The ff_effect weak magnitude is associated with the pro controller's
right motor (or with a right joy-con). The strong magnitude is
associated with the pro's left motor (or a left joy-con).
The rumble data is sent periodically (currently configured for every 50
milliseconds). If the controller receives no rumble data for too long a
time period, it will stop vibrating. The data is also sent every time
joycon_set_rumble is called to avoid latency of up to 50ms.
Because the rumble subcommands are sent in a deferred workqueue (they
can't be sent in the play_effect function due to the hid send sleeping),
the effects are queued. This ensures that no rumble effect is missed due
to them arriving in too quick of succession.
Signed-off-by: Daniel J. Ogorchock <> Signed-off-by: Jiri Kosina <>