qed: suppress false-positives interrupt error messages on HW init
It was found that qed_pglueb_rbc_attn_handler() can produce a lot of
false-positive error detections on driver load/reload (especially after
crashes/recoveries) and spam the kernel log:
[ 4.958275] [qed_pglueb_rbc_attn_handler:324()]ICPL error -
[ 2079.146764] [qed_pglueb_rbc_attn_handler:324()]ICPL error -
[ 2116.374631] [qed_pglueb_rbc_attn_handler:324()]ICPL error -
[ 2135.250564] [qed_pglueb_rbc_attn_handler:324()]ICPL error -
Reduce the logging level of two false-positive prone error messages from
notice to verbose on initialization (only) to not mix it with real error
attentions while debugging.
Fixes: 666db4862f2d ("qed: Revise load sequence to avoid PCI errors")
Signed-off-by: Alexander Lobakin <alobakin@marvell.com>
Signed-off-by: Igor Russkikh <irusskikh@marvell.com>
Signed-off-by: Michal Kalderon <michal.kalderon@marvell.com>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>