wifi: ath11k: Fix QCN9074 firmware boot on x86
The 2.7.0 series of QCN9074's firmware requests 5 segments
of memory instead of 3 (as in the 2.5.0 series).
The first segment (11M) is too large to be kalloc'd in one
go on x86 and requires piecemeal 1MB allocations, as was
the case with the prior public firmware (2.5.0, 15M).
f6f92968e1e5, ath11k will break the memory requests,
but only if there were fewer than 3 segments requested by
the firmware. It seems that 5 segments works fine and
allows QCN9074 to boot on x86 with firmware 2.7.0, so
change things accordingly.
Tested-on: QCN9074 hw1.0 PCI WLAN.HK.
Tested-on: QCN9074 hw1.0 PCI WLAN.HK.
Tested-on: WCN6855 hw2.0 PCI WLAN.HSP.1.1-03125-QCAHSPSWPL_V1_V2_SILICONZ_LITE-3.6510.16
Signed-off-by: Tyler J. Stachecki <stachecki.tyler@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <quic_kvalo@quicinc.com>
Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20221022042728.43015-1-stachecki.tyler@gmail.com