When creating VFs they were sometimes not getting resources.
It was caused by not executing i40e_reset_all_vfs due to
flag __I40E_VF_DISABLE being set on PF. Because of this
IAVF was never able to finish setup sequence never
getting reset indication from PF.
Changed test_and_set_bit __I40E_VF_DISABLE in
i40e_sync_filters_subtask to test_bit and removed clear_bit.
This function should not set this bit it should only check
if it hasn't been already set.
Fixes: a7542b876075 ("i40e: check __I40E_VF_DISABLE bit in i40e_sync_filters_subtask") Signed-off-by: Sylwester Dziedziuch <sylwesterx.dziedziuch@intel.com> Tested-by: Konrad Jankowski <konrad0.jankowski@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Tony Nguyen <anthony.l.nguyen@intel.com>