Required properties:
- - compatible : should be "<manufacturer>,<type>", like these:
- "atmel,24c00", "atmel,24c01", "atmel,24c02", "atmel,24c04",
- "atmel,24c08", "atmel,24c16", "atmel,24c32", "atmel,24c64",
- "atmel,24c128", "atmel,24c256", "atmel,24c512", "atmel,24c1024"
- "catalyst,24c32"
- "microchip,24c128"
- "ramtron,24c64"
- "renesas,r1ex24002"
- The following manufacturers values have been deprecated:
- "at", "at24"
- If there is no specific driver for <manufacturer>, a generic
- device with <type> and manufacturer "atmel" should be used.
- Possible types are:
- "24c00", "24c01", "24c02", "24c04", "24c08", "24c16", "24c32", "24c64",
- "24c128", "24c256", "24c512", "24c1024", "spd"
+ - compatible: Must be a "<manufacturer>,<model>" pair. The following <model>
+ values are supported (assuming "atmel" as manufacturer):
+ "atmel,24c00",
+ "atmel,24c01",
+ "atmel,24c02",
+ "atmel,spd",
+ "atmel,24c04",
+ "atmel,24c08",
+ "atmel,24c16",
+ "atmel,24c32",
+ "atmel,24c64",
+ "atmel,24c128",
+ "atmel,24c256",
+ "atmel,24c512",
+ "atmel,24c1024",
+ If <manufacturer> is not "atmel", then a fallback must be used
+ with the same <model> and "atmel" as manufacturer.
+ Example:
+ compatible = "microchip,24c128", "atmel,24c128";
+ Supported manufacturers are:
+ "catalyst",
+ "microchip",
+ "ramtron",
+ "renesas",
+ "nxp",
+ "st",
+ Some vendors use different model names for chips which are just
+ variants of the above. Known such exceptions are listed below:
+ "renesas,r1ex24002" - the fallback is "atmel,24c02"
- reg : the I2C address of the EEPROM