This patchset fixes hardware bridging for non 802.1Q aware systems.
The mv88e6xxx DSA driver currently depends on CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q and
CONFIG_BRIDGE_VLAN_FILTERING enabled for correct bridging between switch ports.
Patch 1/9 adds support for the VLAN filtering switchdev attribute in DSA.
Patchs 2/9 and 3/9 add helper functions for the following patches.
Patchs 4/9 to 6/9 assign dynamic address databases to VLANs, ports, and
bridge groups (the lowest available FID is cleared and assigned), and thus
restore support for per-port FDB operations.
Patchs 7/9 to 9/9 refine ports isolation and setup 802.1Q on user demand.
With this patchset, ports get correctly bridged and the driver behaves as
expected, with or without 802.1Q support.
With CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q enabled, setting a default PVID to the bridge correctly
propagates the corresponding VLAN, in addition to the hardware bridging: