--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# arm-cs-trace-disasm.py: ARM CoreSight Trace Dump With Disassember
+# Author: Tor Jeremiassen <tor@ti.com>
+# Mathieu Poirier <mathieu.poirier@linaro.org>
+# Leo Yan <leo.yan@linaro.org>
+# Al Grant <Al.Grant@arm.com>
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+from os import path
+import sys
+import re
+from subprocess import *
+from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
+from perf_trace_context import perf_set_itrace_options, \
+ perf_sample_insn, perf_sample_srccode
+# Below are some example commands for using this script.
+# Output disassembly with objdump:
+# perf script -s scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py \
+# -- -d objdump -k path/to/vmlinux
+# Output disassembly with llvm-objdump:
+# perf script -s scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py \
+# -- -d llvm-objdump-11 -k path/to/vmlinux
+# Output only source line and symbols:
+# perf script -s scripts/python/arm-cs-trace-disasm.py
+# Command line parsing.
+option_list = [
+ # formatting options for the bottom entry of the stack
+ make_option("-k", "--vmlinux", dest="vmlinux_name",
+ help="Set path to vmlinux file"),
+ make_option("-d", "--objdump", dest="objdump_name",
+ help="Set path to objdump executable file"),
+ make_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
+ action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Enable debugging log")
+parser = OptionParser(option_list=option_list)
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+# Initialize global dicts and regular expression
+disasm_cache = dict()
+cpu_data = dict()
+disasm_re = re.compile("^\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+):")
+disasm_func_re = re.compile("^\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s.*:")
+cache_size = 64*1024
+glb_source_file_name = None
+glb_line_number = None
+glb_dso = None
+def get_optional(perf_dict, field):
+ if field in perf_dict:
+ return perf_dict[field]
+ return "[unknown]"
+def get_offset(perf_dict, field):
+ if field in perf_dict:
+ return f"+0x{perf_dict[field]:x}"
+ return ""
+def get_dso_file_path(dso_name, dso_build_id):
+ if (dso_name == "[kernel.kallsyms]" or dso_name == "vmlinux"):
+ if (options.vmlinux_name):
+ return options.vmlinux_name;
+ else:
+ return dso_name
+ if (dso_name == "[vdso]") :
+ append = "/vdso"
+ else:
+ append = "/elf"
+ dso_path = f"{os.environ['PERF_BUILDID_DIR']}/{dso_name}/{dso_build_id}{append}"
+ # Replace duplicate slash chars to single slash char
+ dso_path = dso_path.replace('//', '/', 1)
+ return dso_path
+def read_disam(dso_fname, dso_start, start_addr, stop_addr):
+ addr_range = str(start_addr) + ":" + str(stop_addr) + ":" + dso_fname
+ # Don't let the cache get too big, clear it when it hits max size
+ if (len(disasm_cache) > cache_size):
+ disasm_cache.clear();
+ if addr_range in disasm_cache:
+ disasm_output = disasm_cache[addr_range];
+ else:
+ start_addr = start_addr - dso_start;
+ stop_addr = stop_addr - dso_start;
+ disasm = [ options.objdump_name, "-d", "-z",
+ f"--start-address=0x{start_addr:x}",
+ f"--stop-address=0x{stop_addr:x}" ]
+ disasm += [ dso_fname ]
+ disasm_output = check_output(disasm).decode('utf-8').split('\n')
+ disasm_cache[addr_range] = disasm_output
+ return disasm_output
+def print_disam(dso_fname, dso_start, start_addr, stop_addr):
+ for line in read_disam(dso_fname, dso_start, start_addr, stop_addr):
+ m = disasm_func_re.search(line)
+ if m is None:
+ m = disasm_re.search(line)
+ if m is None:
+ continue
+ print(f"\t{line}")
+def print_sample(sample):
+ print(f"Sample = {{ cpu: {sample['cpu']:04} addr: 0x{sample['addr']:016x} " \
+ f"phys_addr: 0x{sample['phys_addr']:016x} ip: 0x{sample['ip']:016x} " \
+ f"pid: {sample['pid']} tid: {sample['tid']} period: {sample['period']} time: {sample['time']} }}")
+def trace_begin():
+ print('ARM CoreSight Trace Data Assembler Dump')
+def trace_end():
+ print('End')
+def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, event_fields_dict):
+ print(' '.join(['%s=%s'%(k,str(v))for k,v in sorted(event_fields_dict.items())]))
+def common_start_str(comm, sample):
+ sec = int(sample["time"] / 1000000000)
+ ns = sample["time"] % 1000000000
+ cpu = sample["cpu"]
+ pid = sample["pid"]
+ tid = sample["tid"]
+ return f"{comm:>16} {pid:>5}/{tid:<5} [{cpu:04}] {sec:9}.{ns:09} "
+# This code is copied from intel-pt-events.py for printing source code
+# line and symbols.
+def print_srccode(comm, param_dict, sample, symbol, dso):
+ ip = sample["ip"]
+ if symbol == "[unknown]":
+ start_str = common_start_str(comm, sample) + ("%x" % ip).rjust(16).ljust(40)
+ else:
+ offs = get_offset(param_dict, "symoff")
+ start_str = common_start_str(comm, sample) + (symbol + offs).ljust(40)
+ global glb_source_file_name
+ global glb_line_number
+ global glb_dso
+ source_file_name, line_number, source_line = perf_sample_srccode(perf_script_context)
+ if source_file_name:
+ if glb_line_number == line_number and glb_source_file_name == source_file_name:
+ src_str = ""
+ else:
+ if len(source_file_name) > 40:
+ src_file = ("..." + source_file_name[-37:]) + " "
+ else:
+ src_file = source_file_name.ljust(41)
+ if source_line is None:
+ src_str = src_file + str(line_number).rjust(4) + " <source not found>"
+ else:
+ src_str = src_file + str(line_number).rjust(4) + " " + source_line
+ glb_dso = None
+ elif dso == glb_dso:
+ src_str = ""
+ else:
+ src_str = dso
+ glb_dso = dso
+ glb_line_number = line_number
+ glb_source_file_name = source_file_name
+ print(f"{start_str}{src_str}")
+def process_event(param_dict):
+ global cache_size
+ global options
+ sample = param_dict["sample"]
+ comm = param_dict["comm"]
+ name = param_dict["ev_name"]
+ dso = get_optional(param_dict, "dso")
+ dso_bid = get_optional(param_dict, "dso_bid")
+ dso_start = get_optional(param_dict, "dso_map_start")
+ dso_end = get_optional(param_dict, "dso_map_end")
+ symbol = get_optional(param_dict, "symbol")
+ if (options.verbose == True):
+ print(f"Event type: {name}")
+ print_sample(sample)
+ # If cannot find dso so cannot dump assembler, bail out
+ if (dso == '[unknown]'):
+ return
+ # Validate dso start and end addresses
+ if ((dso_start == '[unknown]') or (dso_end == '[unknown]')):
+ print(f"Failed to find valid dso map for dso {dso}")
+ return
+ if (name[0:12] == "instructions"):
+ print_srccode(comm, param_dict, sample, symbol, dso)
+ return
+ # Don't proceed if this event is not a branch sample, .
+ if (name[0:8] != "branches"):
+ return
+ cpu = sample["cpu"]
+ ip = sample["ip"]
+ addr = sample["addr"]
+ # Initialize CPU data if it's empty, and directly return back
+ # if this is the first tracing event for this CPU.
+ if (cpu_data.get(str(cpu) + 'addr') == None):
+ cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'addr'] = addr
+ return
+ # The format for packet is:
+ #
+ # +------------+------------+------------+
+ # sample_prev: | addr | ip | cpu |
+ # +------------+------------+------------+
+ # sample_next: | addr | ip | cpu |
+ # +------------+------------+------------+
+ #
+ # We need to combine the two continuous packets to get the instruction
+ # range for sample_prev::cpu:
+ #
+ # [ sample_prev::addr .. sample_next::ip ]
+ #
+ # For this purose, sample_prev::addr is stored into cpu_data structure
+ # and read back for 'start_addr' when the new packet comes, and we need
+ # to use sample_next::ip to calculate 'stop_addr', plusing extra 4 for
+ # 'stop_addr' is for the sake of objdump so the final assembler dump can
+ # include last instruction for sample_next::ip.
+ start_addr = cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'addr']
+ stop_addr = ip + 4
+ # Record for previous sample packet
+ cpu_data[str(cpu) + 'addr'] = addr
+ # Handle CS_ETM_TRACE_ON packet if start_addr=0 and stop_addr=4
+ if (start_addr == 0 and stop_addr == 4):
+ print(f"CPU{cpu}: CS_ETM_TRACE_ON packet is inserted")
+ return
+ if (start_addr < int(dso_start) or start_addr > int(dso_end)):
+ print(f"Start address 0x{start_addr:x} is out of range [ 0x{dso_start:x} .. 0x{dso_end:x} ] for dso {dso}")
+ return
+ if (stop_addr < int(dso_start) or stop_addr > int(dso_end)):
+ print(f"Stop address 0x{stop_addr:x} is out of range [ 0x{dso_start:x} .. 0x{dso_end:x} ] for dso {dso}")
+ return
+ if (options.objdump_name != None):
+ # It doesn't need to decrease virtual memory offset for disassembly
+ # for kernel dso, so in this case we set vm_start to zero.
+ if (dso == "[kernel.kallsyms]"):
+ dso_vm_start = 0
+ else:
+ dso_vm_start = int(dso_start)
+ dso_fname = get_dso_file_path(dso, dso_bid)
+ if path.exists(dso_fname):
+ print_disam(dso_fname, dso_vm_start, start_addr, stop_addr)
+ else:
+ print(f"Failed to find dso {dso} for address range [ 0x{start_addr:x} .. 0x{stop_addr:x} ]")
+ print_srccode(comm, param_dict, sample, symbol, dso)