In the current code, ->ndo_start_xmit() can be executed recursively only
10 times because of stack memory.
But, in the case of the vxlan, 10 recursion limit value results in
a stack overflow.
In the current code, the nested interface is limited by 8 depth.
There is no critical reason that the recursion limitation value should
be 10.
So, it would be good to be the same value with the limitation value of
nesting interface depth.
Test commands:
ip link add vxlan10 type vxlan vni 10 dstport 4789 srcport 4789 4789
ip link set vxlan10 up
ip a a dev vxlan10
ip n a dev vxlan10 lladdr fc:22:33:44:55:66 nud permanent
for i in {9..0}
let A=$i+1
ip link add vxlan$i type vxlan vni $i dstport 4789 srcport 4789 4789
ip link set vxlan$i up
ip a a 192.168.$i.1/24 dev vxlan$i
ip n a 192.168.$i.2 dev vxlan$i lladdr fc:22:33:44:55:66 nud permanent
bridge fdb add fc:22:33:44:55:66 dev vxlan$A dst 192.168.$i.2 self
hping3 -2 -d 60000
Fixes: 5eb1779f1de9 ("net: Increase xmit RECURSION_LIMIT to 10.") Signed-off-by: Taehee Yoo <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>