#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED fourcc_mod_code(QCOM, 1)
+ * Qualcomm Tiled Format
+ *
+ * Similar to DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED but not compressed.
+ * Implementation may be platform and base-format specific.
+ *
+ * Each macrotile consists of m x n (mostly 4 x 4) tiles.
+ * Pixel data pitch/stride is aligned with macrotile width.
+ * Pixel data height is aligned with macrotile height.
+ * Entire pixel data buffer is aligned with 4k(bytes).
+ */
+#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_TILED3 fourcc_mod_code(QCOM, 3)
+ * Qualcomm Alternate Tiled Format
+ *
+ * Alternate tiled format typically only used within GMEM.
+ * Implementation may be platform and base-format specific.
+ */
+#define DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_TILED2 fourcc_mod_code(QCOM, 2)
/* Vivante framebuffer modifiers */