drm/i915/gvt: Do not copy the uninitialized pointer from fb_info
In the code the memcpy() function copied uninitialized pointer in fb_info
to dmabuf_obj->info. Later the pointer in dmabuf_obj->info will be
initialized. To make the code aligned with requirements of the klocwork
static code analyzer, the uninitialized pointer should be initialized
before memcpy().
- Initialize fb_info.obj in vgpu_get_plane_info(). (Colin Xu)
This patch fixed the critical issue #632 reported by klockwork.
Signed-off-by: Aleksei Gimbitskii <aleksei.gimbitskii@intel.com> Cc: Zhenyu Wang <zhenyuw@linux.intel.com> Cc: Zhi Wang <zhi.a.wang@intel.com> Cc: Colin Xu <colin.xu@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Colin Xu <colin.xu@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Zhenyu Wang <zhenyuw@linux.intel.com>