IB/mlx4: Fix incorrect MC join state bit-masking on SR-IOV
Because of an incorrect bit-masking done on the join state bits, when
handling a join request we failed to detect a difference between the
group join state and the request join state when joining as send only
full member (0x8). This caused the MC join request not to be sent.
This issue is relevant only when SRIOV is enabled and SM supports
send only full member.
This fix separates scope bits and join states bits a nibble each.
Fixes: d6677813f2ad ('IB/mlx4: Add multicast group (MCG) paravirtualization for SR-IOV') Signed-off-by: Alex Vesker <valex@mellanox.com> Signed-off-by: Leon Romanovsky <leon@kernel.org> Signed-off-by: Doug Ledford <dledford@redhat.com>