs, LED0 and LED1 (there are 4 different control modes, see MAC.CONFIG1 for details.) */
+       LED_ST_NONE = 99,
+void LedControl871x23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum led_ctl_mode LedAction);
+struct led_priv{
+       /* add for led controll */
+       struct led_8723a                        SwLed0;
+       struct led_8723a                        SwLed1;
+       enum led_strategy_8723a LedStrategy;
+       u8                                      bRegUseLed;
+       void (*LedControlHandler)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum led_ctl_mode LedAction);
+       /* add for led controll */
+#define rtw_led_control(adapter, LedAction)
+void BlinkWorkItemCallback23a(struct work_struct *work);
+void ResetLedStatus23a(struct led_8723a *pLed);
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+       struct led_8723a *pLed,
+       enum led_pin_8723a      LedPin
+DeInitLed871x23a(struct led_8723a *pLed);
+/* hal... */
+void BlinkHandler23a(struct led_8723a *pLed);
+#endif /* __RTW_LED_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_mlme.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_mlme.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..adbea44
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_MLME_H_
+#define __RTW_MLME_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <mlme_osdep.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include <wlan_bssdef.h>
+#define        MAX_BSS_CNT     128
+#define   MAX_JOIN_TIMEOUT     6500
+/* Increase the scanning timeout because of increasing the SURVEY_TO value. */
+#define        SCANNING_TIMEOUT        8000
+#define        SCAN_INTERVAL   (30) /*  unit:2sec, 30*2 = 60sec */
+#define        SCANQUEUE_LIFETIME 20 /*  unit:sec */
+#define        WIFI_NULL_STATE         0x00000000
+#define        WIFI_ASOC_STATE         0x00000001 /*  Under Linked state.*/
+#define        WIFI_REASOC_STATE       0x00000002
+#define        WIFI_SLEEP_STATE        0x00000004
+#define        WIFI_STATION_STATE      0x00000008
+#define        WIFI_AP_STATE           0x00000010
+#define        WIFI_ADHOC_STATE        0x00000020
+#define   WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE      0x00000040
+#define   WIFI_UNDER_LINKING   0x00000080
+#define        WIFI_UNDER_WPS          0x00000100
+#define        WIFI_STA_ALIVE_CHK_STATE        0x00000400
+/* to indicate the station is under site surveying */
+#define        WIFI_SITE_MONITOR       0x00000800
+#define        WIFI_MP_STATE           0x00010000
+#define        WIFI_MP_CTX_BACKGROUND  0x00020000      /*  in continous tx background */
+#define        WIFI_MP_CTX_ST          0x00040000      /*  in continous tx with single-tone */
+#define        WIFI_MP_CTX_BACKGROUND_PENDING  0x00080000      /*  pending in continous tx background due to out of skb */
+#define        WIFI_MP_CTX_CCK_HW      0x00100000      /*  in continous tx */
+#define        WIFI_MP_CTX_CCK_CS      0x00200000      /*  in continous tx with carrier suppression */
+#define   WIFI_MP_LPBK_STATE   0x00400000
+#define _FW_LINKED             WIFI_ASOC_STATE
+enum dot11AuthAlgrthmNum {
+       dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open = 0,
+       dot11AuthAlgrthm_Shared,
+       dot11AuthAlgrthm_8021X,
+       dot11AuthAlgrthm_Auto,
+       dot11AuthAlgrthm_MaxNum
+/*  Scan type including active and passive scan. */
+enum rt_scan_type {
+       SCAN_ACTIVE,
+       SCAN_MIX,
+enum {
+       GHZ24_50 = 0,
+       GHZ_50,
+       GHZ_24,
+       SCAN_RESULT_P2P_ONLY = 0,       /*      Will return all the P2P devices. */
+       SCAN_RESULT_ALL = 1,            /*      Will return all the scanned device, include AP. */
+       SCAN_RESULT_WFD_TYPE = 2        /*      Will just return the correct WFD device. */
+                                       /*      If this device is Miracast sink device, it will just return all the Miracast source devices. */
+there are several "locks" in mlme_priv,
+since mlme_priv is a shared resource between many threads,
+like ISR/Call-Back functions, the OID handlers, and even timer functions.
+Each _queue has its own locks, already.
+Other items are protected by mlme_priv.lock.
+To avoid possible dead lock, any thread trying to modifiying mlme_priv
+SHALL not lock up more than one locks at a time!
+#define traffic_threshold      10
+#define        traffic_scan_period     500
+struct sitesurvey_ctrl {
+       u64     last_tx_pkts;
+       uint    last_rx_pkts;
+       int     traffic_busy;
+       struct timer_list       sitesurvey_ctrl_timer;
+struct rt_link_detect {
+       u32     NumTxOkInPeriod;
+       u32     NumRxOkInPeriod;
+       u32     NumRxUnicastOkInPeriod;
+       bool    bBusyTraffic;
+       bool    bTxBusyTraffic;
+       bool    bRxBusyTraffic;
+       bool    bHigherBusyTraffic; /*  For interrupt migration purpose. */
+       bool    bHigherBusyRxTraffic; /*  We may disable Tx interrupt according as Rx traffic. */
+       bool    bHigherBusyTxTraffic; /*  We may disable Tx interrupt according as Tx traffic. */
+struct profile_info {
+       u8      ssidlen;
+       u8      ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN];
+       u8      peermac[ETH_ALEN];
+struct tx_invite_req_info {
+       u8      token;
+       u8      benable;
+       u8      go_ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN];
+       u8      ssidlen;
+       u8      go_bssid[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      peer_macaddr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      operating_ch;   /* This information will be set by using the p2p_set op_ch = x */
+       u8      peer_ch;        /* The listen channel for peer P2P device */
+struct tx_invite_resp_info {
+       u8      token;  /*      Used to record the dialog token of p2p invitation request frame. */
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+struct wifi_display_info {
+       u16     wfd_enable;             /* Enable/Disable the WFD function. */
+       u16     rtsp_ctrlport;          /* TCP port number at which the this WFD device listens for RTSP messages */
+       u16     peer_rtsp_ctrlport;     /* TCP port number at which the peer WFD device listens for RTSP messages */
+                                       /* This filed should be filled when receiving the gropu negotiation request */
+       u8      peer_session_avail;     /* WFD session is available or not for the peer wfd device. */
+                                       /* This variable will be set when sending the provisioning discovery request to peer WFD device. */
+                                       /* And this variable will be reset when it is read by using the iwpriv p2p_get wfd_sa command. */
+       u8      ip_address[4];
+       u8      peer_ip_address[4];
+       u8      wfd_pc;         /* WFD preferred connection */
+                               /* 0 -> Prefer to use the P2P for WFD connection on peer side. */
+                               /* 1 -> Prefer to use the TDLS for WFD connection on peer side. */
+       u8      wfd_device_type;/* WFD Device Type */
+                               /* 0 -> WFD Source Device */
+                               /* 1 -> WFD Primary Sink Device */
+       enum    SCAN_RESULT_TYPE scan_result_type;      /* Used when P2P is enable. This parameter will impact the scan result. */
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+struct tx_provdisc_req_info {
+       u16     wps_config_method_request;      /* Used when sending the provisioning request frame */
+       u16     peer_channel_num[2];            /* The channel number which the receiver stands. */
+       struct  cfg80211_ssid ssid;
+       u8      peerDevAddr[ETH_ALEN];  /* Peer device address */
+       u8      peerIFAddr[ETH_ALEN];           /* Peer interface address */
+       u8      benable;                        /* This provision discovery request frame is trigger to send or not */
+struct rx_provdisc_req_info {  /* When peer device issue prov_disc_req first, we should store the following informations */
+       u8      peerDevAddr[ETH_ALEN];          /*      Peer device address */
+       u8      strconfig_method_desc_of_prov_disc_req[4];      /*      description for the config method located in the provisioning discovery request frame. */
+                                                                                                                                       /*      The UI must know this information to know which config method the remote p2p device is requiring. */
+struct tx_nego_req_info {
+       u16     peer_channel_num[2];    /* The channel number which the receiver stands. */
+       u8      peerDevAddr[ETH_ALEN];/* Peer device address */
+       u8      benable;                /* This negoitation request frame is trigger to send or not */
+struct group_id_info {
+       u8 go_device_addr[ETH_ALEN]; /*The GO's device address of P2P group */
+       u8 ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN]; /* The SSID of this P2P group */
+struct scan_limit_info {
+       u8      scan_op_ch_only;        /* When this flag is set, the driver should just scan the operation channel */
+       u8      operation_ch[2];        /* Store the operation channel of invitation request frame */
+struct cfg80211_wifidirect_info {
+       struct timer_list               remain_on_ch_timer;
+       u8              restore_channel;
+       struct ieee80211_channel        remain_on_ch_channel;
+       enum nl80211_channel_type       remain_on_ch_type;
+       u64     remain_on_ch_cookie;
+       bool is_ro_ch;
+struct wifidirect_info {
+       struct rtw_adapter      *padapter;
+       struct timer_list       find_phase_timer;
+       struct timer_list       restore_p2p_state_timer;
+       /*      Used to do the scanning. After confirming the peer is availalble, the driver transmits the P2P frame to peer. */
+       struct timer_list       pre_tx_scan_timer;
+       struct timer_list       reset_ch_sitesurvey;
+       struct timer_list       reset_ch_sitesurvey2;   /*      Just for resetting the scan limit function by using p2p nego */
+       struct tx_provdisc_req_info     tx_prov_disc_info;
+       struct rx_provdisc_req_info rx_prov_disc_info;
+       struct tx_invite_req_info       invitereq_info;
+       struct profile_info     profileinfo[P2P_MAX_PERSISTENT_GROUP_NUM];      /*      Store the profile information of persistent group */
+       struct tx_invite_resp_info      inviteresp_info;
+       struct tx_nego_req_info nego_req_info;
+       struct group_id_info    groupid_info;   /*      Store the group id information when doing the group negotiation handshake. */
+       struct scan_limit_info  rx_invitereq_info;      /*      Used for get the limit scan channel from the Invitation procedure */
+       struct scan_limit_info  p2p_info;               /*      Used for get the limit scan channel from the P2P negotiation handshake */
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+       struct wifi_display_info        *wfd_info;
+       enum P2P_ROLE   role;
+       enum P2P_STATE  pre_p2p_state;
+       enum P2P_STATE  p2p_state;
+       u8      device_addr[ETH_ALEN];  /*      The device address should be the mac address of this device. */
+       u8      interface_addr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      social_chan[4];
+       u8      listen_channel;
+       u8      operating_channel;
+       u8      listen_dwell;           /*      This value should be between 1 and 3 */
+       u8      support_rate[8];
+       u8      p2p_wildcard_ssid[P2P_WILDCARD_SSID_LEN];
+       u8      intent;         /*      should only include the intent value. */
+       u8      p2p_peer_interface_addr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      p2p_peer_device_addr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      peer_intent;    /*      Included the intent value and tie breaker value. */
+       u8      device_name[WPS_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN];   /*      Device name for displaying on searching device screen */
+       u8      device_name_len;
+       u8      profileindex;   /*      Used to point to the index of profileinfo array */
+       u8      peer_operating_ch;
+       u8      find_phase_state_exchange_cnt;
+       u16     device_password_id_for_nego;    /*      The device password ID for group negotation */
+       u8      negotiation_dialog_token;
+       /*      SSID information for group negotitation */
+       u8 nego_ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN];
+       u8 nego_ssidlen;
+       u8 p2p_group_ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN];
+       u8 p2p_group_ssid_len;
+       u8      persistent_supported;   /*      Flag to know the persistent function should be supported or not. */
+                                       /*      In the Sigma test, the Sigma will provide this enable from the sta_set_p2p CAPI. */
+                                       /*      0: disable */
+                                       /*      1: enable */
+       u8      session_available;      /*      Flag to set the WFD session available to enable or disable "by Sigma" */
+                                       /*      In the Sigma test, the Sigma will disable the session available by using the sta_preset CAPI. */
+                                       /*      0: disable */
+                                       /*      1: enable */
+       u8      wfd_tdls_enable;        /*      Flag to enable or disable the TDLS by WFD Sigma */
+                                       /*      0: disable */
+                                       /*      1: enable */
+       u8      wfd_tdls_weaksec;       /*      Flag to enable or disable the weak security function for TDLS by WFD Sigma */
+                               /*      0: disable */
+                               /*      In this case, the driver can't issue the tdsl setup request frame. */
+                               /*      1: enable */
+                               /*      In this case, the driver can issue the tdls setup request frame */
+                               /*      even the current security is weak security. */
+       enum    P2P_WPSINFO             ui_got_wps_info;                        /*      This field will store the WPS value (PIN value or PBC) that UI had got from the user. */
+       u16     supported_wps_cm;                       /*      This field describes the WPS config method which this driver supported. */
+                                                                                                               /*      The value should be the combination of config method defined in page104 of WPS v2.0 spec. */
+       uint    channel_list_attr_len;          /*      This field will contain the length of body of P2P Channel List attribute of group negotitation response frame. */
+       u8      channel_list_attr[100];         /*      This field will contain the body of P2P Channel List attribute of group negotitation response frame. */
+                                                                                                               /*      We will use the channel_cnt and channel_list fields when constructing the group negotitation confirm frame. */
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+       enum P2P_PS_MODE        p2p_ps_mode; /*  indicate p2p ps mode */
+       enum P2P_PS_STATE       p2p_ps_state; /*  indicate p2p ps state */
+       u8      noa_index; /*  Identifies and instance of Notice of Absence timing. */
+       u8      ctwindow; /*  Client traffic window. A period of time in TU after TBTT. */
+       u8      opp_ps; /*  opportunistic power save. */
+       u8      noa_num; /*  number of NoA descriptor in P2P IE. */
+       u8      noa_count[P2P_MAX_NOA_NUM]; /*  Count for owner, Type of client. */
+       u32     noa_duration[P2P_MAX_NOA_NUM]; /*  Max duration for owner, preferred or min acceptable duration for client. */
+       u32     noa_interval[P2P_MAX_NOA_NUM]; /*  Length of interval for owner, preferred or max acceptable interval of client. */
+       u32     noa_start_time[P2P_MAX_NOA_NUM]; /*  schedule expressed in terms of the lower 4 bytes of the TSF timer. */
+#endif /*  CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+struct tdls_ss_record {        /* signal strength record */
+       u8      macaddr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      RxPWDBAll;
+       u8      is_tdls_sta;    /*  true: direct link sta, false: else */
+struct tdls_info {
+       u8      ap_prohibited;
+       uint    setup_state;
+       u8      sta_cnt;
+       /* 1:tdls sta == (NUM_STA-1), reach max direct link no; 0: else; */
+       u8      sta_maximum;
+       struct tdls_ss_record   ss_record;
+       u8      macid_index;    /* macid entry that is ready to write */
+       /* cam entry that is trying to clear, using it in direct link teardown*/
+       u8      clear_cam;
+       u8      ch_sensing;
+       u8      cur_channel;
+       u8      candidate_ch;
+       u8      collect_pkt_num[MAX_CHANNEL_NUM];
+       spinlock_t      cmd_lock;
+       spinlock_t      hdl_lock;
+       u8      watchdog_count;
+       u8      dev_discovered;         /* WFD_TDLS: for sigma test */
+       u8      enable;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+       struct wifi_display_info                *wfd_info;
+struct mlme_priv {
+       spinlock_t      lock;
+       int     fw_state;
+       u8 bScanInProcess;
+       u8      to_join; /* flag */
+       u8 to_roaming; /*  roaming trying times */
+       struct rtw_adapter *nic_hdl;
+       u8      not_indic_disco;
+       struct rtw_queue        scanned_queue;
+       struct cfg80211_ssid assoc_ssid;
+       u8      assoc_bssid[6];
+       struct wlan_network     cur_network;
+       /* uint wireless_mode; no used, remove it */
+       u32     scan_interval;
+       struct timer_list assoc_timer;
+       uint assoc_by_bssid;
+       uint assoc_by_rssi;
+       struct timer_list scan_to_timer;
+       struct timer_list set_scan_deny_timer;
+       atomic_t set_scan_deny; /* 0: allowed, 1: deny */
+       struct qos_priv qospriv;
+       /* Number of non-HT AP/stations */
+       int num_sta_no_ht;
+       int num_FortyMHzIntolerant;
+       struct ht_priv  htpriv;
+       struct rt_link_detect LinkDetectInfo;
+       struct timer_list dynamic_chk_timer; /* dynamic/periodic check timer */
+       u8      key_mask; /* use for ips to set wep key after ips_leave23a */
+       u8      acm_mask; /*  for wmm acm mask */
+       u8      ChannelPlan;
+       enum rt_scan_type scan_mode; /*  active: 1, passive: 0 */
+       u8 *wps_probe_req_ie;
+       u32 wps_probe_req_ie_len;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+       /* Number of associated Non-ERP stations (i.e., stations using 802.11b
+        * in 802.11g BSS) */
+       int num_sta_non_erp;
+       /* Number of associated stations that do not support Short Slot Time */
+       int num_sta_no_short_slot_time;
+       /* Number of associated stations that do not support Short Preamble */
+       int num_sta_no_short_preamble;
+       int olbc; /* Overlapping Legacy BSS Condition */
+       /* Number of HT associated stations that do not support greenfield */
+       int num_sta_ht_no_gf;
+       /* Number of associated non-HT stations */
+       /* int num_sta_no_ht; */
+       /* Number of HT associated stations 20 MHz */
+       int num_sta_ht_20mhz;
+       /* Overlapping BSS information */
+       int olbc_ht;
+       u16 ht_op_mode;
+       u8 *assoc_req;
+       u32 assoc_req_len;
+       u8 *assoc_rsp;
+       u32 assoc_rsp_len;
+       u8 *wps_beacon_ie;
+       /* u8 *wps_probe_req_ie; */
+       u8 *wps_probe_resp_ie;
+       u8 *wps_assoc_resp_ie;
+       u32 wps_beacon_ie_len;
+       /* u32 wps_probe_req_ie_len; */
+       u32 wps_probe_resp_ie_len;
+       u32 wps_assoc_resp_ie_len;
+       u8 *p2p_beacon_ie;
+       u8 *p2p_probe_req_ie;
+       u8 *p2p_probe_resp_ie;
+       u8 *p2p_go_probe_resp_ie; /* for GO */
+       u8 *p2p_assoc_req_ie;
+       u32 p2p_beacon_ie_len;
+       u32 p2p_probe_req_ie_len;
+       u32 p2p_probe_resp_ie_len;
+       u32 p2p_go_probe_resp_ie_len; /* for GO */
+       u32 p2p_assoc_req_ie_len;
+       spinlock_t      bcn_update_lock;
+       u8              update_bcn;
+#endif /* ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE */
+#if defined(CONFIG_8723AU_P2P)
+       u8 *wfd_beacon_ie;
+       u8 *wfd_probe_req_ie;
+       u8 *wfd_probe_resp_ie;
+       u8 *wfd_go_probe_resp_ie; /* for GO */
+       u8 *wfd_assoc_req_ie;
+       u32 wfd_beacon_ie_len;
+       u32 wfd_probe_req_ie_len;
+       u32 wfd_probe_resp_ie_len;
+       u32 wfd_go_probe_resp_ie_len; /* for GO */
+       u32 wfd_assoc_req_ie_len;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+struct hostapd_priv {
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+int hostapd_mode_init(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void hostapd_mode_unload(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_joinbss_event_prehandle23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *pbuf);
+void rtw_survey_event_cb23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *pbuf);
+void rtw_surveydone_event_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *pbuf);
+void rtw23a_joinbss_event_cb(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *pbuf);
+void rtw_stassoc_event_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *pbuf);
+void rtw_stadel_event_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *pbuf);
+void rtw_atimdone_event_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *pbuf);
+void rtw_cpwm_event_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *pbuf);
+int event_thread(void *context);
+void rtw23a_join_to_handler(unsigned long);
+void rtw_free_network_queue23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 isfreeall);
+int rtw_init_mlme_priv23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_free_mlme_priv23a(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv);
+int rtw_select_and_join_from_scanned_queue23a(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv);
+int rtw_set_key23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter,
+               struct security_priv *psecuritypriv, int keyid, u8 set_tx);
+int rtw_set_auth23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter,
+                struct security_priv *psecuritypriv);
+static inline u8 *get_bssid(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv)
+{      /* if sta_mode:pmlmepriv-> => bssid */
+       /*  if adhoc_mode:pmlmepriv-> => ibss mac address */
+       return pmlmepriv->;
+static inline int check_fwstate(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv, int state)
+       if (pmlmepriv->fw_state & state)
+               return true;
+       return false;
+static inline int get_fwstate(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv)
+       return pmlmepriv->fw_state;
+ * No Limit on the calling context,
+ * therefore set it to be the critical section...
+ *
+ * ### NOTE:#### (!!!!)
+ */
+static inline void set_fwstate(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv, int state)
+       pmlmepriv->fw_state |= state;
+       /* FOR HW integration */
+       if (_FW_UNDER_SURVEY == state)
+               pmlmepriv->bScanInProcess = true;
+static inline void _clr_fwstate_(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv, int state)
+       pmlmepriv->fw_state &= ~state;
+       /* FOR HW integration */
+       if (_FW_UNDER_SURVEY == state)
+               pmlmepriv->bScanInProcess = false;
+ * No Limit on the calling context,
+ * therefore set it to be the critical section...
+ */
+static inline void clr_fwstate(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv, int state)
+       spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->lock);
+       if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, state) == true)
+               pmlmepriv->fw_state ^= state;
+       spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->lock);
+static inline void clr_fwstate_ex(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv, int state)
+       spin_lock_bh(&pmlmepriv->lock);
+       _clr_fwstate_(pmlmepriv, state);
+       spin_unlock_bh(&pmlmepriv->lock);
+u16 rtw_get_capability23a(struct wlan_bssid_ex *bss);
+void rtw_update_scanned_network23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter,
+                               struct wlan_bssid_ex *target);
+void rtw_disconnect_hdl23a_under_linked(struct rtw_adapter *adapter,
+                                    struct sta_info *psta, u8 free_assoc);
+void rtw_generate_random_ibss23a(u8 *pibss);
+struct wlan_network *rtw_find_network23a(struct rtw_queue *scanned_queue, u8 *addr);
+struct wlan_network *rtw_get_oldest_wlan_network23a(struct rtw_queue *scanned_queue);
+void rtw_free_assoc_resources23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter,
+                             int lock_scanned_queue);
+void rtw_indicate_disconnect23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_indicate_connect23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_indicate_scan_done23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, bool aborted);
+void rtw_scan_abort23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+int rtw_restruct_sec_ie23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *in_ie, u8 *out_ie,
+                       uint in_len);
+int rtw_restruct_wmm_ie23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *in_ie, u8 *out_ie,
+                       uint in_len, uint initial_out_len);
+void rtw_init_registrypriv_dev_network23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_update_registrypriv_dev_network23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_get_encrypt_decrypt_from_registrypriv23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_scan_timeout_handler23a(unsigned long data);
+void rtw_dynamic_check_timer_handler(unsigned long data);
+bool rtw_is_scan_deny(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_clear_scan_deny(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_set_scan_deny_timer_hdl(unsigned long data);
+void rtw_set_scan_deny(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u32 ms);
+int _rtw_init_mlme_priv23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw23a_free_mlme_priv_ie_data(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv);
+void _rtw_free_mlme_priv23a(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv);
+struct wlan_network *rtw_alloc_network(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv);
+void _rtw_free_network23a(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv,
+                      struct wlan_network *pnetwork, u8 isfreeall);
+void _rtw_free_network23a_nolock23a(struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv,
+                             struct wlan_network *pnetwork);
+struct wlan_network *_rtw_find_network23a(struct rtw_queue *scanned_queue, u8 *addr);
+void _rtw_free_network23a_queue23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 isfreeall);
+int rtw_if_up23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_linked_check(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 *rtw_get_capability23a_from_ie(u8 *ie);
+u8 *rtw_get_timestampe_from_ie23a(u8 *ie);
+u8 *rtw_get_beacon_interval23a_from_ie(u8 *ie);
+void rtw_joinbss_reset23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+unsigned int rtw_restructure_ht_ie23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *in_ie,
+                                  u8 *out_ie, uint in_len, uint *pout_len);
+void rtw_update_ht_cap23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                      u8 *pie, uint ie_len);
+void rtw_issue_addbareq_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                           struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+int rtw_is_same_ibss23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter,
+                    struct wlan_network *pnetwork);
+int is_same_network23a(struct wlan_bssid_ex *src, struct wlan_bssid_ex *dst);
+void _rtw23a_roaming(struct rtw_adapter *adapter,
+                 struct wlan_network *tgt_network);
+void rtw23a_roaming(struct rtw_adapter *adapter,
+                struct wlan_network *tgt_network);
+void rtw_set_roaming(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 to_roaming);
+u8 rtw_to_roaming(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_stassoc_hw_rpt23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+#endif /* __RTL871X_MLME_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_mlme_ext.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_mlme_ext.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d1c2d71
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_MLME_EXT_H_
+#define __RTW_MLME_EXT_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include <wlan_bssdef.h>
+/*     Commented by Albert 20101105 */
+/*     Increase the SURVEY_TO value from 100 to 150  ( 100ms to 150ms ) */
+/*     The Realtek 8188CE SoftAP will spend around 100ms to send the probe response after receiving the probe request. */
+/*     So, this driver tried to extend the dwell time for each scanning channel. */
+/*     This will increase the chance to receive the probe response from SoftAP. */
+#define SURVEY_TO              (100)
+#define REAUTH_TO              (300) /* 50) */
+#define REASSOC_TO             (300) /* 50) */
+/* define DISCONNECT_TO        (3000) */
+#define ADDBA_TO                       (2000)
+#define LINKED_TO (1) /* unit:2 sec, 1x2=2 sec */
+#define REAUTH_LIMIT   (4)
+#define REASSOC_LIMIT  (4)
+#define READDBA_LIMIT  (2)
+#define ROAMING_LIMIT  8
+#define        DYNAMIC_FUNC_DISABLE                    (0x0)
+/*  ====== enum odm_ability ======== */
+/*  BB ODM section BIT 0-15 */
+#define        DYNAMIC_BB_DIG                          BIT(0)
+#define        DYNAMIC_BB_RA_MASK                      BIT(1)
+#define        DYNAMIC_BB_DYNAMIC_TXPWR        BIT(2)
+#define        DYNAMIC_BB_BB_FA_CNT                    BIT(3)
+#define                DYNAMIC_BB_RSSI_MONITOR         BIT(4)
+#define                DYNAMIC_BB_CCK_PD                       BIT(5)
+#define                DYNAMIC_BB_ANT_DIV                      BIT(6)
+#define                DYNAMIC_BB_PWR_SAVE                     BIT(7)
+#define                DYNAMIC_BB_PWR_TRAIN                    BIT(8)
+#define                DYNAMIC_BB_RATE_ADAPTIVE                BIT(9)
+#define                DYNAMIC_BB_PATH_DIV                     BIT(10)
+#define                DYNAMIC_BB_PSD                          BIT(11)
+/*  MAC DM section BIT 16-23 */
+#define                DYNAMIC_MAC_struct edca_turboURBO               BIT(16)
+#define                DYNAMIC_MAC_EARLY_MODE          BIT(17)
+/*  RF ODM section BIT 24-31 */
+#define                DYNAMIC_RF_TX_PWR_TRACK         BIT(24)
+#define                DYNAMIC_RF_RX_GAIN_TRACK                BIT(25)
+#define                DYNAMIC_RF_CALIBRATION          BIT(26)
+#define                DYNAMIC_ALL_FUNC_ENABLE         0xFFFFFFF
+#define _HW_STATE_NOLINK_              0x00
+#define _HW_STATE_ADHOC_               0x01
+#define _HW_STATE_STATION_     0x02
+#define _HW_STATE_AP_                  0x03
+#define                _1M_RATE_       0
+#define                _2M_RATE_       1
+#define                _5M_RATE_       2
+#define                _11M_RATE_      3
+#define                _6M_RATE_       4
+#define                _9M_RATE_       5
+#define                _12M_RATE_      6
+#define                _18M_RATE_      7
+#define                _24M_RATE_      8
+#define                _36M_RATE_      9
+#define                _48M_RATE_      10
+#define                _54M_RATE_      11
+extern unsigned char RTW_WPA_OUI23A[];
+extern unsigned char WMM_OUI23A[];
+extern unsigned char WPS_OUI23A[];
+extern unsigned char WFD_OUI23A[];
+extern unsigned char P2P_OUI23A[];
+extern unsigned char WMM_INFO_OUI23A[];
+extern unsigned char WMM_PARA_OUI23A[];
+/*  */
+/*  Channel Plan Type. */
+/*  Note: */
+/*     We just add new channel plan when the new channel plan is different from any of the following */
+/*     channel plan. */
+/*     If you just wnat to customize the acitions(scan period or join actions) about one of the channel plan, */
+/*     customize them in struct rt_channel_info in the RT_CHANNEL_LIST. */
+/*  */
+enum  { /* _RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN */
+       /*  old channel plan mapping ===== */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC = 0x00,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_IC = 0x01,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_ETSI = 0x02,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK = 0x05,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK1 = 0x06,
+       /*  new channel plan mapping, (2GDOMAIN_5GDOMAIN) ===== */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_FCC1 = 0x25,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK1_MKK1 = 0x27,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_FCC7 = 0x34,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK1_MKK2 = 0x37,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MKK1_MKK3 = 0x38,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_NCC1 = 0x39,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_FCC1_NCC2 = 0x40,
+       /*  Add new channel plan above this line=============== */
+enum { /* _RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_WORLD = 0x00,              /* Worldwird 13 */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_ETSI1 = 0x01,              /* Europe */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_FCC1 = 0x02,               /* US */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_MKK1 = 0x03,               /* Japan */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_ETSI2 = 0x04,              /* France */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_2G_NULL = 0x05,
+       /*  Add new channel plan above this line=============== */
+enum { /* _RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_NULL = 0x00,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI1 = 0x01,              /* Europe */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI2 = 0x02,              /* Australia, New Zealand */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_ETSI3 = 0x03,              /* Russia */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC1 = 0x04,               /* US */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC2 = 0x05,               /* FCC o/w DFS Channels */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC3 = 0x06,               /* India, Mexico */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC4 = 0x07,               /* Venezuela */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC5 = 0x08,               /* China */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC6 = 0x09,               /* Israel */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC7_IC1 = 0x0A,   /* US, Canada */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_KCC1 = 0x0B,               /* Korea */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_MKK1 = 0x0C,               /* Japan */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_MKK2 = 0x0D,               /* Japan (W52, W53) */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_MKK3 = 0x0E,               /* Japan (W56) */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_NCC1 = 0x0F,               /* Taiwan */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_NCC2 = 0x10,               /* Taiwan o/w DFS */
+       /*  Add new channel plan above this line=============== */
+       /*  Driver Self Defined ===== */
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC = 0x11,
+       RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_5G_FCC4_NO_DFS = 0x13,
+#define rtw_is_channel_plan_valid(chplan) (chplan<RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_MAX || chplan == RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_REALTEK_DEFINE)
+struct rt_channel_plan {
+       unsigned char   Channel[MAX_CHANNEL_NUM];
+       unsigned char   Len;
+struct rt_channel_plan_2g {
+       unsigned char   Channel[MAX_CHANNEL_NUM_2G];
+       unsigned char   Len;
+struct rt_channel_plan_5g {
+       unsigned char   Channel[MAX_CHANNEL_NUM_5G];
+       unsigned char   Len;
+struct rt_channel_plan_map {
+       unsigned char   Index2G;
+       unsigned char   Index5G;
+enum Associated_AP {
+       atherosAP       = 0,
+       broadcomAP      = 1,
+       ciscoAP         = 2,
+       marvellAP       = 3,
+       ralinkAP        = 4,
+       realtekAP       = 5,
+       airgocapAP      = 6,
+       unknownAP       = 7,
+       maxAP,
+enum { /* HT_IOT_PEER_E */
+       HT_IOT_PEER_UNKNOWN             = 0,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_REALTEK             = 1,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_REALTEK_92SE        = 2,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_BROADCOM            = 3,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_RALINK              = 4,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_ATHEROS             = 5,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_CISCO               = 6,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_MERU                = 7,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_MARVELL             = 8,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_REALTEK_SOFTAP      = 9,/*  peer is RealTek SOFT_AP, by Bohn, 2009.12.17 */
+       HT_IOT_PEER_SELF_SOFTAP         = 10, /*  Self is SoftAP */
+       HT_IOT_PEER_AIRGO               = 11,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_INTEL               = 12,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_RTK_APCLIENT        = 13,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_REALTEK_81XX        = 14,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_REALTEK_WOW         = 15,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_TENDA               = 16,
+       HT_IOT_PEER_MAX                 = 17
+enum SCAN_STATE {
+       SCAN_DISABLE = 0,
+       SCAN_START = 1,
+       SCAN_TXNULL = 2,
+       SCAN_PROCESS = 3,
+       SCAN_COMPLETE = 4,
+struct mlme_handler {
+       char *str;
+       unsigned int (*func)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+struct action_handler {
+       unsigned int   num;
+       char* str;
+       unsigned int (*func)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+struct ss_res
+       int     state;
+       int     bss_cnt;
+       int     channel_idx;
+       int     scan_mode;
+       u8 ssid_num;
+       u8 ch_num;
+       struct cfg80211_ssid ssid[RTW_SSID_SCAN_AMOUNT];
+       struct rtw_ieee80211_channel ch[RTW_CHANNEL_SCAN_AMOUNT];
+/* define AP_MODE                              0x0C */
+/* define STATION_MODE 0x08 */
+/* define AD_HOC_MODE          0x04 */
+/* define NO_LINK_MODE 0x00 */
+#define                WIFI_FW_NULL_STATE                      _HW_STATE_NOLINK_
+#define        WIFI_FW_STATION_STATE           _HW_STATE_STATION_
+#define        WIFI_FW_AP_STATE                                _HW_STATE_AP_
+#define        WIFI_FW_ADHOC_STATE                     _HW_STATE_ADHOC_
+#define        WIFI_FW_AUTH_NULL                       0x00000100
+#define        WIFI_FW_AUTH_STATE                      0x00000200
+#define        WIFI_FW_AUTH_SUCCESS                    0x00000400
+#define        WIFI_FW_ASSOC_STATE                     0x00002000
+#define        WIFI_FW_ASSOC_SUCCESS           0x00004000
+struct FW_Sta_Info {
+       struct sta_info *psta;
+       u32     status;
+       u32     rx_pkt;
+       u32     retry;
+       unsigned char SupportedRates[NDIS_802_11_LENGTH_RATES_EX];
+ * Usage:
+ * When one iface acted as AP mode and the other iface is STA mode and scanning,
+ * it should switch back to AP's operating channel periodically.
+ * Parameters info:
+ * When the driver scanned RTW_SCAN_NUM_OF_CH channels, it would switch back to AP's operating channel for
+ * Example:
+ * For chip supports 2.4G + 5GHz and AP mode is operating in channel 1,
+ * When it's STA mode gets set_scan command,
+ * it would
+ * 1. Doing the scan on channel
+ * 2. Back to channel 1 for 300 milliseconds
+ * 3. Go through doing site survey on channel
+ * 4. Back to channel 1 for 300 milliseconds
+ * 5. ... and so on, till survey done.
+ */
+struct mlme_ext_info
+       u32     state;
+       u32     reauth_count;
+       u32     reassoc_count;
+       u32     link_count;
+       u32     auth_seq;
+       u32     auth_algo;      /*  802.11 auth, could be open, shared, auto */
+       u32     authModeToggle;
+       u32     enc_algo;/* encrypt algorithm; */
+       u32     key_index;      /*  this is only valid for legendary wep, 0~3 for key id. */
+       u32     iv;
+       u8      chg_txt[128];
+       u16     aid;
+       u16     bcn_interval;
+       u16     capability;
+       u8      assoc_AP_vendor;
+       u8      slotTime;
+       u8      preamble_mode;
+       u8      WMM_enable;
+       u8      ERP_enable;
+       u8      ERP_IE;
+       u8      HT_enable;
+       u8      HT_caps_enable;
+       u8      HT_info_enable;
+       u8      HT_protection;
+       u8      turboMode_cts2self;
+       u8      turboMode_rtsen;
+       u8      SM_PS;
+       u8      agg_enable_bitmap;
+       u8      ADDBA_retry_count;
+       u8      candidate_tid_bitmap;
+       u8      dialogToken;
+       /*  Accept ADDBA Request */
+       bool bAcceptAddbaReq;
+       u8      bwmode_updated;
+       u8      hidden_ssid_mode;
+       struct ADDBA_request            ADDBA_req;
+       struct WMM_para_element WMM_param;
+       struct HT_caps_element  HT_caps;
+       struct HT_info_element          HT_info;
+       struct wlan_bssid_ex                    network;/* join network or bss_network, if in ap mode, it is the same to */
+       struct FW_Sta_Info              FW_sta_info[NUM_STA];
+/*  The channel information about this channel including joining, scanning, and power constraints. */
+struct rt_channel_info {
+       u8              ChannelNum;             /*  The channel number. */
+       enum rt_scan_type ScanType;             /*  Scan type such as passive or active scan. */
+int rtw_ch_set_search_ch23a(struct rt_channel_info *ch_set, const u32 ch);
+/*  P2P_MAX_REG_CLASSES - Maximum number of regulatory classes */
+#define P2P_MAX_REG_CLASSES 10
+/*  P2P_MAX_REG_CLASS_CHANNELS - Maximum number of channels per regulatory class */
+/*   struct p2p_channels - List of supported channels */
+struct p2p_channels {
+       /*  struct p2p_reg_class - Supported regulatory class */
+       struct p2p_reg_class {
+               /*  reg_class - Regulatory class (IEEE 802.11-2007, Annex J) */
+               u8 reg_class;
+               /*  channel - Supported channels */
+               u8 channel[P2P_MAX_REG_CLASS_CHANNELS];
+               /*  channels - Number of channel entries in use */
+               size_t channels;
+       } reg_class[P2P_MAX_REG_CLASSES];
+       /*  reg_classes - Number of reg_class entries in use */
+       size_t reg_classes;
+struct p2p_oper_class_map {
+       enum hw_mode {IEEE80211G,IEEE80211A} mode;
+       u8 op_class;
+       u8 min_chan;
+       u8 max_chan;
+       u8 inc;
+       enum {
+               BW20, BW40PLUS, BW40MINUS
+       } bw;
+struct mlme_ext_priv {
+       struct rtw_adapter      *padapter;
+       u8      mlmeext_init;
+       atomic_t                event_seq;
+       u16     mgnt_seq;
+       /* struct fw_priv       fwpriv; */
+       unsigned char   cur_channel;
+       unsigned char   cur_bwmode;
+       unsigned char   cur_ch_offset;/* PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET */
+       unsigned char   cur_wireless_mode;      /*  NETWORK_TYPE */
+       unsigned char   max_chan_nums;
+       struct rt_channel_info          channel_set[MAX_CHANNEL_NUM];
+       struct p2p_channels channel_list;
+       unsigned char   basicrate[NumRates];
+       unsigned char   datarate[NumRates];
+       struct ss_res           sitesurvey_res;
+       struct mlme_ext_info    mlmext_info;/* for sta/adhoc mode, including current scanning/connecting/connected related info. */
+                                                     /* for ap mode, network includes ap's cap_info */
+       struct timer_list               survey_timer;
+       struct timer_list               link_timer;
+       u16                     chan_scan_time;
+       u8      scan_abort;
+       u8      tx_rate; /*  TXRATE when USERATE is set. */
+       u32     retry; /* retry for issue probereq */
+       u64 TSFValue;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+       unsigned char bstart_bss;
+       u8 update_channel_plan_by_ap_done;
+       /* recv_decache check for Action_public frame */
+       u8 action_public_dialog_token;
+       u16      action_public_rxseq;
+       u8 active_keep_alive_check;
+int init_mlme_ext_priv23a(struct rtw_adapter* padapter);
+int init_hw_mlme_ext23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void free_mlme_ext_priv23a (struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext);
+void init_mlme_ext_timer23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void init_addba_retry_timer23a(struct sta_info *psta);
+struct xmit_frame *alloc_mgtxmitframe23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv);
+unsigned char networktype_to_raid23a(unsigned char network_type);
+u8 judge_network_type23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *rate,
+                     int ratelen);
+void get_rate_set23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbssrate,
+                 int *bssrate_len);
+void UpdateBrateTbl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,u8 *mBratesOS);
+void Update23aTblForSoftAP(u8 *bssrateset, u32 bssratelen);
+void Save_DM_Func_Flag23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void Restore_DM_Func_Flag23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void Switch_DM_Func23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned long mode, u8 enable);
+void Set_MSR23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 type);
+u8 rtw_get_oper_ch23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_set_oper_ch23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 ch);
+u8 rtw_get_oper_bw23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_set_oper_bw23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 bw);
+u8 rtw_get_oper_ch23aoffset(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_set_oper_ch23aoffset23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 offset);
+void set_channel_bwmode23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char channel,
+                       unsigned char channel_offset, unsigned short bwmode);
+void SelectChannel23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char channel);
+void SetBWMode23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned short bwmode,
+              unsigned char channel_offset);
+unsigned int decide_wait_for_beacon_timeout23a(unsigned int bcn_interval);
+void write_cam23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 entry, u16 ctrl,
+              u8 *mac, u8 *key);
+void clear_cam_entry23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 entry);
+void invalidate_cam_all23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void CAM_empty_entry23a(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u8 ucIndex);
+int allocate_fw_sta_entry23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void flush_all_cam_entry23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+bool IsLegal5GChannel(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u8 channel);
+void site_survey23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 collect_bss_info23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                   struct recv_frame *precv_frame,
+                   struct wlan_bssid_ex *bssid);
+void update_network23a(struct wlan_bssid_ex *dst, struct wlan_bssid_ex *src,
+                   struct rtw_adapter *padapter, bool update_ie);
+int get_bsstype23a(unsigned short capability);
+u8 *get_my_bssid23a(struct wlan_bssid_ex *pnetwork);
+u16 get_beacon_interval23a(struct wlan_bssid_ex *bss);
+int is_client_associated_to_ap23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int is_client_associated_to_ibss23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int is_IBSS_empty23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+unsigned char check_assoc_AP23a(u8 *pframe, uint len);
+int WMM_param_handler23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                     struct ndis_802_11_var_ies *pIE);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+int WFD_info_handler(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                    struct ndis_802_11_var_ies *pIE);
+void WMMOnAssocRsp23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void HT_caps_handler23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                    struct ndis_802_11_var_ies *pIE);
+void HT_info_handler23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                    struct ndis_802_11_var_ies *pIE);
+void HTOnAssocRsp23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void ERP_IE_handler23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                   struct ndis_802_11_var_ies *pIE);
+void VCS_update23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void update_beacon23a_info(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pframe, uint len,
+                       struct sta_info *psta);
+int rtw_check_bcn_info23a(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u8 *pframe, u32 packet_len);
+void update_IOT_info23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void update_capinfo23a(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u16 updateCap);
+void update_wireless_mode23a(struct rtw_adapter * padapter);
+void update_tx_basic_rate23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 modulation);
+void update_bmc_sta_support_rate23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 mac_id);
+int update_sta_support_rate23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8* pvar_ie,
+                           uint var_ie_len, int cam_idx);
+/* for sta/adhoc mode */
+void update_sta_info23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+unsigned int update_basic_rate23a(unsigned char *ptn, unsigned int ptn_sz);
+unsigned int update_supported_rate23a(unsigned char *ptn, unsigned int ptn_sz);
+unsigned int update_MSC_rate23a(struct HT_caps_element *pHT_caps);
+void Update_RA_Entry23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void set_sta_rate23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+unsigned int receive_disconnect23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                               unsigned char *MacAddr, unsigned short reason);
+unsigned char get_highest_rate_idx23a(u32 mask);
+int support_short_GI23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                    struct HT_caps_element *pHT_caps);
+unsigned int is_ap_in_tkip23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+unsigned int is_ap_in_wep23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+unsigned int should_forbid_n_rate23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void report_join_res23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, int res);
+void report_survey_event23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                        struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+void report_surveydone_event23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void report_del_sta_event23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                         unsigned char *MacAddr, unsigned short reason);
+void report_add_sta_event23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                         unsigned char *MacAddr, int cam_idx);
+void beacon_timing_control23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 set_tx_beacon_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter*padapter);
+unsigned int setup_beacon_frame(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                               unsigned char *beacon_frame);
+void update_mgnt_tx_rate23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 rate);
+void update_mgntframe_attrib23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                            struct pkt_attrib *pattrib);
+void dump_mgntframe23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                   struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe);
+s32 dump_mgntframe23a_and_wait(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                           struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe, int timeout_ms);
+s32 dump_mgntframe23a_and_wait_ack23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                               struct xmit_frame *pmgntframe);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+void issue_probersp23a_p2p23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *da);
+void issue_p2p_provision_request23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pssid,
+                                u8 ussidlen, u8* pdev_raddr);
+void issue_p2p_GO_request23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8* raddr);
+void issue23a_probereq_p2p(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *da);
+int issue23a_probereq_p2p_ex(struct rtw_adapter *adapter, u8 *da, int try_cnt,
+                         int wait_ms);
+void issue_p2p_invitation_response23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8* raddr,
+                                  u8 dialogToken, u8 success);
+void issue_p2p_invitation_request23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8* raddr);
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+void issue_beacon23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, int timeout_ms);
+void issue_probersp23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *da,
+                   u8 is_valid_p2p_probereq);
+void issue_assocreq23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void issue_asocrsp23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned short status,
+                  struct sta_info *pstat, int pkt_type);
+void issue_auth23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta,
+               unsigned short status);
+void issue_probereq23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct cfg80211_ssid *pssid,
+                   u8 *da);
+s32 issue_probereq23a_ex23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct cfg80211_ssid *pssid,
+                     u8 *da, int try_cnt, int wait_ms);
+int issue_nulldata23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *da,
+                  unsigned int power_mode, int try_cnt, int wait_ms);
+int issue_qos_nulldata23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *da, u16 tid,
+                      int try_cnt, int wait_ms);
+int issue_deauth23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *da,
+                unsigned short reason);
+int issue_deauth23a_ex23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *da, unsigned short reason,
+                   int try_cnt, int wait_ms);
+void issue_action_spct_ch_switch23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *ra,
+                                u8 new_ch, u8 ch_offset);
+void issue_action_BA23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *raddr,
+                    unsigned char action, unsigned short status);
+unsigned int send_delba23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 initiator, u8 *addr);
+unsigned int send_beacon23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void start_clnt_assoc23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void start_clnt_auth23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void start_clnt_join23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void start_create_ibss23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+unsigned int OnAssocReq23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAssocRsp23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnProbeReq23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnProbeRsp23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int DoReserved23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnBeacon23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAtim23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnDisassoc23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAuth23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAuth23aClient23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnDeAuth23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAction23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int on_action_spct23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAction23a_qos(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAction23a_dls(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAction23a_back23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int on_action_public23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAction23a_ht(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAction23a_wmm(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+unsigned int OnAction23a_p2p(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
+void mlmeext_joinbss_event_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, int join_res);
+void mlmeext_sta_del_event_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void mlmeext_sta_add_event_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void linked_status_chk23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+#define set_survey_timer(mlmeext, ms) \
+       /*DBG_8723A("%s set_survey_timer(%p, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (mlmeext), (ms));*/ \
+       mod_timer(&mlmeext->survey_timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(ms));
+#define set_link_timer(mlmeext, ms) \
+       /*DBG_8723A("%s set_link_timer(%p, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, (mlmeext), (ms));*/ \
+       mod_timer(&mlmeext->link_timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(ms));
+int cckrates_included23a(unsigned char *rate, int ratelen);
+int cckratesonly_included23a(unsigned char *rate, int ratelen);
+void process_addba_req23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *paddba_req, u8 *addr);
+void update_TSF23a(struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext, u8 *pframe, uint len);
+void correct_TSF23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext);
+struct cmd_hdl {
+       uint    parmsize;
+       u8 (*h2cfuns)(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 read_macreg_hdl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 write_macreg_hdl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 read_bbreg_hdl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 write_bbreg_hdl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 read_rfreg_hdl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 write_rfreg_hdl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 NULL_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 join_cmd_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 disconnect_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 createbss_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 setopmode_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 sitesurvey_cmd_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 setauth_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 setkey_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 set_stakey_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 set_assocsta_hdl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 del_assocsta_hdl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 add_ba_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf);
+u8 mlme_evt_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf);
+u8 h2c_msg_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf);
+u8 tx_beacon_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf);
+u8 set_ch_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *pbuf);
+u8 set_chplan_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf);
+u8 led_blink_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf);
+u8 set_csa_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf);  /* Kurt: Handling DFS channel switch announcement ie. */
+u8 tdls_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, unsigned char *pbuf);
+#define GEN_DRV_CMD_HANDLER(size, cmd) {size, &cmd ## _hdl23a},
+#define GEN_MLME_EXT_HANDLER(size, cmd)        {size, cmd},
+struct C2HEvent_Header {
+       unsigned int len:16;
+       unsigned int ID:8;
+       unsigned int seq:8;
+#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN)
+       unsigned int seq:8;
+       unsigned int ID:8;
+       unsigned int len:16;
+#  error "Must be LITTLE or BIG Endian"
+       unsigned int rsvd;
+void rtw_dummy_event_callback23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter , u8 *pbuf);
+void rtw23a_fwdbg_event_callback(struct rtw_adapter *adapter , u8 *pbuf);
+enum rtw_c2h_event {
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_Read_MACREG) = 0, /*0*/
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_Read_BBREG),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_Read_RFREG),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_Read_EEPROM),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_Read_EFUSE),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_Read_CAM),                        /*5*/
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_Get_BasicRate),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_Get_DataRate),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_Survey),   /*8*/
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_SurveyDone),       /*9*/
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_JoinBss) , /*10*/
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_AddSTA),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_DelSTA),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_AtimDone) ,
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_TX_Report),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_CCX_Report),                      /*15*/
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_DTM_Report),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_TX_Rate_Statistics),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_C2HLBK),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_C2HFEEDBACK),               /*20*/
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_C2HBCN),
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_ReportPwrState),          /* filen: only for PCIE, USB */
+       GEN_EVT_CODE(_CloseRF),                         /* filen: only for PCIE, work around ASPM */
+       MAX_C2HEVT
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_p2p.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_p2p.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..93fdc65
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_P2P_H_
+#define __RTW_P2P_H_
+#include <drv_types.h>
+u32 build_beacon_p2p_ie23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_probe_resp_p2p_ie23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_prov_disc_request_p2p_ie23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf,
+                                  u8 *pssid, u8 ussidlen, u8 *pdev_raddr);
+u32 build_assoc_resp_p2p_ie23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf,
+                           u8 status_code);
+u32 build_deauth_p2p_ie23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+u32 build_probe_req_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_probe_resp_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf,
+                           u8 tunneled);
+u32 build_beacon_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_nego_req_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_nego_resp_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_nego_confirm_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_invitation_req_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_invitation_resp_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_assoc_req_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_assoc_resp_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_provdisc_req_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+u32 build_provdisc_resp_wfd_ie(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pbuf);
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+u32 process_probe_req_p2p_ie23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pframe,
+                            uint len);
+u32 process_assoc_req_p2p_ie23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pframe,
+                            uint len, struct sta_info *psta);
+u32 process_p2p_devdisc_req23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pframe,
+                           uint len);
+u32 process_p2p_devdisc_resp23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pframe,
+                            uint len);
+u8 process_p2p_provdisc_req23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pframe,
+                           uint len);
+u8 process_p2p_provdisc_resp23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo, u8 *pframe);
+u8 process_p2p_group_negotation_req23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo,
+                                   u8 *pframe, uint len);
+u8 process_p2p_group_negotation_resp23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo,
+                                    u8 *pframe, uint len);
+u8 process_p2p_group_negotation_confirm23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo,
+                                       u8 *pframe, uint len);
+u8 process_p2p_presence_req23a(struct wifidirect_info *pwdinfo,
+                           u8 *pframe, uint len);
+void p2p_protocol_wk_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, int cmdtype);
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+void   process_p2p_ps_ie23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *IEs, u32 IELength);
+void   p2p_ps_wk_hdl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 p2p_ps_state);
+u8 p2p_ps_wk_cmd23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 p2p_ps_state, u8 enqueue);
+#endif /*  CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+void rtw_init_cfg80211_wifidirect_info(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_p2p_check_frames(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, const u8 *buf,
+                        u32 len, u8 tx);
+void rtw_append_wfd_ie(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *buf, u32 *len);
+void reset_global_wifidirect_info23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_init_wifi_display_info(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_init_wifidirect_timers23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_init_wifidirect_addrs23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *dev_addr,
+                              u8 *iface_addr);
+void init_wifidirect_info23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum P2P_ROLE role);
+int rtw_p2p_enable23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum P2P_ROLE role);
+static inline void _rtw_p2p_set_state(struct wifidirect_info *wdinfo,
+                                     enum P2P_STATE state)
+       if (wdinfo->p2p_state != state) {
+               /* wdinfo->pre_p2p_state = wdinfo->p2p_state; */
+               wdinfo->p2p_state = state;
+       }
+static inline void _rtw_p2p_set_pre_state(struct wifidirect_info *wdinfo,
+                                         enum P2P_STATE state)
+       if (wdinfo->pre_p2p_state != state)
+               wdinfo->pre_p2p_state = state;
+static inline void _rtw_p2p_set_role(struct wifidirect_info *wdinfo,
+                                    enum P2P_ROLE role)
+       if (wdinfo->role != role)
+               wdinfo->role = role;
+static inline int _rtw_p2p_state(struct wifidirect_info *wdinfo)
+       return wdinfo->p2p_state;
+static inline int _rtw_p2p_pre_state(struct wifidirect_info *wdinfo)
+       return wdinfo->pre_p2p_state;
+static inline int _rtw_p2p_role(struct wifidirect_info *wdinfo)
+       return wdinfo->role;
+static inline bool _rtw_p2p_chk_state(struct wifidirect_info *wdinfo,
+                                     enum P2P_STATE state)
+       return wdinfo->p2p_state == state;
+static inline bool _rtw_p2p_chk_role(struct wifidirect_info *wdinfo,
+                                    enum P2P_ROLE role)
+       return wdinfo->role == role;
+#define rtw_p2p_set_state(wdinfo, state) _rtw_p2p_set_state(wdinfo, state)
+#define rtw_p2p_set_pre_state(wdinfo, state)                   \
+       _rtw_p2p_set_pre_state(wdinfo, state)
+#define rtw_p2p_set_role(wdinfo, role) _rtw_p2p_set_role(wdinfo, role)
+#define rtw_p2p_state(wdinfo) _rtw_p2p_state(wdinfo)
+#define rtw_p2p_pre_state(wdinfo) _rtw_p2p_pre_state(wdinfo)
+#define rtw_p2p_role(wdinfo) _rtw_p2p_role(wdinfo)
+#define rtw_p2p_chk_state(wdinfo, state) _rtw_p2p_chk_state(wdinfo, state)
+#define rtw_p2p_chk_role(wdinfo, role) _rtw_p2p_chk_role(wdinfo, role)
+#define rtw_p2p_findphase_ex_set(wdinfo, value) \
+       ((wdinfo)->find_phase_state_exchange_cnt = (value))
+/* is this find phase exchange for social channel scan? */
+#define rtw_p2p_findphase_ex_is_social(wdinfo)                 \
+       ((wdinfo)->find_phase_state_exchange_cnt >=             \
+/* should we need find phase exchange anymore? */
+#define rtw_p2p_findphase_ex_is_needed(wdinfo) \
+       ((wdinfo)->find_phase_state_exchange_cnt < P2P_FINDPHASE_EX_MAX && \
+       (wdinfo)->find_phase_state_exchange_cnt != P2P_FINDPHASE_EX_NONE)
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_pwrctrl.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_pwrctrl.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b42e141
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_PWRCTRL_H_
+#define __RTW_PWRCTRL_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#define FW_PWR0                0
+#define FW_PWR1                1
+#define FW_PWR2                2
+#define FW_PWR3                3
+#define HW_PWR0                7
+#define HW_PWR1                6
+#define HW_PWR2                2
+#define HW_PWR3                0
+#define HW_PWR4                8
+#define FW_PWRMSK      0x7
+#define XMIT_ALIVE     BIT(0)
+#define RECV_ALIVE     BIT(1)
+#define CMD_ALIVE      BIT(2)
+#define EVT_ALIVE      BIT(3)
+enum Power_Mgnt {
+       PS_MODE_ACTIVE  = 0,
+       PS_MODE_MIN,
+       PS_MODE_MAX,
+       PS_MODE_DTIM,
+       PS_MODE_VOIP,
+       PS_MODE_UAPSD,
+       PS_MODE_IBSS,
+       PS_MODE_WWLAN,
+       PM_Radio_Off,
+       PM_Card_Disable,
+       PS_MODE_NUM
+/* BIT[2:0] = HW state
+ * BIT[3] = Protocol PS state,  0: active, 1: sleep state
+ * BIT[4] = sub-state
+ */
+#define PS_DPS                 BIT(0)
+#define PS_LCLK                        (PS_DPS)
+#define PS_RF_OFF              BIT(1)
+#define PS_ALL_ON              BIT(2)
+#define PS_ST_ACTIVE           BIT(3)
+#define PS_ISR_ENABLE          BIT(4)
+#define PS_IMR_ENABLE          BIT(5)
+#define PS_ACK                 BIT(6)
+#define PS_TOGGLE              BIT(7)
+#define PS_STATE_MASK          (0x0F)
+#define PS_STATE_HW_MASK       (0x07)
+#define PS_SEQ_MASK            (0xc0)
+#define PS_STATE(x)            (PS_STATE_MASK & (x))
+#define PS_STATE_HW(x) (PS_STATE_HW_MASK & (x))
+#define PS_SEQ(x)              (PS_SEQ_MASK & (x))
+#define PS_STATE_S0            (PS_DPS)
+#define PS_STATE_S1            (PS_LCLK)
+#define PS_STATE_S2            (PS_RF_OFF)
+#define PS_STATE_S3            (PS_ALL_ON)
+#define PS_STATE_S4            ((PS_ST_ACTIVE) | (PS_ALL_ON))
+#define PS_IS_RF_ON(x) ((x) & (PS_ALL_ON))
+#define PS_IS_ACTIVE(x)        ((x) & (PS_ST_ACTIVE))
+#define CLR_PS_STATE(x)        ((x) = ((x) & (0xF0)))
+struct reportpwrstate_parm {
+       unsigned char mode;
+       unsigned char state; /* the CPWM value */
+       unsigned short rsvd;
+#define LPS_DELAY_TIME (1*HZ) /*  1 sec */
+#define EXE_PWR_NONE           0x01
+#define EXE_PWR_IPS            0x02
+#define EXE_PWR_LPS            0x04
+/*  RF state. */
+enum rt_rf_power_state {
+       rf_on,          /*  RF is on after RFSleep or RFOff */
+       rf_sleep,       /*  802.11 Power Save mode */
+       rf_off,         /*  HW/SW Radio OFF or Inactive Power Save */
+       /* Add the new RF state above this line===== */
+       rf_max
+/*  RF Off Level for IPS or HW/SW radio off */
+#define        RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_ASPM             BIT(0)  /*  PCI ASPM */
+#define        RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_CLK_REQ          BIT(1)  /*  PCI clock request */
+#define        RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_PCI_D3           BIT(2)  /*  PCI D3 mode */
+/* NIC halt, re-init hw params */
+#define        RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_HALT_NIC         BIT(3)
+/*  FW free, re-download the FW */
+#define        RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_FREE_FW          BIT(4)
+#define        RT_RF_OFF_LEVL_FW_32K           BIT(5)  /*  FW in 32k */
+/*  Always enable ASPM and Clock Req in initialization. */
+#define        RT_RF_PS_LEVEL_ALWAYS_ASPM      BIT(6)
+/*  When LPS is on, disable 2R if no packet is received or transmittd. */
+#define        RT_RF_LPS_DISALBE_2R            BIT(30)
+#define        RT_RF_LPS_LEVEL_ASPM            BIT(31) /*  LPS with ASPM */
+#define        RT_IN_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, _PS_FLAG)                          \
+       ((ppsc->cur_ps_level & _PS_FLAG) ? true : false)
+#define        RT_CLEAR_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, _PS_FLAG)                       \
+       (ppsc->cur_ps_level &= (~(_PS_FLAG)))
+#define        RT_SET_PS_LEVEL(ppsc, _PS_FLAG)                         \
+       (ppsc->cur_ps_level |= _PS_FLAG)
+enum {
+       PSBBREG_RF0 = 0,
+       PSBBREG_RF1,
+       PSBBREG_RF2,
+       PSBBREG_AFE0,
+enum { /*  for ips_mode */
+       IPS_NONE = 0,
+       IPS_NORMAL,
+       IPS_LEVEL_2,
+struct pwrctrl_priv {
+       struct semaphore lock;
+       volatile u8 rpwm; /* requested power state for fw */
+       volatile u8 cpwm; /* fw current power state. updated when 1.
+                          * read from HCPWM 2. driver lowers power level
+                          */
+       volatile u8 tog; /*  toggling */
+       volatile u8 cpwm_tog; /*  toggling */
+       u8      pwr_mode;
+       u8      smart_ps;
+       u8      bcn_ant_mode;
+       u32     alives;
+       struct work_struct cpwm_event;
+       u8      bpower_saving;
+       u8      b_hw_radio_off;
+       u8      reg_rfoff;
+       u8      reg_pdnmode; /* powerdown mode */
+       u32     rfoff_reason;
+       /* RF OFF Level */
+       u32     cur_ps_level;
+       u32     reg_rfps_level;
+       uint    ips_enter23a_cnts;
+       uint    ips_leave23a_cnts;
+       u8      ips_mode;
+       u8      ips_mode_req; /*  used to accept the mode setting request */
+       uint bips_processing;
+       u32 ips_deny_time; /* will deny IPS when system time is smaller */
+       u8 ps_processing; /* used to mark whether in rtw_ps_processor23a */
+       u8      bLeisurePs;
+       u8      LpsIdleCount;
+       u8      power_mgnt;
+       u8      bFwCurrentInPSMode;
+       unsigned long   DelayLPSLastTimeStamp;
+       u8      btcoex_rfon;
+       s32             pnp_current_pwr_state;
+       u8              pnp_bstop_trx;
+       u8              bInternalAutoSuspend;
+       u8              bInSuspend;
+       u8              bAutoResume;
+       u8              autopm_cnt;
+       u8              bSupportRemoteWakeup;
+       struct timer_list       pwr_state_check_timer;
+       int             pwr_state_check_interval;
+       u8              pwr_state_check_cnts;
+       int             ps_flag;
+       enum rt_rf_power_state  rf_pwrstate;/* cur power state */
+       enum rt_rf_power_state  change_rfpwrstate;
+       u8      wepkeymask;
+       u8      bHWPowerdown;/* if support hw power down */
+       u8      bHWPwrPindetect;
+       u8      bkeepfwalive;
+       u8      brfoffbyhw;
+       unsigned long PS_BBRegBackup[PSBBREG_TOTALCNT];
+#define rtw_get_ips_mode_req(pwrctrlpriv) \
+       ((pwrctrlpriv)->ips_mode_req)
+#define rtw_ips_mode_req(pwrctrlpriv, ips_mode) \
+       ((pwrctrlpriv)->ips_mode_req = (ips_mode))
+#define _rtw_set_pwr_state_check_timer(pwrctrlpriv, ms) \
+       (mod_timer(&pwrctrlpriv->pwr_state_check_timer, jiffies +       \
+                 msecs_to_jiffies(ms)))
+#define rtw_set_pwr_state_check_timer(pwrctrlpriv)     \
+       (_rtw_set_pwr_state_check_timer((pwrctrlpriv),  \
+                        (pwrctrlpriv)->pwr_state_check_interval))
+void rtw_init_pwrctrl_priv23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_free_pwrctrl_priv(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void rtw_set_ps_mode23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 ps_mode,
+                    u8 smart_ps, u8 bcn_ant_mode);
+void rtw_set_rpwm23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 val8);
+void LeaveAllPowerSaveMode23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+void ips_enter23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int ips_leave23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_ps_processor23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+enum rt_rf_power_state RfOnOffDetect23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+s32 LPS_RF_ON_check23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 delay_ms);
+void LPS_Enter23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void LPS_Leave23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 rtw_interface_ps_func23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                        enum hal_intf_ps_func efunc_id, u8 *val);
+void rtw_set_ips_deny23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 ms);
+int _rtw_pwr_wakeup23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 ips_deffer_ms,
+                   const char *caller);
+#define rtw_pwr_wakeup(adapter) _rtw_pwr_wakeup23a(adapter,            \
+        RTW_PWR_STATE_CHK_INTERVAL, __func__)
+#define rtw_pwr_wakeup_ex(adapter, ips_deffer_ms)                      \
+        _rtw_pwr_wakeup23a(adapter, ips_deffer_ms, __func__)
+int rtw_pm_set_ips23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 mode);
+int rtw_pm_set_lps23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 mode);
+#endif  /* __RTL871X_PWRCTRL_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_qos.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_qos.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..68fc5ba
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RTW_QOS_H_
+#define _RTW_QOS_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+struct qos_priv        {
+       /* bit mask option: u-apsd, s-apsd, ts, block ack... */
+       unsigned int      qos_option;
+#endif /* _RTL871X_QOS_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_recv.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_recv.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e2462e0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RTW_RECV_H_
+#define _RTW_RECV_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#define NR_RECVFRAME           256
+#define MAX_RXFRAME_CNT                512
+#define MAX_RX_NUMBLKS         (32)
+#define RECVFRAME_HDR_ALIGN    128
+#define SNAP_SIZE sizeof(struct ieee80211_snap_hdr)
+#define MAX_SUBFRAME_COUNT     64
+/* for Rx reordering buffer control */
+struct recv_reorder_ctrl {
+       struct rtw_adapter      *padapter;
+       u8 enable;
+       u16 indicate_seq;/* wstart_b, init_value=0xffff */
+       u16 wend_b;
+       u8 wsize_b;
+       struct rtw_queue pending_recvframe_queue;
+       struct timer_list reordering_ctrl_timer;
+struct stainfo_rxcache {
+       u16     tid_rxseq[16];
+       unsigned short  tid0_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid1_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid2_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid3_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid4_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid5_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid6_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid7_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid8_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid9_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid10_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid11_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid12_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid13_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid14_rxseq;
+       unsigned short  tid15_rxseq;
+struct smooth_rssi_data {
+       u32     elements[100];  /* array to store values */
+       u32     index;                  /* index to current array to store */
+       u32     total_num;              /* num of valid elements */
+       u32     total_val;              /* sum of valid elements */
+struct signal_stat {
+       u8      update_req;             /* used to indicate */
+       u8      avg_val;                /* avg of valid elements */
+       u32     total_num;              /* num of valid elements */
+       u32     total_val;              /* sum of valid elements */
+#define MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS              2
+struct phy_info {
+       u8              RxPWDBAll;
+       u8              SignalQuality;   /*  in 0-100 index. */
+       u8              RxMIMOSignalQuality[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS]; /* EVM */
+       u8              RxMIMOSignalStrength[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS];/* 0~100 */
+       s8              RxPower; /*  in dBm Translate from PWdB */
+       /* Real power in dBm for this packet, no beautification and aggregation.
+        * Keep this raw info to be used for the other procedures.
+        */
+       s8              RecvSignalPower;
+       u8              BTRxRSSIPercentage;
+       u8              SignalStrength; /*  in 0-100 index. */
+       u8              RxPwr[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS];/* per-path's pwdb */
+       u8              RxSNR[MAX_PATH_NUM_92CS];/* per-path's SNR */
+struct rx_pkt_attrib   {
+       u16     pkt_len;
+       u8      physt;
+       u8      drvinfo_sz;
+       u8      shift_sz;
+       u8      hdrlen; /* the WLAN Header Len */
+       u8      to_fr_ds;
+       u8      amsdu;
+       u8      qos;
+       u8      priority;
+       u8      pw_save;
+       u8      mdata;
+       u16     seq_num;
+       u8      frag_num;
+       u8      mfrag;
+       u8      order;
+       u8      privacy; /* in frame_ctrl field */
+       u8      bdecrypted;
+       /* when 0 indicate no encrypt. when non-zero, indicate the algorith */
+       u8      encrypt;
+       u8      iv_len;
+       u8      icv_len;
+       u8      crc_err;
+       u8      icv_err;
+       u16 eth_type;
+       u8      dst[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      src[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      ta[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      ra[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      bssid[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8 ack_policy;
+       u8      tcpchk_valid; /*  0: invalid, 1: valid */
+       u8      ip_chkrpt; /* 0: incorrect, 1: correct */
+       u8      tcp_chkrpt; /* 0: incorrect, 1: correct */
+       u8      key_index;
+       u8      mcs_rate;
+       u8      rxht;
+       u8      sgi;
+       u8      pkt_rpt_type;
+       u32     MacIDValidEntry[2];     /*  64 bits present 64 entry. */
+       struct phy_info phy_info;
+/* These definition is used for Rx packet reordering. */
+#define SN_LESS(a, b)          (((a-b) & 0x800) != 0)
+#define SN_EQUAL(a, b)         (a == b)
+#define REORDER_WAIT_TIME      (50) /*  (ms) */
+#define RXDESC_SIZE    24
+struct recv_stat {
+       unsigned int rxdw0;
+       unsigned int rxdw1;
+       unsigned int rxdw2;
+       unsigned int rxdw3;
+       unsigned int rxdw4;
+       unsigned int rxdw5;
+/* accesser of recv_priv: rtw_recv_entry23a(dispatch / passive level); \
+ * recv_thread(passive) ; returnpkt(dispatch) ; halt(passive) ;
+ *
+ * using enter_critical section to protect
+ */
+struct recv_priv {
+       spinlock_t      lock;
+       struct rtw_queue        free_recv_queue;
+       struct rtw_queue        recv_pending_queue;
+       struct rtw_queue        uc_swdec_pending_queue;
+       void *pallocated_frame_buf;
+       uint free_recvframe_cnt;
+       struct rtw_adapter      *adapter;
+       u32     bIsAnyNonBEPkts;
+       u64     rx_bytes;
+       u64     rx_pkts;
+       u64     rx_drop;
+       u64     last_rx_bytes;
+       uint  rx_icv_err;
+       uint  rx_largepacket_crcerr;
+       uint  rx_smallpacket_crcerr;
+       uint  rx_middlepacket_crcerr;
+       /* u8 *pallocated_urb_buf; */
+       struct semaphore allrxreturnevt;
+       uint    ff_hwaddr;
+       u8      rx_pending_cnt;
+       struct urb *int_in_urb;
+       u8      *int_in_buf;
+       struct tasklet_struct irq_prepare_beacon_tasklet;
+       struct tasklet_struct recv_tasklet;
+       struct sk_buff_head free_recv_skb_queue;
+       struct sk_buff_head rx_skb_queue;
+       u8 *precv_buf;
+       struct rtw_queue        free_recv_buf_queue;
+       u32     free_recv_buf_queue_cnt;
+       /* For display the phy informatiom */
+       u8 is_signal_dbg;       /*  for debug */
+       u8 signal_strength_dbg; /*  for debug */
+       s8 rssi;
+       s8 rxpwdb;
+       u8 signal_strength;
+       u8 signal_qual;
+       u8 noise;
+       int RxSNRdB[2];
+       s8 RxRssi[2];
+       int FalseAlmCnt_all;
+       struct timer_list signal_stat_timer;
+       u32 signal_stat_sampling_interval;
+       /* u32 signal_stat_converging_constant; */
+       struct signal_stat signal_qual_data;
+       struct signal_stat signal_strength_data;
+#define rtw_set_signal_stat_timer(recvpriv)                    \
+        mod_timer(&(recvpriv)->signal_stat_timer, jiffies +    \
+                  msecs_to_jiffies((recvpriv)->signal_stat_sampling_interval))
+struct sta_recv_priv {
+       spinlock_t      lock;
+       int     option;
+       /* struct rtw_queue     blk_strms[MAX_RX_NUMBLKS]; */
+       struct rtw_queue defrag_q;       /* keeping the fragment frame until defrag */
+       struct  stainfo_rxcache rxcache;
+       /* uint sta_rx_bytes; */
+       /* uint sta_rx_pkts; */
+       /* uint sta_rx_fail; */
+struct recv_buf {
+       struct list_head list;
+       struct rtw_adapter *adapter;
+       struct urb *purb;
+       struct sk_buff *pskb;
+/*     head  ----->
+ *
+ *             data  ----->
+ *
+ *                     payload
+ *
+ *             tail  ----->
+ *
+ *     end   ----->
+ *
+ *     len = (unsigned int )(tail - data);
+ *
+ */
+struct recv_frame {
+       struct list_head        list;
+       struct sk_buff *pkt;
+       struct rtw_adapter  *adapter;
+       struct rx_pkt_attrib attrib;
+       struct sta_info *psta;
+       /* for A-MPDU Rx reordering buffer control */
+       struct recv_reorder_ctrl *preorder_ctrl;
+/* get a free recv_frame from pfree_recv_queue */
+struct recv_frame *rtw_alloc_recvframe23a(struct rtw_queue *pfree_recv_queue);
+int rtw_free_recvframe23a(struct recv_frame *precvframe, struct rtw_queue *pfree_recv_queue);
+int rtw_enqueue_recvframe23a(struct recv_frame *precvframe, struct rtw_queue *queue);
+void rtw_free_recvframe23a_queue(struct rtw_queue *pframequeue, struct rtw_queue *pfree_recv_queue);
+u32 rtw_free_uc_swdec_pending_queue23a(struct rtw_adapter *adapter);
+int rtw_enqueue_recvbuf23a_to_head(struct recv_buf *precvbuf, struct rtw_queue *queue);
+int rtw_enqueue_recvbuf23a(struct recv_buf *precvbuf, struct rtw_queue *queue);
+struct recv_buf *rtw_dequeue_recvbuf23a(struct rtw_queue *queue);
+void rtw_reordering_ctrl_timeout_handler23a(unsigned long pcontext);
+static inline s32 translate_percentage_to_dbm(u32 SignalStrengthIndex)
+       s32     SignalPower; /*  in dBm. */
+       /*  Translate to dBm (x=0.5y-95). */
+       SignalPower = (s32)((SignalStrengthIndex + 1) >> 1);
+       SignalPower -= 95;
+       return SignalPower;
+struct sta_info;
+void _rtw_init_sta_recv_priv23a(struct sta_recv_priv *psta_recvpriv);
+void mgt_dispatcher23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                   struct recv_frame *precv_frame);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_rf.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_rf.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..91a0a22
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef        __RTW_RF_H_
+#define __RTW_RF_H_
+#include <rtw_cmd.h>
+#define OFDM_PHY               1
+#define MIXED_PHY              2
+#define CCK_PHY                        3
+#define NumRates               (13)
+/*  slot time for 11g */
+#define SHORT_SLOT_TIME                        9
+#define NON_SHORT_SLOT_TIME            20
+/*  We now define the max channels in each channel plan. */
+#define        MAX_CHANNEL_NUM_2G      14
+#define        MAX_CHANNEL_NUM_5G      24
+#define        MAX_CHANNEL_NUM         38/* 14+24 */
+/* define NUM_REGULATORYS      21 */
+#define NUM_REGULATORYS        1
+/* Country codes */
+#define USA            0x555320
+#define EUROPE         0x1 /* temp, should be provided later */
+#define JAPAN          0x2 /* temp, should be provided later */
+struct regulatory_class {
+       u32     starting_freq;                                  /* MHz, */
+       u8      channel_set[MAX_CHANNEL_NUM];
+       u8      channel_cck_power[MAX_CHANNEL_NUM];/* dbm */
+       u8      channel_ofdm_power[MAX_CHANNEL_NUM];/* dbm */
+       u8      txpower_limit;                                  /* dbm */
+       u8      channel_spacing;                                /* MHz */
+       u8      modem;
+enum {
+       cESS            = 0x0001,
+       cIBSS           = 0x0002,
+       cPollable       = 0x0004,
+       cPollReq        = 0x0008,
+       cPrivacy        = 0x0010,
+       cShortPreamble  = 0x0020,
+       cPBCC           = 0x0040,
+       cChannelAgility = 0x0080,
+       cSpectrumMgnt   = 0x0100,
+       cQos            = 0x0200,       /*  For HCCA, use with CF-Pollable and CF-PollReq */
+       cShortSlotTime  = 0x0400,
+       cAPSD           = 0x0800,
+       cRM             = 0x1000,       /*  RRM (Radio Request Measurement) */
+       cDSSS_OFDM      = 0x2000,
+       cDelayedBA      = 0x4000,
+       cImmediateBA    = 0x8000,
+enum {
+       PREAMBLE_LONG   = 1,
+       PREAMBLE_AUTO   = 2,
+       PREAMBLE_SHORT  = 3,
+/*  Bandwidth Offset */
+/*  Represent Channel Width in HT Capabilities */
+enum ht_channel_width {
+       HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20 = 0,
+       HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40 = 1,
+       HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80 = 2,
+       HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_160 = 3,
+       HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_10 = 4,
+/*  */
+/*  Represent Extention Channel Offset in HT Capabilities */
+/*  This is available only in 40Mhz mode. */
+/*  */
+enum {
+/* 2007/11/15 MH Define different RF type. */
+enum {
+       RF_1T2R = 0,
+       RF_2T4R = 1,
+       RF_2T2R = 2,
+       RF_1T1R = 3,
+       RF_2T2R_GREEN = 4,
+       RF_819X_MAX_TYPE = 5,
+#endif /* _RTL8711_RF_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_security.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_security.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..75bbb93
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __RTW_SECURITY_H_
+#define __RTW_SECURITY_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#define _NO_PRIVACY_           0x0
+#define _WEP40_                        0x1
+#define _TKIP_                 0x2
+#define _TKIP_WTMIC_           0x3
+#define _AES_                  0x4
+#define _WEP104_               0x5
+#define _WEP_WPA_MIXED_        0x07  /*  WEP + WPA */
+#define _SMS4_                 0x06
+#define is_wep_enc(alg) (((alg) == _WEP40_) || ((alg) == _WEP104_))
+#define _WPA_IE_ID_    0xdd
+#define _WPA2_IE_ID_   0x30
+#define SHA256_MAC_LEN 32
+#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16
+#define AES_PRIV_SIZE (4 * 44)
+       ENCRYP_PROTOCOL_OPENSYS,   /* open system */
+       ENCRYP_PROTOCOL_WEP,       /* WEP */
+       ENCRYP_PROTOCOL_WPA,       /* WPA */
+       ENCRYP_PROTOCOL_WPA2,      /* WPA2 */
+#ifndef Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2
+#define Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2 (Ndis802_11AuthModeWPANone + 1)
+#ifndef Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK
+#define Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK (Ndis802_11AuthModeWPANone + 2)
+union pn48 {
+       u64     val;
+struct {
+       u8 TSC0;
+       u8 TSC1;
+       u8 TSC2;
+       u8 TSC3;
+       u8 TSC4;
+       u8 TSC5;
+       u8 TSC6;
+       u8 TSC7;
+} _byte_;
+#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN)
+struct {
+       u8 TSC7;
+       u8 TSC6;
+       u8 TSC5;
+       u8 TSC4;
+       u8 TSC3;
+       u8 TSC2;
+       u8 TSC1;
+       u8 TSC0;
+} _byte_;
+#error Need BIG or LITTLE endian
+union Keytype {
+       u8   skey[16];
+       u32    lkey[4];
+struct rt_pmkid_list {
+       u8      bUsed;
+       u8      Bssid[6];
+       u8      PMKID[16];
+       u8      SsidBuf[33];
+       u8      *ssid_octet;
+       u16     ssid_length;
+struct security_priv {
+       u32       dot11AuthAlgrthm;     /*  802.11 auth, could be open, shared,
+                                        * 8021x and authswitch */
+       u32       dot11PrivacyAlgrthm;  /* This specifies the privacy for
+                                        * shared auth. algorithm.
+                                        */
+       /* WEP */
+       u32       dot11PrivacyKeyIndex; /*  this is only valid for legendary
+                                        * wep, 0~3 for key id. (tx key index)
+                                        */
+       union Keytype dot11DefKey[4];   /*  this is only valid for def. key */
+       u32     dot11DefKeylen[4];
+       u32 dot118021XGrpPrivacy;       /* specify the privacy algthm.
+                                        * used for Grp key
+                                        */
+       u32     dot118021XGrpKeyid;     /*  key id used for Grp Key
+                                        * (tx key index)
+                                        */
+       union Keytype   dot118021XGrpKey[4];/* 802.1x Grp Key, inx0 and inx1 */
+       union Keytype   dot118021XGrptxmickey[4];
+       union Keytype   dot118021XGrprxmickey[4];
+       union pn48      dot11Grptxpn;           /* PN48 used for Grp Key xmit.*/
+       union pn48      dot11Grprxpn;           /* PN48 used for Grp Key recv.*/
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+       /* extend security capabilities for AP_MODE */
+       unsigned int dot8021xalg;/* 0:disable, 1:psk, 2:802.1x */
+       unsigned int wpa_psk;/* 0:disable, bit(0): WPA, bit(1):WPA2 */
+       unsigned int wpa_group_cipher;
+       unsigned int wpa2_group_cipher;
+       unsigned int wpa_pairwise_cipher;
+       unsigned int wpa2_pairwise_cipher;
+       u8 wps_ie[MAX_WPS_IE_LEN];/* added in assoc req */
+       int wps_ie_len;
+       u8      binstallGrpkey;
+       u8      busetkipkey;
+       u8      bcheck_grpkey;
+       u8      bgrpkey_handshake;
+       s32     hw_decrypted;
+       u32 ndisauthtype;       /*  enum ndis_802_11_auth_mode */
+       u32 ndisencryptstatus;  /*  NDIS_802_11_ENCRYPTION_STATUS */
+       struct wlan_bssid_ex sec_bss;  /* for joinbss (h2c buffer) usage */
+       struct ndis_802_11_wep ndiswep;
+       u8 assoc_info[600];
+       u8 szofcapability[256]; /* for wpa2 usage */
+       u8 oidassociation[512]; /* for wpa/wpa2 usage */
+       u8 authenticator_ie[256];  /* store ap security information element */
+       u8 supplicant_ie[256];  /* store sta security information element */
+       /* for tkip countermeasure */
+       unsigned long last_mic_err_time;
+       u8      btkip_countermeasure;
+       u8      btkip_wait_report;
+       unsigned long btkip_countermeasure_time;
+       /*  For WPA2 Pre-Authentication. */
+       struct rt_pmkid_list PMKIDList[NUM_PMKID_CACHE];
+       u8 PMKIDIndex;
+       u8 bWepDefaultKeyIdxSet;
+struct sha256_state {
+       u64 length;
+       u32 state[8], curlen;
+       u8 buf[64];
+#define GET_ENCRY_ALGO(psecuritypriv, psta, encry_algo, bmcst)\
+do {\
+       switch (psecuritypriv->dot11AuthAlgrthm) {\
+       case dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open:\
+       case dot11AuthAlgrthm_Shared:\
+       case dot11AuthAlgrthm_Auto:\
+               encry_algo = (u8)psecuritypriv->dot11PrivacyAlgrthm;\
+               break;\
+       case dot11AuthAlgrthm_8021X:\
+               if (bmcst)\
+                       encry_algo = (u8)psecuritypriv->dot118021XGrpPrivacy;\
+               else\
+                       encry_algo = (u8)psta->dot118021XPrivacy;\
+               break;\
+       }       \
+} while (0)
+#define GET_TKIP_PN(iv, dot11txpn)\
+do {\
+       dot11txpn._byte_.TSC0 = iv[2];\
+       dot11txpn._byte_.TSC1 = iv[0];\
+       dot11txpn._byte_.TSC2 = iv[4];\
+       dot11txpn._byte_.TSC3 = iv[5];\
+       dot11txpn._byte_.TSC4 = iv[6];\
+       dot11txpn._byte_.TSC5 = iv[7];\
+} while (0)
+#define ROL32(A, n)  (((A) << (n)) | (((A)>>(32-(n)))  & ((1UL << (n)) - 1)))
+#define ROR32(A, n)  ROL32((A), 32-(n))
+struct mic_data {
+       u32  K0, K1;         /*  Key */
+       u32  L, R;           /*  Current state */
+       u32  M;              /*  Message accumulator (single word) */
+       u32     nBytesInM;      /*  # bytes in M */
+extern const u32 Te0[256];
+extern const u32 Te1[256];
+extern const u32 Te2[256];
+extern const u32 Te3[256];
+extern const u32 Te4[256];
+extern const u32 Td0[256];
+extern const u32 Td1[256];
+extern const u32 Td2[256];
+extern const u32 Td3[256];
+extern const u32 Td4[256];
+extern const u32 rcon[10];
+extern const u8 Td4s[256];
+extern const u8 rcons[10];
+#define RCON(i) (rcons[(i)] << 24)
+static inline u32 rotr(u32 val, int bits)
+       return (val >> bits) | (val << (32 - bits));
+#define TE0(i) Te0[((i) >> 24) & 0xff]
+#define TE1(i) rotr(Te0[((i) >> 16) & 0xff], 8)
+#define TE2(i) rotr(Te0[((i) >> 8) & 0xff], 16)
+#define TE3(i) rotr(Te0[(i) & 0xff], 24)
+#define TE41(i) ((Te0[((i) >> 24) & 0xff] << 8) & 0xff000000)
+#define TE42(i) (Te0[((i) >> 16) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
+#define TE43(i) (Te0[((i) >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
+#define TE44(i) ((Te0[(i) & 0xff] >> 8) & 0x000000ff)
+#define TE421(i) ((Te0[((i) >> 16) & 0xff] << 8) & 0xff000000)
+#define TE432(i) (Te0[((i) >> 8) & 0xff] & 0x00ff0000)
+#define TE443(i) (Te0[(i) & 0xff] & 0x0000ff00)
+#define TE414(i) ((Te0[((i) >> 24) & 0xff] >> 8) & 0x000000ff)
+#define TE4(i) ((Te0[(i)] >> 8) & 0x000000ff)
+#define TD0(i) Td0[((i) >> 24) & 0xff]
+#define TD1(i) rotr(Td0[((i) >> 16) & 0xff], 8)
+#define TD2(i) rotr(Td0[((i) >> 8) & 0xff], 16)
+#define TD3(i) rotr(Td0[(i) & 0xff], 24)
+#define TD41(i) (Td4s[((i) >> 24) & 0xff] << 24)
+#define TD42(i) (Td4s[((i) >> 16) & 0xff] << 16)
+#define TD43(i) (Td4s[((i) >> 8) & 0xff] << 8)
+#define TD44(i) (Td4s[(i) & 0xff])
+#define TD0_(i) Td0[(i) & 0xff]
+#define TD1_(i) rotr(Td0[(i) & 0xff], 8)
+#define TD2_(i) rotr(Td0[(i) & 0xff], 16)
+#define TD3_(i) rotr(Td0[(i) & 0xff], 24)
+#define GETU32(pt) (((u32)(pt)[0] << 24) ^ ((u32)(pt)[1] << 16) ^ \
+                       ((u32)(pt)[2] <<  8) ^ ((u32)(pt)[3]))
+#define PUTU32(ct, st) { \
+(ct)[0] = (u8)((st) >> 24); (ct)[1] = (u8)((st) >> 16); \
+(ct)[2] = (u8)((st) >>  8); (ct)[3] = (u8)(st); }
+#define WPA_GET_BE32(a) ((((u32) (a)[0]) << 24) | (((u32) (a)[1]) << 16) | \
+                        (((u32) (a)[2]) << 8) | ((u32) (a)[3]))
+#define WPA_PUT_LE16(a, val)                   \
+       do {                                    \
+               (a)[1] = ((u16) (val)) >> 8;    \
+               (a)[0] = ((u16) (val)) & 0xff;  \
+       } while (0)
+#define WPA_PUT_BE32(a, val)                                   \
+       do {                                                    \
+               (a)[0] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 24) & 0xff);   \
+               (a)[1] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 16) & 0xff);   \
+               (a)[2] = (u8) ((((u32) (val)) >> 8) & 0xff);    \
+               (a)[3] = (u8) (((u32) (val)) & 0xff);           \
+       } while (0)
+#define WPA_PUT_BE64(a, val)                           \
+       do {                                            \
+               (a)[0] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 56);    \
+               (a)[1] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 48);    \
+               (a)[2] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 40);    \
+               (a)[3] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 32);    \
+               (a)[4] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 24);    \
+               (a)[5] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 16);    \
+               (a)[6] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) >> 8);     \
+               (a)[7] = (u8) (((u64) (val)) & 0xff);   \
+       } while (0)
+/* ===== start - public domain SHA256 implementation ===== */
+/* This is based on SHA256 implementation in LibTomCrypt that was released into
+ * public domain by Tom St Denis. */
+/* the K array */
+static const unsigned long K[64] = {
+       0x428a2f98UL, 0x71374491UL, 0xb5c0fbcfUL, 0xe9b5dba5UL, 0x3956c25bUL,
+       0x59f111f1UL, 0x923f82a4UL, 0xab1c5ed5UL, 0xd807aa98UL, 0x12835b01UL,
+       0x243185beUL, 0x550c7dc3UL, 0x72be5d74UL, 0x80deb1feUL, 0x9bdc06a7UL,
+       0xc19bf174UL, 0xe49b69c1UL, 0xefbe4786UL, 0x0fc19dc6UL, 0x240ca1ccUL,
+       0x2de92c6fUL, 0x4a7484aaUL, 0x5cb0a9dcUL, 0x76f988daUL, 0x983e5152UL,
+       0xa831c66dUL, 0xb00327c8UL, 0xbf597fc7UL, 0xc6e00bf3UL, 0xd5a79147UL,
+       0x06ca6351UL, 0x14292967UL, 0x27b70a85UL, 0x2e1b2138UL, 0x4d2c6dfcUL,
+       0x53380d13UL, 0x650a7354UL, 0x766a0abbUL, 0x81c2c92eUL, 0x92722c85UL,
+       0xa2bfe8a1UL, 0xa81a664bUL, 0xc24b8b70UL, 0xc76c51a3UL, 0xd192e819UL,
+       0xd6990624UL, 0xf40e3585UL, 0x106aa070UL, 0x19a4c116UL, 0x1e376c08UL,
+       0x2748774cUL, 0x34b0bcb5UL, 0x391c0cb3UL, 0x4ed8aa4aUL, 0x5b9cca4fUL,
+       0x682e6ff3UL, 0x748f82eeUL, 0x78a5636fUL, 0x84c87814UL, 0x8cc70208UL,
+       0x90befffaUL, 0xa4506cebUL, 0xbef9a3f7UL, 0xc67178f2UL
+/* Various logical functions */
+#define RORc(x, y) \
+(((((unsigned long)(x) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL) >> (unsigned long) ((y) & 31)) | \
+((unsigned long)(x) << (unsigned long) (32 - ((y) & 31)))) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL)
+#define Ch(x, y, z)     (z ^ (x & (y ^ z)))
+#define Maj(x, y, z)    (((x | y) & z) | (x & y))
+#define S(x, n)         RORc((x), (n))
+#define R(x, n)         (((x)&0xFFFFFFFFUL)>>(n))
+#define Sigma0(x)       (S(x, 2) ^ S(x, 13) ^ S(x, 22))
+#define Sigma1(x)       (S(x, 6) ^ S(x, 11) ^ S(x, 25))
+#define Gamma0(x)       (S(x, 7) ^ S(x, 18) ^ R(x, 3))
+#define Gamma1(x)       (S(x, 17) ^ S(x, 19) ^ R(x, 10))
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
+void rtw_secmicsetkey23a(struct mic_data *pmicdata, u8 *key);
+void rtw_secmicappend23abyte23a(struct mic_data *pmicdata, u8 b);
+void rtw_secmicappend23a(struct mic_data *pmicdata, u8 *src, u32 nbBytes);
+void rtw_secgetmic23a(struct mic_data *pmicdata, u8 *dst);
+void rtw_seccalctkipmic23a(u8 *key, u8 *header, u8 *data, u32 data_len,
+                       u8 *Miccode, u8 priorityi);
+u32 rtw_aes_encrypt23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                   struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+u32 rtw_tkip_encrypt23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                    struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+void rtw_wep_encrypt23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                    struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+u32 rtw_aes_decrypt23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                   struct recv_frame *precvframe);
+u32 rtw_tkip_decrypt23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                    struct recv_frame *precvframe);
+void rtw_wep_decrypt23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct recv_frame *precvframe);
+void rtw_use_tkipkey_handler23a(void *FunctionContext);
+#endif /* __RTL871X_SECURITY_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_sreset.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_sreset.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4c52372
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RTW_SRESET_C_
+#define _RTW_SRESET_C_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+enum {
+       SRESET_TGP_NULL = 0,
+struct sreset_priv {
+       struct mutex    silentreset_mutex;
+       u8      silent_reset_inprogress;
+       u8      Wifi_Error_Status;
+       unsigned long last_tx_time;
+       unsigned long last_tx_complete_time;
+       s32 dbg_trigger_point;
+#include <rtl8723a_hal.h>
+#define        WIFI_STATUS_SUCCESS             0
+#define        USB_VEN_REQ_CMD_FAIL    BIT0
+#define        USB_READ_PORT_FAIL              BIT1
+#define        USB_WRITE_PORT_FAIL             BIT2
+#define        WIFI_MAC_TXDMA_ERROR    BIT3
+#define   WIFI_TX_HANG                         BIT4
+#define        WIFI_RX_HANG                            BIT5
+#define                WIFI_IF_NOT_EXIST                       BIT6
+void sreset_init_value23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void sreset_reset_value23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 sreset_get_wifi_status23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void sreset_set_wifi_error_status23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 status);
+void sreset_set_trigger_point(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, s32 tgp);
+bool sreset_inprogress(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void sreset_reset(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_version.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_version.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c947733
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#define DRIVERVERSION  "v4.1.6_7336.20130426"
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_xmit.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/rtw_xmit.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..65a33a0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RTW_XMIT_H_
+#define _RTW_XMIT_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#define MAX_XMITBUF_SZ         2048
+#define NR_XMITBUFF            4
+#define XMITBUF_ALIGN_SZ       512
+/*  xmit extension buff defination */
+#define MAX_XMIT_EXTBUF_SZ     1536
+#define NR_XMIT_EXTBUFF                32
+#define MAX_NUMBLKS            1
+#define XMIT_VO_QUEUE          0
+#define XMIT_VI_QUEUE          1
+#define XMIT_BE_QUEUE          2
+#define XMIT_BK_QUEUE          3
+#define VO_QUEUE_INX           0
+#define VI_QUEUE_INX           1
+#define BE_QUEUE_INX           2
+#define BK_QUEUE_INX           3
+#define BCN_QUEUE_INX          4
+#define MGT_QUEUE_INX          5
+#define HIGH_QUEUE_INX         6
+#define TXCMD_QUEUE_INX                7
+#define HW_QUEUE_ENTRY         8
+#define WEP_IV(pattrib_iv, dot11txpn, keyidx)                          \
+do {                                                                   \
+       pattrib_iv[0] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC0;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[1] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC1;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[2] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC2;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[3] = ((keyidx & 0x3) << 6);                          \
+       dot11txpn.val = (dot11txpn.val == 0xffffff) ? 0 :               \
+                        (dot11txpn.val+1);                             \
+} while (0)
+#define TKIP_IV(pattrib_iv, dot11txpn, keyidx)                         \
+do {                                                                   \
+       pattrib_iv[0] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC1;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[1] = (dot11txpn._byte_.TSC1 | 0x20) & 0x7f;          \
+       pattrib_iv[2] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC0;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[3] = BIT(5) | ((keyidx & 0x3)<<6);                   \
+       pattrib_iv[4] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC2;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[5] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC3;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[6] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC4;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[7] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC5;                          \
+       dot11txpn.val = dot11txpn.val == 0xffffffffffffULL ? 0 :        \
+                                        (dot11txpn.val+1);             \
+} while (0)
+#define AES_IV(pattrib_iv, dot11txpn, keyidx)\
+do {                                                                   \
+       pattrib_iv[0] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC0;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[1] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC1;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[2] = 0;                                              \
+       pattrib_iv[3] = BIT(5) | ((keyidx & 0x3) << 6);                 \
+       pattrib_iv[4] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC2;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[5] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC3;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[6] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC4;                          \
+       pattrib_iv[7] = dot11txpn._byte_.TSC5;                          \
+       dot11txpn.val = dot11txpn.val == 0xffffffffffffULL ? 0 :        \
+                                        (dot11txpn.val+1);             \
+} while (0)
+#define HWXMIT_ENTRY   4
+#define TXDESC_SIZE 32
+struct tx_desc {
+       /* DWORD 0 */
+       unsigned int txdw0;
+       unsigned int txdw1;
+       unsigned int txdw2;
+       unsigned int txdw3;
+       unsigned int txdw4;
+       unsigned int txdw5;
+       unsigned int txdw6;
+       unsigned int txdw7;
+union txdesc {
+       struct tx_desc txdesc;
+       unsigned int value[TXDESC_SIZE>>2];
+struct hw_xmit {
+       struct rtw_queue *sta_queue;
+       int     accnt;
+/* reduce size */
+struct pkt_attrib {
+       u8      type;
+       u8      subtype;
+       u8      bswenc;
+       u8      dhcp_pkt;
+       u16     ether_type;
+       u16     seqnum;
+       u16     pkt_hdrlen;     /* the original 802.3 pkt header len */
+       u16     hdrlen;         /* the WLAN Header Len */
+       u32     pktlen;         /* the original 802.3 pkt raw_data len */
+       u32     last_txcmdsz;
+       u8      nr_frags;
+       u8      encrypt;        /* when 0 indicate no encrypt. */
+       u8      iv_len;
+       u8      icv_len;
+       u8      iv[18];
+       u8      icv[16];
+       u8      priority;
+       u8      ack_policy;
+       u8      mac_id;
+       u8      vcs_mode;       /* virtual carrier sense method */
+       u8      dst[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      src[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      ta[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      ra[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8      key_idx;
+       u8      qos_en;
+       u8      ht_en;
+       u8      raid;/* rate adpative id */
+       u8      bwmode;
+       u8      ch_offset;/* PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET */
+       u8      sgi;/* short GI */
+       u8      ampdu_en;/* tx ampdu enable */
+       u8      mdata;/* more data bit */
+       u8      pctrl;/* per packet txdesc control enable */
+       u8      triggered;/* for ap mode handling Power Saving sta */
+       u8      qsel;
+       u8      eosp;
+       u8      rate;
+       u8      retry_ctrl;
+       struct sta_info *psta;
+#define WLANHDR_OFFSET         64
+#define NULL_FRAMETAG          0x0
+#define DATA_FRAMETAG          0x01
+#define L2_FRAMETAG            0x02
+#define MGNT_FRAMETAG          0x03
+#define AMSDU_FRAMETAG         0x04
+#define EII_FRAMETAG           0x05
+#define IEEE8023_FRAMETAG      0x06
+#define MP_FRAMETAG            0x07
+#define TXAGG_FRAMETAG         0x08
+struct  submit_ctx {
+       u32 timeout_ms; /* <0: not synchronous, 0: wait forever,
+                        * >0: up to ms waiting
+                        */
+       int status; /* status for operation */
+       struct completion done;
+enum {
+       RTW_SCTX_SUBMITTED = -1,
+void rtw_sctx_init23a(struct submit_ctx *sctx, int timeout_ms);
+int rtw_sctx_wait23a(struct submit_ctx *sctx);
+void rtw23a_sctx_done_err(struct submit_ctx **sctx, int status);
+void rtw_sctx_done23a(struct submit_ctx **sctx);
+struct xmit_buf {
+       struct list_head list, list2;
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+       u8 *pallocated_buf;
+       u8 *pbuf;
+       void *priv_data;
+       u16 ext_tag; /*  0: Normal xmitbuf, 1: extension xmitbuf. */
+       u16 flags;
+       u32 alloc_sz;
+       u32  len;
+       struct submit_ctx *sctx;
+       u32     ff_hwaddr;
+       struct urb *pxmit_urb[8];
+       u8 bpending[8];
+       int last[8];
+#if defined(DBG_XMIT_BUF) || defined(DBG_XMIT_BUF_EXT)
+       u8 no;
+struct xmit_frame {
+       struct list_head        list;
+       struct pkt_attrib attrib;
+       struct sk_buff *pkt;
+       int     frame_tag;
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+       u8      *buf_addr;
+       struct xmit_buf *pxmitbuf;
+       s8      pkt_offset;
+       u8 ack_report;
+       u8 ext_tag; /* 0:data, 1:mgmt */
+struct tx_servq {
+       struct list_head        tx_pending;
+       struct rtw_queue        sta_pending;
+       int qcnt;
+struct sta_xmit_priv {
+       spinlock_t      lock;
+       int     option;
+       int     apsd_setting;   /* When bit mask is on, the associated edca
+                                * queue supports APSD.
+                                */
+       struct tx_servq be_q;                   /* priority == 0,3 */
+       struct tx_servq bk_q;                   /* priority == 1,2 */
+       struct tx_servq vi_q;                   /* priority == 4,5 */
+       struct tx_servq vo_q;                   /* priority == 6,7 */
+       struct list_head legacy_dz;
+       struct list_head apsd;
+       u16 txseq_tid[16];
+struct hw_txqueue {
+       volatile int head;
+       volatile int tail;
+       volatile int free_sz;   /* in units of 64 bytes */
+       volatile int free_cmdsz;
+       volatile int txsz[8];
+       uint    ff_hwaddr;
+       uint    cmd_hwaddr;
+       int     ac_tag;
+struct agg_pkt_info {
+       u16 offset;
+       u16 pkt_len;
+struct xmit_priv {
+       spinlock_t      lock;
+       struct semaphore        xmit_sema;
+       struct semaphore        terminate_xmitthread_sema;
+       struct rtw_queue        be_pending;
+       struct rtw_queue        bk_pending;
+       struct rtw_queue        vi_pending;
+       struct rtw_queue        vo_pending;
+       struct rtw_queue        bm_pending;
+       u8 *pallocated_frame_buf;
+       u8 *pxmit_frame_buf;
+       uint free_xmitframe_cnt;
+       struct rtw_queue        free_xmit_queue;
+       u8 *xframe_ext_alloc_addr;
+       u8 *xframe_ext;
+       uint free_xframe_ext_cnt;
+       struct rtw_queue free_xframe_ext_queue;
+       uint    frag_len;
+       struct rtw_adapter      *adapter;
+       u8   vcs_setting;
+       u8      vcs;
+       u8      vcs_type;
+       u64     tx_bytes;
+       u64     tx_pkts;
+       u64     tx_drop;
+       u64     last_tx_bytes;
+       u64     last_tx_pkts;
+       struct hw_xmit *hwxmits;
+       u8      hwxmit_entry;
+       u8      wmm_para_seq[4];/* sequence for wmm ac parameter strength from
+                                * large to small. it's value is 0->vo, 1->vi,
+                                * 2->be, 3->bk.
+                                */
+       struct semaphore        tx_retevt;/* all tx return event; */
+       u8              txirp_cnt;/*  */
+       struct tasklet_struct xmit_tasklet;
+       /* per AC pending irp */
+       int beq_cnt;
+       int bkq_cnt;
+       int viq_cnt;
+       int voq_cnt;
+       struct rtw_queue free_xmitbuf_queue;
+       struct list_head xmitbuf_list;          /* track buffers for cleanup */
+       struct rtw_queue pending_xmitbuf_queue;
+       uint free_xmitbuf_cnt;
+       struct rtw_queue free_xmit_extbuf_queue;
+       struct list_head xmitextbuf_list;       /* track buffers for cleanup */
+       uint free_xmit_extbuf_cnt;
+       u16     nqos_ssn;
+       int     ack_tx;
+       struct mutex ack_tx_mutex;
+       struct submit_ctx ack_tx_ops;
+       spinlock_t lock_sctx;
+struct xmit_buf *rtw_alloc_xmitbuf23a_ext(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv);
+s32 rtw_free_xmitbuf_ext23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv,
+                        struct xmit_buf *pxmitbuf);
+struct xmit_buf *rtw_alloc_xmitbuf23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv);
+s32 rtw_free_xmitbuf23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv, struct xmit_buf *pxmitbuf);
+void rtw_count_tx_stats23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                       struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe, int sz);
+void rtw_update_protection23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *ie, uint ie_len);
+s32 rtw_make_wlanhdr23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *hdr,
+                    struct pkt_attrib *pattrib);
+s32 rtw_put_snap23a(u8 *data, u16 h_proto);
+struct xmit_frame *rtw_alloc_xmitframe23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv);
+struct xmit_frame *rtw_alloc_xmitframe23a_ext(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv);
+struct xmit_frame *rtw_alloc_xmitframe23a_once(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv);
+s32 rtw_free_xmitframe23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv,
+                      struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+void rtw_free_xmitframe_queue23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv, struct rtw_queue *pframequeue);
+struct tx_servq *rtw_get_sta_pending23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                    struct sta_info *psta, int up, u8 *ac);
+s32 rtw_xmitframe_enqueue23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                            struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+struct xmit_frame *rtw_dequeue_xframe23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv,
+                                     struct hw_xmit *phwxmit_i, int entry);
+s32 rtw_xmit23a_classifier(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                       struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+u32 rtw_calculate_wlan_pkt_size_by_attribue23a(struct pkt_attrib *pattrib);
+#define rtw_wlan_pkt_size(f) rtw_calculate_wlan_pkt_size_by_attribue23a(&f->attrib)
+s32 rtw_xmitframe_coalesce23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sk_buff *pkt,
+                             struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+s32 _rtw_init_hw_txqueue(struct hw_txqueue *phw_txqueue, u8 ac_tag);
+void _rtw_init_sta_xmit_priv23a(struct sta_xmit_priv *psta_xmitpriv);
+s32 rtw_txframes_pending23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+s32 rtw_txframes_sta_ac_pending23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                               struct pkt_attrib *pattrib);
+void rtw_init_hwxmits23a(struct hw_xmit *phwxmit, int entry);
+s32 _rtw_init_xmit_priv23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv,
+                       struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void _rtw_free_xmit_priv23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv);
+void rtw_alloc_hwxmits23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+void rtw_free_hwxmits23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_xmit23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sk_buff *pkt);
+#if defined(CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE)
+int xmitframe_enqueue_for_sleeping_sta23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                      struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe);
+void stop_sta_xmit23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void wakeup_sta_to_xmit23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void xmit_delivery_enabled_frames23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                 struct sta_info *psta);
+u8     qos_acm23a(u8 acm_mask, u8 priority);
+u32    rtw_get_ff_hwaddr23a(struct xmit_frame  *pxmitframe);
+int rtw_ack_tx_wait23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv, u32 timeout_ms);
+void rtw_ack_tx_done23a(struct xmit_priv *pxmitpriv, int status);
+/* include after declaring struct xmit_buf, in order to avoid warning */
+#include <xmit_osdep.h>
+#endif /* _RTL871X_XMIT_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/sta_info.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/sta_info.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8af98ee
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __STA_INFO_H_
+#define __STA_INFO_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include <wifi.h>
+#define IBSS_START_MAC_ID      2
+#define NUM_STA 32
+#define NUM_ACL 16
+/* if mode ==0, then the sta is allowed once the addr is hit. */
+/* if mode ==1, then the sta is rejected once the addr is non-hit. */
+struct rtw_wlan_acl_node {
+       struct list_head        list;
+       u8       addr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8       valid;
+/* mode=0, disable */
+/* mode=1, accept unless in deny list */
+/* mode=2, deny unless in accept list */
+struct wlan_acl_pool {
+       int mode;
+       int num;
+       struct rtw_wlan_acl_node aclnode[NUM_ACL];
+       struct rtw_queue        acl_node_q;
+struct rssi_sta  {
+       s32     UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
+       s32     UndecoratedSmoothedCCK;
+       s32     UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM;
+       u64     PacketMap;
+       u8      ValidBit;
+struct stainfo_stats   {
+       u64 rx_mgnt_pkts;
+               u64 rx_beacon_pkts;
+               u64 rx_probereq_pkts;
+               u64 rx_probersp_pkts;
+               u64 rx_probersp_bm_pkts;
+               u64 rx_probersp_uo_pkts;
+       u64 rx_ctrl_pkts;
+       u64 rx_data_pkts;
+       u64     last_rx_mgnt_pkts;
+               u64 last_rx_beacon_pkts;
+               u64 last_rx_probereq_pkts;
+               u64 last_rx_probersp_pkts;
+               u64 last_rx_probersp_bm_pkts;
+               u64 last_rx_probersp_uo_pkts;
+       u64     last_rx_ctrl_pkts;
+       u64     last_rx_data_pkts;
+       u64     rx_bytes;
+       u64     rx_drops;
+       u64     tx_pkts;
+       u64     tx_bytes;
+       u64  tx_drops;
+struct sta_info {
+       spinlock_t      lock;
+       struct list_head        list; /* free_sta_queue */
+       struct list_head        hash_list; /* sta_hash */
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+       struct sta_xmit_priv sta_xmitpriv;
+       struct sta_recv_priv sta_recvpriv;
+       struct rtw_queue sleep_q;
+       unsigned int sleepq_len;
+       uint state;
+       uint aid;
+       uint mac_id;
+       uint qos_option;
+       u8      hwaddr[ETH_ALEN];
+       uint    ieee8021x_blocked;      /* 0: allowed, 1:blocked */
+       uint    dot118021XPrivacy; /* aes, tkip... */
+       union Keytype   dot11tkiptxmickey;
+       union Keytype   dot11tkiprxmickey;
+       union Keytype   dot118021x_UncstKey;
+       union pn48              dot11txpn;                      /*  PN48 used for Unicast xmit. */
+       union pn48              dot11rxpn;                      /*  PN48 used for Unicast recv. */
+       u8      bssrateset[16];
+       u32     bssratelen;
+       s32  rssi;
+       s32     signal_quality;
+       u8      cts2self;
+       u8      rtsen;
+       u8      raid;
+       u8      init_rate;
+       u32     ra_mask;
+       u8      wireless_mode;  /*  NETWORK_TYPE */
+       struct stainfo_stats sta_stats;
+       /* for A-MPDU TX, ADDBA timeout check */
+       struct timer_list addba_retry_timer;
+       /* for A-MPDU Rx reordering buffer control */
+       struct recv_reorder_ctrl recvreorder_ctrl[16];
+       /* for A-MPDU Tx */
+       /* unsigned char                ampdu_txen_bitmap; */
+       u16     BA_starting_seqctrl[16];
+       struct ht_priv  htpriv;
+       /* Notes: */
+       /* STA_Mode: */
+       /* curr_network(mlme_priv/security_priv/qos/ht) + sta_info: (STA & AP) CAP/INFO */
+       /* scan_q: AP CAP/INFO */
+       /* AP_Mode: */
+       /* curr_network(mlme_priv/security_priv/qos/ht) : AP CAP/INFO */
+       /* sta_info: (AP & STA) CAP/INFO */
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+       struct list_head asoc_list;
+       struct list_head auth_list;
+       unsigned int expire_to;
+       unsigned int auth_seq;
+       unsigned int authalg;
+       unsigned char chg_txt[128];
+       u16 capability;
+       int flags;
+       int dot8021xalg;/* 0:disable, 1:psk, 2:802.1x */
+       int wpa_psk;/* 0:disable, bit(0): WPA, bit(1):WPA2 */
+       int wpa_group_cipher;
+       int wpa2_group_cipher;
+       int wpa_pairwise_cipher;
+       int wpa2_pairwise_cipher;
+       u8 bpairwise_key_installed;
+       u8 wpa_ie[32];
+       u8 nonerp_set;
+       u8 no_short_slot_time_set;
+       u8 no_short_preamble_set;
+       u8 no_ht_gf_set;
+       u8 no_ht_set;
+       u8 ht_20mhz_set;
+       unsigned int tx_ra_bitmap;
+       u8 qos_info;
+       u8 max_sp_len;
+       u8 uapsd_bk;/* BIT(0): Delivery enabled, BIT(1): Trigger enabled */
+       u8 uapsd_be;
+       u8 uapsd_vi;
+       u8 uapsd_vo;
+       u8 has_legacy_ac;
+       unsigned int sleepq_ac_len;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+       /* p2p priv data */
+       u8 is_p2p_device;
+       u8 p2p_status_code;
+       /* p2p client info */
+       u8 dev_addr[ETH_ALEN];
+       u8 dev_cap;
+       u16 config_methods;
+       u8 primary_dev_type[8];
+       u8 num_of_secdev_type;
+       u8 secdev_types_list[32];/*  32/8 == 4; */
+       u16 dev_name_len;
+       u8 dev_name[32];
+#endif /* CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+       u8 keep_alive_trycnt;
+#endif /*  CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE */
+       u8 *passoc_req;
+       u32 assoc_req_len;
+       /* for DM */
+       struct rssi_sta  rssi_stat;
+       /*  */
+       /*  ================ODM Relative Info======================= */
+       /*  Please be care, dont declare too much structure here. It will cost memory * STA support num. */
+       /*  */
+       /*  */
+       /*  2011/10/20 MH Add for ODM STA info. */
+       /*  */
+       /*  Driver Write */
+       u8              bValid;                         /*  record the sta status link or not? */
+       u8              IOTPeer;                        /*  Enum value. HT_IOT_PEER_E */
+       u8              rssi_level;                     /* for Refresh RA mask */
+       /*  ODM Write */
+       /* 1 PHY_STATUS_INFO */
+       u8              RSSI_Path[4];           /*  */
+       u8              RSSI_Ave;
+       u8              RXEVM[4];
+       u8              RXSNR[4];
+       /*  ODM Write */
+       /* 1 TX_INFO (may changed by IC) */
+       /*  ================ODM Relative Info======================= */
+       /*  */
+       /* To store the sequence number of received management frame */
+       u16 RxMgmtFrameSeqNum;
+#define sta_rx_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.rx_mgnt_pkts \
+       + sta->sta_stats.rx_ctrl_pkts \
+       + sta->sta_stats.rx_data_pkts)
+#define sta_last_rx_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.last_rx_mgnt_pkts \
+       + sta->sta_stats.last_rx_ctrl_pkts \
+       + sta->sta_stats.last_rx_data_pkts)
+#define sta_rx_data_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.rx_data_pkts)
+#define sta_last_rx_data_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.last_rx_data_pkts)
+#define sta_rx_mgnt_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.rx_mgnt_pkts)
+#define sta_last_rx_mgnt_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.last_rx_mgnt_pkts)
+#define sta_rx_beacon_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.rx_beacon_pkts)
+#define sta_last_rx_beacon_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.last_rx_beacon_pkts)
+#define sta_rx_probereq_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.rx_probereq_pkts)
+#define sta_last_rx_probereq_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.last_rx_probereq_pkts)
+#define sta_rx_probersp_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.rx_probersp_pkts)
+#define sta_last_rx_probersp_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.last_rx_probersp_pkts)
+#define sta_rx_probersp_bm_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.rx_probersp_bm_pkts)
+#define sta_last_rx_probersp_bm_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.last_rx_probersp_bm_pkts)
+#define sta_rx_probersp_uo_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.rx_probersp_uo_pkts)
+#define sta_last_rx_probersp_uo_pkts(sta) \
+       (sta->sta_stats.last_rx_probersp_uo_pkts)
+#define sta_update_last_rx_pkts(sta) \
+       do { \
+               sta->sta_stats.last_rx_mgnt_pkts = sta->sta_stats.rx_mgnt_pkts; \
+               sta->sta_stats.last_rx_beacon_pkts = sta->sta_stats.rx_beacon_pkts; \
+               sta->sta_stats.last_rx_probereq_pkts = sta->sta_stats.rx_probereq_pkts; \
+               sta->sta_stats.last_rx_probersp_pkts = sta->sta_stats.rx_probersp_pkts; \
+               sta->sta_stats.last_rx_probersp_bm_pkts = sta->sta_stats.rx_probersp_bm_pkts; \
+               sta->sta_stats.last_rx_probersp_uo_pkts = sta->sta_stats.rx_probersp_uo_pkts; \
+               sta->sta_stats.last_rx_ctrl_pkts = sta->sta_stats.rx_ctrl_pkts; \
+               sta->sta_stats.last_rx_data_pkts = sta->sta_stats.rx_data_pkts; \
+       } while (0)
+#define STA_RX_PKTS_ARG(sta) \
+       sta->sta_stats.rx_mgnt_pkts \
+       , sta->sta_stats.rx_ctrl_pkts \
+       , sta->sta_stats.rx_data_pkts
+#define STA_LAST_RX_PKTS_ARG(sta) \
+       sta->sta_stats.last_rx_mgnt_pkts, \
+       sta->sta_stats.last_rx_ctrl_pkts, \
+       sta->sta_stats.last_rx_data_pkts
+#define STA_RX_PKTS_DIFF_ARG(sta) \
+       sta->sta_stats.rx_mgnt_pkts - sta->sta_stats.last_rx_mgnt_pkts, \
+       sta->sta_stats.rx_ctrl_pkts - sta->sta_stats.last_rx_ctrl_pkts, \
+       sta->sta_stats.rx_data_pkts - sta->sta_stats.last_rx_data_pkts
+#define STA_PKTS_FMT "(m:%llu, c:%llu, d:%llu)"
+struct sta_priv {
+       u8 *pallocated_stainfo_buf;
+       u8 *pstainfo_buf;
+       struct rtw_queue        free_sta_queue;
+       spinlock_t sta_hash_lock;
+       struct list_head   sta_hash[NUM_STA];
+       int asoc_sta_count;
+       struct rtw_queue sleep_q;
+       struct rtw_queue wakeup_q;
+       struct rtw_adapter *padapter;
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_AP_MODE
+       struct list_head asoc_list;
+       struct list_head auth_list;
+       spinlock_t asoc_list_lock;
+       spinlock_t auth_list_lock;
+       u8 asoc_list_cnt;
+       u8 auth_list_cnt;
+       unsigned int auth_to;  /* sec, time to expire in authenticating. */
+       unsigned int assoc_to; /* sec, time to expire before associating. */
+       unsigned int expire_to; /* sec , time to expire after associated. */
+       /* pointers to STA info; based on allocated AID or NULL if AID free
+        * AID is in the range 1-2007, so sta_aid[0] corresponders to AID 1
+        * and so on
+        */
+       struct sta_info *sta_aid[NUM_STA];
+       u16 sta_dz_bitmap;/* only support 15 stations, staion aid bitmap
+                          * for sleeping sta. */
+       u16 tim_bitmap;/* only support 15 stations,
+                       * aid=0~15 mapping bit0~bit15 */
+       u16 max_num_sta;
+       struct wlan_acl_pool acl_list;
+static inline u32 wifi_mac_hash(u8 *mac)
+       u32 x;
+       x = mac[0];
+       x = (x << 2) ^ mac[1];
+       x = (x << 2) ^ mac[2];
+       x = (x << 2) ^ mac[3];
+       x = (x << 2) ^ mac[4];
+       x = (x << 2) ^ mac[5];
+       x ^= x >> 8;
+       x  = x & (NUM_STA - 1);
+       return x;
+u32    _rtw_init_sta_priv23a(struct sta_priv *pstapriv);
+u32    _rtw_free_sta_priv23a(struct sta_priv *pstapriv);
+#define stainfo_offset_valid(offset) (offset < NUM_STA && offset >= 0)
+int rtw_stainfo_offset23a(struct sta_priv *stapriv, struct sta_info *sta);
+struct sta_info *rtw_get_stainfo23a_by_offset23a(struct sta_priv *stapriv,
+                                          int offset);
+struct sta_info *rtw_alloc_stainfo23a(struct sta_priv *pstapriv, u8 *hwaddr);
+u32 rtw_free_stainfo23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta);
+void rtw_free_all_stainfo23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+struct sta_info *rtw_get_stainfo23a(struct sta_priv *pstapriv, u8 *hwaddr);
+u32 rtw_init_bcmc_stainfo23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+struct sta_info *rtw_get_bcmc_stainfo23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+u8 rtw_access_ctrl23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *mac_addr);
+#endif /* _STA_INFO_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_hal.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_hal.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4edec3b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __USB_HAL_H__
+#define __USB_HAL_H__
+int rtl8723au_set_hal_ops(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+#endif /* __USB_HAL_H__ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_ops.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_ops.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..55d1380
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __USB_OPS_H_
+#define __USB_OPS_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include <osdep_intf.h>
+#include <usb_ops_linux.h>
+#define REALTEK_USB_VENQT_READ         0xC0
+#define REALTEK_USB_VENQT_WRITE                0x40
+#define REALTEK_USB_VENQT_CMD_REQ      0x05
+#define REALTEK_USB_VENQT_CMD_IDX      0x00
+enum {
+       VENDOR_WRITE = 0x00,
+       VENDOR_READ = 0x01,
+#define ALIGNMENT_UNIT                         16
+#define MAX_VENDOR_REQ_CMD_SIZE        254             /* 8188cu SIE Support */
+#define rtw_usb_control_msg(dev, pipe, request, requesttype, value,    \
+                           index, data, size, timeout_ms)              \
+       usb_control_msg((dev), (pipe), (request), (requesttype),        \
+                       (value), (index), (data), (size), (timeout_ms))
+#define rtw_usb_bulk_msg(usb_dev, pipe, data, len, actual_length, timeout_ms) \
+       usb_bulk_msg((usb_dev), (pipe), (data), (len), (actual_length), \
+                    (timeout_ms))
+void rtl8723au_set_hw_type(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+#define hal_set_hw_type rtl8723au_set_hw_type
+void rtl8723au_set_intf_ops(struct _io_ops *pops);
+#define usb_set_intf_ops rtl8723au_set_intf_ops
+void rtl8723au_recv_tasklet(void *priv);
+void rtl8723au_xmit_tasklet(void *priv);
+/* Increase and check if the continual_urb_error of this @param dvobjprive is
+ * larger than MAX_CONTINUAL_URB_ERR. Return result
+ */
+static inline int rtw_inc_and_chk_continual_urb_error(struct dvobj_priv *dvobj)
+       int ret = false;
+       int value;
+       value = atomic_inc_return(&dvobj->continual_urb_error);
+       if (value > MAX_CONTINUAL_URB_ERR) {
+               DBG_8723A("[dvobj:%p][ERROR] continual_urb_error:%d > %d\n",
+                         dvobj, value, MAX_CONTINUAL_URB_ERR);
+               ret = true;
+       }
+       return ret;
+/* Set the continual_urb_error of this @param dvobjprive to 0 */
+static inline void rtw_reset_continual_urb_error(struct dvobj_priv *dvobj)
+       atomic_set(&dvobj->continual_urb_error, 0);
+#define USB_HIGH_SPEED_BULK_SIZE       512
+#define USB_FULL_SPEED_BULK_SIZE       64
+static inline u8 rtw_usb_bulk_size_boundary(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                                           int buf_len)
+       u8 rst = true;
+       struct dvobj_priv *pdvobjpriv = adapter_to_dvobj(padapter);
+       if (pdvobjpriv->ishighspeed)
+               rst = (0 == (buf_len) % USB_HIGH_SPEED_BULK_SIZE) ?
+                     true : false;
+       else
+               rst = (0 == (buf_len) % USB_FULL_SPEED_BULK_SIZE) ?
+                     true : false;
+       return rst;
+#endif /* __USB_OPS_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_ops_linux.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_ops_linux.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8f5c59e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __USB_OPS_LINUX_H__
+#define __USB_OPS_LINUX_H__
+#define VENDOR_CMD_MAX_DATA_LEN        254
+#define RTW_USB_CONTROL_MSG_TIMEOUT_TEST       10/* ms */
+#define RTW_USB_CONTROL_MSG_TIMEOUT    500/* ms */
+#define RTW_USB_BULKOUT_TIMEOUT        5000/* ms */
+#define _usbctrl_vendorreq_async_callback(urb, regs)           \
+       _usbctrl_vendorreq_async_callback(urb)
+#define usb_write_mem23a_complete(purb, regs)  usb_write_mem23a_complete(purb)
+#define usb_write_port23a_complete(purb, regs) usb_write_port23a_complete(purb)
+#define usb_read_port_complete(purb, regs)     usb_read_port_complete(purb)
+#define usb_read_interrupt_complete(purb, regs)                        \
+       usb_read_interrupt_complete(purb)
+unsigned int ffaddr2pipehdl23a(struct dvobj_priv *pdvobj, u32 addr);
+void usb_read_mem23a(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 cnt, u8 *rmem);
+void usb_write_mem23a(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 cnt, u8 *wmem);
+void usb_read_port_cancel23a(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl);
+u32 usb_write_port23a(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl, u32 addr, u32 cnt,
+                  struct xmit_buf *wmem);
+void usb_write_port23a_cancel(struct intf_hdl *pintfhdl);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_osintf.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_osintf.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4608766
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __USB_OSINTF_H
+#define __USB_OSINTF_H
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+#include <usb_vendor_req.h>
+#define USBD_HALTED(_status) ((u32)(_status) >> 30 == 3)
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_vendor_req.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/usb_vendor_req.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..eb4508e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* 4   Set/Get Register related wIndex/Data */
+#define        RT_USB_RESET_MASK_OFF           0
+#define        RT_USB_RESET_MASK_ON            1
+#define        RT_USB_SLEEP_MASK_OFF           0
+#define        RT_USB_SLEEP_MASK_ON            1
+#define        RT_USB_LDO_ON                   1
+#define        RT_USB_LDO_OFF                  0
+/* 4   Set/Get SYSCLK related  wValue or Data */
+#define        RT_USB_SYSCLK_32KHZ             0
+#define        RT_USB_SYSCLK_40MHZ             1
+#define        RT_USB_SYSCLK_60MHZ             2
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/wifi.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/wifi.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b5034c6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _WIFI_H_
+#define _WIFI_H_
+#define P80211CAPTURE_VERSION  0x80211001
+/*  This value is tested by WiFi 11n Test Plan 5.2.3.
+ *  This test verifies the WLAN NIC can update the NAV through sending
+ *  the CTS with large duration.
+ */
+#define        WiFiNavUpperUs          30000   /*  30 ms */
+       WIFI_MGT_TYPE  =        (0),
+       WIFI_CTRL_TYPE =        (BIT(2)),
+       WIFI_DATA_TYPE =        (BIT(3)),
+       WIFI_QOS_DATA_TYPE      = (BIT(7)|BIT(3)),      /*  QoS Data */
+       /*  below is for mgt frame */
+       WIFI_PROBERSP = (BIT(6) | BIT(4) | WIFI_MGT_TYPE),
+       WIFI_ATIM = (BIT(7) | BIT(4) | WIFI_MGT_TYPE),
+       WIFI_DISASSOC = (BIT(7) | BIT(5) | WIFI_MGT_TYPE),
+       WIFI_AUTH = (BIT(7) | BIT(5) | BIT(4) | WIFI_MGT_TYPE),
+       WIFI_DEAUTH = (BIT(7) | BIT(6) | WIFI_MGT_TYPE),
+       WIFI_ACTION = (BIT(7) | BIT(6) | BIT(4) | WIFI_MGT_TYPE),
+       /*  below is for control frame */
+       WIFI_PSPOLL = (BIT(7) | BIT(5) | WIFI_CTRL_TYPE),
+       WIFI_RTS = (BIT(7) | BIT(5) | BIT(4) | WIFI_CTRL_TYPE),
+       WIFI_CTS = (BIT(7) | BIT(6) | WIFI_CTRL_TYPE),
+       WIFI_ACK = (BIT(7) | BIT(6) | BIT(4) | WIFI_CTRL_TYPE),
+       WIFI_CFEND = (BIT(7) | BIT(6) | BIT(5) | WIFI_CTRL_TYPE),
+       WIFI_CFEND_CFACK = (BIT(7) | BIT(6) | BIT(5) | BIT(4) | WIFI_CTRL_TYPE),
+       /*  below is for data frame */
+       WIFI_DATA = (0 | WIFI_DATA_TYPE),
+       WIFI_CF_ACK = (BIT(6) | BIT(4) | WIFI_DATA_TYPE),
+       WIFI_CF_POLL = (BIT(6) | BIT(5) | WIFI_DATA_TYPE),
+       WIFI_CF_ACKPOLL = (BIT(6) | BIT(5) | BIT(4) | WIFI_DATA_TYPE),
+       DOMAIN_FCC              = 1,
+       DOMAIN_IC               = 2,
+       DOMAIN_ETSI             = 3,
+       DOMAIN_SPAIN            = 4,
+       DOMAIN_FRANCE           = 5,
+       DOMAIN_MKK              = 6,
+       DOMAIN_ISRAEL           = 7,
+       DOMAIN_MKK1             = 8,
+       DOMAIN_MKK2             = 9,
+       DOMAIN_MKK3             = 10,
+       DOMAIN_MAX
+#define SetToDs(pbuf)  \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_TODS))
+#define SetFrDs(pbuf)  \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_FROMDS))
+#define get_tofr_ds(pframe)    ((ieee80211_has_tods(pframe) << 1) | \
+                                ieee80211_has_fromds(pframe))
+#define SetMFrag(pbuf) \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREFRAGS))
+#define ClearMFrag(pbuf)       \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) &= (~cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREFRAGS)))
+#define SetRetry(pbuf) \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_RETRY))
+#define SetPwrMgt(pbuf)        \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_PM))
+#define SetMData(pbuf) \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_MOREDATA))
+#define SetPrivacy(pbuf)       \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_PROTECTED))
+#define SetFrameType(pbuf, type)       \
+       do {    \
+               *(unsigned short *)(pbuf) &= __constant_cpu_to_le16(~(BIT(3) | BIT(2))); \
+               *(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= __constant_cpu_to_le16(type); \
+       } while (0)
+#define SetFrameSubType(pbuf, type) \
+       do {    \
+               *(unsigned short *)(pbuf) &= cpu_to_le16(~(BIT(7) | BIT(6) | BIT(5) | BIT(4) | BIT(3) | BIT(2))); \
+               *(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(type); \
+       } while (0)
+#define GetTupleCache(pbuf)    (cpu_to_le16(*(unsigned short *)((unsigned long)(pbuf) + 22)))
+#define SetFragNum(pbuf, num) \
+       do {    \
+               *(unsigned short *)((unsigned long)(pbuf) + 22) = \
+                       ((*(unsigned short *)((unsigned long)(pbuf) + 22)) & le16_to_cpu(~(0x000f))) | \
+                       cpu_to_le16(0x0f & (num));     \
+       } while (0)
+#define SetSeqNum(pbuf, num) \
+       do {    \
+               *(unsigned short *)((unsigned long)(pbuf) + 22) = \
+                       ((*(unsigned short *)((unsigned long)(pbuf) + 22)) & le16_to_cpu((unsigned short)0x000f)) | \
+                       le16_to_cpu((unsigned short)(0xfff0 & (num << 4))); \
+       } while (0)
+#define SetDuration(pbuf, dur) \
+       (*(unsigned short *)((unsigned long)(pbuf) + 2) =               \
+        cpu_to_le16(0xffff & (dur)))
+#define SetPriority(pbuf, tid) \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(tid & 0xf))
+#define SetEOSP(pbuf, eosp)    \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16((eosp & 1) << 4))
+#define SetAckpolicy(pbuf, ack)        \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16((ack & 3) << 5))
+#define SetAMsdu(pbuf, amsdu)  \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16((amsdu & 1) << 7))
+#define GetAid(pbuf)                                                   \
+       (cpu_to_le16(*(unsigned short *)((unsigned long)(pbuf) + 2)) &  \
+        0x3fff)
+#define GetTid(pbuf)                                                   \
+       (cpu_to_le16(*(unsigned short *)((unsigned long)(pbuf) +        \
+        (((ieee80211_has_tods(pbuf)<<1) |                              \
+        ieee80211_has_fromds(pbuf)) == 3 ? 30 : 24))) & 0x000f)
+static inline unsigned char *get_hdr_bssid(unsigned char *pframe)
+       unsigned char   *sa;
+       unsigned int    to_fr_ds;
+       struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) pframe;
+       to_fr_ds = (ieee80211_has_tods(hdr->frame_control) << 1) |
+                   ieee80211_has_fromds(hdr->frame_control);
+       switch (to_fr_ds) {
+       case 0x00:      /*  ToDs=0, FromDs=0 */
+               sa = hdr->addr3;
+               break;
+       case 0x01:      /*  ToDs=0, FromDs=1 */
+               sa = hdr->addr2;
+               break;
+       case 0x02:      /*  ToDs=1, FromDs=0 */
+               sa = hdr->addr1;
+               break;
+       case 0x03:      /*  ToDs=1, FromDs=1 */
+               sa = hdr->addr1;
+               break;
+       default:
+               sa = NULL; /*  */
+               break;
+       }
+       return sa;
+                       Below is for the security related definition
+#define _RESERVED_FRAME_TYPE_          0
+#define _SKB_FRAME_TYPE_               2
+#define _PRE_ALLOCMEM_                 1
+#define _PRE_ALLOCHDR_                 3
+#define _PRE_ALLOCLLCHDR_              4
+#define _PRE_ALLOCICVHDR_              5
+#define _PRE_ALLOCMICHDR_              6
+#define _SIFSTIME_                                     \
+       ((priv->pmib->dot11BssType.net_work_type & WIRELESS_11A) ? 16 : 10)
+#define _ACKCTSLNG_                    14      /* 14 bytes long, including crclng */
+#define _CRCLNG_                       4
+#define _ASOCREQ_IE_OFFSET_            4       /*  excluding wlan_hdr */
+#define        _ASOCRSP_IE_OFFSET_             6
+#define _REASOCREQ_IE_OFFSET_          10
+#define _REASOCRSP_IE_OFFSET_          6
+#define _PROBEREQ_IE_OFFSET_           0
+#define        _PROBERSP_IE_OFFSET_            12
+#define _AUTH_IE_OFFSET_               6
+#define _DEAUTH_IE_OFFSET_             0
+#define _BEACON_IE_OFFSET_             12
+#define _PUBLIC_ACTION_IE_OFFSET_      8
+#define _FIXED_IE_LENGTH_              _BEACON_IE_OFFSET_
+#define _SSID_IE_                      0
+#define _SUPPORTEDRATES_IE_            1
+#define _DSSET_IE_                     3
+#define _TIM_IE_                       5
+#define _IBSS_PARA_IE_                 6
+#define _COUNTRY_IE_                   7
+#define _CHLGETXT_IE_                  16
+#define _SUPPORTED_CH_IE_              36
+#define _CH_SWTICH_ANNOUNCE_   37      /* Secondary Channel Offset */
+#define _RSN_IE_2_                     48
+#define _SSN_IE_1_                     221
+#define _ERPINFO_IE_                   42
+#define _EXT_SUPPORTEDRATES_IE_                50
+#define _HT_CAPABILITY_IE_             45
+#define _FTIE_                         55
+#define _TIMEOUT_ITVL_IE_              56
+#define _SRC_IE_                       59
+#define _HT_EXTRA_INFO_IE_             61
+#define _HT_ADD_INFO_IE_               61 /* _HT_EXTRA_INFO_IE_ */
+#define        EID_BSSCoexistence              72 /*  20/40 BSS Coexistence */
+#define        EID_BSSIntolerantChlReport      73
+#define _RIC_Descriptor_IE_            75
+#define _LINK_ID_IE_           101
+#define _CH_SWITCH_TIMING_     104
+#define _PTI_BUFFER_STATUS_    106
+#define _EXT_CAP_IE_           127
+#define _VENDOR_SPECIFIC_IE_   221
+#define        _RESERVED47_            47
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                       Below is the fixed elements...
+#define _AUTH_ALGM_NUM_                2
+#define _AUTH_SEQ_NUM_         2
+#define _BEACON_ITERVAL_       2
+#define _CAPABILITY_           2
+#define _CURRENT_APADDR_       6
+#define _LISTEN_INTERVAL_      2
+#define _ASOC_ID_              2
+#define _STATUS_CODE_          2
+#define _TIMESTAMP_            8
+#define AUTH_ODD_TO            0
+#define AUTH_EVEN_TO           1
+#define WLAN_ETHCONV_ENCAP     1
+#define WLAN_ETHCONV_RFC1042   2
+#define WLAN_ETHCONV_8021h     3
+#define cap_ESS                BIT(0)
+#define cap_IBSS       BIT(1)
+#define cap_CFPollable BIT(2)
+#define cap_CFRequest  BIT(3)
+#define cap_Privacy    BIT(4)
+#define cap_ShortPremble BIT(5)
+#define cap_PBCC       BIT(6)
+#define cap_ChAgility  BIT(7)
+#define cap_SpecMgmt   BIT(8)
+#define cap_QoS                BIT(9)
+#define cap_ShortSlot  BIT(10)
+                               Below is the definition for 802.11i / 802.1x
+#define _IEEE8021X_MGT_                        1       /*  WPA */
+#define _IEEE8021X_PSK_                        2       /*  WPA with pre-shared key */
+#define _NO_PRIVACY_                   0
+#define _WEP_40_PRIVACY_               1
+#define _TKIP_PRIVACY_                 2
+#define _WRAP_PRIVACY_                 3
+#define _CCMP_PRIVACY_                 4
+#define _WEP_104_PRIVACY_              5
+#define _WEP_WPA_MIXED_PRIVACY_ 6      WEP + WPA
+                               Below is the definition for WMM
+#define _WMM_IE_Length_                                7  /*  for WMM STA */
+#define _WMM_Para_Element_Length_              24
+                               Below is the definition for 802.11n
+#define SetOrderBit(pbuf)                                              \
+       (*(unsigned short *)(pbuf) |= cpu_to_le16(_ORDER_))
+#define GetOrderBit(pbuf)              \
+       (((*(unsigned short *)(pbuf)) & le16_to_cpu(_ORDER_)) != 0)
+/* struct rtw_ieee80211_ht_cap - HT additional information
+ *
+ * This structure refers to "HT information element" as
+ * described in 802.11n draft section
+ */
+struct ieee80211_ht_addt_info {
+       unsigned char   control_chan;
+       unsigned char   ht_param;
+       unsigned short  operation_mode;
+       unsigned short  stbc_param;
+       unsigned char   basic_set[16];
+} __packed;
+struct HT_caps_element {
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       unsigned short  HT_caps_info;
+                       unsigned char   AMPDU_para;
+                       unsigned char   MCS_rate[16];
+                       unsigned short  HT_ext_caps;
+                       unsigned int    Beamforming_caps;
+                       unsigned char   ASEL_caps;
+               } HT_cap_element;
+               unsigned char HT_cap[26];
+       } u;
+} __packed;
+struct HT_info_element {
+       unsigned char   primary_channel;
+       unsigned char   infos[5];
+       unsigned char   MCS_rate[16];
+}  __packed;
+struct AC_param {
+       unsigned char           ACI_AIFSN;
+       unsigned char           CW;
+       unsigned short  TXOP_limit;
+}  __packed;
+struct WMM_para_element {
+       unsigned char           QoS_info;
+       unsigned char           reserved;
+       struct AC_param ac_param[4];
+}  __packed;
+struct ADDBA_request {
+       unsigned char           dialog_token;
+       unsigned short  BA_para_set;
+       unsigned short  BA_timeout_value;
+       unsigned short  BA_starting_seqctrl;
+}  __packed;
+#define OP_MODE_PURE                    0
+#define OP_MODE_MAY_BE_LEGACY_STAS      1
+#define OP_MODE_20MHZ_HT_STA_ASSOCED    2
+#define OP_MODE_MIXED                   3
+#define HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_SECONDARY_CHNL_OFF_MASK       ((u8) BIT(0) | BIT(1))
+#define HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_SECONDARY_CHNL_ABOVE          ((u8) BIT(0))
+#define HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_SECONDARY_CHNL_BELOW          ((u8) BIT(0) | BIT(1))
+#define HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_REC_TRANS_CHNL_WIDTH          ((u8) BIT(2))
+#define HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_RIFS_MODE                     ((u8) BIT(3))
+#define HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_CTRL_ACCESS_ONLY              ((u8) BIT(4))
+               ((u16) (0x0001 | 0x0002))
+#define HT_INFO_STBC_PARAM_DUAL_BEACON         ((u16) BIT(6))
+#define HT_INFO_STBC_PARAM_SECONDARY_BCN       ((u16) BIT(8))
+#define HT_INFO_STBC_PARAM_PCO_ACTIVE          ((u16) BIT(10))
+#define HT_INFO_STBC_PARAM_PCO_PHASE           ((u16) BIT(11))
+/*     ===============WPS Section=============== */
+/*     For WPSv1.0 */
+#define WPSOUI                                 0x0050f204
+/*     WPS attribute ID */
+#define WPS_ATTR_VER1                          0x104A
+#define WPS_ATTR_SIMPLE_CONF_STATE             0x1044
+#define WPS_ATTR_RESP_TYPE                     0x103B
+#define WPS_ATTR_UUID_E                                0x1047
+#define WPS_ATTR_MANUFACTURER                  0x1021
+#define WPS_ATTR_MODEL_NAME                    0x1023
+#define WPS_ATTR_MODEL_NUMBER                  0x1024
+#define WPS_ATTR_SERIAL_NUMBER                 0x1042
+#define WPS_ATTR_PRIMARY_DEV_TYPE              0x1054
+#define WPS_ATTR_SEC_DEV_TYPE_LIST             0x1055
+#define WPS_ATTR_DEVICE_NAME                   0x1011
+#define WPS_ATTR_CONF_METHOD                   0x1008
+#define WPS_ATTR_RF_BANDS                      0x103C
+#define WPS_ATTR_DEVICE_PWID                   0x1012
+#define WPS_ATTR_REQUEST_TYPE                  0x103A
+#define WPS_ATTR_ASSOCIATION_STATE             0x1002
+#define WPS_ATTR_CONFIG_ERROR                  0x1009
+#define WPS_ATTR_VENDOR_EXT                    0x1049
+#define WPS_ATTR_SELECTED_REGISTRAR            0x1041
+/*     Value of WPS attribute "WPS_ATTR_DEVICE_NAME */
+#define WPS_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN                        32
+/*     Value of WPS Request Type Attribute */
+#define WPS_REQ_TYPE_ENROLLEE_INFO_ONLY                0x00
+#define WPS_REQ_TYPE_ENROLLEE_OPEN_8021X       0x01
+#define WPS_REQ_TYPE_REGISTRAR                 0x02
+/*     Value of WPS Response Type Attribute */
+#define WPS_RESPONSE_TYPE_INFO_ONLY            0x00
+#define WPS_RESPONSE_TYPE_8021X                        0x01
+#define WPS_RESPONSE_TYPE_REGISTRAR            0x02
+#define WPS_RESPONSE_TYPE_AP                   0x03
+/*     Value of WPS WiFi Simple Configuration State Attribute */
+#define WPS_WSC_STATE_NOT_CONFIG               0x01
+#define WPS_WSC_STATE_CONFIG                   0x02
+/*     Value of WPS Version Attribute */
+#define WPS_VERSION_1                          0x10
+/*     Value of WPS Configuration Method Attribute */
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_FLASH                        0x0001
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_ETHERNET             0x0002
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_LABEL                        0x0004
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_DISPLAY              0x0008
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_E_NFC                        0x0010
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_I_NFC                        0x0020
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_NFC                  0x0040
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_PBC                  0x0080
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_KEYPAD               0x0100
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_VPBC                 0x0280
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_PPBC                 0x0480
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_VDISPLAY             0x2008
+#define WPS_CONFIG_METHOD_PDISPLAY             0x4008
+/*     Value of Category ID of WPS Primary Device Type Attribute */
+#define WPS_PDT_CID_DISPLAYS                   0x0007
+#define WPS_PDT_CID_MULIT_MEDIA                        0x0008
+#define WPS_PDT_CID_RTK_WIDI                   WPS_PDT_CID_MULIT_MEDIA
+/*     Value of Sub Category ID of WPS Primary Device Type Attribute */
+#define WPS_PDT_SCID_MEDIA_SERVER              0x0005
+/*     Value of Device Password ID */
+#define WPS_DPID_PIN                           0x0000
+#define WPS_DPID_USER_SPEC                     0x0001
+#define WPS_DPID_MACHINE_SPEC                  0x0002
+#define WPS_DPID_REKEY                         0x0003
+#define WPS_DPID_PBC                           0x0004
+#define WPS_DPID_REGISTRAR_SPEC                        0x0005
+/*     Value of WPS RF Bands Attribute */
+#define WPS_RF_BANDS_2_4_GHZ                   0x01
+#define WPS_RF_BANDS_5_GHZ                     0x02
+/*     Value of WPS Association State Attribute */
+#define WPS_ASSOC_STATE_NOT_ASSOCIATED         0x00
+#define WPS_ASSOC_STATE_IP_FAILURE             0x04
+/*     =====================P2P Section===================== */
+/*     For P2P */
+#define        P2POUI                                  0x506F9A09
+/*     P2P Attribute ID */
+#define        P2P_ATTR_STATUS                         0x00
+#define        P2P_ATTR_MINOR_REASON_CODE              0x01
+#define        P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY                     0x02
+#define        P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_ID                      0x03
+#define        P2P_ATTR_GO_INTENT                      0x04
+#define        P2P_ATTR_CONF_TIMEOUT                   0x05
+#define        P2P_ATTR_LISTEN_CH                      0x06
+#define        P2P_ATTR_GROUP_BSSID                    0x07
+#define        P2P_ATTR_EX_LISTEN_TIMING               0x08
+#define        P2P_ATTR_INTENTED_IF_ADDR               0x09
+#define        P2P_ATTR_MANAGEABILITY                  0x0A
+#define        P2P_ATTR_CH_LIST                        0x0B
+#define        P2P_ATTR_NOA                            0x0C
+#define        P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO                    0x0D
+#define        P2P_ATTR_GROUP_INFO                     0x0E
+#define        P2P_ATTR_GROUP_ID                       0x0F
+#define        P2P_ATTR_INTERFACE                      0x10
+#define        P2P_ATTR_OPERATING_CH                   0x11
+#define        P2P_ATTR_INVITATION_FLAGS               0x12
+/*     Value of Status Attribute */
+#define        P2P_STATUS_SUCCESS                      0x00
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_INFO_UNAVAILABLE        0x01
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAM      0x02
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_LIMIT_REACHED           0x03
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_INVALID_PARAM           0x04
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_REQUEST_UNABLE          0x05
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_PREVOUS_PROTO_ERR       0x06
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_NO_COMMON_CH            0x07
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_UNKNOWN_P2PGROUP        0x08
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_BOTH_GOINTENT_15        0x09
+#define        P2P_STATUS_FAIL_USER_REJECT             0x0B
+/*     Value of Inviation Flags Attribute */
+#define        P2P_INVITATION_FLAGS_PERSISTENT         BIT(0)
+                                P2P_DEVCAP_CLIENT_DISCOVERABILITY | \
+                                P2P_DEVCAP_CONCURRENT_OPERATION | \
+                                P2P_DEVCAP_INVITATION_PROC)
+/*     Value of Device Capability Bitmap */
+#define        P2P_DEVCAP_SERVICE_DISCOVERY            BIT(0)
+#define        P2P_DEVCAP_CONCURRENT_OPERATION         BIT(2)
+#define        P2P_DEVCAP_INFRA_MANAGED                BIT(3)
+#define        P2P_DEVCAP_DEVICE_LIMIT                 BIT(4)
+#define        P2P_DEVCAP_INVITATION_PROC              BIT(5)
+/*     Value of Group Capability Bitmap */
+#define        P2P_GRPCAP_GO                           BIT(0)
+#define        P2P_GRPCAP_PERSISTENT_GROUP             BIT(1)
+#define        P2P_GRPCAP_GROUP_LIMIT                  BIT(2)
+#define        P2P_GRPCAP_INTRABSS                     BIT(3)
+#define        P2P_GRPCAP_CROSS_CONN                   BIT(4)
+#define        P2P_GRPCAP_PERSISTENT_RECONN            BIT(5)
+#define        P2P_GRPCAP_GROUP_FORMATION              BIT(6)
+/*     P2P Public Action Frame ( Management Frame ) */
+#define        P2P_PUB_ACTION_ACTION                   0x09
+/*     P2P Public Action Frame Type */
+#define        P2P_GO_NEGO_REQ                         0
+#define        P2P_GO_NEGO_RESP                        1
+#define        P2P_GO_NEGO_CONF                        2
+#define        P2P_INVIT_REQ                           3
+#define        P2P_INVIT_RESP                          4
+#define        P2P_DEVDISC_REQ                         5
+#define        P2P_DEVDISC_RESP                        6
+#define        P2P_PROVISION_DISC_REQ                  7
+#define        P2P_PROVISION_DISC_RESP                 8
+/*     P2P Action Frame Type */
+#define        P2P_NOTICE_OF_ABSENCE                   0
+#define        P2P_PRESENCE_REQUEST                    1
+#define        P2P_PRESENCE_RESPONSE                   2
+#define        P2P_GO_DISC_REQUEST                     3
+#define        P2P_MAX_PERSISTENT_GROUP_NUM            10
+#define        P2P_PROVISIONING_SCAN_CNT               3
+#define        P2P_WILDCARD_SSID_LEN                   7
+#define        P2P_FINDPHASE_EX_NONE                   0       /*  default value, used when: (1)p2p disabed or (2)p2p enabled but only do 1 scan phase */
+#define        P2P_FINDPHASE_EX_FULL                   1       /*  used when p2p enabled and want to do 1 scan phase and P2P_FINDPHASE_EX_MAX-1 find phase */
+#define        P2P_FINDPHASE_EX_MAX                                    4
+#define        P2P_PROVISION_TIMEOUT                   5000    /*5 sec timeout for sending the provision discovery request */
+#define        P2P_CONCURRENT_PROVISION_TIMEOUT        3000    /*3 sec timeout for sending the provision discovery request under concurrent mode */
+#define        P2P_GO_NEGO_TIMEOUT                     5000    /*5 sec timeout for receiving the group negotation response */
+#define        P2P_CONCURRENT_GO_NEGO_TIMEOUT          3000    /*3 sec timeout for sending the negotiation request under concurrent mode */
+#define        P2P_TX_PRESCAN_TIMEOUT                  100     /*100ms */
+#define        P2P_INVITE_TIMEOUT                      5000    /*5 sec timeout for sending the invitation request */
+#define        P2P_CONCURRENT_INVITE_TIMEOUT           3000    /*3 sec timeout for sending the invitation request under concurrent mode */
+#define        P2P_RESET_SCAN_CH                       25000   /*25 sec t/o to reset the scan channel ( based on channel plan ) */
+#define        P2P_MAX_INTENT                          15
+#define        P2P_MAX_NOA_NUM                         2
+/*     WPS Configuration Method */
+#define        WPS_CM_NONE                                     0x0000
+#define        WPS_CM_LABEL                                    0x0004
+#define        WPS_CM_DISPLYA                                  0x0008
+#define        WPS_CM_EXTERNAL_NFC_TOKEN                       0x0010
+#define        WPS_CM_INTEGRATED_NFC_TOKEN                     0x0020
+#define        WPS_CM_NFC_INTERFACE                            0x0040
+#define        WPS_CM_PUSH_BUTTON                              0x0080
+#define        WPS_CM_KEYPAD                                   0x0100
+#define        WPS_CM_SW_PUHS_BUTTON                           0x0280
+#define        WPS_CM_HW_PUHS_BUTTON                           0x0480
+#define        WPS_CM_SW_DISPLAY_PIN                           0x2008
+#define        WPS_CM_LCD_DISPLAY_PIN                          0x4008
+enum P2P_ROLE {
+       P2P_ROLE_DISABLE = 0,
+       P2P_ROLE_DEVICE = 1,
+       P2P_ROLE_CLIENT = 2,
+       P2P_ROLE_GO = 3
+enum P2P_STATE {
+       P2P_STATE_NONE = 0,                     /*P2P disable */
+       P2P_STATE_IDLE = 1,                     /*P2P had enabled and do nothing */
+       P2P_STATE_LISTEN = 2,                   /*In pure listen state */
+       P2P_STATE_SCAN = 3,                     /*In scan phase */
+       P2P_STATE_FIND_PHASE_LISTEN = 4,        /*In the listen state of find phase */
+       P2P_STATE_FIND_PHASE_SEARCH = 5,        /*In the search state of find phase */
+       P2P_STATE_TX_PROVISION_DIS_REQ = 6,     /*In P2P provisioning discovery */
+       P2P_STATE_GONEGO_ING = 9,               /*Doing the group owner negoitation handshake */
+       P2P_STATE_GONEGO_OK = 10,               /*finish the group negoitation handshake with success */
+       P2P_STATE_GONEGO_FAIL = 11,             /*finish the group negoitation handshake with failure */
+       P2P_STATE_RECV_INVITE_REQ_MATCH = 12,   /*receiving the P2P Inviation request and match with the profile. */
+       P2P_STATE_PROVISIONING_ING = 13,        /*Doing the P2P WPS */
+       P2P_STATE_PROVISIONING_DONE = 14,       /*Finish the P2P WPS */
+       P2P_STATE_TX_INVITE_REQ = 15,           /*Transmit the P2P Invitation request */
+       P2P_STATE_RX_INVITE_RESP_OK = 16,       /*Receiving the P2P Invitation response */
+       P2P_STATE_RECV_INVITE_REQ_DISMATCH = 17,/*receiving the P2P Inviation request and dismatch with the profile. */
+       P2P_STATE_RECV_INVITE_REQ_GO = 18,      /*receiving the P2P Inviation request and this wifi is GO. */
+       P2P_STATE_RECV_INVITE_REQ_JOIN = 19,    /*receiving the P2P Inviation request to join an existing P2P Group. */
+       P2P_STATE_RX_INVITE_RESP_FAIL = 20,     /*receiving the P2P Inviation response with failure */
+       P2P_STATE_RX_INFOR_NOREADY = 21,        /*receiving p2p negotiation response with information is not available */
+       P2P_STATE_TX_INFOR_NOREADY = 22,        /*sending p2p negotiation response with information is not available */
+enum P2P_WPSINFO {
+       P2P_NO_WPSINFO                          = 0,
+       P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PEER_DISPLAY_PIN        = 1,
+       P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_SELF_DISPLAY_PIN        = 2,
+       P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PBC                     = 3,
+#define        P2P_PRIVATE_IOCTL_SET_LEN               64
+enum P2P_PROTO_WK_ID {
+       P2P_FIND_PHASE_WK = 0,
+       P2P_RESTORE_STATE_WK = 1,
+       P2P_RO_CH_WK = 6,
+#ifdef CONFIG_8723AU_P2P
+enum P2P_PS_STATE {
+       P2P_PS_DISABLE = 0,
+       P2P_PS_ENABLE = 1,
+       P2P_PS_SCAN = 2,
+       P2P_PS_SCAN_DONE = 3,
+       P2P_PS_ALLSTASLEEP = 4, /*  for P2P GO */
+enum P2P_PS_MODE {
+       P2P_PS_NONE = 0,
+       P2P_PS_CTWINDOW = 1,
+       P2P_PS_NOA       = 2,
+       P2P_PS_MIX = 3, /*  CTWindow and NoA */
+#endif /*  CONFIG_8723AU_P2P */
+/*     =====================WFD Section===================== */
+/*     For Wi-Fi Display */
+#define        WFD_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO                    0x00
+#define        WFD_ATTR_ASSOC_BSSID                    0x01
+#define        WFD_ATTR_COUPLED_SINK_INFO      0x06
+#define        WFD_ATTR_LOCAL_IP_ADDR          0x08
+#define        WFD_ATTR_SESSION_INFO           0x09
+#define        WFD_ATTR_ALTER_MAC                      0x0a
+/*     For WFD Device Information Attribute */
+#define        WFD_DEVINFO_SOURCE                                      0x0000
+#define        WFD_DEVINFO_PSINK                                       0x0001
+#define        WFD_DEVINFO_SSINK                                       0x0002
+#define        WFD_DEVINFO_DUAL                                        0x0003
+#define        WFD_DEVINFO_SESSION_AVAIL                       0x0010
+#define        WFD_DEVINFO_WSD                                         0x0040
+#define        WFD_DEVINFO_PC_TDLS                                     0x0080
+#define        WFD_DEVINFO_HDCP_SUPPORT                        0x0100
+#endif /*  _WIFI_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/wlan_bssdef.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/wlan_bssdef.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..92287eb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __WLAN_BSSDEF_H__
+#define __WLAN_BSSDEF_H__
+#define MAX_IE_SZ      768
+#define NDIS_802_11_LENGTH_RATES        8
+#define NDIS_802_11_LENGTH_RATES_EX     16
+enum ndis_802_11_net_type {
+       Ndis802_11FH,
+       Ndis802_11DS,
+       Ndis802_11OFDM5,
+       Ndis802_11OFDM24,
+       Ndis802_11NetworkTypeMax    /*  just an upper bound */
+struct ndis_802_11_configuration_fh {
+       u32           Length;             /*  Length of structure */
+       u32           HopPattern;         /*  As defined by 802.11, MSB set */
+       u32           HopSet;             /*  to one if non-802.11 */
+       u32           DwellTime;          /*  units are Kusec */
+       FW will only save the channel number in DSConfig.
+       ODI Handler will convert the channel number to freq. number.
+struct ndis_802_11_config {
+       u32           Length;             /*  Length of structure */
+       u32           BeaconPeriod;       /*  units are Kusec */
+       u32           ATIMWindow;         /*  units are Kusec */
+       u32           DSConfig;           /*  Frequency, units are kHz */
+       struct ndis_802_11_configuration_fh    FHConfig;
+enum ndis_802_11_net_infra {
+       Ndis802_11IBSS,
+       Ndis802_11Infrastructure,
+       Ndis802_11AutoUnknown,
+       Ndis802_11InfrastructureMax,     /*  Not a real value, defined as upper bound */
+       Ndis802_11APMode
+struct ndis_802_11_fixed_ies {
+       u8  Timestamp[8];
+       u16  BeaconInterval;
+       u16  Capabilities;
+struct ndis_802_11_var_ies {
+       u8  ElementID;
+       u8  Length;
+       u8  data[1];
+/* Length is the 4 bytes multiples of the sum of
+ * sizeof(6 * sizeof(unsigned char)) + 2 + sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_ssid) +
+ * sizeof(u32) + sizeof(long) + sizeof(enum ndis_802_11_net_type) +
+ * sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_config) + sizeof(sizeof(unsigned char) *
+ * NDIS_802_11_LENGTH_RATES_EX) + IELength
+ *
+ * Except the IELength, all other fields are fixed length. Therefore,
+ * we can define a macro to present the partial sum.
+ */
+enum ndis_802_11_auth_mode {
+       Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen,
+       Ndis802_11AuthModeShared,
+       Ndis802_11AuthModeAutoSwitch,
+       Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA,
+       Ndis802_11AuthModeWPAPSK,
+       Ndis802_11AuthModeWPANone,
+       dis802_11AuthModeMax       /*  upper bound */
+enum  {
+       Ndis802_11WEPEnabled,
+       Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled = Ndis802_11WEPEnabled,
+       Ndis802_11WEPDisabled,
+       Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled = Ndis802_11WEPDisabled,
+       Ndis802_11WEPKeyAbsent,
+       Ndis802_11Encryption1KeyAbsent = Ndis802_11WEPKeyAbsent,
+       Ndis802_11WEPNotSupported,
+       Ndis802_11EncryptionNotSupported = Ndis802_11WEPNotSupported,
+       Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled,
+       Ndis802_11Encryption2KeyAbsent,
+       Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled,
+       Ndis802_11Encryption3KeyAbsent,
+/*  Key mapping keys require a BSSID */
+struct ndis_802_11_key {
+       u32 Length;             /*  Length of this structure */
+       u32 KeyIndex;
+       u32 KeyLength;          /*  length of key in bytes */
+       unsigned char BSSID[6];
+       unsigned long long KeyRSC;
+       u8 KeyMaterial[32]; /*  variable length depending on above field */
+struct ndis_802_11_wep {
+       u32     Length;        /*  Length of this structure */
+       u32     KeyIndex;      /*  0 is the per-client key, 1-N are global */
+       u32     KeyLength;     /*  length of key in bytes */
+       u8     KeyMaterial[16];/*  variable length depending on above field */
+enum NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE {
+       Ndis802_11StatusType_Authentication,
+       Ndis802_11StatusType_MediaStreamMode,
+       Ndis802_11StatusType_PMKID_CandidateList,
+       Ndis802_11StatusTypeMax    /*  not a real type, just an upper bound */
+/*  mask for authentication/integrity fields */
+#define NDIS_802_11_AUTH_REQUEST_AUTH_FIELDS        0x0f
+#define NDIS_802_11_AUTH_REQUEST_REAUTH                        0x01
+#define NDIS_802_11_AUTH_REQUEST_KEYUPDATE             0x02
+#define NDIS_802_11_AUTH_REQUEST_PAIRWISE_ERROR                0x06
+#define NDIS_802_11_AUTH_REQUEST_GROUP_ERROR           0x0E
+/*  MIC check time, 60 seconds. */
+#define MIC_CHECK_TIME 60000000
+#ifndef Ndis802_11APMode
+#define Ndis802_11APMode (Ndis802_11InfrastructureMax+1)
+struct wlan_phy_info {
+       u8      SignalStrength;/* in percentage) */
+       u8      SignalQuality;/* in percentage) */
+       u8      Optimum_antenna;  /* for Antenna diversity */
+       u8      Reserved_0;
+struct wlan_bcn_info {
+       /* these infor get from rtw_get_encrypt_info when
+        *       * translate scan to UI */
+       u8 encryp_protocol;/* ENCRYP_PROTOCOL_E: OPEN/WEP/WPA/WPA2 */
+       int group_cipher; /* WPA/WPA2 group cipher */
+       int pairwise_cipher;/* WPA/WPA2/WEP pairwise cipher */
+       int is_8021x;
+       /* bwmode 20/40 and ch_offset UP/LOW */
+       unsigned short  ht_cap_info;
+       unsigned char   ht_info_infos_0;
+struct wlan_bssid_ex {
+       u32  Length;
+       u8 MacAddress[ETH_ALEN];
+       u16 reserved;
+       struct cfg80211_ssid Ssid;
+       u32  Privacy;
+       long  Rssi;/* in dBM, raw data , get from PHY) */
+       enum ndis_802_11_net_type  NetworkTypeInUse;
+       struct ndis_802_11_config  Configuration;
+       enum ndis_802_11_net_infra  InfrastructureMode;
+       unsigned char SupportedRates[NDIS_802_11_LENGTH_RATES_EX];
+       struct wlan_phy_info    PhyInfo;
+       u32  IELength;
+       u8  IEs[MAX_IE_SZ]; /* timestamp, beacon interval, and capability info*/
+} __packed;
+static inline uint get_wlan_bssid_ex_sz(struct wlan_bssid_ex *bss)
+       return sizeof(struct wlan_bssid_ex) - MAX_IE_SZ + bss->IELength;
+struct wlan_network {
+       struct list_head        list;
+       int     network_type;   /* refer to ieee80211.h for 11A/B/G */
+       /*  set to fixed when not to be removed as site-surveying */
+       int     fixed;
+       unsigned long   last_scanned; /* timestamp for the network */
+       int     aid;            /* will only be valid when a BSS is joined. */
+       int     join_res;
+       struct wlan_bssid_ex    network; /* must be the last item */
+       struct wlan_bcn_info    BcnInfo;
+       DISABLE_VCS,
+       ENABLE_VCS,
+       AUTO_VCS
+enum VCS_TYPE {
+       NONE_VCS,
+       RTS_CTS,
+       CTS_TO_SELF
+/* john */
+#define NUM_PRE_AUTH_KEY 16
+#endif /* ifndef WLAN_BSSDEF_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/xmit_osdep.h b/drivers/staging/rtl8723au/include/xmit_osdep.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0eca53e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __XMIT_OSDEP_H_
+#define __XMIT_OSDEP_H_
+#include <osdep_service.h>
+#include <drv_types.h>
+struct pkt_file {
+       struct sk_buff *pkt;
+       __kernel_size_t pkt_len; /* the remainder length of the open_file */
+       unsigned char *cur_buffer;
+       u8 *buf_start;
+       u8 *cur_addr;
+       __kernel_size_t buf_len;
+#define NR_XMITFRAME   256
+struct xmit_priv;
+struct pkt_attrib;
+struct sta_xmit_priv;
+struct xmit_frame;
+struct xmit_buf;
+int rtw_xmit23a_entry23a(struct sk_buff *pkt, struct net_device *pnetdev);
+void rtw_os_xmit_schedule23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter);
+int rtw_os_xmit_resource_alloc23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                              struct xmit_buf *pxmitbuf, u32 alloc_sz);
+void rtw_os_xmit_resource_free23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                              struct xmit_buf *pxmitbuf);
+uint rtw_remainder_len23a(struct pkt_file *pfile);
+void _rtw_open_pktfile23a(struct sk_buff *pkt, struct pkt_file *pfile);
+uint _rtw_pktfile_read23a(struct pkt_file *pfile, u8 *rmem, uint rlen);
+int rtw_endofpktfile23a(struct pkt_file *pfile);
+void rtw_os_pkt_complete23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct sk_buff *pkt);
+void rtw_os_xmit_complete23a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter,
+                         struct xmit_frame *pxframe);
+int netdev_open23a(struct net_device *pnetdev);
+#endif /* __XMIT_OSDEP_H_ */