Connected to DSI0_MIPI_DSI_PLL_VDDA0P9 pin for sc7180 target and
connected to VDDA_MIPI_DSI_0_PLL_0P9 pin for sdm845 target
+ qcom,phy-rescode-offset-top:
+ $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/int8-array
+ minItems: 5
+ maxItems: 5
+ description:
+ Integer array of offset for pull-up legs rescode for all five lanes.
+ To offset the drive strength from the calibrated value in an increasing
+ manner, -32 is the weakest and +31 is the strongest.
+ items:
+ minimum: -32
+ maximum: 31
+ qcom,phy-rescode-offset-bot:
+ $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/int8-array
+ minItems: 5
+ maxItems: 5
+ description:
+ Integer array of offset for pull-down legs rescode for all five lanes.
+ To offset the drive strength from the calibrated value in a decreasing
+ manner, -32 is the weakest and +31 is the strongest.
+ items:
+ minimum: -32
+ maximum: 31
+ qcom,phy-drive-ldo-level:
+ $ref: "/schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32"
+ description:
+ The PHY LDO has an amplitude tuning feature to adjust the LDO output
+ for the HSTX drive. Use supported levels (mV) to offset the drive level
+ from the default value.
+ enum: [ 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500 ]
- compatible
- reg
clocks = <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_AHB_CLK>,
<&rpmhcc RPMH_CXO_CLK>;
clock-names = "iface", "ref";
+ qcom,phy-rescode-offset-top = /bits/ 8 <0 0 0 0 0>;
+ qcom,phy-rescode-offset-bot = /bits/ 8 <0 0 0 0 0>;
+ qcom,phy-drive-ldo-level = <400>;