ASoC: hdmi-codec: avoid limiting params->msbits in hw_params()
Limiting the value of the passed in params->msbits in the hw_params()
callback is redundant on three counts:
1. We already specify in the DAI driver that we can only handle up to
24 bits. This means msbits will be limited to 24 via the ALSA
constraints imposed by the ASoC core, unless we have multiple codecs
that can handle more bits.
2. Nothing in our hw_params() implementation uses this value.
3. The copy of the params that we are passed by the ASoC core never
reads back the msbits value.
Consequently, this code is unnecessary and does nothing useful. Remove
Signed-off-by: Russell King <> Reviewed-by: Jyri Sarha <> Signed-off-by: Mark Brown <>